Clanless: Bloodlust

Summary: Chloe doesn’t trust Jax’s motives. A night out with Lily turns into an unexpected encounter with a very dangerous man.

Chloe approached Jax cautiously, not quite knowing what to expect.

He was beaming, beckoning to her to join him. She’d never seen him smile quite like that.

“Jax…what are you doing? Are you OK?” She looked him over for burns.

“I’m enjoying the sun on my face for the first time in twenty-five years,” he answered, pulling her into his arms. “Thank you, Chloe.”

She stiffened in his embrace, eyes darting nervously at the many people around them on the sidewalk. “You need to get back inside.”

He shook his head. “No. It’s fine. I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt.”

“Well, I need to talk to you in private,” she hissed angrily.

He studied her face for a moment, his smile vanishing. With a small nod he took her by the arm and led her back down the alley, then used the edge of a dumpster as a jumping off point to launch himself onto the roof. Chloe followed close behind.

It was surprising just how different he looked out here, rather than under the night sky or in the dim light of the shadow den. His bright brown eyes gazed at her in awe. His hair wasn’t so inky black as it seemed; it had warm chocolate highlights that reflected the sun. Without the usual shadows, his face looked softer, less dramatic.

In the sunlight he looked boyish, beautiful, human. But she couldn’t dare think of him that way. His face lied. He could be hundreds…thousands of years old. Everything he claimed to stand for could be a lie. A charming hero or an ancient evil…she had no way of knowing what he was.

And she’d just made him more powerful.

“You lied to me.”

He stepped back, looking genuinely surprised. “About what?”

“You knew this would happen. If you fed on me.”

Jax shook his head, frowning. “I thought it was possible. But I didn’t really expect it to work.”

Chloe backed away slowly. “You could’ve asked.”

His face fell as he stepped towards her, reaching for her hand. “Chloe, I did ask. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I had ulterior motives. You don’t really think…Chloe, I do care for you, and I want you…this was never my reason for anything.” He let out a small laugh. “It’s just a happy side effect.”

“Why did you rescue me from The Baron’s dungeon?”

His eyes widened with surprise. “What do you mean? I was helping you.”

“But why? Why me? How did you even know I was there? Why didn’t you free anyone else?”

“There wasn’t time…I barely managed to escape with you.”

“Then why me, Jax? I’m not going to follow you around blindly any more. Tell me what the hell is happening here.”

With a sigh he lowered himself to sit cross-legged on the roof, patting the spot next to him for her to join. She sat across from him and out of his reach.

“OK. I was following you.”

“Excuse me? Why?”

He let out a long exhale, not meeting her eyes. “I have people…humans…who know about the clanless and are sympathetic to our cause. Some of them I employ to keep an eye on the clans and the council in particular.”

“OK. So what does that have to do with me?”

He turned his face to the sun again, seeming to get distracted. “Well, you met with two council members in one day, so my associate reported back to me. And I went to investigate.”

“Hold up…you only told me that The Baron was on the council. Who was the other council member I met with that day?”

“Oh…” He turned his attention back to her, eyes narrowing. “I forget how little you know about this world sometimes. Adrian Raines is also a council member.”

“Adrian Raines is a vampire?”

He nodded. “So I came to see what you were up to, and what I saw was you being dragged to a cell, unconscious. The Baron was telling his men how important you were to his plan, whatever that was. When I saw them shut you into a coffin, I realized he’d turned you. So I came back the next night to see if you’d survived, and broke you out. You’re welcome, by the way.”

She scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. “How do you know he wasn’t going to add me to his clan? I’m only clanless because of you.”

Jax’s expression darkened as he met her eyes once more. “You don’t want to be part of his clan. And whatever his ‘plans’ were, I wanted to disrupt them. He was a villain, Chloe. Not me.”

She bit her lip, considering. “How old are you?”

“Me? I’m 48.”

She couldn’t help but laugh.

“And here I was thinking I looked good for my age.”

“I’m sorry, that’s just so…ordinary. You’re like, my dad’s age. It’s somehow worse than if you were like, 500.”

