Cherryfield High Chapter 22 (Part 1): Always In My Heart

Disclaimer: The following is a prequel to Choices The Freshman and The Sophomore stories. It is a fictional adaptation. I do not work for Pixelberry Studios, the game developer or own the rights to the characters Chris Powell, Jo, Kyle or Nicole. All of the characters, story line and events were originally developed by me, some areas in part with @maxattack-powell, in conjuction to her adaptation of The Freshman.

Chapter 22: Always in My Heart (Part 1)

Chris stands in front of the mirror, adjusts his tie one more time and then checks the gel he has placed in his freshly cut hair. His face is clean shaven, waiting until he showered to remove any traces of stubble from his jawline. Inspecting himself, he deems his look acceptable for the night.

“You look like a Disney prince,” Jo says from behind him.

He steps aside and his sister’s reflection appears in the mirror with his own. She is leaning against the doorway of the bathroom, arms folded across her chest, squinting slightly as she assesses her brother’s attire.

“What? A Disney prince?” Chris laughs incredulously.

“Yeah, like Eric from the Little Mermaid,” Jo nods, pushing her lips out as she does.

“I guess from you that’s a compliment?” Chris asks and turns around to face her.

She looks over the black tuxedo he is wearing. Chris’s tux is accented by satin black lapels. He selected a black vest to wear underneath. A solid black, satin tie is tucked into the vest. He decided to add a white handkerchief to the pocket for added sophistication. His tuxedo and shiny black shoes were all rented from Willey Formal Alterations in Ellsworth, almost a 40 minute drive away. It was the nearest spot for Cherryfield seniors to rent tuxedos every year for prom. Chris, Ethan and Ryan made the trek to Willey’s together two weeks ago to get ready for the big night.

“Geez, how much cologne did you put on?” Jo slightly winces as Chris steps past her and out into the hall.

“Just enough,” Chris retorts heading to his room.

He retrieves his phone from his bed and glances at it. Ethan has sent a text. On our way it reads. Ethan was headed first to pick up his date, Maya, then to Chris’s house to get him before heading to the Cherryfield Academy Community Center where prom would be held. The modified version of their trio will spend a portion of their evening together at the center, Chris already electing to part ways as soon as the dance is over.

He does not want to infringe on Ethan’s night, feeling like a third wheel for even riding with them there. Chris and Ryan were both surprised when Ethan said Maya had asked him to prom, but neither was floored by it. Really, when they thought about it, it all made sense. Despite her on again/off again flings with Ryan, she always had a tendency to linger near Ethan.

Ryan’s night would be sans his two best friends for the majority of the evening. He had promised Morgan prom was their night and he was willing to keep his word. He waited a few days after asking her to broach the idea to Chris.

“So…about prom,” Ryan began as he and Chris stretched on the racing track before the start of practice.

“Yeah?” Chris looked over at him, reaching forward and grasping both his feet to stretch his legs. “Are you about to ask me to go with you?” Chris grinned.

“You wish,” Ryan retorted.

“Always the bridesmaid….” Chris sighed. “But what’s up?”

“I um,” Ryan cleared his throat. “I asked Morgan.”

Chris’s eyebrows lifted, taken aback by Ryan’s statement but he quickly nodded. “Oh, cool,” he stammered slightly. “Well okay. That’s good, you know, that you two are going together then, right?”

“Yeah,” Ryan nodded and exhaled. He opened his mouth, his tongue flicking about as he tried to find the words. He bent his leg, tucking his heel behind him as he continued to stretch, closing his mouth as he thought up the words to say.

“You excited?” Chris asked seeing the hesitation in Ryan and knowing there was more to the conversation than what he had currently presented.

“I am,” Ryan nodded. “I really am. It’s just uh…” He looked up at Chris and frowned. This was harder than he anticipated. When he told Morgan he would talk to Chris, he didn’t blanch at all at the idea of telling him she wanted to spend the evening with Ryan away from him. Now Ryan was worried anything he said would offend Chris. This was his best friend and they did everything together. Prom was supposed to be one of their last big adventures as high school students.

“Is it Morgan?” Chris asked stopping his stretching routine and sitting up to look at Ryan. He brought his knees towards his chest, resting his elbows on them as he looked over at his friend.

Ryan nodded again slowly. “With us going together and with everything that went down, you know, I want her to have the best night she could possibly have and…she’s a little worried about things feeling weird and awkward if you are with us,” Ryan admitted. “Look, Chris you know you’re my brother man and-“

Chris put his hand up, shaking his head. “It’s cool. I get it. I don’t want to make things weird for her or you.”

“I just don’t want you thinking that I’m like ditching you for her or something. I…well shit, I guess I am, huh?” Ryan lifted his brows and looked at Chris. Slowly a smile crept onto Chris’s lips and Ryan followed suit. They both began to chuckle.

“That’s exactly what you are doing,” Chris laughed. “My feelings are destroyed, there’s no chance for us to be friends again after this. I’m crushed. How dare you!” He said emphasizing his sarcasm. Ryan laughed.

“I’m sorry dude. Really, when I asked her…I wasn’t thinking about…a lot of things,” Ryan paused and licked his lips. He stared out over the field where the hurdlers are grabbing their equipment to setup. He thought of Tay and her reaction to the news he would be taking Morgan. His heart hurt each time he thought of her tear stained face. He feels a tightness in his chest and lets out a deep sigh.

“Ryan it’s cool,” Chris nods. “Seriously, don’t sweat it.”

“Yeah?” Ryan looked at him in partial disbelief.

“I mean it. Look, I get where she’s coming from and I want her to be happy too. She’s been through a lot this year because of me. I probably wouldn’t want to be around me either if I was her. You’ve liked her for a long time. I know you really want to take her.”

Ryan shrugs.

“Don’t downplay it. You like Morgan. I was the one who crossed the line and if I had realized back then…well, obviously I wouldn’t have gone there. You are my best friend and she’s sweet and you both should have the best night,” Chris said honestly.

Ryan reached out and grabbed Chris’s shoulder, shaking him slightly as he squeezed it. “Thanks.”

