Cherryfield High Chapter 14: We Are The Champions

Disclaimer: The following is a prequel to Choices The Freshman and The Sophomore stories. It is a fictional adaptation. I do not work for Pixelberry Studios, the game developer or own the rights to the characters Chris Powell, Jo, Kyle or Nicole. All of the characters, story line and events were originally developed by me, some areas in part with @maxattack-powell, in conjuction to her adaptation of The Freshman.

Chapter 14: We Are the Champions

“Fix this,” Ryan says. He tosses the carburetor down onto the work table in Ethan’s garage where it lands with a thud so loud the sound echoes in the small space like a gun shot.

Ethan whips his head up from under the hood of his truck. He’s been tinkering with a faulty fan belt for the last 30 minutes. He looks over at the object Ryan has hurled onto his table upon his arrival at the Clark home.  Normally Ethan works with the garage door up, but snow and sleet have continued to fall on Cherryfield since the Thanksgiving holiday a week prior. Ryan had parked in front of the house , Ethan’s mom letting him into the home and pointing him towards her son’s location in the garage. A space heater is warming the thinly insulated room and light from a single bulb on the end of a long string, dangling from the ceiling, provides just enough light for Ethan to see without a flashlight.

It’s a Monday evening in early December and the boys did not have practice after school today. The Clippers have continued their playoff dominance and racked up another victory on Saturday. Coach Madison gave the team the afternoon off to rest their bodies and let players with injuries receive treatment.

Ryan went in to have a case of turf toe treated. The pain it had been causing him since the game on Saturday, shot up the side of his foot and burned anytime he put pressure on it on Sunday or earlier in the day as he walked around school. With the trainer’s help, he was moving much better and no longer sporting a limp.

It’s been three weeks since he offered to help Tay repair her brother’s old motorcycle. Ryan had actually been able to get the shop class to work on the alternator from her car and repair it. She had to rely on her parents for transportation for a few days but thanks to him, she had her car back and was able to continue to meet him for their tutoring sessions. He had asked her to bring the motorcycle part to school and she had delivered it to him that morning before they began their work.

Ethan sits the wrench in his hands down on top of the truck battery and grabs a towel draped across the front of his vehicle.  He wipes his greasy hands with it and as he walks over to the table.

He puts the towel down, picking up the carburetor, turning it as he examines it from every angle.

“Is this a motorcycle carburetor?” He asks as he continues to study it.

“Yeah,” Ryan nods. He opens up a rusty old fold up chair and takes a seat. “Can you fix it?”

“Probably, but, why do you need this fixed? Is this one of your shop class projects?” Ethan asks.

Ryan pauses. “Something like that. So, can you fix it?”

“It’ll take me a couple of days but I should be able to. Got to take it apart, see what’s going on with it,” Ethan nods.

“Awesome, I owe you one,” Ryan nods.

“Yeah, yeah, add it to the list,” Ethan sighs and sits the carburetor back down on the table.

“You ready for Chris’s thing tonight?” Ryan says eyeing him up and down.

“Yeah, you’re driving. Let’s go,” Ethan says.

Ryan looks him up and down. Ethan is wearing sweat pants and an old football sweatshirt. His sneakers are black on the top from oil and motor dirt falling down on them. There are small smudges of oil and grease on his forehead and cheeks, where he rubbed some of the residue from his truck onto his face as he worked.

“You’re going like that?” Ryan asks.

“Yeah, why? What are you? The fashion police?” Ethan retorts.

“You smell like car oil and you look like an old mechanic. You could at least wash your face, maybe fix your hair. We’ve been so deep in football it’s been a while since we got to go out. You could fix yourself up a little, put on something nice!” Ryan frowns as he shakes his head.

The room is quiet for a minute. Ethan watches Ryan as he realizes the tone of the words he just spoke. His face relaxes, then his eyebrows lift.

“You sound like my wife of 30 years,” Ethan exclaims dismayed.

“I did, didn’t I?” Ryan winces. He opens his mouth as he clenches his teeth, his eyes wide. Ethan starts to laugh. “Yikes!”

“Okay then Dolores, if you think I need to look nice for you tonight, I’ll go take a quick shower and put on some clean clothes,” Ethan says heading towards the door to the house.

“Hurry, we have to get there on time…and be sure to put something sexy on for me. Show me a nice time tonight for once,” Ryan teases as Ethan turns the door knob with a laugh.