He cringed. “Yes. Well. Clanless vampires don’t get to be hundreds of years old. The council makes sure only their select few get to have true immortality. I’ve already lasted longer than most do.” He looked down at his own hands, turning them over in the sunlight. She hadn’t noticed before that his skin was so pale, or so marked by scars. Why did he have scars when she’d witnessed him heal completely from so many serious injuries? She filed the question away for another time.

Chloe let out a long exhale. “I want to believe you, Jax. But I think you know more about what The Baron did to me than you’re letting on.”

He looked at her pleadingly. “Chloe, no…”

A thought came to her suddenly and clearly, snapping everything into place. “You think I’m your ticket to immortality. That my blood can keep you from going feral.”

He looked back down at his hands, avoiding her eyes. “The thought had crossed my mind.”

She jumped to her feet, fuming. “God, Jax, you’ve been lying to me this entire time! Is this just a test run? Making sure your little plan will work before you drain me and feed my blood to all your friends?”

Jax got to his feet slowly, hands up in surrender. “No. You’ve got this all wrong. I only want to help you. And if we can find out what was done to you…”

“Fine. Find out. Figure out how to save yourself. I’m leaving.”

He grabbed her arm as she turned to leave. “Don’t go. You don’t know how dangerous it is out there. Someone did this to you for a reason. They’ll be looking for you.”

“Yeah, and you want to be the one controlling me. No thanks. I’m out.”

He didn’t let up his grip, squeezing her wrist painfully. “Chloe, I’m serious, don’t do this.” She looked at him in horror, and he let her go.

Chloe hopped down off the roof and started to walk away, but Jax followed. She whirled around to face him. “Do you think the effect is permanent? Or will it wear off?” She stood on her toes to stare him down. “How far from home do you want to be when the sun starts to burn?”

He glared at her, eyes on fire. “Fine. I can’t stop you. But you’re going to get yourself killed, or worse.”

“I’ll take my chances.” She spun on her heel and jogged off towards the only safe place she could think to go, leaving Jax behind.

Lily and Chloe collapsed onto the vinyl banquet, sweaty and giggling. Chloe had to lean in to shout next to Lily’s ear to be heard over the pounding bass. “Thank you for this! I really needed a night out.”

“I know!” Lily flagged down a shot girl and bought two of the blue and green layered shots she was serving. “Bottoms up!”

They both threw back the shots, cringing as they slammed the tiny glasses against the table. “Oh my god, that was vile,” Chloe groaned. “Like cough syrup.”

“Shhh,” Lily admonished, “It’s to get you drunk, not to taste good.”

Chloe sighed. “I don’t know if I can even get drunk any more.”

“What?” Lily shouted.


Lily leaned in close to her, nuzzling against her shoulder. “I missed you,” she whined, wrapping her arms around Chloe’s waist.

Chloe kissed the top of her head gently. “I missed you too, Lil.” She twisted around to hug Lily properly, squeezing her tight. She felt her fangs come out and groaned, squeezing her eyes shut. “Lily…I’m hungry.”

Lily pulled back, frowning. “Like food hungry or…”

Chloe shook her head.

“OK. I’ll help as soon as we go home, alright? Let’s just have one more dance first.”

She took some deep breaths, calming herself before opening her eyes and nodding. “Sure. Let’s go dance.”

The dance floor was crowded and hot and sweaty. Chloe tried to focus on Lily, shutting out all the overwhelming sensory input of the club. She put her hands on Lily’s waist and closed her eyes, ignoring everything but the music and Lily dancing against her.

“You doing OK?” Lily shouted.

Chloe opened her eyes slowly, knowing they were glowing red. All she could do was stare, trying to fight back the intense hunger threatening to take over.

“Um…you’re scaring me.” Lily back away cautiously, immediately running into other dancers.

Chloe lunged at her fast, hovering her fangs over her neck as Lily yelped in surprise. A hand landed on her shoulder. “Hey, I don’t think she’s interested,” a young man said sternly as he attempted to pull her away.

She spun to face him, eyes wild, teeth bared, and snarled at him. “Jesus christ!” he shouted, tripping and falling as he attempted to back away from her. She stalked towards him, furious and so, so hungry.

Another hand grabbed her shoulder, but stronger this time. She looked down at it, confused. He was pinning her in place with a single hand, making her crumple under his control. “Stop,” the voice behind her commanded simply. His grip loosened just enough to allow her to turn towards him, her red eyes meeting his dazzling brown ones. “Let’s go outside, shall we?”

