Cherryfield High Chapter 10: Tell Me You Love Me

Disclaimer: The following is a prequel to Choices The Freshman and The Sophomore stories. It is a fictional adaptation. I do not work for Pixelberry Studios, the game developer or own the rights to the characters Chris Powell, Jo, Kyle or Nicole. All of the characters, story line and events were originally developed by me, some areas in part with @maxattack-powell, in conjuction to her adaptation of The Freshman.

Author’s Note: The following chapter contains mature content, strong language and situations. Please be advised.

Chapter 10: Tell Me You Love Me

Brody McIntyre once held the people of Cherryfield, Maine in the palm of his hand. Three years ago, he was the running back of the Clippers football team and the man about campus at the high school. He ran track and had brought home more than a few state gold medals. Now, those medals and his trophies sat on display inside of his mom’s china cabinet at the home where he still lived and the only thing he holds in the palm of his hand currently is a spatula.

Brody’s star had peaked in high school and he had not taken his grades as seriously as he should. With a less than stellar GPA and not even one attempt at the SAT’s or ACT, he had no offers from colleges and graduation was the end of the glory days for him. He was now the short order cook at the Lobster Shack.

It’s early Saturday evening, just after four o’clock and snow has blanketed Cherryfield. The Lobster Shack would normally be bustling with customers as the weekend rush begins. But with the snowy weather, business has been slow today, most folks choosing to stay in and not brave the cold or the dark as it approaches.

A few customers are enjoying Lobster chowder and other delicacies from the restaurant at a handful of tables. Chris is working inside today, picking up an afternoon and the first half of the evening shift. With the weather and a healthy supply of fresh lobster, the owners asked him to wait and bus tables today, something not out of the ordinary for him in November.

He is grateful for the sparse number of customers tonight. Not that he couldn’t use the tips that come in on Saturday evenings, especially as folks recognize him and choose to throw in a little extra to support the town’s star QB. Chris is thankful he has not had to make small talk with very many patrons today. He does not want to talk. He does not want to socialize. He does not want to be bothered. He is supposed to meet the guys at Ryan’s house at 8 p.m. for a small gathering, just ‘The Core Four’ of him, Ryan, Ethan and Alex, but frankly he is not feeling it.

He has been in a fog since he stepped off the bus last night. Every time he closed his eyes to sleep, he saw the image replaying over and over in his head: Nicole in the arms of another guy, kissing him intensely.

He thought about her lips and how they had once felt against his, how he used to love nothing more than to press his mouth to hers to show her just how he felt about her. Now someone else was kissing those lips he once adored.

Her waist once felt so small in the grip of his large, strong hands. Now, someone else’s hands and arms were probably wrapped around that little waist. Nights like tonight, when it was cold and snowy, he had looked forward to when he was dating her. They would go down to the basement at her parent’s home, where it was freezing, turn on the space heaters and grab a few old quilts. She would snuggle up against him, their bodies warming each other. They usually were left undisturbed when they were down there and the teenage couple took every advantage of the opportunity. What usually began with a few soft touches transitioned into heavy petting and as their relationship had progressed, it had been downstairs in that basement on a cold, snowy night that Chris Powell had made love for the first time.

He didn’t want to contemplate what could be happening between Nicole and Justin on this cold, snowy night.

He lay in bed, wide awake thinking about the last few weeks and the emotional hell he had been through. It seemed that every time he felt like he was reclaiming his life and moving forward, there was another reminder of the heartbreak she had dealt out to him. This time he was finding it much more difficult to pull himself out of the funk he was in. There seemed to be a fog casting dreariness over his vision and his thoughts. He could not see clearly because of it and when he tried to think about anything other than Nicole, everything else seemed out of focus and unclear.

He is wearing an apron in front of his jeans and a pale blue shirt as he leans against the counter just outside of the pass, or the window where he picks up the food orders. He leans against the counter, chin on his hand, staring into nothingness.

His cellphone buzzes in his pocket and with a sigh, he retrieves it. He looks down and sees the text message from Ryan.

“Still good for tonight?” it reads.

Chris lifts his finger to type a response but hesitates. He does not want to commit. He just wants to go home and back to his room, ignoring the rest of the world.

He does not reply and slides the phone back into his pocket.

His despondent behavior and lack of conversation has not gone unnoticed by the team working with him tonight. Javier Ferguson, one of the other waiters on staff, is leaning against the wall near the window and has been watching Chris the last few minutes. He’s tried to joke with him, make him laugh, but the kid isn’t having it tonight. Javier is a family man, a married father of two, and the gig at the Lobster Shack is one of many jobs. He got married young and is only 26. He is often the source of guidance and reason when Chris is mulling over his life’s issues on the job.

Brody slides a tray of lobster fondue and toasted breadsticks onto the pass. “Powell, appetizer,” he says.

Chris doesn’t even hear him.

“Chris!” he says louder causing the teenager to jump. “Your appetizer is ready!”

Chris turns and grabs the tray and makes his way over towards an elderly couple seated near a window to watch the snow fall on the harbor.