“So, what does this mean for you guys? Is it just prom or… are you guys like getting together finally?” Chris asked cautiously.

Ryan honestly did not know the answer to Chris’s question. “We’ll see I guess. But…if I do start seeing Morgan is that…gonna be weird for you?”

Chris stared back at Ryan, taking a deep breath. “If you guys get together, will it be like prom?” he frowns as he poses the question.

Ryan shakes his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Well, she doesn’t want to be around me so…what would that mean?” Chris hesitates before continuing.  “Would you be around less or would I miss out on doing stuff with you and Ethan…or whatever?” His frown deepens and he stares down at the track.

Ryan stares at Chris silently.

“I’m not saying I don’t want you or Morgan to be happy,” Chris lifts his eyes to him. “I do. Like I said, you both deserve it and…honestly, I think you’d be good together under different circumstances. It’s just…am I going to keep paying for what I did by losing my friendship with you?”

Ryan realizes the scope of Chris’s word and gulps.

“I know I screwed up big. I’m never going to forget that, but if I had any idea I would lose my friend over my bad decision….” Chris falls quiet.

Ryan feels overwhelmed. Suddenly a heavy weight is on his shoulders.  “Of course that’s not what I want at all. There’s…there’s no way that can happen and…I’m not going to let anything get in the way of our friendship…” Ryan says.

Ryan exhaled as he contemplated a future with Morgan. Could there ever be one? He was the only person at school that new she was headed for bright lights and the big city. As much as Ryan wanted their prom date to lead to more, he realizes that fate may not be on their side. He didn’t know if he could sacrifice one person who meant everything to his life for another.

“Brothers for life,” Ryan looked at Chris and nodded. Chris lifted his head and nodded in return before Ryan climbed to his feet, holding a hand out to help Chris up.

That was three weeks prior and now Chris is ready to attend the event with just one of his best friends at his side.

When Ryan explained everything to Ethan one day after school, that he was taking Morgan to prom and it would be in her best interest to spend time away from their crew, Ethan said nothing:  absolutely nothing. It was ultimately Ryan’s decision and he had made his choice. Still, that did not mean Ethan approved. He understood Morgan’s position and could see it from Chris’s viewpoint as well. However for Ethan, Ryan’s announcement seemed to forebode more drama ahead.

Chris still saw Morgan every day at school in Mrs. McWhorter’s class and they continued to be polite to one another. She had forgiven him but he had to accept that even with that forgiveness the vibe between them was still a bit strained. Prom never came up and their conversations in English Lit were limited to greetings and discussion about class assignments.

Chris slides his phone into his pocket, grabs his wallet off his dresser before sliding it into his back pocket and heading back into the hallway towards the living room. Jo follows closely at his heels.

“Double-oh-seven Chris Powell! James Bond eat your heart out!” Mrs. Powell says, clapping her hands as Chris appears in the living room.

“I think he has on too much cologne,” Jo says stepping around him and taking a seat on the sofa next to Kyle.

Chris rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless.

“You look absolutely dashing,” Mrs. Powell puts her hands on her hips and smiles proudly at her handsome son.

“Thanks, Mah,” he grins.

“Chris is GQ!” Kyle smiled.

Chris chuckled waving his hands. “Alright, alright stop, or else my head is going to be so big I won’t be able to get through the door.”

The sound of a vehicle pulling into the driveway of the Powell home catches their attention as headlights swing across the front of the house and send a bright light through the front window. The illumination suddenly disappears and Chris notes the sound of two doors opening and closing before the doorbell rings.

He opens the front door and Ethan is standing on the other side in a traditional tux, tiny yellow flowers surrounding the red rose of the boutonniere pinned to his lapel. His deep red hair is tamed by gel as well. Jo stands up from her spot on the sofa, shuffling over discretely to peer around Chris at his friend. At Ethan’s side is Maya. Her thick, black hair is straightened with large loose curls on the end and swirled to the side over one shoulder. Her red and gold sequined halter gown has a keyhole opening, revealing her cleavage and a high leg slit. Red heels are on her feet and a rose corsage on her wrist.

“You look beautiful,” Chris compliments.

“Aw, thank you,” Ethan grins.

Chris reaches out and playfully punches at his stomach, Ethan dodging it with a laugh.

“Thanks Chris,” Maya laughs. “You shine up pretty good yourself!”

“Thank you, thank you!”

“Ethan! Maya! Come in, I want to get pictures with you all!” Mrs. Powell says and Chris groans.


“Hush, Christopher! You have five minutes to take some photos!” She says and ushers them all into the house. “Maya you are as pretty as a picture! And Ethan…don’t you just look so very handsome!”

“Thank you Mrs. Powell,” Ethan says blushing some.

“Thank you ma’am,” Maya nods.

“I’m going to go get the camera, I’ll be right back!” Mrs. Powell says and scurries away. She heads to the kitchen to rummage through a few drawers.

Ethan glances over at Jo who is still standing in front of the sofa and Kyle who is seated next to her.

“Jo, Kyle, how are you guys?” he smiles.

“Oh, um, hi Ethan,” Jo says with eyes wide, mouth agape. She then glances over at Maya who smiles brightly at her. Jo’s eyes narrow and her face contorts into a scowl.

“Hi,” Maya smiles at her.

Jo blinks silently.

Maya looks over at Ethan and fights off a grin. Ethan frowns,  not understanding Chris’s youngest sibling’s intimidation tactic on the high school senior.

“Okay all three of you together,” Mrs. Powell says entering the room in a hurry, holding a small silver camera.

Chris gives his two friends an apologetic grimace as Maya stands between him and Ethan, all smiling as Mrs. Powell takes several photos.

“Okay Chris, a few by yourself,” Mrs. Powell says waving him towards a spot near their family portrait on the wall. Chris shoves his hands in his pockets and smiles for a few quick snaps, the flash of the camera causing him to see blue dots.

“Mah, really, that’s enough. I’m seeing blue dots,” he laughs.