She let the strange man lead her out of the club and into a back alley, Lily trailing behind nervously. Once they were safely away from prying eyes, he took both Chloe’s hands in his. He was handsome…very handsome, with thick hair slicked back perfectly and a perfect gleaming white smile. “You need to feed, my dear. Do you think you can control yourself enough to not hurt your friend?”

She nodded, looking sheepishly to Lily. “Lil…can I…”

“Of course, Chloe, but…” she looked pleadingly at the stranger. “Can you stay and make sure we’re safe?”

He nodded solemnly. “Always happy to help a young vampire learn the ropes.” He extended his hand amicably. “I’m Adam.”

Lily took his offered hand gratefully. “Lily. This is Chloe.”

“Lily, Chloe. A pleasure to meet you both. Now go on, Chloe. Feed before the blood lust becomes any worse.”

Chloe nodded and gently, carefully traced the vein along Lily’s neck before sinking her fangs in as painlessly as she could. Lily yelped softly before relaxing against her, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady herself.

“That’s it Chloe,” Adam encouraged. “Take just a little more…and…that’s enough. Time to stop.” He laid a powerful hand on her once again, and she reluctantly released Lily before clumsily pricking her own finger to heal the wounds on her throat.

“Um…thank you, Adam. I take it you’re a…”

“Vampire, yes. Guilty as charged.” He flashed that winning smile. Something about him was familiar, but Chloe couldn’t quite place him. He almost looked like he could be a movie star. “I hope this isn’t too personal, but Chloe…who Turned you? Are they not helping you to adjust?”

“Oh, um…” she cursed herself for not having a lie ready, but she hadn’t expected to have to justify her existence to anyone outside of Jax’s circle. This guy definitely didn’t have clanless vibes. “He died,” she answered, more or less truthfully.

“Ah.” His lack of reaction was troubling somehow. She found herself wanting to escape the conversation, but not entirely sure how to do so. “Well, Chloe, I would be happy to take you under my wing, so to speak. I’ve been looking for someone like you.”

“Oh, that’s…” fucking terrifying…what does he mean someone like me? “That’s very kind of you, but I’ve got a mentor already.”

He raised a skeptical eyebrow, his expression otherwise inscrutable. “And where is he? Left you all alone and half-starved to terrorize humans in public?”

She stood as tall as she could, staring him down. Lily quietly moved behind her. “Look, I appreciate your help, but I’ve got this under control. I’m going to get back to him now, in fact.”

“See…I really think you should come with me. We have much to discuss, Chloe. More than you know.”

“N-No thanks.” She backed up until Lily was pressed between her and the brick wall. Her fight or flight instincts were itching, but she knew he would be both stronger and faster. His whole presence felt menacing as he advanced on her.

Not just a vampire.

A monster.

Chloe looked around desperately for a way out, scanning the dark, deserted alley. Her eyes connected for the briefest moment with another pair of glowing red eyes on a nearby fire escape, but she looked away, not wanting Adam to know she’d seen it. She hadn’t quite been able to make out if it was a friend of hers…or one of his.

Until Adam clutched his head, screaming in agony as his skin blistered and boiled, an odd glow cast over the alley.

“Black light?” Lily asked, confused.

“UV Light!” Chloe exclaimed, looking back at the fire escape. There was Jax, pointing a UV flashlight at the three of them. She ran towards him, Lily close behind.

“You could’ve at least tried to go 24 hours without getting kidnapped by a clan leader, Chlo.”

“You were watching me!”

“Again…you’re welcome.” He continued to hold the light on Vega, who was struggling to compose himself enough to run. “He seemed to know who you were, Chloe.”

“No, he just…because I’m clanless…”

“No,” Jax said firmly. “He would’ve killed you on sight if you were any other clanless vampire. And there’s no reason for Adam Vega to be at this seedy nightclub on a Wednesday night unless he was looking for someone in particular.”

Vega let out a blood-curdling scream. “Are you going to kill him?” Chloe asked quietly.

Jax flicked off the flashlight. “No. Not tonight.” He turned, ready to run. “Not until we have some answers.”

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