Brody leans against the window and looks at Javier. “What’s up with him tonight?”

Javier shrugs. “You know he ain’t been right since that girl broke up with him…maybe there’s something new going on.”

They watch as Chris forces a smile at the couple, sitting the tray down and then he makes his way back to their area. As he walks he notices both of them staring at him and he exhales and shakes his head.

“Not getting into it tonight,” Chris says.

“Come on dude,” Brody says. “It’s slow, everybody has their orders…what’s up? You look like someone told you Santa Claus wasn’t real or something,” Brody smirks.

Chris runs a hand through his hair and rubs the back of his neck and sighs heavily. “Just…last night…I saw Nicole kissing another dude,” Chris shakes his head again and stares at the floor, leaning back on the counter.

“Ow, damn,” Javier winces. “Sorry brother.”

Chris shrugs but still doesn’t look up.

“Well you know what this means then, right?” Brody says. He wipes his hands on a towel and then rests his elbows on the edge of the pass, looking out at Javier and Chris.

“What?” Chris frowns.

“She’s moving on, you move on too. You get you someone else,” Brody shrugs.

Chris shakes his head. “No, no. I’m not ready for all that. For a while…I was hoping she and I might work things out…get back together. I don’t want that anymore…but I don’t want anyone else either,” Chris admits.

“Nobody is saying you have to meet a girl and marry her tomorrow Chris,” Brody shakes his head. “What I’m saying is, get you someone else to pass the time with. Have some fun…the way to get over one girl, is with another girl.”

Chris looks up at him and frowns. “That’s the worst advice I’ve heard in my entire life,” he says. This evokes a laugh from Brody and Javier. Chris smirks and lets out a brief laugh but shakes his head no.

“Eh, I’m not so sure,” Javier says. “Normally I’d agree with you and tell you whatever Brody says, do the direct opposite.”

“Hey!” Brody says defensively.

“But he might be right about this,” Javier says. “My wife…when we started dating, I was just out of a year- long relationship. I wasn’t really feeling the whole getting involved with someone thing. I just sorted wanted someone to give me some company from time to time…hang out with. We started out pretty casual, no promises, no pressure, no labels. Then after a few months of that, I felt like maybe I was ready for more. Now, she’s my wife. I’m not saying the next girl you date is going to be the end all be it all either. But, sometimes, just connecting with someone can be good for moving on. Then when you are ready, you’re ready.”

“Or you could bang as many chicks as you possibly can for as long as you can until you get tired of it,” Brody adds. Javier picks up a napkin and throws it at him. Chris laughs a little and shakes his head again.

“I don’t know guys….”

The door to the restaurant opens and the little bell over the hinge rings as people enter. Chris stands up straight and watches, ready to seat his new customers.  As they move towards the hostess area, Chris’s steps slow.

“Chris! Good to see you!” Dr. Price greets.

Chris looks behind him and Mrs. Price, Micah and Morgan are all in tow, bundled from head to toe to shield them from the cold.

Chris’s eyes meet Morgan’s and she gives him a tiny smile. “Hi….” She says.

“Hi,” he blinks, surprised to see her there. “Dr. Price good to see you as well. Mrs. Price, Micah, hello,” Chris nods.

“What’s up Chris?” Micah smiles brightly, trying to sound cool. He is after all good friends with Cherryfield High School’s stud quarterback.  Chris gives him a head nod and pounds his fist against his.

Chris grabs four menus off the counter. “Uh, if you folks will follow me,” he says and turns leading them through the restaurant.

“Is here okay?” Chris asks, motioning to a table for four, also with a view of the harbor.

“It’s excellent,” Dr. Price says as the family takes their seats. “Great game last night Chris! I’ve got a good feeling about this team! I think you are going to bring a state championship to Cherryfield for the first time in two decades!”

Chris smiles shyly as he puts the menus down in front of each of them. He looks briefly at Morgan as he places the menu in front of her. “Thank you,” she says softly.

“We hope so sir, we hope so. Nothing would make me happier than to do that for our town. What can I get you guys to drink?” Chris asks. He listens as each of them orders, locking eyes with Morgan momentarily again as asks him for a Sprite. Chris turns and grabs the drink orders before sitting them down at the table and allowing them a minute to look over the menu.

Chris heads back to his place at the counter.

“How long you and Nicole been broken up?” Brody asks.

“About a month,” Chris sighs. He leans back against the counter and looks over at the Price’s table. Morgan is holding the menu in her hands, staring down at it, chewing on her lip as she thinks.

“That’s plenty of time!” Brody says.

Javier nods. “Cherryfield isn’t the only thing frozen over right now, hell must be too because I’m agreeing with Brody again.”

Chris chuckles genuinely for the first time that night.

“A month is a good amount of time to deal with a breakup before starting to move on, man,” Javier says. “It’s not like it was yesterday or something.”

Chris thinks and licks his lips. “But the way I feel…I’m not…everything just feels off. It wouldn’t feel right.”

“That’s cause you won’t let it feel right dude! I’m telling you, I been there. You are the man at CH. You could easily get any other girl to spend a little time with. You’re the fucking quarterback, chicks eat that shit up. Throw in the whole sad, puppy dog thing and you seriously could be swimming in it right now,” Brody says and claps his hands.

