Cherryfield High Chapter 15: Merry Christmas, Baby

Disclaimer: The following is a prequel to Choices The Freshman and The Sophomore stories. It is a fictional adaptation. I do not work for Pixelberry Studios, the game developer or own the rights to the characters Chris Powell, Jo, Kyle or Nicole. All of the characters, story line and events were originally developed by me, some areas in part with @maxattack-powell, in conjuction to her adaptation of The Freshman.

Chapter 15: Merry Christmas, Baby

December 23

Ryan walks beside his mother, hands in his coat pockets, shoulders and neck tight with anticipation. He tried to get out of this. He called Chris and attempted to make arrangements to hang out, but on the eve of Christmas Eve, his best friend was working the evening shift at the Lobster Shack, one of the restaurants busiest nights of the year. He had also desperately dialed his red-haired friend’s number. Ethan’s grandparents were in town for the holiday and he dared not ask his mother and father if he could slip out of the house for a few hours to hang with Ryan.

Ryan sighs as he walks up the steps and Lisa looks over at him. “You certainly are a sour date tonight, what’s with you?” She asks.

Snow covers the lawn and the trees, but the sidewalk and steps have been cleared to make way for the guests heading to the house. The wintery night is still but above the home a cloud of smoke lingers over the roof, the smell of a wood burning in the fireplace drifting into the air with it. The curtains are open and the lights inside bright as families mingle within. Strings of Christmas lights line the edge of the porch and swirl around the dulcimers. A wreath with sparkling white lights hangs on the front door and the frame is surrounded by garland, a red ribbon attached to something pinned between it over the center.

Ryan sighs. “It’s nothing Mom, it’s fine,” he says.

“There’s going to be so much food! There is every year, oh, and plenty of that bacon-wrapped shrimp! I thought you’d be excited about that,” She says, lifting her foot to knock it gently into his leg. She grips the wine bottle in her hand tighter and smiles. Ryan keeps his eyes on the pavement in front of him

A week after the Clippers won state, the real world has come back to the members of the team. They had been neck deep in football since two-a-days began in August. Now, as if someone had slammed on the brakes, it was all over. Social obligations and commitments with family returned to all of their lives. Ryan had been so absorbed in the sport he loved and the drama of the last few weeks that he never even stopped to think about this night. Since he was a little boy, every year he attended this very party with his mother.

When Lisa mentioned their attendance earlier in the week, his blood ran cold. The level of awkward this night could reach would certainly rival any of the years of the past.

Ryan and Morgan had barely spoken during the event as kids, their parents forcing them to spend time together watching movies or playing games as the adults drank and shared stories not for young ears in the other room. It was not until high school, when he realized he was attracted to her, that the forced encounters were replaced by his own excitement and returned with glares and snarky replies from her, every time he flirted. That was mostly any time he had spoken to her beginning their freshman year.

Lisa’s reminder that Dr. Price’s office Christmas party would be at his home this weekend felt like a slap right across the face for Ryan. “Can I not go this year? Please?” He had begged her.

“Uh, no. I’m not going by myself. Besides, Karen and Sherry’s families will be there, you’re my family, I need you there,” She said. “It’s not like you’ll be the only teenager there stuck with a bunch of babies. Morgan will be there.”

“Yeah….I know….” He huffed.

“You’re going,” Lisa said.

Earlier that day, she had sent Ryan to get a haircut and also carefully inspected what he chose to wear that evening. He was in black slacks, a pair of brand new black and white sneakers and a long-sleeved navy button down underneath his black wool coat. She was wearing a velvet red dress with a necklace that hung low down to her stomach and shiny, high-heeled, black boots.

This was nothing new. Lisa made a fuss about Ryan being presentable around her co-workers and boss every year. This night, and when they attended church on Easter, were the only times she dictated his attire.

Now, here they were. Ryan felt something in his core. He wasn’t sure if it was butterflies or nausea or both, but he wanted to go back home. They stand on the porch, hearing the laughter and voices from within. Lisa rings the doorbell and waits.

The door swings open and Dr. Price greets his nurse and her son with a smile.

