Christmas Morning

Sorry, this is after the fact, but here is a look at the Royal families first Christmas with 3 precocious little cubs, Crown Prince, William Drake Alixander, Prince  Leo Daniel Maxwell. And Olivia, Princess Emilia Maryah Olivia Rhys


“LIAM!!!!” Si yells from the nursery, it was 3 AM from, Liam is startled awake, as he had just finally fallen into a deep sleep, then screaming.  What in the world could be happening now? He closes his eyes again.


“LIAMMMMM! Get in here QUICK!!!”  Si yells for him again. This time Liam bolts out of bed, almost tripping, as his legs were still tangled in the covers of their bed.


“SHIT!” he exclaims as he catches himself before he faceplants onto the floor.


He sprints down to the nursery, Throws open the door. There sits the love of his life on the floor with tears streaming down her face. His heart clenches, then he sees what she is staring at, their 3 little ones, pulling themselves up, trying to take their first tentative, wobbly steps. His heart is in his throat.  He almost missed it. His princess looks to where he was standing, she smiles her sweet smile that he swears she only gives him, he watches her pull herself up by holding on to the slats on her crib. She wobbles a bit, then she slowly sides steps to the end of the crib. He hears Si, gasp. Liam moves closer to Si and the cubs,  A bright pair of blue eyes fix their gaze back to him. He stops where he is and crouches down. She is only holding on to the edge of the crib with one hand. Liam looks up at Si and sees that she has taken out her phone and has started to record this monumental event in their lives.


Emi looks between Liam and Si, they can see she is trying to figure out who is closer, but Liam holds out his hands and whispers “Princess, come to Papa.” With a gurgle, Emi squeals and takes a step. She wobbles, and teeters, she almost falls but corrects her stance catching her balance.  She smiles her big two teeth grin and takes another step, Si’s tears are flowing just as much as Liam’s. Emi takes 3 more steps then falls into Liam’s arms. Liam picks up his baby girl and tosses her into the air. Once Liam has caught her she gives she a very slobbery, drooled filled kiss.


“Oh, thank you my princess” as he wipes her slobber from his face.  Si giggles, knowing how much it still catches him off guard at times, but they cubs are teething so they are worse than saint bernards at the time being. Si snaps her head and notices that they little princes decides that their sister would not out do them, and Wil pulls himself up using Si’s body, he looks at her and smiles that same smile that has gotten he in trouble so many times, she looks at Liam who just shrugs his shoulders at her.


“That is your son,” Si laughs, the crown prince is going to definitely keep her on her toes. He is a little too much like his Uncle Leo, he starting flirting very early, he has half the noblewoman fawning all over him. “That is a Rhys for sure.” Liam laughs, oh god, how she loves to hear that sound.

Wil takes a few steps, he is followed by Leo, they all end up in Liam’s arms. Si cannot control the tears, there little family is perfect in her eyes.  This was the best Christmas present yet. Then it dawns on her, the triplets keep her running and they were only crawling, what happens once they master walking.  Liam starts to chuckle.


“Love don’t fret, we will hire the best to look after them, When you start taking over your duties.  They will be fine.” Liam smiles, “Owww! Shit that hurt!”

“Liam!” Si scolds,but then she sees what happened, Li forgot that Leo is in a biting stage. He needs to chew on something, as his upper two teeth were coming in, it did not matter if that something was your flesh.   Si quickly grabs Leo and hand him his teething ring.

“Let go get them something to eat, I don’t think that I can go back to sleep now anyway.” Liam suggests to Si.


Si and Liam strap the cubs into their highchairs and begin making Christmas breakfast.  Liam makes coffee for Si and himself and eggs with cheese for the cubs, while Si makes cinnamon rolls and steak and eggs for her and Liam.  After all, have eaten, they clean up Wil, Leo, and Emi; they head into the living room so that they can open up their Christmas presents. They sit each cub in their little seats and stack their wrapped gifts in front of them.


At first they just stared at the packages in front of them, so Si picks up one and rips the paper. She and Liam can see the trio’s excitement, when they finally realize that they get to tear up something and not have either one of them shouting “No, not that!”  Si and Liam laugh as their children, rip the paper from the boxes. Paper was flying everywhere, as they were having more fun unwrapping than the items that were wrapped.


Once Wil, Leo, and Emi had finished opening their gifts, they crawled out of their seats, and crawled towards the tree, Si and Liam watched nervously from their position close to the tree, The princes and princess were growing so fast, and they knew that they could not shelter them from falls, bumps, or bruises, but they still were afraid that they may pull the tree down.  Instead the trio crawls into Liam’s lap.


“Oh, I see how it is,” Si chuckles, “I am they one who gave birth, but PaPa is the favorite.” Si pretends to be hurt. Liam chuckles.

“Love, they are only here because I have presents to unwrap. Remember, you couldn’t wait to open you gifts so you, opened them all last night, when you thought everyone was asleep.” Liam gives her his knowing look. Si could never wait until Christmas morning to open her gifts. Si sticks out her tongue at Liam, and Liam laughs. “You know that they are going to start sticking their tongues out at people, right?”

“Ok, father knows best,” Si says “realizing he is right, I will just blame Max.”

They both laugh.


Seeing that their parents were not paying attention Wil and Leo slide off of Liam’s lap and grab a bag, they pull out the paper and then the contents, That is when Si noticed and her eyes became big as saucers,

“Liam! Look at your sons!” Si exclaims. Liam looks down and he sees the one present that he was hoping he and Si would unwrap together.  The boys had pulled out the red, very sheer, teddy and silk ties that he had purchased for Si, and packed in a gift with his name on it, so she would not peek.

“Why is that in a gift bag with your name on it?” Si cocks an eyebrow.

“Well, that is because it is a gift to me too see you in that, and when it gets ripped you cannot complain, because it was my gift.” Liam quite proud of his answer. “But, you will not get to wear this until New Year’s Eve, as I have special plans for you my dear.” Liam flashes that cocky smirk of his. Si knew she was in trouble, but could not wait.

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