“Okay, fine,” Mrs. Powell huffs. “It’s just so hard to believe you are all seniors and going to graduate soon. This house and this town won’t be the same. You’re all my boys. Is Ryan going to meet you all there?” She asks looking from Chris to Ethan.

Ethan stares at Chris whose smile dips slightly, and then looks at Mrs. Powell giving her a quick grin. “Yes ma’am, we will see him there.”


Ryan opens the door of his mother’s car, giving her his hand to help her out of the vehicle. She reaches inside and grabs the Nikon camera that was a gift to her son. He has loaned it to her for this occasion.

Lisa steadies herself and closes the door, walking at her son’s side up the sidewalk towards the Price’s home. Ryan holds a clear plastic container in one hand, a delicate corsage resting inside of it. He is careful not to jostle the container too much, not wanting to disturb the gently pinned flowers inside before he has a chance to place it on Morgan’s wrist.

“You sure I’m not cramping your style?” Lisa asks as they walk up the steps of the front porch.

“No, it’s cool. It’s easier this way. We don’t have to come back to the house…we can just keep going to the center,” Ryan says. He drove to Morgan’s in his Bronco, Lisa following in her car. The two families would unite to see Morgan and Ryan off on prom night after gathering briefly to share in the picture taking moments.

Ryan reaches up, pulling at the collar of his shirt around his neck. He adjusts his tie again, though it has not moved.

“I can’t wait to see her dress,” Lisa reaches over and gently pats Ryan’s arm. He looks down at her hand and then up at her. “You nervous?” she asks with a smirk.

“Nervous? Nah, not at all. What’s there to be nervous about?” he says rolling his shoulders and working his neck. He takes a deep breath as he stares at the front door.

Lisa smiles and keeps the laugh she wants to let out to herself. “Hey,” she says and Ryan looks at her. “You’re a gentleman and a sweetheart and she’s a lucky girl to be your date tonight. You seriously look like a movie star and I’m not saying that just because you were blessed enough to be my son,” she winks.

Ryan chuckles and sighs, nodding his head. “Thanks Mom…”

“Ryan?” she questions sweetly.


“Are you going to ring the doorbell or knock or do you want them to sense our auras out her?” Lisa cocks an eyebrow with an amused smile.

“Shit,” Ryan fumbles and reaches out and presses the doorbell. They hear it chime from within the house. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. Just breathe son,” Lisa says rubbing his back.

There is a rustling behind the door and Micah cracks it open, poking his head out to look at Ryan and his mother.

“Hi,” he says, opening the door wide and stepping to the side to let them in. “Morgan’s still upstairs. It’s taking her like five years or something to get ready,” he scrunches his nose.

Ryan laughs a little as he lets Lisa cross the threshold first, and then follows her inside. Micah closes the door behind him.

“Hey man, you been working on those quick feet of yours?” Ryan asks the 9-year-old.

“Putting in major work,” Micah nods proudly. “I’ve got to work on these gains next,” he says and flexes a bicep for Ryan, pulling his shirt sleeve up.

Ryan bites into his lip and smiles. “Check you out!” he whistles. “Cherryfield is going to win three state championships when you are on varsity!”

“You think?” Micah asks happily.

“I know,” Ryan holds up a fist and bumps it to Micah’s.

“All he talks about lately is playing football,” Dr. Price says as Ryan and Lisa walk into the living room. Every light in the room is on, from the floor and table lamps to the ceiling fan light overhead in preparation for the photos the teenagers will take.

“Reminds me of someone else when he was that age,” Lisa says hugging Stephen and stepping aside.

“Dr. Price, sir,” Ryan says extending his hand and shaking it with the father of his date.

“Ryan,” Dr. Price smirks and looks over at Lisa. When Morgan announced one night at dinner that she would be going to prom with Ryan Hawkins and needed to make arrangements for a free weekend with the agency in NYC, Stephen and Trish were both surprised. Lisa had worked as a nurse for Dr. Price since both Ryan and Morgan were barely even 18 months old. Stephen thought of Lisa and Ryan like family. He had been sure something had been developing with Chris Powell and his daughter and then suddenly, the mention of Ryan. His daughter had spent time with Ryan at countless holiday and office parties, but he never thought there was any romantic interest between them. Most of the time Morgan seemed annoyed or irritated with the prospect of even being around him, Trish having to reprimand her and tell her to be nice to all of their guests.

“Dr. Price…” Ryan begins. “I wanted to thank you for…allowing Morgan to stay out tonight,” he looks at Lisa and licks his suddenly dry lips. “I just want to say that I absolutely respect Morgan and I want you to know that I would never do anything that wasn’t…well appropriate with her,” he nods and gulps.

Lisa lifts her eyebrows but nods appreciatively at Ryan. He is being respectful of not just Morgan but Dr. Price. Ryan had called to speak to Dr. Price one day directly at the office, relaying his intentions for prom with Morgan. He wanted her father’s blessing before he made any other plans for their evening.

“Well, we trust Morgan to make good choices and she’s never let us down,” Dr. Price says. “But I appreciate you for saying that Ryan, you know, man to man,” he nods.

“Yes sir,” Ryan smiles some.

There is a brief raucous from upstairs and Trish hurries down, her fingertips pressed over her mouth.

“She’s ready,” she giggles. She rushes towards Lisa and the two women embrace.

“Our kiddos!” Lisa says to Trish and they grasp hands and bounce on their toes together. “When Ryan said he was taking Morgan I about lost it!”

“I know! Me too! Isn’t it perfect? It’s perfect!” Trish squeals.

Ryan, Dr. Price and Micah stare at them in wonder.

“Okay then,” Dr. Price says with a slow exhale. “Um, Morgan? Ryan’s here sweetie!” He says stepping to the base of the stairs and calling up.

Lisa lets go of Trish and takes the camera off of her shoulder, powering it on.

Ryan stands in the living room, staring at the top of the staircase for what feels like an eternity before Morgan appears.

He hears nothing. He holds his breath. His body is still when she appears. Time stops for him.

She is already looking his way as she carefully walks down each step, her hand on the banister.