“Lisa! Ryan! Come on in!” He says. He waves his arm out and steps aside, making a show of their entrance.

“Merry Christmas Stephen,” Lisa says. “I brought you all this. Thank you for having us,” She hands him the bottle of merlot.

“Excellent! Thank you so much,” he says hugging her. “I’ll put this on ice now and we can crack it open a little later.” He closes the door behind them. “Ryan! How are you doing?” Dr. Price extends his hand and Ryan shakes it.

“Good sir, how are you?” Ryan says. He glances around as he recalls being in this home, standing in the same spot just about a month ago.

“Great!” Dr. Price smiles. “You guys still on the high from that state championship win?”

Ryan grins. “Don’t think we will ever come down from it.”

Dr. Price laughs and looks around. “Morgan is around here somewhere. Think I saw her heading to the kitchen earlier. Let me get your coats and you guys go mingle, we will eat in just a few minutes.”

He takes Lisa and Ryan’s coats and hangs them on the rack near the door.

Lisa is off without a glance back at her son, hugging the two other ladies from the office. They cackle and paw at the toddlers and children, marveling at how they have grown.

Ryan glances around and says hello to the husbands in attendance. He finds a spot on the end of the sofa and takes a seat. Beside it, a fire crackles in the fireplace, sending out a comforting warmth. He looks around and rubs his palms on his knees before he reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone.

He is just about to check his Instragram when movement from the stairs catches his eyes. Morgan walks down, wearing a short, white dress with lace layers and bell sleeves. Her hair is a cascade of beach waves and as she turns her face, Ryan sees that she’s wearing makeup, something he only has noticed her doing recently for pep rallies and games. She wears knee high suede, beige colored boots. Ryan holds his breath as she walks down.

She looks around the room and when she sees him, they lock eyes. An honest and uncontainable response to his appearance, her eyebrow lifts. His hair is cut and the dark blue button down accents his eyes. She steps down onto the floor and Ryan sits up straight.

“There you are!” Dr. Price says from across the room. “I was looking for you. Ryan and Lisa are here!” Her dad waves her over.

Morgan tucks her lips and then pushes out a smile as Lisa walks over and wraps her up in a hug. “Morgan, my goodness look at you. I swear every week I see you, you are prettier than the last,” Lisa smiles.

“Thank you, you look really pretty, I like your dress,” Morgan replies. She has always been fond of Lisa. As her dad’s nurse, she has spent plenty of time around her since she was an infant.

“Fashion respects fashion,” Lisa says with a hair flip. Morgan giggles.

“My son is-“ Lisa turns and looks at Ryan sitting on the sofa. He is unable to keep eye contact and shifts a little on the cushion. “My son is over there on that daggum phone,” Lisa says. “Ryan, can’t you put it away for two hours? Just once son,” Lisa grumbles.

Ryan sighs and rolls his eyes a bit but tucks the phone back into his pocket.

“Thank you! I swear!” Lisa throws her hands up and Karen turns around. They begin to exchange stories about the hardships of kids and mobile devices these days.

Morgan shifts her weight from one foot to the other as Ryan turns his attention back to her. He gulps. She wants space and time he reminds himself. He had been okay with that. He was giving her what she asked for. There was no chance of anything romantic between them he reminds himself. He had tried and failed and it was over with.

Then he looks back up into her eyes. He’s almost irritated. He was letting it go, letting her go. Now, with her looking nothing short of stunning, he feels anxious all over again.

She waits for him to speak but he says nothing. She exhales and walks between the party guests and to the kitchen. Ryan’s head swivels as he watches her leave and then he sighs loudly, closing his eyes for a moment.


Dinner is served at the massive 12 person table in the Price’s formal dining room. The guests each made a plate with seafood, ham and delicious sides before taking their seats. Morgan pours drinks for everyone, providing water, iced tea, and wine for some of the adults.

She stands next to Ryan with a pitcher of water in one hand, tea in the other. “What would you like to drink?” she asks softly. He looks up from his seat at her standing directly beside him. Her curls tumble forward and he swallows.

