
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while

Author’s Notes- This was inspired by the prompt “who should Kenna choose”, which inspired me to write my own. This is a TRR story set in my Amelia verse, at some point after the events of Book 3.

Pairing- Drake/MC, minor Liam/Oliva and Maxwell/Penelope

Rating- PG

Summary- The gang settles in for a The Crown and the Flame marathon and debate about who is the right choice for Kenna.

Words- 446

“It’s not really up for debate, it’s a matter of public record who Queen Kenna chose…” Hana pointed out.

I sighed. “Hana, yes, and it’s in the books, but that’s not the point. We’re all trying to decide who we want her to end up with.”

“Oh.” Hana paused, considering my question and peering at the TV screen. I’d talked everyone into participating in a The Crown and The Flame marathon with me. “Then I choose Annelyse, she’s so beautiful and elegant and she and Kenna make a great team.”

I smiled, “good choice. Olivia?”

She rolled her eyes. “Do you even have to ask? Diavolos, of course, there’s never any choice other than a Nevrakis.”

It was Drake’s turn to scoff. “No. Just no. He’s the enemy. Honestly she should end up with Dom, he’s the obvious choice. They’ve been friends for years and he’s the most down to Earth of the bunch. She’ll need that when she’s dealing with a bunch of nobles.”

“There’s logic in that,” I agreed with a laugh, leaning over to kiss him, “Maxwell?”

He paused, considering his options. “I like them all, but I pick Tevan.” He declared, “he looks great, is a fantastic dancer, plus it’s a solid political match.”

“I like Tevan too,” Penelope agreed from her place next to him.

I smiled, turning to the remaining woman in the room, other than myself, of course. “Kiara?”

“Raydan,” she answered promptly. “He’s so sexy and secretive. I like that. Plus he has really nice hair.”

“He does have great hair,” I agreed, “Liam?”

“I am afraid, I am biased,” he laughed, “since these are my ancestors we are talking about.”

“Pretend that they aren’t,” I encouraged.

“Raydan,” he admitted.

“Did you wish you could be a spy?” I teased him.

“Maybe,” he admitted, “It seemed more interesting than being a prince, plus I agree with Kiara, he has really nice hair.”

“What about you, Amelia?” Penelope piped up, “you’re the only one that hasn’t given your opinion.”

“Diavolos,” I said instantly, “he’s super sexy and there’s that whole enemies to lovers thing. Who could resist?”

“See?” Olivia said smugly, “even Amelia admits that Nevrakis’s are superior.”

“That is not what I am saying,” I protested.

Drake shook his head in mock dismay. “I can’t believe you’d pick the Nevrakis, Grant.”

I shrugged, “it’s not my fault that he’s the hottest one of the bunch. Did you see him in that shirtless scene?”

Drake just shot me a look.

“Drake’s simply surprised because until now your taste in men has been appalling,” Olivia drawled.

That, as expected, earned an objection from Drake and bickering between the two of them.

I sat down next to Liam. “Do think they’ll ever stop?”

He laughed. “Nope.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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