Morgan’s dress is something right out of old Hollywood. The off-shoulder, trumpet dress is a dusty rose in color. The top is lace and embellished with beads and sequins, the dainty, short sleeves wrap around her upper arms. The bottom of the dress is chiffon, with a stretch of lace sewn into the back. A thin necklace with a solitaire diamond and diamond stud earrings, all her mother’s, adorn her neck and ears.

Her hair is in braided updo, spiraled tendrils framing her face. She borrowed the makeup she is wearing from one of the artists in New York City who had begun to help her cultivate her look and test colors. The dress was also her suggestion and had been imported from the big city.

Ryan’s mouth falls slightly open.

Trish grins broadly, looking over at the stunned young man staring up at the vision that is her daughter.

Ryan is not the only one gawking. He is wearing a navy blue and black tuxedo, the jacket and pants in the dark blue, the lapels in black along with the vest and tie he wears underneath. His hair is neatly cut, still a bit wild on top, but the sides and edges cropped closely. With an appraising glance, Morgan lets out a breath.

She makes it to the bottom of the stairs and Ryan steps forward standing directly in front of her. She meets his eyes with a bashful smile.

“Morgan….” He breathes out. “You…are gorgeous,” he says softly to her. It is the most sincere and honest statement he has ever spoken.

She blushes and looks down. “You um…you look really handsome,” she nods, lifting her eyes back to him and biting slightly at her lip. They give each other a nervous laugh, smiling as they eye each other.

“Oh, the boutonniere!” Trish exclaims startling them both. Ryan and Morgan reluctantly look away from one another and at her mother. “I’ll grab it from the fridge, just a second!”

“Morgan you already look like strutted right off of a runway,” Lisa says. “Your sense of fashion is as good as your taste in prom dates!”

Morgan’s eyes shift back to Ryan who is staring at her with a coy smile. “Thank you,” she replies, still looking into his eyes.

Trish returns with a plastic container similar to the one Ryan is holding and hands it to Morgan. She opens it, pulling out a pale pink and yellow carnival glass rose, trimmed with baby’s breath. Morgan removes the pearl tipped boutonniere pin and glances back at Ryan.

“I’ll try not to stab you,” she says with a light laugh.

“There was a time you probably would have,” he says under his breath so just she can hear. She laughs and Lisa and Trish raise their cameras to their faces, snapping away as Morgan pins the boutonniere onto Ryan’s lapel.

“This is for you,” Ryan says opening the clear container. He grabs the corsage and Stephen walks over and takes the container from him. Lisa and Trish continue to snap dozens of pictures as Morgan extenders her wrist, their gaze never leaving each other as Ryan slides the pink rose arrangement gently onto her arm. Morgan looks down at it.

“It’s beautiful,” Morgan smiles from ear to ear.

“I’m glad you like it,” he says. Ryan doesn’t let go of Morgan’s wrist, instead, he holds it and her hand between his for a lingering minute.

Lisa moves around, Morgan and Ryan oblivious to the clicking camera, crouching and bending to get a few shots of them together. She looks through the viewfinder and then slowly rises to a fully standing position. Her focus is on her son and the look in his eyes. Lisa has seen her son ogle his fair share of girls, but she has never seen his eyes gooey with infatuation. He is utterly smitten.

A few days after Morgan had accepted his invitation to prom and she confirmed she could have the weekend off, Ryan approached his mother with a few questions about romancing the female heart.

“I want to make it extra special for her,” Ryan said, sitting on a stool at the bar in the kitchen. Lisa had finally stopped cheering and doing her version of The Hawk Dance in celebration of her son’s date with a nice young girl.

“Okay, well…what does she like?” Lisa asked.

“Uh…” Ryan scratched at the back of his head. “Flamin’ Hot Cheetos….” He grimaced and shrugged.

“You gotta give me more than that child,” Lisa replied, folding her arms across her chest.

“That’s the thing…like, I don’t really know. I mean…I know she loves dance and I know she loves to laugh and have fun but…I don’t really know specifics, Mom. I mean, this is my first date with Morgan…shit, it’s my first real date with anybody!” Ryan suddenly exclaimed at the realization.

“Erm, not exactly breaking news here but you’ve been out with dozens of girls Ryan,” Lisa cocked an eyebrow.

“I know, but…none of them were like real planned dates. It was like hanging out or something. I’ve never sat and had to plan out how the night was going to go,” Ryan said running a hand over his hair and face and groaning.

Lisa shook her head. “You are stressing way to much about this. I gotta ask, if Morgan wasn’t going all Christie Brinkley on us, would you be putting this much thought into it?”

“Of course I still would,” Ryan frowned as he looked back at his mother, glaring slightly. “This has nothing to do with that. Morgan is…still Morgan to me and…that’s something special.”

“Okay, okay, just checking, don’t jump my ass,” Lisa put her hands up. Ryan stared at the bar, his forehead creased as he seemed to sink into an abyss of worrisome thoughts.

“Look, I’ll help you plan it out, okay?” Lisa said leaning onto the bar with her elbows. “But, this better not be some elaborate seduction plan you are trying to dream up! Because that’s Stephen’s daughter and I’ve known her since-“

“Mom! It’s not!” Ryan shook his head. “That’s not what this is about. I already promised Morgan that’s not what I’m after. I just…I really want to make it a night she will never forget…” he said trailing off.

Lisa had kept her word and helped her son. Now, she saw it. She saw why this meant so much to him just from the longing in his eyes.

“Right here in front of the stairs is perfect!” Trish beams and Lisa looks over at her. “Ryan stands next to Morgan!” Trish waves her hands, gesturing for him to move closer.

Ryan takes his place at Morgan’s side, sliding an arm around her waist. Morgan’s gray eyes are affixed to every detail of Ryan’s face as they smile back at each other. She reaches out and he takes her hand in his before they turn and smile at both the camera’s their mothers are holding.

“Okay one last one,” Trish says. “Cheese!”

Ryan and Morgan laugh. “Cheese!”