Chris rolls his eyes.

“Maybe not in those words,” Javier shakes his head but Brody is right. “Girls around here love you. Hell my little sister that’s a freshman is always talking about how cute you are and asks how you are doing. It bugs the shit out of me.”

“Your wife asks about me all the time too,” Brody cracks. “How’s she doing by the way?” he winks at him. Javier lunges to reach into the window and Chris puts a hand on his arm to pull him back, laughing a little.

“Guys, I get what you are saying but…I can’t even wrap my head around something like that. Nicole was special to me. I may never feel anything like that ever again,” he sighs. He shoves himself away from the counter and heads back to the Price’s table to take the order.

When he returns he slides a piece of paper with the order to Brody. “Telling you man. Get over one with another. Works every time.”


Morgan dries her hands in the restroom and rounds the corner to head back to her family’s table. This outing was her dad’s idea to drag them out in the cold because he was craving a bowl of their famous lobster bisque. She was perfectly happy at home in bed, wrapped up in blankets and watching Henry Cavill soar through the skies as Superman.

She knew Chris worked part time at the Lobster Shack but was not expecting to see him. He normally worked in the morning she thought he had said once. She looks down at her watch, it’s almost 5 p.m. As she steps towards the dining area, Chris emerges from a side door to the kitchen. He just dropped off some dirty dishes after bussing the table the elderly couple once occupied. He wipes his hands on the front of his apron.

“Hey,” he says surprised to see her there.

“Hey,” she says and smiles some. “Keeping you busy?”

“Yeah, it’s a slow night though. I’m actually supposed to get off at 6:00….”

“Almost quitting time,” she nods. An awkward silence falls between them. Chris isn’t quite sure what to say to her and other than his talk with Javier and Brody, he hasn’t been one for talk today.

Morgan is unaware that Chris saw Nicole kissing another boy the night before. She has no idea that he has spent the day with a new wound in his already broken heart. She has no way of knowing his mood and thoughts have been dominated by his feeling of grief all day.

“Well…uh…I’ll let you get back to it….” She says and clears her throat. She walks back to the table, taking a seat, running her hands through her hair. She begins to eat her lobster bisque and joins her family’s conversation.

Chris heads back to his post at the counter, crossing his arms and looking at the floor as he leans against it.

“That Morgan Price?” Brody squints as he looks out, having just cooked their order.

“Yeah,” Chris says over his shoulder disinterested in resuming their previous talk.

“She’s growing up nicely,” Brody says. “A little boney for my taste…but tall…looking nice in those jeans…She’s come a long way since her freshman year.”

Javier groans. “Don’t you have a work area to clean up instead of perving on a high school girl?”

“Oh, those observations aren’t for me. They are for Chris,” Brody grins.

“What?” Chris frowns and turns to look at him.

“What about her? She’s cute,” Brody says.

“No, no,” Chris shakes his head. “Morgan’s a friend. Besides, she was best friends with Nicole.”

“Was?” Brody asks.

Chris shrugs. “When the whole thing with Nicole happened, Morgan didn’t like it. She and Nicole had a falling out…she basically defended me to her. They don’t talk anymore,” Chris explains.

Javier and Brody exchange glances.

“Un hungh,” Brody says through narrowed eyes. “Have you, talked to Morgan about Nicole and what went down?”

“Well yeah,” Chris shrugs again. “She was just kind of there to listen and she knows Nicole well so…I could ask her stuff.”

Another exchange of glances between his two co-workers before they focus their attention back on Chris.

“Chris, man, I’ve known you for a while so…I don’t believe that you are blind…or stupid…but you basically are both of those right now,” Javier says.

“What?” Chris snaps and frowns.

“A pretty girl ditches her best friend to support the boy who she broke up with?” Brody says. “Dude, Ray Charles could see what’s going on with that!”

“What are you talking about?” Chris questions, frowning deeply.

Brody and Javier throw their hands up. “Dude! She likes you!” Brody says.

Chris’s head jerks, taken aback. “Morgan?” He shakes his head adamantly. “No!”

“Yes!” Javier and Brody say in unison.

Chris looks over to the Price’s table. They are having a discussion and Micah says something that makes them all laugh. Morgan puts a hand to her chest as she lets out a hearty laugh. Her head tosses back and her face flushes as she tries to will the waves of laughter to stop by covering her mouth.

Chris watches her. Her grey eyes are alive and happy. She seems to be the very opposite of everything he is at that moment. He thinks for a minute on Brody and Javier’s comment. His mind drifts back to the night of Ryan’s party: The night he kissed her. He could not admit it to himself then, but he had liked it. He had liked the way her lips felt against his and he liked the taste of her. It had scared him. He was not ready to feel anything then.

He still wasn’t sure he was ready to feel anything now.

“Powell!” Brody says loudly snapping him out of his thoughts. “Take her this,” Brody says and slides a piece of blueberry pie through the window. Blueberries are a local specialty in Cherryfield and even though they are temporarily out of season, there is no shortage of sweet, delicious pie at the restaurant.

