Chapter 9: Huge Loss

Summary: Alex and Sophia ended their university just one day ago, everything seems to be great. But Alex becomes one unexpected call from home. What does the call say and how will Alex life look like?

One day after the final examination Sophia and Alex sits in the park of the campus talking about their studies, how much fun they are.

“You learn too much, Sophia.“

“Says the one who didn’t took a break for a long time.” Sophia chuckles.

Suddenly Alex phone rings.

“Dad? Isn’t it late at night.”

“Here is Drake.“

Alex sits up. “Drake.. why do you have the phone of my father.”

He can hear a sob from him.

“Drake.. where is my father.”

“He won’t make it Alex. The coronation has to be earlier. You have to come back.”

Sophia sits up too as she sees the shocked expression of Alex.

“How is he now?”

“He sleeps but he is very ill.”

“So the tea wasn’t because he just wanted to drink some?”

“No, it was because he knew he was ill.”

“I take the next flight.” Alex puts his phone aside and looks at Sophia.

“I have to leave, my father..” Alex looks down and sobs.

Sophia takes him into her arms. “I come with you, the university can call us.”

Alex nods and takes her bag and packs all the clothes he had.

After a short flight Alex arrives together with Sophia at the hospital. Alex looks at Drake who nods to a room on the ICU.
Sophia walks over to her father and hugs him. Alex enters the room to his father and sits down next to his bed.

“Dad.. Here is Alex.“ He takes his hand. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Liam stirs and looks up into the eyes of his son. “I wanted you to go to university without worrying about your old ill father.”

“I’d rather been with you the past five years then somewhere else.”

Liam strokes the cheek of his son. “I am so sorry, my love. But I won’t make it to your coronation. I already gave my speech to your grandma.”

“It’s not fair. Grandma can’t live longer than you.”

“I wish it would be different. But it isn’t.”

“Take good care of Cordonia okay? And remember, Mum and I will always watch over you.”

Alex starts to cry. “No Dad, don’t leave me, not yet.”

Alex lies his head on Liam stomach. Liam strokes the hair of his father until his hands fall to the side and the only sound you can hear is the stead peep tone of the machines of his father.

“NO!!!” Alex screams Drake walks over to him and takes him into his arms. “WHY ME?“ Alex breaks down to the floor, as the doctor shuts off the machines.

Drake holds him close to him and tries to calm him down but nothing works.

Sophia walks over to Alex and cuddles on his back. “We are here for you Alex.” But Alex doesn’t respond, he just cries.

The whole drive home he stares out of the window, with puffy eyes. He doesn’t say a word, no matter how hard Drake tries to make him talk. He drives in front of the palace and Alex walks out without saying anything.
Drake and Sophia follows him.

“Your Highness.“ The guards say as Alex enters the palace. He walks straight over to his room and locks it. He slides down the door and starts to cry again.

Drake and Sophia stand in front of the room of Alex. “Dad. Let me okay?”

Drake nods. “I am in Liam’s study.”

Sophia nods and watches her father walk away. “Alex.. open the door please.”

But he doesn’t respond, nothing.

“Alex, please..” Sophia whispers and sits down onto the other side of the door. “Alex.. you aren’t alone, even though it does feel like it now. I am by your side, my father and my mother.“

“I want to be alone!”

She can hear him stand up.

“But you don’t have to be Alex, I am here.“

He throws something against the door. “LEAVE!”

All that Sophia can hear is Alex throwing things onto the wall or to the floor. She messages her father.

How can I open this stupid door?

Wait Liam has a second key.

Drake walks over and opens the door to find Alex trying to turn over the book shelf. Drake walks over to him and captures his whole body and puts him away from the wall. Alex tries to flee but Drake is stronger and Alex falls down to the floor again.

Drake holds Alex close. “You are not alone Alex. We are here, your grandmother will help you with all the duties of a King.”

Speaking of Regina she comes in and knees down to him. “We both will make it. Let us make your father proud, huh?”

Drake holds Alex and whips him. Sophia just stands in the door unsure what to do. Regina strokes the hair of Alex.

“Why didn’t Dad say anything? Why? He was the most important part in my life. I only had him.” Alex murmurs into Drake’s chest.

“You have never been alone Alex. You had Drake, Sophia, Chris.“

“Chris and I aren’t the biggest friends anymore.”

“But still he was there with you during middle school. You had me and you had Sophia, who never left your side. Not even now.” Regina explains in a soothing voice.

“Where is she?“

Sophia walks over and sits down next to him. “Here.” She takes his hand and holds it.

“Can she stay the night?”

“Yes she can, but so will Drake.“ Alex nods but doesn’t leave the arms of Drake.

“Did father had a lot of pain?”

“No, he got high pain killers, and the doctor made as easy as possible for him.”