Lisa lowers her camera and looks at the digital image of her last capture. Morgan and Ryan are laughing and looking at each other. “Perfect…” she says with a sigh.


Ethan and Maya enter the Cherryfield Academy Community Center ahead of Chris, inventoring the decorations and the group of students mingling and dancing in the dimly lit room. A DJ is on the stage at the front of the room, his speakers turned out towards the congregate of Cherryfield High students.

“Wow, they went all out this year,” Maya says, leaning into Ethan, speaking into his ear over the music.

This year’s prom theme is Under the Sea and the center is decorated in a full palette of blues, with nautical and sea décor. Blue lights are suspended from the ceiling, making the wooden floor glow with an aquatic silhouette. There are treasure chests and glittering sea horses and blue drapery swirled along the walls.

“Student council did a good job,” Ethan nods. He smiles at Maya whose feline eyes skim over his tuxedo in the blue light and gives him a smirk. “Do you want something to drink? I can get us some punch?” he offers.

“That would be great,” she nods at him.

After briefly talking to one of the assistant football coaches who was monitoring the door, Chris steps into the room alone. His presence is detected instantaneously by droves of girls who came stag or made prom a girl’s night. The handsome quarterback is also noticed by someone who once held his heart.

Chris is at ease as the music plays and his classmates nibble on hors d’oeuvres and sip punch from clear plastic cups. A contented smile rests on his lips as he considers night ahead. He thought he might hate this night just a little, coming alone and tagging along with Ethan and Maya, but it might not be so bad after all.

No sooner do these thoughts come to his mind than Chris’s face becomes crestfallen. She struts towards him with an inhibited smile. Her long black, sleeveless dress stretches tightly over her petite frame. It hugs every curve in her body like a painted coating.

Chris’s glare travels to Nicole with unnerving thoroughness. He hopes it will detract her from taking another step towards him but she does not falter.

“Hi,” Nicole says over the music.

Chris is poker-faced, his back stiffening. “Hey…”

“You…look…uh….” Her brows lift as she fidgets. A laugh bursts from her in anxiousness. “You look great Chris.”

He exhales. “Thank you….” He says not returning the compliment. The sexy dress she is wearing would have enticed him not so many months ago. He says nothing that would indicate he even remotely still desires her.

“Are you…are you here with anyone?” She inquires, making a show of looking around. She already knows the answer. When Maya told her she was going with Ethan, Nicole asked about the group’s plans for the night. She wasn’t sure at the time what Ryan would be doing but told her Chris was going solo and hanging with them.

“Nope,” Chris shakes his head. “I came by myself tonight.”

“Yeah? Well, I came by myself too. Just here with some of the girls you know?” She nods.

He tilts his head, no more moved by her single status than a dead man is moved by the sound of a train whistle.

“Chris, look-“ she begins.

“Nicole,” he sighs and shakes his head. “I’m not doing this tonight. Okay? What do you want? You didn’t want to be with me anymore. You wanted to date other guys and have your fun, so what? I thought this was all over with and behind us but here you are.”

“I was just thinking that if you are here alone and I am too…there’s no reason we couldn’t talk and maybe spend part of the evening together,” Nicole’s voice is innocent and gentle as she lifts a shoulder and stares at him.

“Are you serious right now? You broke up with me. That means we don’t spend anymore evenings together, specifically prom,” Chris waves his hand in front of his face dismissively. “I’m not interested in being your filler for the night.”

“I can understand that….” She nods but does not retreat.

“So what else is it?” he asks pointedly.

“It’s just that later, we will probably be king and queen and we will have to dance together in front of everyone. I just want you to be cool about it okay?” She implores, her lashes swept up as she blinks.

“If that’s what happens, then we’ll deal with it,” he shrugs. “I’m not going to be a jerk about it if that’s what you are asking.”

“I didn’t really think you would…you’re not that guy….” She stares at him.

A familiar voice is heard greeting people near them at the entrance. Nicole looks past Chris, one brow suddenly slanting in disapproval. Chris tracks her gaze looking over his shoulder and gulps.

Ryan has arrived holding hands with a beaming Morgan. Ryan fist bumps a few classmates as they enter, side by side. He leans over and says something to her that makes her laugh, her toothy smile gleaming even in the blue light.

Ethan returns from the refreshment table and stutter steps when he sees Nicole in front of Chris. He detours his route to Maya to instead stand at Chris’s side, leveling a glowering look.

Bug-eyed at the coupling of Morgan and Ryan, Nicole looks from Chris to Ethan. “Wow. Ryan and Morgan?” she asks and neither responds.

“Hey Eth…” she gives an awkward smile as she greets him with the old nickname she once called him daily.

“Nicole,” he says emotionless. He looks to Chris, surveying his demeanor for the slightest hint of distress.

“Well…I’ll see you Chris. I’m sure we will have a dance later,” she nods with a gleam of deviltry. She brushes past Ethan to return to the group of cheerleaders she is sharing the night with.

“What was that all about?” Ethan frowns.

“With her? Who knows,” Chris huffs.

“I think she wants you back is what,” Ethan replies.

“I don’t care. She made her choice,” Chris turns and watches as Maya rushes towards Morgan. Excitedly she throws her arms around her. Morgan is taken aback. She does not let go of Ryan’s hand as she lifts her free arm and gingerly embraces Maya back.

“They just get here?” Ethan asks, sipping from his cup.

“Yeah….” Chris says and looks at the olive-skinned beauty with the light eyes at his best friend’s side. Other than the surprise that registered when Maya hugged her, her smile and Ryan’s have been unfaltering. She is a vision in her gown, Chris surmising the elegance of her dress and hair.

Maya ushers Ryan and Morgan towards Chris and Ethan. She has no idea of the parameters and conditions that were laid out for the night. Ryan smiles at his friends as Ethan hands Maya her drink. Fingers interlocked with Morgan’s, Ryan stops to briefly greet Ethan and Chris.

“Clark look at you dude. I bet you showered and everything for tonight didn’t you?” Ryan teases.

“Well it’s the third Saturday night of the month, so it was time, nothing special,” Ethan retorts.