“Uh, tea is fine,” he says and blinks. She leans over his shoulder, her hip making contact with his arm as she pours. His pulse quickens and he mentally scolds himself.

“Thanks,” he says looking down at his plate.

“Mm hm,” she says and walks away. She sits the pitchers down. There is one seat left open for her and she knows the adults have intended for the two teenagers to talk during the dinner. She slides out her chair, smoothing her dress behind her as she takes a seat beside Ryan. She scoots her chair in and grabs her fork.

She looks around the table. Karen and Sherry are each tending to their children, making sure they can reach their plates easily with their small hands.

“I just want to say I’m so grateful to have worked another year with the amazing team of you ladies at the office,” Dr. Price says raising his wine glass. The group around the table lifts their glasses. “It’s been another incredible year. Here’s to good friends, good family and good food,” Dr. Price laughs.

“Here, here,” Lisa grins.

Morgan digs into her food, relishing a scoop of mac –n-cheese. The adults begin to talk about some of the crazy incidents they had with patients in the last few days.

As Ryan chews silently, he glances at the young lady to his right. She eats in silence as well.

He thinks to the last time he saw her at school, just before the semester ended. She was in the hallway, hugging her books to her chest and they passed each other with a very brisk “hey” to one another. It had been an eventful day. He had taken his physics final and felt confident he not only passed it, he thought he had aced it. After class he had stopped Tay in the hall outside the door, much to her surprise.

“What’s up?” She asked, her low raspy voice sounding suspicious.

“I um, I wanted to thank you for your help,” he said.

“Ryan, it’s cool, you already thanked me. How do you feel like you did on the test?” she asked, her large warm eyes looking into his eyes expectantly.

“I rocked it,” he grinned. “Which is why I wanted to say thanks.”

“Awesome! That’s really great!” Tay smiled. “I’m glad I could help.”

“Yeah,” he cleared his throat. “I um, I didn’t really know what you liked…other than like motorcycles…and talking shit,” he began fidgeting some.

She let out a little chuckle, shaking her head as she watched him curiously.

“But um, I got you this, just to say thanks. You can use it for whatever. I just, I remembered you had an iPhone. Thought you could use this,” Ryan says. He unzipped the front pouch on his back pack and handed her a $50 iTunes gift card.

Tay’s eyes widened when she saw it. “Wow, Ryan, thank you but…wow, this is a lot,” she said shaking her head, feeling as if she could not accept it.

He pushed it towards her, forcing it into her hands. “You helped me pass so I could play football and we won state this weekend. If I was failing, I wouldn’t have been able to play and would have missed out on my dream. So, it’s really not anything that big when you think about it.” He looked into her eyes.

Her lips parted but Tay found herself speechless.

“Thank you….” She said after quite some time, grasping the card in her hand.

“You uh…have a good Christmas and….maybe over break we can look at the bike some?” Ryan asked.

She nodded silently.

Ryan looked around the hall suddenly and then down at his feet. “So, yeah. I’ll text you or something. Have a good Christmas,” he said.

“You too,” Tay said in almost a whisper.

Before he lingered any longer, Ryan spun on his heels and headed to his next class.

That was just a few days ago and he had decided he would text Tay after Christmas. He was looking forward to working on the bike. At least it was the bike he told himself that he was interested in only.

Now, sitting next to Morgan, there is a strange inner conflict he feels again.

“How have you been?” he asks pushing one of the bacon-wrapped shrimp that Lisa raves about around on his plate.

“I’m doing okay. You?” Morgan says and takes a sip of water, looking down into the glass instead of at him.

“I’m good too,” he nods. “You…you look really pretty,” he says honestly. There is no flirtation, just truth about how he feels in his statement.

“You look nice too,” she says.

He tries to think of something to say but he can’t. He takes a deep breath and focuses in on the conversation of the adults around him as he and Morgan continue to eat their meal, a thousand unspoken words in both of their minds.


“I’ve got the dishes Mom,” Morgan says as she helps her mother clear the table.

“Morgan, it’s okay, I don’t mind,” Mrs. Price says.

