Christmas Visit

Summary: Connor visits Vanessa on Christmas Day.

Author’s note: This was written for Round #41 of #ChoicesCreates: The Holidays

It didn’t seem like Christmas. Vanessa had always spent the holiday with her parents, but they were still away dealing with her great-aunt’s estate. They had mailed some gifts to her, but opening presents alone didn’t feel like much of a celebration. She hadn’t even bothered decorating the house. What was the point?

At least she had her animal companions. Onyx sat on her lap, purring contentedly as Vanessa stroked her soft fur. Hilda sat next to them on the couch. Suddenly Hilda began to bark, and then Vanessa heard the doorbell. She set Onyx down and walked over to the front door.

When she opened the door, Connor was standing there. “Merry Christmas, Vanessa!”

“Merry Christmas, Connor! Come on in.” She led him inside, and Hilda rushed over and began nuzzling him. “I think Hilda likes you.”

“Or maybe she smells food.” He set a bag down on the coffee table, reached into it, and pulled out a box of Christmas cookies.

“Mmm, those look good. Thanks.” She smiled at him. “This is a nice surprise. I figured I’d just be spending the day with Onyx and Hilda.”

“I didn’t want you to have to spend Christmas alone. Besides, I had to get away from my parents.” Connor looked around the room. “No tree this year?”

Vanessa shook her head. “My parents and I would always go pick one out together. But they’re not here, and I can’t drag a tree here by myself. Their car broke down and it won’t be fixed until they get back. I don’t have the money for the repairs. I didn’t think I’d be celebrating anyway.”

“Want to put one up now? You’re right by the woods. I bet we could find one there, and cut it down with that pole saw you bought.”

Vanessa shuddered. “No! We’re not cutting down anything in those woods. After everything that’s happened…” She would never again be able to look at the woods without thinking of Mr. Red and all that she and her friends had endured.

“Yeah, you’re right. Bad idea. Forget I said anything.” Connor sat down on the couch and reached over to Onyx. She sniffed his fingers, then moved closer and started to climb on him.

“Actually, it wasn’t such a bad idea. We have a small artificial tree around here somewhere. It’s probably in the basement.” She picked up Onyx and set her down on the couch cushion, then took Connor’s hands in hers and pulled him up. He followed her down the stairs, and she walked over to the boxes in the corner of the room. “Found it!” she said as she pointed to a long box. “And there are some ornaments in here.” She picked up another box, and they headed back upstairs.

“Where do you want to put the tree?” Connor asked.

Vanessa motioned to the corner of the room. “It should fit on that end table over there.”

Soon the tree was standing, and they began unpacking the box of ornaments. “You have more than we can fit on the tree,” Connor said as he looked over the pile they had amassed, then to the box, which was still fairly full.

“Don’t put up anything breakable. Onyx might pull them off, or knock the tree down.” She picked up a ball of green silk leaves and white artificial berries. “Ooh, look what I found!” She moved closer to Connor and lifted it up over their heads.

Connor looked up, then to Vanessa. “Is that mistletoe?”

“You know it!” She grinned. “So, you gonna kiss me?”

Connor put his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him, then pressed his lips to hers. When they finally broke apart, he smiled warmly at her. “We should hang that up. It’s…useful.”

After they finished decorating the tree, Vanessa poured two glasses of cider and set them down on the coffee table by the cookies. She and Connor sat down on the couch to enjoy the treats.

Connor pulled a wrapped box out of the bag and handed it to Vanessa. “I got you something else too.”

“That’s so sweet! You didn’t have to do that. But thank you.” She tore off the wrapping paper, then opened the box to reveal a metal rose sculpture. “Oh my God, that’s so beautiful! Did you make that?”

He nodded. “I’m glad you like it.”

“I love it!” She gave him a kiss. “Thank you!”

“”You’re welcome.” He reached out to her and held her close. They kissed and cuddled on the couch, enjoying each other’s company.

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