“No,” Chris says, shaking his head.

“You asshole, take this damn piece of pie over to that girl right now,” Brody demands. “It’s the least you can do for her. It’s not a wedding ring, it’s a piece of pie. You’re just being nice, that’s all.”

“After everything, seems only right,” Javier says with a grin.

Chris looks back and forth between them. Both are giving him encouraging smiles. He huffs and grabs the plate, eliciting cheers from his coworkers.

He takes a deep breath, looking back at them as he walks. Javier gives him a thumbs up and then he approaches the Price’s table. He walks around to Morgan’s seat at the table and places the slice of blueberry pie down in front of her.

She looks at it then up at Chris surprised. “Oh, I didn’t order any dessert,” she says shaking her head.

“Didn’t you?” Chris squints as if he is thinking and then smirks. He flashes a full grin and Morgan looks down at the plate then back up at him smiling. With a wink, he turns and walks away.

He gives a bashful grin to the guys as he heads back to the pass. Morgan’s eyes follow him, smiling brightly.

“How sweet!” Mrs. Price says.

“Hey, I want some too,” Micah grumbles.

“I think that’s a special treat for Morgan,” Dr. Price says with a light chuckle and nudges Micah a few times making him laugh. Father looks to his daughter. “Chris Powell, huh?”

“I knew you two had been spending time together but I didn’t realize there might be more to it,” Mrs. Price smiles. “I mean after everything with Nicole, it would seem to make sense if-“

“Mom! Dad!” Morgan shakes her head.

“What?” Mrs. Price grins innocently.

“Are you going to be Chris’s girlfriend now?” Micah asks.

Morgan’s mouth falls open. “What? Why would you ask that?”

Micah shrugs. “Jo thinks you will be.”

Morgan stares back at him, feeling the burning stares coming from her parents. “When did she say that?”

“When you went trick or treating with us,” Micah says. He reaches across the table and grabs a bread stick, but eyes the piece of pie.

“Guys!” Morgan says to her family. “I know you’d love nothing more for me to date Chris or whatever,” Morgan runs her fingers through her hair, shaking her head. “But we are friends. That’s it. It’s just pie, like, calm down.”

Dr. Price and Mrs. Price silently lock eyes, each smirking at the other.

Morgan grabs her fork and digs into the pie. She scoops it into her mouth, enjoying the buttery sweetness. She closes her eyes slightly at the taste, and when she opens them, she looks over to Chris who is watching her, a smirk on his lips.

“You need to lock that down, right now,” Brody says to Chris over his shoulder.

Chris looks down at the floor and shakes his head. He thinks to himself for a long time. He is not ready for more with any girl, he’s said that time and time again to himself and to anyone else listening. But the loneliness is becoming unbearable. Football is a great distraction. The strain and intensity it puts on his body wears him out so much so that lately he feels little desire for anything other than a shower and sleep after practice. But there are times when he can’t stop thinking about having someone close. It wasn’t just that he saw Nicole being affectionate with someone else that set him off the night before. It was that he realized how badly he has missed that. He has had no intimate contact in weeks, all except for an unexpected kiss. As the thought pops back into his mind, he looks over at Morgan.

She is eating the pie he gave her and talking with her family. She must feel him watching her because she looks up and they lock eyes. She gives a shy smile and then looks back down at the table.

“It’s time to move on Chris,” Javier says, nodding as he stands beside him.

Chris shakes his head again. “I don’t know…. My head just…it’s not there….”

“Maybe it is and you just don’t see it. Maybe you’ll surprise yourself…” Javier says. “Time for their check I think.”

Chris looks over at him and Javier winks, slapping him on the back. Chris nods slowly and goes to the register, typing in the order and printing out the ticket. He slides it and a pen into one of the small black folding cases and walks to the Price’s table. As Morgan sees him approach, she sits up straight but only briefly makes eye contact.

“How was everything tonight?” Chris asks.

“Excellent!” Dr. Price said. “Hit the spot on a cold night.”

“And the service has been wonderful, thank you so much, Chris,” Mrs. Price smiles brightly at him.

“You’re welcome,” he gives a soft laugh and smile. “I can take care of this for you whenever you’re ready, sir,” he places the ticket down on the table and hesitates for a moment. He is about to turn and walk away but stops himself. He takes a deep breath. “Uh, Morgan?” He scratches the back of his head. She looks up at him.

“Do you, have a minute?” He asks and tosses his head towards the back of the restaurant.

“Um, yeah,” she nods surprised. She wipes her mouth with her napkin then slides her chair back. Chris turns and she follows him to a back corner of the restaurant.

“Ayuh,” he lets out a nervous chuckle. “Do you maybe wanna hang out tonight? Just…whatever, we can talk or…go do something,” he shrugs. “I don’t know, up to you.”

Morgan lifts her eyebrows, stunned by the request. She stutters for a moment, blinking. “Uh…um…yeah, that…that would be cool,” she nods trying grasp exactly what is happening at the moment.