The small group of guests all parked their vehicles behind the white trailer home that had been converted into a small restaurant. The North Street Café was one of very few eating places actually located in Cherryfield. The specialty  there was pizza and American food, since the other two restaurants in town focused on seafood.

Mrs. Powell was specific in her instructions to Ryan and Ethan and wanted them to make sure they relayed them completely to Chris’s teammates. They were to park around back to avoid the possibility of him seeing their cars.

Ethan and Ryan had extended the invite to a handful of seniors from the team, and of course to Alex, to join them. Ryan had also approached Maya, passing along the information but with specific instructions that Nicole and none of the cheerleaders were to be invited. She agreed to attend and they parted ways. They barely speak these days but there is no ill will towards one another. They are just drifting on without any strings attached to the past.

Ryan did not bother with bringing it up to Morgan. Even if by some miracle of biblical proportions she was willing to come, Chris would be uncomfortable with her there.  Ryan has not spoken more than a “hello” or a “hi” to her when he has seen her in the hall, continuing to keep his distance and giving her time and space as he had promised. She has continued to lead the dance team as captain and is on the sidelines for each of their games. After every victory, he looks to the side of the field hoping to see her reaction. She smiles as she spins and high kicks to the playing of the victory fight song and Ryan would expect no less from her. She has always been able to flash that smile when needed. Ryan knows its theatrics for the crowd only as she continues to isolate herself more and more from her senior class friends.

After parking around back, Ethan and Ryan enter the front of the restaurant and make their way to the set of tables lined up together. Overhead, a banner with the words “Happy Birthday” is suspended from the ceiling. The smell of melted cheese and French fries greets them as they move towards their friends. Alex is already seated and Maya is beside him as they talk.

“Hawk! Clark! What up!” One of the seniors at the table, Mark Martin, greets. Ryan gives him a chin nod and Ethan bumps his fist against Mark’s.

“’Sup?” Alex nods slapping hands with both Ethan and Alex. Maya looks up at Ethan from her seat. A spot is open beside her and he pulls out the chair. She smiles brighter at him as he takes a seat. His hair is damp but gelled and she can smell his cologne. He is wearing a pullover sweater and jeans.

“Hey,” She says energetically.

“Hi,” he smiles.

“Still waiting on the guest of honor,” Maya explains.

The owner of the café, Ray Morton, a former Cherryfield cornerback , current member of the football booster club and attendee of every single game walks over to the table with a waiter behind him. Ray is well known by every member of the team as one of their most ardent and vocal fans. He and the waiter each balance massive trays with an extra-large pizza on each. They place the pizzas down on the table.

“Mrs. Powell called about five minutes ago, said they were leaving the house, they should be here any minute,” Ray says happily.

Ryan looks at the hot, fresh pizzas still sizzling right out of the oven. He grimaces. “Chris better hurry,” he says taking a seat in front of Alex. Four seats next to him have been left open for the Powell’s. “I’m hungry and that pizza looks so damn good,” Ryan says licking his lips some.

“Don’t you even,” Ethan checks him. Ryan pouts and turns his head causing the others to laugh.

Headlights hit the front of the café as a car pulls into one of the parking spots up front. Ray comes from around the counter and peaks out the window. “It’s them!” he shouts happily.

“Alright guys, get ready,” Maya says standing up and motioning her arms for the others to do the same. They all move around the table and wait expectantly.

Out front Chris, Jo, Kyle and Mrs. Powell exit the car, walking carefully over the snow and up the stairs of the deck to the café.

For Mrs. Powell, getting her son out of the house was no small feat. For the last several years he has someone dreaded this day, stating that something has very much been missing from any celebration. She knows without him explaining it: He misses his father. She feels her heart break and a mother’s anger inside as she thinks about his absence.

Chris however has been more willing to spend time with his family. In the past, he was always out with Nicole or somewhere with Ryan and Ethan. She’s not sure what has taken place but in the last three weeks  he’s remained home more, only heading out to go to school or work. Ethan and Ryan have stopped by some, but with the football playoffs and Saturday games they have all been busier than usual. Kyle and Jo are loving having their big brother around. He has begun to take more time with them, playing video games and playing whatever games their young minds create.