Ryan, Maya and Ethan laugh. Chris and Morgan stare silently at one another not hearing the joke.

“Hey,” Chris says and pulls the corners of his lips up into a smile.

“Hi,” she nods. He looks down at her hand in Ryan’s then back up to her face.

He consciously chooses to not compliment her dress or make any reference to her appearance.

“Powell,” Ryan says and lifts his fist. Chris bumps his against it. “Looking kingly tonight!”

Chris chuckles. “We’ll see….”

“I think we’re going to grab a table,” Ryan says looking over at Morgan for approval. She nods. “We’ll see you guys around?” he smiles at Ethan and Chris.

“Yeah,” Chris nods. “See ya.”

Ryan ushers Morgan towards an empty table, pulling out a chair for her and helping her to sit. He speaks to her for a minute before he heads to grab refreshments. Her eyes follow him and she smiles as she watches him on the other side of the room.

Ethan looks to Chris. “He’s happy,” he says tossing his head towards Ryan.

“Yeah, he is. Looks like he’s on cloud nine,” Chris says.

“I suppose then tonight is worth it,” Ethan sighs and takes another drink. Maya looks at him and Chris.

“Wait? What’s going on?” she asks.

“Nothing,” they reply in unison.


Feedback on the microphone elicits groans and a few hands over young ears as Mrs. McWhorter adjusts the mic stand to her tall figure.  All eyes turn towards the stage as a theatre student swings the spotlight onto her and the student council representatives on stage.

“Good evening Cherryfield High seniors!” she shouts into the mic, causing more groans. “Whew! Hot mic!”

She turns to the DJ and asks him to adjust the volume. He gladly obliges.

“The student council hopes you are enjoying prom with this year’s theme ‘Under the Sea’,” she claps and students slowly join in.

Ryan takes Morgan’s hand and leads her out to the dance floor with other students. Chris stands with Maya and Ethan against the wall.

“It is now time for tonight’s big announcement, your prom king and queen! Our three finalists for queen were Nicole Moore,” there is small spattering of applause and more than a few sideways glances in her direction, “Maya Braxton,” Ethan hoots and cheers and she giggles grabbing his arm, “and Alicia Ritter.” There is another round of applause.

“For king our finalists were Ryan Hawkins,” there are some squeals and cheers and a thunderous applause, Morgan squeezes his hand and smiles at him. He laughs and smiles back at her. “Ethan Clark,” Mrs. McWhorter says and Maya whistles making him laugh, “and Chris Powell!”  The room erupts in applause and cheers.

“As tradition…we will announce the king first,” Mrs. McWhorter takes an envelope from one of the student council members. The room is silent in anticipation as she tears it open. “This year’s prom king is…” she leans into the microphone, pulling the card inside out of the envelope, “Chris Powell!” she claps excitedly. Ethan and Maya cheer and Ethan slaps him on the back as he walks past them and heads to the stairs to the stage.

“Go Chris!” Ryan shouts. Morgan claps along with the other students.

Chris walks across the stage.  One of the girls in student council carries an elaborate, plastic crown on top of a purple pillow. Chris stands in front of her, bending his tall body down as she places the crown on his head.

He turns and faces the crowd, smiling bashfully as the spotlight shines on him.

“Congratulations, Christopher,” Mrs. McWhorter says. “Now, your queen….” Mrs. McWhorter takes the envelope, whispering for a long minute back and forth with one of the student council reps. Something she says surprises the teacher and she nods and turns back to the mic. “I’m told this year, we had a large number of write-in votes,” Mrs. McWhorter grins.

Nicole is standing in the middle of the floor not far from Morgan and Ryan. She slowly frowns at Mrs. McWhorter’s words. Write-in votes?She thinks to herself.

“So many in fact, this person received more votes than our three initial finalists,” Mrs. McWhorter grins.

“What?” Nicole says out loud in shock.

Ethan and Maya look at one another and she shrugs.

Mrs. McWhorter opens the envelope and pulls out the card. “This year’s prom queen is…Morgan Price!” she shouts.

There is a thunderous applause and cheers of celebration. Chris is aghast, but lifts his hands and claps, looking down from the stage to the spot on the floor where Ryan and Morgan are standing.

“Yes! That’s my girl!” Ryan shouts pumping his fist. Morgan is astonished.

“What?” She says in barely more than a whisper, putting a hand to her heart.

“You won!” Ryan says grabbing her shoulders. His smile stretches from one ear to the other.

She opens her mouth, no words coming out as she works her jaw in a silent stammer.

“You won Morgan! You’re the queen!”

“How?!” She finally exclaims.

Ryan smiles. “You’re awesome, that’s how,” he says. “Go get your crown!” he says, holding out his arm and guiding her towards the stage.

As she walks through the students, the cheers and applause get louder. She receives a few pats on the back. Morgan doesn’t know how she is putting one foot in front of the other, she feels like she’s in a trance.

“What the fuck!” Nicole mutters to herself, her face broken. The cheerleaders around her are wild-eyed, not sure if they should clap for Morgan or not.

Ryan stops at the base of the stairs, giving Morgan his hand as he helps her up. He steps back from the stage and watches her as she crosses, bewilderment etched across her countenance.

Ryan looks over at a pissed off Nicole, her face angry and fuming. He laughs.

The student council representative brings the queen’s crown to her on another purple pillow. Morgan turns and faces the crowd of students, the spotlight blinding her eyes. From behind, the crown is lowered onto her head, the teeth of comb inside it carefully placed into her hair by Mrs. McWhorter to keep it secure.

“Congratulations Morgan,” Mrs. McWhorter says and then hugs the young lady.

Morgan finally begins to grasp what is happening and looks over at Chris, her eyes glowing with shock and happiness.

Mrs. McWhorter says something to Chris and he takes his place at Morgan’s side. He nods at her, a nervous smile on his face as he realizes what is next.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this year’s prom king and queen, Chris Powell and Morgan Price!”  Mrs. McWhorter announces. There are more cheers and applause. Ryan lets out another loud “Yeah!” from the floor.