“Cool…Um, I get off in just a little bit…if you want to stay here, it’s slow…we can bolt as soon as I’m off. I will take you home if your folks are cool with it?”

Morgan looks back at her family’s table. They are all watching, massive grins on their face.

“Um, yeah, they will be more than okay with that, I’m pretty sure,” she nods and exhales.

“Cool…well, just a little longer then and we can…you know…hang out….”

She looks at Chris and gulps but slowly a smile stretches onto her face. He is looking down at the floor but as he anxiously rubs at the back of his neck, he glances up at her. He slowly smiles in return.


Chris blows into his hands, warming them up as he sits in the driver’s seat of his jeep. Morgan waits inside, watching from the restaurant window. He wanted to heat the car before she joined him, knowing that with it sitting in the snow and ice for most of the day unattended, it would be freezing inside. He was right. He blows on his hands again as he turns the ignition and immediately begins to fiddle with the defroster and heat levels. He rubs his hands together, and waits for a few minutes. He can’t see her watching him, a thin layer of ice on his windows. Slowly, it begins to melt away as the defroster works its magic.

He is rethinking everything. He does not want to go through with this. It was a bad idea and his head and definitely not his heart are in a place to deal with this. But he asked her.  In a moment when he let two knuckleheads convince him of what he should be thinking and feeling, he asked. He sighs heavily, seeing the breath in the cold as it blows out. He can’t back out now but, he doesn’t want to send mixed signals. He thinks about Javier’s words, that sometimes you just need someone.

Chris felt it. He needed someone, especially now when he was lonely and hurting and just didn’t want to feel either of those things any longer. Or at least for a little while.

Morgan slides on her coat and folds her arms across her chest. She looks around the restaurant and glances towards the kitchen. Two guys, one she recognizes as a former student, smile at her. She gives them a quick, polite smile then turns her back to them.

When she had walked back to the table to tell her parents she would be staying behind to hang out with Chris, there was a long pause at the table and then no lack of smiles.

“Don’t stay out too late,” was her father’s only caution but he knew that was not necessary to say. Morgan had never given them trouble and she was firm on what she believed was right and wrong, good and fair in the world.

Dr. Price and Chris had a brief history working together and he knew the young man Chris was. Yes, he was a good ball player with a very bright future and career ahead of him if he stayed healthy, but he was also at the heart of it all, a good and grounded young man.

Her mother patted her shoulder and kissed her forehead as they left her sitting at the table. Micah stuck his tongue out at her and she returned it laughing as her brother and parents went out the door. She spent the remainder of Chris’s work shift on her phone until he came by and announced he was officially off the clock.

He hung up his apron and grabbed his coat to warm the jeep.

After a few minutes, Morgan watches as he exits the jeep. She feels her breath hitch, her heart beating slightly faster. She is not sure what is going on exactly. If this invitation to hang out just as friends is just that, then she is okay with it. But his apprehension to ask, his fidgeting as he spokes to her, makes her question if it might be more.

He opens the door to the restaurant and looks at her. His smile is nervous as he forces his lips upward. “Good to go,” he nods.

She smiles and follows him out. He politely walks ahead of her and opens the jeep door. Morgan, again taken aback, can barely bring herself to look at him as she steps inside and he closes the door behind her. She watches him walk around the vehicle and step inside, closing the door. He shivers in a big motion and it draws a laugh from her.

“Cold?” she asks knowing the obvious answer.

“I tell you, it normally doesn’t get to me that much, but it’s freezing out there tonight,” he says. “You okay? Warm enough in here for you? I can adjust the heat some more,” he offers and looks over at her.

As he does she turns and looks back and he pauses. She smiles some. “It’s fine. Thank you for warming it up, that’s a very gentlemanly thing for you to do.”

The word gentleman throws him. He sighs and gives an antsy chuckle. “Uh yeah, I guess so.”

They turn their attention out the front window, sitting quietly as the sound of the air blowing through the vents and the light vibration of the jeep as it runs are the only sounds for a few minutes.

Chris again is rethinking everything, his thoughts swirl but are interrupted by the sound of Morgan’s voice.

“So…” she begins. “Um…what’s up?” She questions and runs her fingers through her hair. “

“What’s up?” Chris repeats, knowing full well what she’s getting at.

“Chris…I was just kind of surprised that…you wanted to hang out….”

Chris rests his arms on the steering wheel, playing with the nail on his index finger as he thinks. “Yeah…I don’t know I guess, I thought…we should or something….”

Morgan says nothing for a moment in response to his aloof answer. Chris’s phone vibrates and he reaches into his pocket to retrieve it. It’s another text from Ryan. “You on your way?” it reads. Chris stares at it, running his thumb along the smooth flatness of his screen. He flips the switch on the side, turning his phone from vibrate to silent and shoves it back into his pocket. If nothing else, maybe he could bring Morgan by Ryan’s later if he can’t figure out anything else to do. It’s also an out should he decide to back out of this entirely which he is fully prepared to do.

There is another long uncomfortable silence in the car. Chris feels responsible. He knows Morgan has no idea what to make of any of this and that’s his fault. He licks his lips and lets out a breath before he speaks.