Mrs. Powell hated seeing her son’s heart crushed by his first love but she has to admit to herself, having him home more has been nice. He’s seeing to his responsibilities without her having to remind him and being the man of the house again. It’s a burden he should not have to carry at this age, but today, Chris Powell is officially a man.

“I’m going to have six slices of pizza,” Kyle announces as they walk towards the café door.

“Well, I’m going to have seven,” Jo says.

Chris smirks and shakes his head. “You two are going to have stomach aches. That’s what you are going to have.”

“We will be sure to order some Sprites for their tummies,” Mrs. Powell jokes. Chris grabs the screen door to the entrance, holding it open as his mother and siblings head inside. Mrs. Powell smiles and waves as she sees the group gathered there. Jo and Kyle bounce on their toes excitedly as Chris crosses the threshold. When he turns his head, his face registers his shock.

“SURPRISE!” The group yells at him.

Chris bashfully looks down at the floor, shaking his head with a smile.

“Mom, you didn’t,” He says in embarrassment.

“I did! This is your day and we are celebrating it this year! You are 18! That only happens once!”

The Powell’s make their way over to the tables. Ethan and Ryan walk over to Chris, both giving him one-armed hugs. “Happy Birthday!”

Chris continues to blush. “Wow…thanks you guys.” He looks around the table at the faces there. Alex stands and gives him a hug and Maya throws her arms around him.

He smiles brightly as he pounds fists with his teammates.

“We’ve got pizza for you, but something is missing,” Ray says and makes a show of thinking hard. “Ah! I know!” he snaps his fingers and claps. The waiter comes around from the kitchen, a large chocolate cake covered in icing, balanced on the tray in his hand. Eighteen candles are lit on the top of the cake. Chris’s head tilts back as his face reddens more.

“And a one, a two, a three,” Ray says swinging his fingers like an orchestra conductor.

“Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!…” Those gathered at the table sing the birthday song. Chris runs a hand over his face and hair and scratches the back of his head before tugging at the back of his neck. He exhales and chuckles.

“And many mooooooore,” Kyle and Jo sing at the end  in their family tradition. The waiter sits the cake down on the table in front of Chris. He hesitates but then bends over, blowing out the candles. His friends cheer.

“You didn’t blow spit all over it did you?” Ryan asks. Ethan elbows his ribs in customary fashion.

“Speech! Speech!” Maya chants. Chris gives her a slightly murderous glare as the others clap and encourage him. He groans sbut laughs.

“”Um, “ Chris thinks before he begins, the others fall quiet. “Thank you guys so much for being here. You really are my best friends and this means a lot to me that you did this, so thank you. Ryan and Ethan, my brothers from another mother…” Chris pauses and licks his lips. His eyes shine with the hint of tears in them. “We’ve been through a lot, especially the last few weeks. You guys…are still here for me whenever I need you. I can’t say thank you enough.”

Ethan and Ryan smile back at him.

Chris turns and looks at his siblings. He holds both arms out and each move to his side, hugging him and he puts his arms around them. “You two drive me nuts sometimes but I love you more than anything. I’m always going to be your big brother and I’m always going to do whatever I can to make sure you are happy and protected, okay?”

They nod. “We love you Chris,” Jo says, squeezing him tighter. As she does, the backwards cap on her head lifts slightly. When he releases them, she fixes it instantly. She looks over at Ethan who gives her a broad smile and her face flushes.

“Mom…” Chris says looking at her. As he looks at her, he can’t contain his emotions anymore. “Thank you and I love you,” he says as his voice cracks. Her own eyes water and before he breaks down in front of his friends, he leans over and tightly hugs her. She hugs him and rubs his back as she did when he was a small boy. He sways from side to side, trying to collect himself before he lets her go. Mrs. Powell has been a mother and a father to Chris for the last eight years. He knows it has not been easy on her. She has sometimes worked two jobs to support her children. She has never in all of that time, no matter how tired, no matter how stressed, no matter how frustrated ever made her children feel as if she didn’t love him.

As all of those thoughts come to his mind he gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek. When he pulls back she wipes at her eyes. Kyle and Jo watch silently.

“One more present,” Mrs. Powell says.

“It’s been Chris’s tradition for years to have a chocolate sundae with whip cream on his birthday!” Ray says. He motions to the waiter. Chris lets out a laugh. He sits down at the table and the waiter sits the sundae with one single candle in it in front of him. He smirks as he closes his eyes, makes a wish, and blows out the candle. He opens his eyes and sees his friends watching him and he feels embarrassed again, he waves his hands as if it’s all no big deal.