“No, no, you go ahead and visit. I got it,” Morgan says shooing her away. The truth is she would rather be in the kitchen than in the living room. Dinner had been so awkward. She had not known what to say to Ryan so she sat and quietly and ate her meal.

“Okay, but use my apron. Don’t want to ruin that beautiful dress of yours,” Mrs. Price says heading towards the living room. Ryan exits the guest bathroom near the dining room and stands in the door way. Mrs. Price gives him a smile as she passes him and he looks at Morgan. She bites into her lip and grabs a plate with leftover cranberry sauce on it and heads to the kitchen.

He sits it next to the sink and grabs her mom’s apron from the counter before she rolls up the sleeves on her dress. She fastens the apron around herself and turns to head towards the dining room again but she freezes. Ryan walks in holding two plates in his hands.

“Thought I’d help,” he says looking at her.

“Oh….Okay, thanks…” She says and the awkwardness is back. She does not understand it. Why has this been so difficult tonight?

She turns her back to him and runs water into the sink and adds soap. Ryan approaches, standing at her side and puts the plates down on the counter.

She grabs the scrub brush and watches the water running from the faucet as she waits. She knows he is looking at her.

“Morgan….” He begins.

Hesitantly, she looks at him. Her grey eyes dance a minute before meeting his blue.

“I don’t want it to be weird between us,” Ryan says.

“Me either,” she nods quickly, exhaling.

“So, why has it been?” He frowns.

She lets out a small laugh. “I don’t know. I was wondering the same thing a minute ago.”

“Look, I know that we had a moment or something when I was here that day…and I felt closer to you then…I want you to know…feelings aside, no matter what, we are friends, okay?” he says earnestly.

She blinks and looks at him. “Yeah, you’re right. It…just got kind of intense that day and then…afterwards, I wasn’t sure…what…what all that meant. Plus all the stuff going on between you guys. I just, I felt bad and like I was just causing drama and I wanted to steer clear. I’m sorry I just didn’t tell you that.”

He nods. “It’s okay. Just know that I’m always going to be a friend to you. You don’t have to be all alone Morgan.”

“I just…I didn’t know what all I was feeling. Then Melody that day…” she says softly and turns her attention to a plate.

“I know and I get it. You’ve had stuff going on with me and then…with Chris…” he trails off. “I know you guys aren’t cool and hell, maybe you never will be ever again, but…don’t let you and Chris not talking stop you from talking to the rest of us. Ethan cares about you too. You are our friend Morgan, I need for you to understand that.”

She looks down and nods slowly. “I know we might not talk every day anymore or…hang out…but I do want us to be able to be cool around each other Ryan. At least me, you, Ethan and Alex. I don’t want to feel like I have to avoid you guys anymore.”

“Me either,” Ryan says. “I looked for you after state. Ethan said you had already gone. It just…I don’t know it didn’t feel right not having you there to celebrate with us. You didn’t come to my party. It…it just felt like this hole was in everything. I know why you didn’t but…still, it would have been nice to have you there. You were at every party and big win we’ve had since sophomore year and then all of a sudden you weren’t.”

“I know….” she trails off. “I…honestly, I wanted to be there but….I still can’t be around him right now. Class is hard enough. If I don’t have to be then I don’t want to be, you know?” She looks at him.

“I do….I’m still sorry all of this is jacked up, but, maybe one day it’ll all be okay again.”

Morgan doesn’t envision that ever happening but keeps the thought to herself.

“If you need someone to talk to, just call me or text or…send an owl like in Harry Potter,” Ryan smirks.

She lifts her eyes to him. “I’ve always wanted to do that actually,” she laughs.

“Right? How cool would that be? Like, ‘You can text me if you want but, I’ve got this owl here and I’m gonna hit you up with this nocturnal bird of prey,’” Ryan raises his eyebrows.

Morgan starts to laugh and looks over and turns the water off. When she looks back at Ryan she is smiling brightly.

“Yes!” he says and fist pumps.

“What?” she frowns slightly.

“Made you laugh,” He winks. He reaches for a plate and sits it down into the soapy water, then grabs another.

Morgan watches him, smiling broadly.