“Morgan, I know you’re probably wondering what this is all about….” Chris sighs.

“A little bit, yeah,” she says, her voice hinting at her joke. Chris looks over at her and smiles. It’s real and genuine and it eases the tension at the moment. He’s glad she called him out in some form. She looks back at him and smiles with a laugh.

“I just…I don’t know…I guess….I’ve been thinking a lot about the last few weeks…and you’ve been really cool through all this…I just…thought we could talk some more….” He clears his throat and peeks over at her.

She turns in her seat so that she can look at him. “What have you been thinking about the last few weeks?”

He shrugs a little. “I don’t know…I mean, I don’t want to talk about Nicole,” he says pointedly. He looks at her, lifting his eyebrows and she nods in understanding. “I guess I just never really stopped to think about…everything with you. That you…defended me…stood up for me…You guys were tight and…you gave that up.”

She runs her hands over her thighs for a minute and then looks out the side window. She clears her throat but does not look back at him.

“You came to check on me…You’ve listened when I vented….Why would you do all that for me, Morgan?” he asks slowly. He looks over at her and she knows he is studying her.

She gulps. She turns and to his surprise, looks him directly in the eyes. “Chris…” she hesitates for just a breath. “Do you still really not know the answer to that?” she questions softly. Her eyes search his for understanding.

“Maybe…maybe I do…but I want to hear you say it….” He says, his eyes still fixed on hers.

She licks her lips, glancing down for a split second before staring back at him. With every bit of courage that is in her body, she summons it as she takes a deep breath. “Because…I’ve wanted…to be with you….for a really long time Chris….” She hears the words come from her mouth but it doesn’t feel like she spoke them. It’s out of body. Where in the world she has found the strength to share her longest kept secret with the source of that secret, she does not know. But it’s happened.

She braces herself. Half expecting another rejection or another long speech about how he isn’t ready but instead, Chris leans forward. Morgan’s eyes shut slowly and his mouth is against hers. A gentle sweep at first, then there is more urgency to it. He presses his mouth harder to hers, the hair on his unshaved face tickling her chin and cheeks as he works his mouth against hers. He parts her lips with his tongue and she melts into him. She reaches up, grasping the hair at the back of his head and he does the same to her, tasting her, feeling her hot, wet kisses. She moans and feels her entire body grow hot. He moves his mouth from her lips to kiss her cheek and then down to her neck, drawing a gasp from her as he works his lips over the soft skin near her collarbone and throat. She keeps her fingers entwined in his hair.

“Chris….” She moans softly. She can’t believe this is happening. Her body and mind slip somewhere between a euphoria and arousal she has never felt before.  And then she remembers. She has been here once before with him. This very feeling. She stops moving and he feels her let go of his hair. She retracts her hand and pulls back away from him.

Her expression is fearful.

Chris frowns as he sits up and looks at her, wondering what is wrong and then it hits him. “Morgan…it’s okay…it’s okay this time,” he whispers to her. He reaches up and touches her cheek and she lets out a relieved sigh at his touch, shutting her eyes. He moves in again and begins to kiss her lips once more. Her hands reach out and she runs them slowly up his chest through his unzipped coat.

Chris was not sure he was able. He thought his mind would still only focus on one girl. She still had his heart, there was no question about that, but Chris realizes, here in this moment can actually feel. Morgan’s touch, her mouth, the sounds of her deep breaths as he pleases her with kisses, it feels good to him. It’s comforting and he does not want it to end. He needs this. He needs someone’s touch to awaken his senses. She has told him how she feels about him, a small confession of love that he needed to her. He needs to be wanted.

He moves his mouth to her ear and down her neck again. He reaches up and pulls her coat away from her shoulder, exposing part of her flesh underneath her cardigan before he presses his lips there. Her breathing is heavier now and he focuses on the sound. It’s encouraging him.

His body is responding. He feels a tingle and groans. He has missed this sensation. The stimulus sending blood pumping through his thighs.

A noise outside the jeep catches their attention and they stop. Chris pulls back and looks up into Morgan’s eyes. She tries to steady her breath. They both turn to find the source of the noise. A few feet away, Javier is rolling out a trash bin. He grabs a few bags and then tosses them into the dumpster at the edge of the parking lot. As he turns to walk back to the restaurant, he glances over at the red jeep. It’s dark and he can barely make out the two people sitting inside, but he smiles and begins to whistle as he goes back to the restaurant.

Chris watches until he is out of sight. He looks back over at Morgan. She is looking at him both with curiosity and desire.

This moment is the most critical. He stares back at her for a long time, so intently she looks away. As she does, he reaches out and tilts her chin back up. He doesn’t want these feelings to go away.

“Do you want to go someplace more private? We can go for a drive…. You tell me, Morgan,” he says looking at her.

She reaches out and squeezes his arm. “Let’s drive until…until we find someplace else,” she says. He leans over and kisses her lips again. Her eyes close and when they open, his face is inches from hers.