“Can we eat now?” Ryan says. “I’m here for Chris and everything but…these delays…could we not anymore?”

Ethan groans. “I swear it on everything pure and holy,” Ethan throws his head back and looks up at the ceiling, shaking his head.

“What?!” Ryan exclaims.

The group laughs and Mrs. Powell, still wiping at her eyes, smiles at her son’s unfiltered friend. “Ryan’s right. We are here to celebrate, let’s eat!”

Chris blinks back the remainder of his tears and smiles as he looks around the table, his heart full.


The home team stands of Fitzpatrick Stadium in Portland, Maine are packed to capacity with a sea of blue and white. On the opposite side of the field, the visitors’ seating is a collage of maroon and black.

The Blue Army of Cherryfield High supporters made the three hour, 200 mile journey to cheer on their Clippers in the state championship game.

The harsh cold seems to have relented just for this occasion. It is one week until Christmas but the snow has cleared and the sun is shining brightly overhead. The temperature during the game is in the 40’s, still cool but pleasant compared to the ‘teens forecast for later that night.

The Windham Warriors were supposed to be a tough opponent for the Clippers. At least that’s what all of the sports radio, local newspapers and TV stations had said. Their defense could stifle even the most high-caliber offense. What the sports radio, local newspaper and TV station folks did not know was that since they were 5-years old, three of the Cherryfield High starters had dreamed of this very moment and nothing was going to stand in their way. True, there were dreamers on both sides of the ball. But Chris Powell, Ryan Hawkins and Ethan Clark were so in sync on the field today, so determined to earn the state title and championship ring, Windham was out of the game before the first whistle blew.

There are 8:36 seconds left in the fourth quarter and the Clippers are up 36-13. They have the ball at the Warriors 17-yard line. Alex snaps the ball and Chris takes it, running backwards. Ryan rushes around the right side, taking the handoff. His feet move so quickly, it’s like watching a video game. He leaps over a defender as he falls in front of him and glides untouched into the end zone.

In the stands, Lisa Hawkins screams are louder than ¾ of the Cherryfield fans. “That’s my son!” She shouts, waving a rally towel with every inch of arm strength she has. She is seated next to the Clark’s: Ethan’s parents, his two younger siblings, and his older sister who came in from out of town just for the occasion. On the row in front of them are Mrs. Powell, Jo, and Kyle.

“Yeah!” Kyle cheers, turning around and high-fiving Ethan’s younger brothers.

Chris runs to the end zone and he and Ryan jump in the air and bounce into each other. Ethan slaps his helmet. Ryan turns and faces the home crowd and does a very passionate version of “The Hawk Dance” his end zone celebration, a PG-13 version of “The Chicken Dance.”

In the stands, Lisa does it in rhythm with him as the fans cheer louder.

At 6:15 left in the game, the Clippers have the ball back. Windham could not make anything happen on their last possession. Chris takes the snap and scrambles out of the pocket. He looks to his left and to his right and then down the field, but all of his receivers are covered and his running backs are blocked. He tucks the ball carefully, facing around the left side of the field. He hooks back to the right and cuts through the middle of the field before he finds his place in the end zone. He lets out a yell as he clinches his fist and rips his chin guard from his helmet. The first there to celebrate with him are Ethan and Ryan. The trio put their helmets together as they hug.

“Drop it on ‘em!” Ryan shouts. “The Chris Shuffle, do it man!” Ryan laughs.

Chris steps away from them, puts out a foot, takes it back, puts out the other foot and takes it back, bends his legs and then does a back flip. Ryan had concocted the celebration dance for him when they won in the quarterfinals of the playoffs, saying any quality quarterback needed a signature celebration. It was the first time Chris decided to use it and it felt great. Cherryfield fans go wild and Ethan and Ryan laugh as they run with him back over to the sideline.

“They’re going to win! They’re going to do it! Mom! Mom, they’re going to win!” Jo says jumping up and down. “Yeah Chris! That’s my big brother!”

“Alright, Chris! Yeah! Let’s go!” Kyle shouts. Mrs. Powell presses her hands to her lips, becoming overwhelmed by her son’s talent. Coach Madison had given him an opportunity when others would have written him off. Now he was minutes away from winning a state title for their town, reaching the highest level of achievement a high school football player can reach.

