Christmas Movie Debate

Author’s Note: This is just a silly little fluffy ficlet that popped into my head this weekend as I was doing last minute prep for Christmas.  This is also dedicated to my hilarious and wonderful friend @lizeboredom who strongly sides with Drake on this particular debate.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2018 to you all!


Emma slid out of the car’s back seat, saying a courteous thanks to her driver as he closed the door behind her.  She climbed up the snowy front steps, careful not to slip in her heels, and waltzed through the front door being held open by none other than her husband himself.  She gave him an apologetic look, her bright blue eyes dropped and her bottom lip pouted out. “I’m so sorry I missed dinner, Drake. I had no idea that forum would run so long and then the roads were icy and- “

“Hey, hey, hey …” Drake muttered softly, enclosing her slim frame in his broad arms.  He stroked her hair as she rested her chin on top of his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it.  I’m just glad you’re finally home. Did you get to eat?”

Emma pulled back, nodding slightly as she peered up into his deep brown eyes.  “Yeah … Liam was nice enough to have one of the cooks pack me a little something to go since it was so late when I left.”

“Good.  Are you up for hanging out with me for a bit or are you too tired?”  Drake asked, his considerate offer not masking the pleading look behind his stare.

“As long as there is a big glass of wine involved, I’m in.” She gave him a cheeky grin.

“I’ll do you one better …” Drake’s mouth quirked in a playful smirk.  “How about some spiked egg nog and a Christmas movie under the blankets on the couch?”

“Gah, I love you so much.”  She stepped up on her tippy toes to press a loud kiss to his smiling lips.  “Let me go change into my pajamas and I’ll meet you there in ten?”

“Deal, Walker.”  Drake pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead before she walked away, but not before he gave her rear a swift smack.  “But I’m picking the movie!”


Emma finished her second glass of egg nog and snuggled up into Drake’s side, his arm casually draped around her shoulder.  Despite the spiked holiday beverage and the very long day, she was surprisingly alert for 11pm. It probably had something to do with the extremely loud and colorful action-packed movie that they had been watching for the past two hours.  “So Drake, explain to me again how Die Hard classifies as a Christmas movie?  When you mentioned a Christmas movie, I was thinking something a little more … festive.” She cocked a brow at him inquisitively, fighting back a giggle at the look of pure disgust on Drake’s face.

“Em … you’ve got to be kidding me!” He pressed pause on the DVD, then turned back to face his wife with a very serious expression.  “Yes, it takes place at Christmas. At a Christmas party. But if that’s not enough for you, the true Christmas spirit is embodied in McClane’s desire to reunite his family for the holidays.  In his unselfish spirit and his fierce heart in the face of adversity. If that doesn’t say Christmas to you …” Drake shook his head and looked away as he composed himself. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he turned to face her again.  “Oh, and did you know that there are three Christmas songs on the soundtrack. The holiday classic White Christmas only had two.”  He didn’t say it out loud, but his voice clearly had a ‘Take that’ tone to it.

Emma bit back the smile threatening her lips and stifled the laugh bubbling in the back of her throat.  She could tell by the deep serious tone of Drake’s argument that this was not a battle worth fighting. “All very valid points.  I had honestly never given it much thought but now that you’ve enlightened me …” her voice trailed off when she noticed Drake roll his eyes.  

“Don’t patronize me, Em … I know you think it’s ridiculous.”  He chuckled softly under his breath before leaning forward to place kiss to her temple.  “But thank you for humoring me and watching it with me tonight.”

She smiled warmly back at her husband.  “Honestly, even if it’s not my typical Christmas movie, I’m still enjoying it.  Can we turn it back on already?”

“Yes, please … and I think you’re really going to love the ending.”  Drake gave her a wink before turning the movie back on, relishing the feel of Emma curled up beside him.

As the movie approached its climatic ending, he noticed the tug of Emma’s hands gripping his sweatshirt in her fists.  He glanced down at her, smiling tenderly at her as she sat glued to the television, her brows furrowed in nervous anticipation.  She was enthralled, intrigued … and absolutely adorable. He leaned over and nuzzled her hair, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

Emma’s eyes flitted over to him quickly.  “What was that for?”

“Nothing.  Just glad you’re liking the movie.  Merry Christmas, Em.”

She gave him a sideways look, her mouth in a twisted smirk.  “Yippie ki yay, Cowboy.” She gave him a small peck on the cheek before setting her focus back on the movie.

Drake laughed out loud, shaking his head in amusement, muttering under his breath as he turned to the screen.  “Yippie ki yay, Walker.”



For those of you that tend to agree with Emma and do not feel that Die Hard truly qualifies as a Christmas movie, I suggest that you watch this trailer.  This trailer proves that just because this movie has a badass hero, a menacing villain, and lots of action, it does not diminish its classification as pure Christmas entertainment.

4 thoughts on “Christmas Movie Debate”

  1. This was adorable T! Sweet Christmas fluff! And I have been converted to Drake’s argument by my own husband (though my reaction may have been similar to emma’s). Love this.

    1. Me as well, I blame lizeboredom and many discussions with friends this year … I’ve finally converted to my husband’s opinion. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

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