When Ryan returns to the living room, his mother has a glass of champagne in her hand and is giggling uncontrollably. Karen and Sherry’s families have begun to get their coats and head out the door. Ryan takes this, and his mother’s apparent state, as a sign it’s time for them to go too.

“Mom,” Ryan says, smirking at her.

“There he is! My good looking kid! I made a pretty baby! Isn’t he a good looking kid?” Lisa asks Mrs. Price.

“Yes, very handsome,” Mrs. Price nods.

Morgan steps into the living room. She looks at Lisa’s glazed eyes and sideways smile and lets out a small laugh.

“Mom, I think it’s time to get going,” Ryan says.

“Ah…boo,” she looks around and realizes they are the only ones left as Dr. Price sees the other families out the door. “Yeah, guess you’re right. Don’t want to be that person.”

Lisa rises to her feet but sways slightly. Ryan jumps into place at her side. “How many glasses of wine and champagne did you have?” he asks as he holds her arm and she leans against him.

“A lot,” she grins. “Heh.”

Morgan covers her mouth.

Dr. Price walks back into the room. “Lisa, you okay?”

“I’m great!” She sings.

Ryan chuckles and shakes his head. “I think we’re going to head out Dr. Price. Thank you for a great meal and nice evening. Everything was great,” Ryan says, propping his mother up against him.

“Glad you could make it, um, is she…?” Dr. Price watches Lisa.

“I’m going to drive,” Ryan says to him. Dr. Price nods.

“That appears to be a good idea.”

“I’ll get your coats,” Morgan says. She retrieves them from the rack and brings them over. She first helps Lisa into hers as Ryan holds on to his mom. She gently helps Ryan ease into his as he keeps a protective arm around his mother.

Ryan helps Lisa to the door and Morgan opens it for them.

“Merry Christmas everyone!” Lisa says and gives a grand wave.

“Good night, Lisa, Ryan, be safe,” Dr. Price says.

“Merry Christmas,” Lisa repeats. As Ryan helps her over the threshold, he looks at Morgan.

“Hey, I’ll be right back,” he says.

“Okay,” she laughs a little.

“We wish you a merry Christmas, weeeeee wish you a merry Christmas!” Lisa is singing as Ryan helps her down the steps and towards her car. He gets the keys out of her pocket, unlocks the door with the remote and helps her inside. He straps the seatbelt over her, clicking it into place. She rests her head back on the seat and the words to the song drift off as she takes a deep breath, her eyes closing slightly.

Ryan closes the car door and jogs back up the steps and stands on the porch, Morgan in the doorway.

“She had a little too much Christmas cheer, that’s all,” Ryan explains.

“It’s okay, your mom is awesome,” Morgan smiles. “Glad she had a good time.”

“Yeah, me too. We both did, thank you,” he nods. “This might be the first one of these I leave not feeling like an idiot.”

Morgan laughs. “Well, let’s be honest. In the past-“

“Nope, nope, not discussing it,” he cuts off and waves his hands.

Morgan laughs again and looks at him. “Well, goodnight. Enjoy Christmas break and I’ll see you back at school,” she nods.

“You too, Merry Christmas Morgan,” he smiles and turns to leave.

Morgan would look back on that very moment years later and still not comprehend what made her do it. She closes the door to the home and steps out on the porch. As he turns to walk away, she calls his name. She thinks back to the last time he was at her home, the comfort he gave her. The way he made her laugh earlier that night and seemed genuinely happy with himself that he did so. She smirks some as she thinks about it.

“Ryan,” She says. He turns back around.

She clears her throat and points up. Over the door, pinned between the garland  under the red ribbon is a piece of mistletoe. Ryan tilts his head as he tries to figure out what it is, then it hits him. His eyes dart back to hers.

“It is Christmas….” She gives a small shrug and takes a deep breath. She steps close to him, putting her hands on both of his shoulders, turning him to face her directly. His eyes widen but begin to close as she leans in. She presses a kiss against his lips, the soft flesh capturing his top lip between hers and lingering for a moment.

“Merry Christmas, Ryan,” she says in a whisper against his mouth and pulls back to look into his eyes.