“And now it is time for the king and queen’s dance,” Mrs. McWhorter waves her hands scooting Morgan and Chris off the stage and pointing to the spot on the floor immediately in front of it. The spotlight follows them, Chris offering his hand to her as a gentleman as they walk down the steps.

Morgan glances over at Ryan nervously as she follows Chris. His friend looks in his direction too. Ryan gives both of them a thumbs up with a smile. Chris nods and steps to Morgan. He holds one hand up and out, then in true cotillion fashion, puts a hand on her waist. She places her hand in his as the DJ begins the slow music.

The strumming of a guitar is heard through the speakers as Lights Down Low by Max begins to play.

Chris keeps almost two feet of space between his body and Morgan’s. Her eyes focus on the center of his chest like a target in front of her, daring not to look up into his face.

Neither is breathing. Chris looks at the crown on the top of her head, the only thing he can truly see with her face dropped down and away from his. He slowly begins to move from side to side, guiding her to move with him as they make a small circle with all eyes of the senior class on them.

Nicole’s arms are folded across her chest, throwing daggers at them both.

Ryan smiles.  He knows this dance is awkward for Morgan, but the crown on her head is his accomplishment. She will never know what he did for her and he’s fine with that. This is her night and this was the first part in his dream of making it special for her.

“They look….” Maya says softly and winces a bit, glancing over at Ethan. “Stiff? Why do they look so uncomfortable?”

As they continue their rigid swirl around the floor, Morgan exhales and some of the tightness in her body releases. Chris glances at the faces studying them curiously then focuses on the music.

Yeah, now I’m feeling you breathing slow, oh
‘Cause, baby, we’re just reckless kids

“Just one of those things I guess,” Ethan says watching Chris. The locked-in body positioning of his pal tells him all he needs to know. There’s only awkwardness when there is tension. He looks over to a smiling Ryan.

“Morgan’s always been kind of a wet blanket,” Maya shrugs. Ethan hears her but doesn’t respond.

The three minutes and 43 seconds of the song feel like the longest in Chris’s life. Finally it comes to an end and the students applaud. Chris instantly lets go of Morgan’s hand and waist. She finally looks up at him. He gives her a head nod.

“Congratulations,” he says.

“Yeah, you too,” she responds and then looks away. She turns her attention back to Ryan who is moving around bodies to make his way to her.

“Let’s give it up for Morgan and Chris, one more time!” The DJ says into the mic.  Students around them clap. “We slowed it down, but let’s crank the party back up. Come on Cherryfield, let’s get it on!” The DJ says with a laugh. Mrs. McWhorter looks over at him horrified.

Charlie Puth’s voice begins the tune acapella.

Let’s Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got the healing that I want

“My queen,” Ryan says to Morgan as he approaches. She laughs. Chris walks back to Maya and Ethan.

Ryan takes off the jacket to his tuxedo with a flourish, throwing it over a chair at a nearby table. He stretches out one arm, motioning with his fingers, beckoning Morgan to come towards him dramatically. She giggles and throws her arm out, placing her hand in his. He seizes it, pulling her in to him tightly and sliding his other arm around her waist. He places a leg between hers and begins to rock from side to side, his eyes locked with hers, smiling brightly. Morgan grins and follows his lead, as Ryan bends down just a little, making small circles with his hips. Morgan straddles his leg, bending and working her hips with his as they grind to the music. She scrunches her nose as they move together, placing her hands on Ryan’s shoulders as they dip low, rolling their bodies.

Ryan drops down, his face eye level with Morgan’s chest before he rolls his way back up, his face inches from hers, continuing in rhythm to the beat. The crowd of students that had been watching her and Chris are now watching her with Ryan, a few of them joining them on the dance floor but the vast majority are watching the dance team captain and the Hawk put the moves on each other.  There are some catcalls and cheers.

Maya’s mouth hangs open. Ethan looks over at her. “My entire life is a lie,” she says and Ethan laughs. Chris stares, his face unreadable.

Crown secured on her head, Morgan throws her hands up and turns around, Ryan pressing up against her from behind, an arm around her waist as they continue to work up and down against each other.

Suddenly she whips back around and pushes him back, shaking her head no at him teasingly. He smiles and dances by himself, watching as she gathers the chiffon fabric of her dress on the sides, hiking it up slightly as she body rolls and shimmies her chest at him. Ryan lets out a laugh and Morgan struts up to him, putting her arms around his neck. He continues to grind against her, their faces now closer, their lips hovering near each other’s.

“Are they going to…” Maya asks no one in particular. Chris gulps, turning away and heading to the refreshment table. This is Morgan’s night he tells himself.

The song ends and Ryan and Morgan smile and laugh at one another, cheers all around them. She squeezes her arms around his neck, pressing her face into the side of his as he hugs her close.

When she pulls back he reaches up and moves a few damp strands of hair away from her face.

“Worked up a sweat!” She laughs enthusiastically. “I’m gonna go freshen up, I’ll be right back,” she says.

Ryan nods reluctantly and she pulls away. Morgan grabs her clutch off the table and hurries as she heads to the ladies room.

She stands in front of the mirror and grabs a paper towel, blotting away the beads of sweat on her forehead. She pulls out her compact and reapplies her powder. She digs through for a few mints, popping a few and begins to reapply her lipstick.

The door to the bathroom swings up and Morgan glances over at who is walking in.

She freezes when she sees her. Nicole stalks inside. Her irritated visage appears in the mirror beside Morgan’s. She opens her purse and pulls out her lipstick as well but it does not make it to her lips.

“I guess congratulations are due,” her voice and smile full of sarcasm.

“I didn’t know it was going to happen Nikki,” Morgan sighs.

“Yeah well….You won, I didn’t, so there’s that,” Nicole says.

Morgan opens her lipstick and applies it, using another paper towel to blot.

“So you’re here with Ryan?” Nicole snorts.

“Yes. Why?” Morgan chunks her lipstick into her clutch and snaps it closed, frowning at her former friend.