“When is the funeral?“

“The day after the coronation.” Alex nods again. “I miss him.“

Drake holds him close. “We all do.”

After a short time Alex walks over to his bed and lies down, cuddling into the blanket. Drake looks at him, having a déjà vu. He acts the same like Liam did when Victoria died.

“I am right down the hall okay?” Drake explains him, and sees Alex nodding as a respond.

Before Sophia lies down next to Alex her father hands her a letter with Alex’ name on it. She nods to his father who leaves afterwards.
As she lied down she strokes his hair. Alex turns around to her and pulls her close. Sophia cuddles on him, intertwining their legs and she strokes his hair. She doesn’t say anything, she just holds him, comforting him.

“I wish I had your life, Sophia.“ He murmurs in a raspy voice.


“Yeah, you don’t have to feel this pain. You still have both of your parents while I have no one.”

Sophia strokes his hair and cheek. “I might not have felt the pain you feel right now, but seeing you like this, hurts me more than I can express. If I could I would take away the pain, believe me, but I can’t.”

Alex opens his eyes and looks into her eyes for the first time after the moment in the hospital. “I am here Alex.”

His eyes are swollen and small from all the crying. His cheek are dry from all the salt of the tears.

“I have a letter from your father, Alex. My father gave it to me. Shall I read it or do you want to read it alone?”

“Read it please.”

Sophia sits up and opens the letter. Alex instead lays his head into her lap and listens. Sophia holds the letter with one hand and with the other hand she strokes his face.

Dear Alex,

If you receive this letter I won’t be by your side anymore. I know you will probably hate me for not telling you I am ill, but I just couldn’t. You were so happy to leave for Oxford that I couldn’t take that away from you.

I write this letter as a thank you and as a goodbye. And see this as a last step as a father to his grown up son.

I thank you for making my life enjoyable. Without you I would have never come out of this sorrow I had, but with your help I was able to see the good things in life. I am so proud of you, you can’t imagine. I also thank you for being a wonderful son to me for over twenty years. Sure, we had our disagreements, but we put them aside as fast as we could. I really hope Sophia will be the one who will help you out of the pain you feel right now.

I apologise for being away now, the moment you need me the most. The coronation will be soon, and you have to choose a wife.. or at least a woman you want to marry. I am sorry that I can’t show you the duties of a King, myself, like I always wanted but I am sure Regina and you will work together perfectly.

Whenever you rule, don’t always think with your mind, but with your heart. And do listen to Sophia – in case she is the one on your side, which I hope. Commoners do see the world the way they are. They know what the citizen wants because they are one of them.

I know all you want to do to is, crawl into the bed and lie there. But I want you to go out and live my life within yours.

Mum and I will watch over you and will always guide you to the right way. You are going to be a great King, Alex. I am sure of it.

Goodbye my son, I love you so much!

Your father.

Sophia puts down the letter and strokes the cheek of Alex. She kisses his forehead and looks down to him.

“How do you feel?”

“Empty but at the same time I feel so much pain.” Alex lies down next to her onto the pillow so she can lie down next to him and look into her eyes.

“Sophia.. do you want to be by my side, even if that means to become queen?“

Alex looks at her, stroking small circles on her waist.

“Yes, Alex I want to be your wife, even if that means to be Queen.” She kisses his forehead and holds him close until he falls asleep.

The next day everything is prepared for the coronation. Sophia is dressed in a fabulous dress while Alex wears the suit of his father. Together they go in front of the people and looks over to Regina who holds the speech to the citizen.

Hello citizen of Cordonia. Today we celebrate some news including one sad news. Today we crown the new King of Cordonia, Prince Alex Anthony Rhys will take over the throne of his father King Liam Rhys. Unfortunately last night we got the news that the King passed away and didn’t survive the health issues he had over the past years. But I am sure that his son, Alex will rule this country with as much passion as Liam did, along with his future wife Sophia.

Please enjoy the coronation.

After the Coronation Alex stands together with Sophia on the side of the dance floor. Drake walks over to them.

“You can go home, Alex. You don’t have to stay anymore.“ Alex nods and walks away but turns around to look at Sophia.
She hugs her father and kisses his cheek. She walks over to Alex and takes her hand.

“What was this?”

“He just wished us all the best.” Alex smiles lightly and together they return to their chambers.

Alex will have a lot to learn but with the help of Regina, Drake and Sophia he gets a hold of all the kingly duties. Every day he visits the grave of his parents at least once. Sometimes if something goes wrong he goes there twice a day. Sophia is always by his side, which he is very grateful for. Without her, he would never leave his bedroom or do anything anymore. He would have gave up. But Sophia is the light in his darkness. And he can’t wait to marry her and live a happy life together. Just like Liam and Victoria.

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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