He blinks rapidly and his mouth falls open. She smiles as she turns quickly and opens the door to the house. She waves her fingers shyly before she closes the door.

He does not know how long he stands there collecting himself, but his mind feels like a carnival ride, moving in every direction as it tries to process what his body just felt.

Finally he gulps in a breath of air and looks at the closed door. A smile stretches across his face and he turns, jogging down the steps to the car. He licks his lips reminding himself of her.

When he opens the car door, Lisa, through half shut eyes lulls her head towards him.

“Ow Morgan, mm, mm, mm, kissy, kissy,” She says inebriated and puckering her lips making smacking noises. Ryan smirks and shakes his head. “Did you just kiss Morgan Price?” She asks and yawns.

He starts the car and backs out of the driveway. Her eyes are shut and she is already drifting to sleep by the time he responds. “Nope,” he says with a smile. “She kissed me.”


December 24

The Price family is gathered in the living room, all wearing their pajamas and drinking hot chocolate. It is their holiday tradition on Christmas Eve to open one small gift, drink the cocoa and watch a series of Christmas movies back to back before they can no longer keep their eyes open.

Morgan is on the love seat, in red and green short pajamas with thick, knee high holiday socks. She sips from her cup as Ralphy pulverizes the school bully. Micah laughs and she giggles.

A ring of the doorbell interrupts their evening.

They all exchange glances. On the sofa, Mrs. Price is leaned against Dr. Price, his arm around her. They frown.

“Were you expecting anyone?” she asks him.

“Nope, not tonight,” he says.

“I’ll get it,” Morgan says. She stands up and steps over her brother who is sprawled out on the floor with blankets and pillows.

She moves to the door and looks through the peephole,  but sees no one there. She frowns and hesitates a bit but she unlocks the door, cracking it open just barely to peer outside. When she does, there is a tiny box, badly wrapped in shiny silver paper with a glittery white bow on top. She opens the door and grabs the box, looking around but seeing no one in the darkness.

She takes the box inside, locking the door and returns to the living room.

“Someone left a gift?” Mrs. Price says looking at her daughter.

“Yeah,” she looks at the tag on it, and scrawled there is Morgan.

“Is it for me?” Micah asks.

She shakes her head no. “For me,” she says softly as she frowns.

“Aw man,” Micah says instantly disinterested and returning his focus to the TV.

“Was there anyone at the door?” Dr. Price asks. Morgan shakes her head no silently.

“Well sweetheart, maybe you should open it,” Mrs. Price says.

Morgan sits back down on the love seat and places the gift on her lap. She pulls the paper off and reveals a white box. She takes the top off and surrounded by cotton padding is a snow globe. Her mouth falls open and she gasps slightly as she lifts it up.

“What is it?” Micah asks looking over at her.

Morgan holds it up, the glitter floating inside shimmers in the light. Inside is a replica of the Archibald-Adams House, one of the oldest historic homes in Cherryfield. On the base of the globe the name of the house is imprinted on a small golden scroll above the words “Cherryfield Historic Society.”

Morgan stops breathing.

“A snow globe?” Mrs. Price asks. She and her husband rise to their feet and walk over to their daughter. Mrs. Price takes the globe from her hands.  “Oh! It’s that old house you love so much!”

“That’s a fitting gift for you, who’s it from?” Dr. Price asks.

Morgan knows already but looks down into the box. A note on a small post it is at the bottom.  She lifts it up and reads it silently.

Before people have their dream home, they normally have a starter home. Here’s something to get you started on your dream. I’m sorry Morgan.

She reads it and exhales. She lets out a gasp and she feels tears welling up inside her. Damn him, she thinks to herself. She feels tightness around her heart and she blinks and swallows. She runs a hand over her face.

“Sweetie, do you know who it’s from?” Dr. Price asks.

Morgan nods slowly, her parents not understanding the emotion they can tell she is wrestling with.

She stands up suddenly and rushes towards the front of the house. She pulls back the curtain of the window next to the door. As she does, she sees headlights illuminate their neighborhood as the red jeep parked on the other side of the street pulls away.


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