Clean Fun

Author’s note: if you’ve been reading my Bryce x Rei fanfics, you may have noticed that I like rewriting certain scenes to give my MC, Rei, more depth… so here I am rewriting Chapter 11 diamond steamy scene with Bryce. another cheesy title lmao

Disclaimer: Characters and some dialogues belong to Pixelberry Studios, not me.

Pairing: Bryce x F!MC (Rei Sato)


Rei’s reading was interrupted by a sudden and loud snore. She looked around the living room, her friends fast asleep in the couch and by the dinner table, their faces on their medical textbooks and laptops. They’ve been researching Rhodes disease for Mrs. Martinez non-stop for hours, after a night out at Donahue’s. No wonder they all fell asleep…

…Except for Bryce, who chuckled softly to Elijah’s loud snoring. His dark and clever eyes found Rei’s.

“And then there were two.” – he smirked at her, before resuming the research on his laptop. – “Wait a second… Rei, come look at this!” – she scooted over next to him on the couch. Apparently a pissed-off employee leaked some old R&D memos from Panacea Labs, talking about a drug used for Huntington’s that cured some test subjects of Rhodes disease.

“Bryce, you found the answer!” – the young medical intern squealed, overwhelmed by excitement, and impulsively threw her arms around him. Bryce laughed, happy to know that all that research was worth all those sleepless hours, hugging her back tightly.

Hugging him was so comforting… the sensation of his arms around her was so good… she was so soft… the hug lingered and they both felt reluctant to let go of each other.

“I dunno about you, but I feel like celebrating.” – he said into her ear, his voice suddenly low and husky. The surgical intern watched Rei’s cheeks turning a shade pinker as a sheepish smile spread on her lips.

“Yeah, me too…” – she put a strand of hair behind her ear, ducking her head. She stood up first, pulling him to his feet, his hand on hers. As silent as possible, they cautiously tiptoed around her roommates, trying to not wake any of them.

By the time they finally reached the bathroom, they were already lost in each other in a searing kiss. They bumped hard into the door.

“Shh… don’t wake the others up.” – she whispered to him, although none of her friends would be able to hear her from the other room, closing the door carefully. Bryce smirked cockily at her, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m not the one you’re gonna have to worry about.” – he looked around them, whistling low,  appreciatively. – “Wow, nice bathroom you got here, it even has a chandelier! Straight out of Pinterest. I’ve been meaning to ask you this since the housewarming party, but how could you guys afford this penthouse?”

“We got a great deal and were very persuasive with our landlord.” – she giggled mischievously. – “Now, did you come here to admire my bathroom or—”

But before Rei had the chance to finish her sentence, Bryce promptly pinned her against the closed bathroom door and kissed her so passionately she felt her head getting dizzy. Not wasting another second, she pulled off his shirt, while his strong hands roamed her body, gliding under her clothes as if he was trying to feel every part of her. Rei shuddered in excitement, her heart speeding up as she felt like her whole body lighted on fire under his touch.

“Pent up much?”

“I’m always pent up when I see you.” – she blushed harder under his gaze.

God, she liked him so much. She was so smitten with Bryce Lahela.

…She had to tell him.

Rei Sato was fully aware that she was hooked on him since the day they met. There was something about Bryce that attracted her to him like a magnet. They’ve known each other for a few months now and the chemistry between them was fantastic, but she wanted to know if there was more to it than just casual hookups.

He deserved to know how she really felt… and she wanted to know how he felt too.

“Before we go any further, you should know…” – Bryce saw her face getting serious. There was a twinkle in her eyes. – “…This means something to me.” – his big and warm hands paused around her hips.

“It does?” – she nodded to his serious semblance, biting her lip.

“Yeah. Does it… to you?” – she gathered enough courage to ask him, her heart beating so hard that she could hear it in her ears, but her eyes never leaving his intense gaze.

Oh my god. I shouldn’t have said this. Crap. Well done, Rei. Oh god, what am I going to do–

Slowly but wholly, she watched that signature smirk of his spreading on his face.

“Can’t you tell?”

She sighed, finally letting a breath she didn’t know she was holding out as he leaned in and kissed her again, more tenderly this time, showing her how much he cared for her. She smiled from ear to ear to him.

“Yeah, I guess I can tell.”

His grin widened and he pulled her clothes over her head with a sudden move, as Rei kissed his neck, undoing his pants and pushing them to the ground. Bryce cocked a brow when she snapped the band of his underpants with a cheeky smile, sliding her hands beneath the fabric.