“Okay,” he whispers


Chris sticks to the main highways where the roads have been cleared and there is less likely to be any ice or snow. His jeep has always navigated the wintery roads in Cherryfield without issue but he is not alone tonight and has a responsibility to his passenger.

They move through the historic downtown area of Cherryfield. As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, the town is prepping the holiday decorations. A few old fashioned lanterns glow outside of the old mansions that draw tourists to their town.

Morgan watches as they pass them by. Chris is driving slowly, being careful as they move through town. She turns her face to see one of her favorite old homes.

“What is it?” Chris asks seeing her shift in her seat and her head turn.

“I just love those old houses, it’s my favorite thing about Cherryfield. When I was little, I’d dream that someday I’d own one,” she says.

“Like a bed and breakfast?” Chris asks with a small smile, slowing down more so she can look at one.

“No, like it would be my house,” she says and laughs a little. “My dad told me the upkeep on them is crazy expensive and they are drafty but…I don’t care. That’s always been my dream.”

“My mom led tours through some of them as a part-time job for a while,” Chris explains. “There is a lot that goes into taking care of them,” he agrees. She silently nods.

“But someday you will own one Morgan,” Chris encourages. He stops the car in front of a three story behemoth that has been the subject of books and folklore in the region. Years ago, when they were all toddlers, a movie was shot at the home. That was still a talking point of pride for Cherryfield residents.

“Yeah, I will,” she smiles and turns and looks at him.

Her smile disarms him. He looks away from her and clears his throat before he begins to drive away. He runs his fingers through his hair. Morgan peers out the window, wondering where they are headed. As they round a bend slowly, she recognizes the location.

There is a scenic ridge near the edge of town that overlooks a valley. It is one of the most beautiful areas in their community. It is known for the romantic view and the sweeping piney landscape below draws tourists for photos and a quiet place of reflection. There is a lake that fills the base of the valley and the bright full moon reflects off it tonight, illuminating the snow covered beauty around it.

Chris carefully pulls the jeep into the snow by the ridge and cuts the lights.

“Oh wow….” Morgan says in a hush as she looks out. The valley and trees are covered in white as the state of Maine stretches out below.

“I drive up here sometimes when I just need to think,” Chris says.

“Have you ever brought anyone else here?” Morgan asks slowly.

Chris chews his lip and looks at her. “You mean Nicole?” He frowns.

“Well…yeah…” she looks down at her hands for a moment.

He exhales. “Yeah. Once,” he thinks back on that night. “I remember I was trying to look at the scenery…how peaceful it was….and she was smacking on gum…it drove me nuts,” Chris says with a deep frown and rubs his forehead. The irritation is back just thinking about it.

Morgan pauses and looks at him and busts out laughing. She tries to stop herself, only to resume again. Chris smiles slowly and then begins to laugh with her.

“It was so annoying, like geez,” he breathes out and laughs.

“You looked so pissed off just saying it,” she laughs. “I’m sorry it’s not funny.”

“Yeah it is actually, I should have known then I guess that it wasn’t going to work,” he smiles but slowly it fades.  Morgan’s chuckle falls off and she sees his eyes. He frowns and looks back out the window. Nicole is back in his thoughts, interrupting moments when she is not even around. He huffs. He only told Morgan part of the story. Nicole had moved from her seat that evening and climbed into his lap. He remembers hitting the horn as their touching became more heated, evoking a laugh from her. He used to love nothing more than to kiss her and hear her laugh.

Morgan stares at him in silence.

“I don’t want to think about her,” Chris says out loud. It’s abrupt and catches Morgan off guard.

“I’m sorry…I-“

He turns to face her. “It’s okay. Shhhh…” he says in a whisper and leans in, kissing her again. She fumbles for just a minute at the sudden contact but feels his breath against her cheek as he presses his lips harder against hers. She feels the neediness in his kiss. It’s different than before.

He sits back just far enough to look into her eyes once more. “Chris?” She questions but her silent questions are never answered. The shadow of a beard on his face tickles her as he fervently kisses her again. He reaches out, clutching the sides of her coat, pulling her more into his body as he leans over the console. The feel of his plump lips sweeping down over her neck causes her to clinch her eyes shut. She wraps her hands gently around his neck, holding him as he distracts himself with the feel of her.

The console presses against his stomach again as he tries to lean over towards her. A frustrated groan is muffled against her mouth and he pulls back again. He takes in a gulp of air and reaches out, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Morgan can hear her own breaths. Chris slides his hands down her arms and takes her hands in his. Without a word, he throws his eyes towards the back and then looks to her, hopeful.

She nods slowly and he leans in and kisses her forehead.

He unbuckles his seat belt and she does the same. He turns and opens his door, hopping out and moving swiftly around the car. He opens her passenger door, extending a hand to her. Wordlessly, she puts her hand in his and steps out onto the snowy pavement.

Chris opens the door to the back seat, still holding her hand and helps her to climb inside. Morgan takes off her jacket and tosses it onto the passenger seat. Chris removes his, throwing it inside and closes the door behind him.