“Anytime he talked to you before you used to turn your nose up to him. Now you’re out there all over him. Guess things change,” Nicole rolls her eyes. “Or you gave up on Chris and settled.”

“Things do change. I didn’t really know Ryan before but he’s a good guy. People change,” Morgan says as she turns to face Nicole. “Sometimes for the better; sometimes for the worse.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Nicole scowls and puts a hand on her hip.

“Look I don’t know why people wrote my name in-“

“It’s because you’ve been going around telling everyone I’m the devil or something and playing up the whole innocent damsel in distress bit,” Nicole snaps back, her voice rising.

“I’ve never done that and you know better,” Morgan shakes her head. “Maybe you need to stop and think about the way you treat people and why you didn’t win. Not only that, but what you did to Chris.”

“Ugh! Here we go again! I thought it was Chris you couldn’t wait to get your hands around and now it’s Ryan. What happened Morgan? You move to slow for Chris? You think it’s going to be any better with Ryan?”

The door to the bathroom opens and Maya walks in glancing around. She stops and her back straightens when she sees Nicole. She had watched as Morgan headed to the restroom and saw Nicole spin on her heels in pursuit after her.

“Morgan, everything cool?” Maya asks. She steps forward and lets the door close.

“Yeah….” Morgan says staring back at Nicole.

“Morgan was just about to explain how she’s going to keep Ryan interested in her when you know just like I do Maya that a guy like that isn’t going to settle for the nun with the chastity belt,” Nicole laughs. “Right?”

Maya shakes her head. “No….”

“What?” Nicole frowns.

“Ryan wouldn’t be here with Morgan if he didn’t want to be. I know enough about him to know he doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to,” she says.

Nicole throws her hands up. “Is everybody high here tonight or what?”

“Nikki, we been girls for a long time. But over the last few weeks…talking to Ethan and…being around Chris again…I realize they aren’t the bad guys in all this like you made them out to be. It’s you not them,” Maya says.

“Excuse me? Are you fucking for real right now? I’m the bad guy? What happened to wanting to come out to LA and stay with me and party? Remember that?” Nicole tosses her purse onto the sink counter and steps to Maya.

The substantially taller Maya looks down at her. “I remember and….” She looks over at Morgan. “M, I’m sorry. I was terrible to you. Ethan told me a lot about what you did for all of them and…what we put you through and….It’s really because of what he said that opened my eyes.”

Morgan blinks. “Oh….”

Nicole huffs and presses her finger tips into her temples, rubbing them.

“You know what, fuck this school and fuck both of you,” she says. She yanks her purse off the counter and storms out of the bathroom. Nicole doesn’t even bother to tell the others she is leaving. She pulls her keys from her purse and heads out the front door of the center.

“Well….that was something,” Morgan says looking at the closed door.

Maya laughs, smiling at her.

“I really am sorry Morgan, and congratulations tonight on winning queen. You deserve it more than any of us ever did,” She nods.

Morgan’s sighs and shakes her head. “Thank you. This is all so crazy. I don’t know what I did to make the universe happy lately but I’m glad I did it.”

Maya laughs again.   “Come on, let’s get back out there. The night’s almost done and I want to slow dance with Ethan at least once before I graduate,” she says.

Morgan laughs. Maya holds the door for her as they head back out towards the guys. They find Ethan, Chris and Ryan huddled together near the punch bowl.

“Refreshed and recharged?” Ryan asks.

“Yup,” she smiles at him. Chris grabs the ladle and pours himself a drink.

The DJ transitions from another up-tempo song into a slower groove. The Weeknd’s I Feel It Coming begins to play.

“Hey Morgan?” Ryan asks. She looks at him quizzically. “How about another dance?”

“I’d love to,” she winks. He takes her hand in his, walking at her side as they step out to the middle of the dance floor. Morgan faces him, wrapping her arms around his neck as Ryan slides his arms around her waist. Their faces close together, they begin to sway to the music.

“Hey Clark?” Maya grins.

He lifts his eyebrows.

“So the thing with dances is…you typically dance,” she laughs.

“Yeah…I’m not very good at it,” he says. “Out of respect for your feet, I hadn’t asked.”

“I’ll risk it,” she says. He nods with understanding and chuckles, extending his hand and taking her out to the floor. He puts his hands on her waist and she grasps his shoulders.

Ryan moves his body with Morgan’s in tune to the song. The slowness of the song and the intimacy of the moment causes both their heart rates to grow steadily. Ryan slowly encloses Morgan’s waist in his hands, sliding them to the small of her back as he pulls her closer. Her mouth is next to his ear and he can hear the unsteady breaths she is taking. Slowly, she relaxes into him, laying her head on his shoulder.

You’ve been scared of love and what it did to you
You don’t have to run, I know what you’ve been through
Just a simple touch and it can set you free
We don’t have to rush when you’re alone with me
I feel it coming

“You really do look beautiful tonight Morgan,” Ryan says softly in her ear.

“You too,” she says and then flinches. “I mean you look handsome!” She jerks back and looks into his face scandalized. They both begin to laugh.

“I’m sorry, I’m just…jumpy, I guess,” she shakes her head.

“Don’t be,” he says looking into her eyes, his own veiled with care.

She gives a tiny smile and nods, returning her head to his shoulder.

Morgan drags her hands down his back, hugging his waist for a minute, before Ryan reaches behind him and takes one of her hands in his. He brings it to his chest, near his heart, and holds it between their bodies as they dance.

The smooth bare skin of her neck and shoulders is irresistible and calling to him. She feels the tickle of his warm breath on her skin before he plants a gentle kiss on her shoulder then her neck.

Morgan lets out another unsteady breath, the heat in her body growing.

She pulls back, tracing her nose up and down Ryan’s. He squeezes her to him before looking into her eyes.

“Do you want to get out of here?” he asks, eyes on her lips then back up into her eyes.

She doesn’t hesitate. “Yes,” she whispers.

Ryan nods and cups her face with his hand, before reaching down and taking hers in his and heading towards their table to get their things. Chris watches as they head out the door.


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