There are 2:27 seconds left in the game when Coach Madison wonders if he should pull his senior stars. He speaks to his offensive coordinator on headset who instantly responds, “Let them play! They’ve earned this!”

Up 50-13, Coach Madison didn’t want to appear to run the score up on Windham, especially in a state title game. For every win someone else must lose after all. But as Coach Baxter had said, Chris and the seniors had earned this.

At the two-yard line, the Clippers hand the ball to their immovable brick wall. Chris slides the ball into Ethan’s grip, as he lowers his head and pushes through, sneaking over the goal line. He is buried under a mountain of bodies before Ryan reaches down and jerks him upward, helping him to his feet.

The Windham side of the field is quiet as Cherryfield  fans stomp and make the bleachers vibrate.

The Clark family cheers and high fives all those around them, Mrs. Clark hugging Lisa as they giggle and scream excitedly.

Windham holds the ball in the last few seconds of the game, in a futile attempt to get one more score. On the sidelines, Chris, Ethan, Ryan and Alex stand side by side, helmets in hand, watching the clock.

“10, 9, 8, 7…” the CH fans start the countdown . “4, 3, 2,1!” As the game buzzer sounds the screams of an excited township lift to the air. Ryan turns to hug Chris. The Clippers are state champions.

“We fucking did it! We fucking did it man!” He says.

“Love you guys! I do man! We did this together!” Chris replies.

Ethan lets out a whoop and jumps on Chris’s back causing the quarterback to laugh. “Hell yeah!” Ethan cheers.

He turns to the stands and lifts a finger in the air, gesturing that they are number one. He looks to his family who cheers and waves.

Ryan lets Chris go as they line up to shake hands with the opposing team. There are some long faces from their opponent as they one by one go down the line and shake hands. Coach Davis of Windham stops and pulls Chris over, an arm draped over his shoulder.

“Hell of a game son, you are a ballplayer! Can’t wait to watch you in college!” he says to him slapping him on the back.

“Thank you sir!” Chris smiles and nods and the coach turns away.

Chris searches the field as the band prepares to play the CH school song. He spots Coach Madison hugging a few players. Chris drops his helmet on the field and runs over to him.

“Coach!” he shouts.

Coach Madison smiles for maybe the fourth time in the season as he turns to Chris. He opens his arms and hugs the quarterback tightly to him.

“You made this possible,” the coach says to him, bracing himself for the wave of emotions he feels.

“No Coach. You did this. You gave me a chance. Thank you, this is you, couldn’t have done any of this without you!”

Coach ruffles Chris’s wet hair as the photographers from the newspapers and TV stations capture the moment.

The band begins to play the first bars of the CH school song and the team lines up. The cheerleaders and dance team run out onto the field, linking arms with the players as they begin to sing and sway. As the team captains, Ryan, Chris and Ethan are lined up at the center of the field.

“Cherryfield High, forever true, we will be to the white and blue,” Ryan sings loudly and off key. Chris tries to keep from laughing as he is aware there are cameras everywhere pointed at them.

“Cherryfield High, all hail to thee!” They finish the lyrics and the drumline begins to play an enthusiastic cadence in celebration.

Chris runs over to the stands. Jo, Kyle and his mom are lined up at the railing.

“Chris! Chris!” Jo screams. She has never been more proud of her big brother. She loves comics and superhero stories but she swears Chris is cooler than any character ever created, even cooler than the X-men.

“Hey guys, what’s new with you?” Chris jokes. Kyle and Jo lean over the rail, hugging him. Their words jumble together in his ears as they speak in a rush congratulating him.

“Thanks ya’ll. I love you too,” he laughs and pulls away. He looks up at his mom. She puts her hands together, bringing her index fingers to her lips as they tremble. Her eyes water and she can’t fight it off. She lets out a happy laugh as she begins to cry tears of joy.

“Mah….” Chris says. She leans down and wraps both her arms around his sweaty neck, not caring as she leans her cheek against his head.

“I’m so proud of you. You have no idea how proud I am of the man you have become Chris,” She says as she cries.

“Mah….” Chris can only say again. He looks feels the hot tears stream down over his cheeks and lifts his arms to hug her back. “All I ever wanted to do was to take care of you and make you proud,” he says in her ear. Around them the band is still playing a medley for the victory.