Morgan is not aware that she is trembling slightly with anticipation. Chris gives no time to reflect on what she might be feeling. He kisses her, leaning his body towards her, guiding her back onto the seat. When her back is against the cushion, he shifts his body to lie between her legs, using his hands to lift her knees on either side of him.

He begins to move his hips in small circles against her, grinding down as he does. Morgan can feel his hardness pressing against the center of her sex and she lets out a moan. It’s stifled as he kisses her, the smacking of their lips ringing in each other’s ears. He licks at her throat and she arches underneath him. He pushes down against her more and she feels a tingle building inside her.

He slides a hand down over her chest and finding the large buttons of her cardigan, he diligently unfastens each one. Her cardigan falls away from her chest and stomach and Chris looks down to take in the sight of her. He lowers his head, kissing the soft flesh over her bra and runs his hand down her stomach. He looks up into Morgan’s eyes as he toys with the button on her jeans. He stops and waits and a small head nod from her is all he needs. He fumbles with the button then slides his hand inside the waistband of her jeans and underwear.

Morgan lets out a yelp. She has never been touched. She looks into Chris’s face, his brow furrowed as he seems to try and focus on what he is doing. He does not look at her, but down at the hand disappearing back and forth inside her pants. She is embarrassed by her response. The touch, the sensations, her arousal and the sounds coming from her mouth are all so new to her. She closes her eyes, trying not to overthink what she is feeling, telling herself it’s Chris and this is what she is longed for. He continues to touch her, watching his hand work almost mesmerized by his own actions.

He feels himself straining against his own jeans. It’s been a considerable amount of time for him since he took care of matters himself or was touched by anyone else. Then there she is again, Nicole. He clinches his eyes shut, forcing her away. He kisses Morgan hard and his hand presses against her harder. She arches again, moaning loudly, pulling away from his mouth as she gasps.

“Chris…ahh…” she begins to tremble as the feelings become too much.

He says nothing but slides his hand down her arm and takes her hand in his. He guides it to his bulge, placing his hand over hers and urging her to squeeze. As she does he lets out a hiss. Morgan watches him, his brow still deep in concentration but now his gaze is back on her face. She squeezes again, this time without his guidance and his eyes half shut.

“Yeah,” he whispers in her ear. “Feels so good.”

Morgan shudders at his words and continues to do as he has shown her, rubbing him through his pants and squeezing. Chris pushes his hips to meet her movements. He returns his hand to her pants and touches her once more, resting his forehead against hers as they please each other.

Morgan feels his fingers  and she cries out with a small whimper at the intrusion.

“Chris?” she breaths out.

“Feels so good,” he groans again.

“How…ungh,” she moans and breaths deeply. “How far do you want this to go?” she asks. She starts to feel anxious. This is all new to her and she knows at some point it can’t continue. She’s not ready for that yet, even if it is Chris. Tonight she has already gone further than she intended but his touch feels so incredible.

“I don’t know…” he moans and kisses her. He pushes his bulge down into her hand again. “I don’t really care, I just…I don’t want to think right now…I just need to get off so bad,” he groans.

Morgan’s body stiffens. Chris does not have to look at her to know she is frozen underneath him. Her hand releases from him and he is certain she is not even breathing.

Slowly he lifts his head to look down at her. Her eyes search his face and then he sees her eyes narrow as frown lines form. “Is that what this is about?” she whispers.

He closes his eyes and exhales slowly throwing his head back in regret. When he opens his eyes, tears are forming at the corners of hers. Her lips part, trembling slightly. He removes his hand from her pants and she turns her hips to move him off of her. He sits up and moves to the other side of the seat, watching her, but she will not look at him. He runs a hand over his face exasperated. She lifts shaky hands to button her cardigan.

Her voice is low but cracks as the emotion threatens to spill out. “Take me home now….please…”

Chris sighs, his mind screaming. He wants to apologize. He wants to tell her he’s a jerk and an asshole and that’s he sorry, but the fog is there. He wasn’t thinking. He was only feeling and when he looks at her, he realizes just who he has done this to. He takes a slow deep breath, guilt and shame overtaking him.

Morgan doesn’t wait for him but hops out and walks to the passenger side. She opens the door and slides on her coat, zipping it up to the top. She climbs into the seat and puts on her seatbelt and waits.  Chris looks at the back of her head over the seat and silently steps outside. He moves into the driver’s seat, shutting the door and buckling up.

The jeep backs out of the lot.

Morgan keeps her head turned and looking out the window. He steals glances over at her as he drives but she keeps her head turned away from him. Occasionally, he sees a hand lift towards her face, but she makes no sound and there is no talking between them.

It feels like an eternity before he finally pulls up to the Price home. The jeep is barely at a full stop before she opens the door and scrambles out. She turns to slam the door behind her.

“Wait, Morgan!” he calls after her but the door hitting hard back into place cuts him off. She climbs through the snow of her front yard to the porch, grabs her key from her pocket and fumbles to open the door. She drops her key and he watches as she lets out a frustrated shriek, trying to keep more tears at bay. She opens the door and disappears inside the house without looking back.

Chris sighs and leans forward, gripping the steering wheel in his hands and resting his head on it, a painful groan escaping his lips.



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