“I really don’t need to keep these on.”

She giggled before kissing his chest as she slid his underpants down, her fingers teasingly brushing him.

“Agreed…” – she murmured. – “You know… I want to… uh…” – her face filled with color as she looked down. Bryce bit back a laugh as she blushed violently by the sight of… his arousal. – “Last time you… you know…”

“Hmm, I guess you want to pay me back?” – he asked with a teasing smirk and she nodded, cheeks bright red.

“Yeah… but I don’t know how to… oh god—” – she hid her face behind her hands, embarrassment radiating off of her.

“You seemed so bold just a second ago, Rei.” – Bryce chuckled and she groaned.

“Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to flirt? As you probably have already noticed by now, I’m not the greatest flirt on Earth, Lahela.”

“You know, I wouldn’t mind doing all the work.” – he pulled her hands from her face and kissed her softly, easing her down. – “But since you said you wanted to repay the favor…” – blush bloomed in her face again as his hand gently guided hers, taking hold of him.

Rei was a quick learner and soon enough she was doing it by herself. She giggled and kissed him again, enjoying the way his breath stopped and started with her movements.

“Who has magic hands now?” – she asked, but promptly rolled her eyes and groaned in embarrassment. – “Oh god, this was so cheesy…”

“You’re giving me a run for my money.” – he smirked back at her, panting.

Her heart skipped a beat when he grunted, pulling her bra down and kissing his way across her breasts, making her shiver. “Ahh…” – her body arched when his teeth scraped lightly at her smooth skin, sparks of arousal igniting in her belly.

“How bout we have some good clean fun…” – he proposed, already pushing Rei backward, guiding her toward the shower.

Bryce pushed her against the shower wall – Rei had noticed already that he liked doing it a lot and she didn’t mind it at all, to be honest -, turning on the tap. Warm water rained down as he kissed her, long and sweetly, his hands exploring her body. She returned the favor, his muscles slippery beneath her fingers, his lips tasting like the water that poured in them. The surgeon reached between her legs, fingers moving slowly but surely. Rei moaned, hiding her face on the crook of his neck, trying to stifle the noise when he finally entered her.

“I told you I wasn’t the one you had to worry about making noise…”

“I don’t think I care anymore…” – she murmured back at him, leaning her head against the shower wall and sighing as Bryce’s hands worked their magic, his lips tracing across her collarbone, his hips thrusting against hers. – “Bryce…”

He gripped her by the back of the thighs and lifted her, pinning Rei high against the cold tile of the shower wall, finding a more comfortable position for them both. She sighed with pleasure as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her fingernails clawing into his back as she lost control, their bodies rocking together under the hot water. Her whimpers mixed with his grunts as they gave into that overwhelming burning sensation building inside both of them…


“Whoever said that taking a shower together was more economical, lied. The amount of water we wasted…” – Rei commented later, as she put on her clothes back on. Bryce laughed softly.

“But it’s more fun than taking it alone, isn’t it?” – he smirked playfully at her, a towel wrapped low around his waist. She couldn’t avoid her eyes of going down…  – “Enjoying the view? I’m sorry, Rei, but we won’t have enough time for another round.” – of course her face turned bright red.

“S-shut up! It’s not it!” – Bryce chuckled again as the medical intern suddenly turned away, stubbornly determined to focus on her own reflection on the mirror as she dried her long hair with a soft towel. – “You know… you got me worried for a second there. When I told you that I don’t want to keep this… us… casual.” – she heard his laughter again as Bryce stood right next to her, now half dressed.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I love teasing you.” – he winked at her as he buttoned up his shirt. She rolled her eyes but he saw a sheepish grin tugging on the corner of her lips.

“Yeah, I noticed this already.” – he yawned loudly. – “Thanks for helping again, Bryce. And sorry for keeping you up all night.”

“Rei, haven’t you noticed that I like spending time with you yet? Whenever and wherever you need me, I’m just a text away.” – he checked the time on his watch as he put it. – “Hmm, 5 o’clock. What do you say we grab breakfast together, for us and for the sleeping beauties in your living room before work? I desperately am in need of some coffee. Strong.”

Her smile widened.

“That’s a great idea. I’ll have to take a double dose of caffeine today.”

“A girl after my own heart.” – he said dramatically, putting a hand above his chest, making her giggle as they both stepped out of the bathroom.


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