“I can’t tell you how much I am, there just aren’t words for it,” she says. She straightens up slightly, kissing his forehead. He quickly wipes the tears off his face, flashing a sheepish grin at his family. He nods at them.

“We’ll be here, don’t worry,” his mom says. “Go celebrate!”

Chris’s lips stretch into a full smile as he runs back to the field.

Steps down from the Powell’s, Ryan jumps up and hangs onto the rail, pulling himself up onto the concrete and throwing his legs over.

“There he is!” Lisa exclaims.

“Mama!” Ryan shouts. He bends and hugs her around the legs, lifting her up. She yelps but cackles as he lowers her back down.

“You are a superstar! Do you hear me? You are my son and you are unstoppable!” She says and hits his shoulder before she wraps him up in her arms. “I love you so much!”

“I love you too, Mom,” Ryan says.

“When you were a little boy, I was so worried I wasn’t going to be a good mom, but I see you,” she says stepping back from him, her hands on his shoulders. “I see you and you are so amazing!” She says her voice cracking as she begins to cry.

“Mom,” Ryan says swallowing the lump in his throat. “Mom, don’t,” he takes her hands, looking down at the floor. She pulls them from his grip and takes his head in her hands, kissing the top of his wet hair.

Ryan shuts his eyes, kisses her cheek and then swings himself back down over the rail and drops down before running out onto the field.

“Ethan! Ethan!” His brothers shout. His big sister is standing and waiting for him.

He jogs over, his sister and mother leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. His dad bends down and throws an arm around him.

“Dad,” Ethan smiles.

“Proud of my son, proud of him,” Mr. Clark says. Ethan looks up into his eyes and smiles. His mother, unable to wait for her turn any longer, bends over and hugs him, kissing all over his face.

Ethan laughs and looks up at his sister, who joins his mother in hugging him on the other side.

“Clark!” Alex shouts from the field.

Ethan turns and looks back at him, then hesitantly turns and looks at his family.

“Go on,” his dad nods.

Ethan smiles and runs back to his friends.  They are gathered at the center of the field where a man is walking out with Principal Poole, carrying a very large trophy. Ethan stands with Chris, Ryan and Alex as Coach Madison is presented with the trophy. The entire team cheers.

Ethan looks over to his family in the stands as they clap with the other families. As he watches, he notices a slim figure walking up the steps of the bleachers, pompoms in hand. Morgan in her track suit, follows her parents and Micah up towards the stadium exit. Ethan watches as she disappears from view.

The team roars behind him and he is brought back to the present. He reaches up and touches the base of the trophy as it passed around the group.

A few of the dance team girls and cheerleaders approach the guys to congratulate them.

“I promised you guys the biggest party in the history of Cherryfield and we celebrate tonight boys! My house!” Ryan shouts. There are more cheers. Ethan and Chris exchange glances, grinning like fools.

The moment is interrupted when Chris feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns and any hint of a smile drops from his lips.

“Chris….” Nicole says. She is in her cheerleader uniform, a jacket and track pants underneath her cheer skirt.

“Congratulations, I’m so happy for you. I know this is a dream come true for you,” She says smiling at him sweetly. His face is stoic.

She lifts her arms and reaches out to give him a hug. He steps back, moving away from her embrace.

“Don’t,” he says sternly.

Her own smile fades and she slowly lowers her arms. Chris turns his back and walks to the other side of the field. How very typical of her. He is in the spotlight, the hero of Cherryfield and she chooses now to be the moment she wants to talk to him.

Ryan walks past, lifting his eyebrows at her and chuckles. She looks around uncomfortably wondering if anyone else saw the awkward exchange.

Nicole’s presence jogs Ryan’s own memory and he looks around, searching the members of the dance team that have gathered on the field.

“Where’s Morgan?” he says nudging Ethan, huge smile on his face, as he looks around.

“Gone,” Ethan shakes his head. “I saw her leave a few minutes ago.”

Ryan looks at him and blinks. She didn’t even stay to celebrate with them. He looks to the stands and sees his mom who waves but he sees no sign of the girl he had hoped to get at least one congratulatory hug from. The only girl he really wanted to celebrate with.

“Don’t worry about it,” Ethan says. “We’ve got to get changed and get back to Cherryfield. We have a state championship to celebrate,” Ethan says.

Ryan smiles at him. “We sure the hell do.”


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