Come Away With Me Part 1/7

Summary: An AU set at the beginning of Book 3, in which Diavolos accompanies Kenna and crew to the Iron Empire.

The last person Kenna expects to ask to join her on the trip to the Iron Empire is Luther Nevrakis’ son. But here Diavolos is, at her request, looking more than at home standing on the deck of one of the Nevrakis ships. She watches him for a moment, the easy way in which he carries himself and grins at her when he turns around and sees her, and she wonders again how in the world he managed to come from Luther.

Kenna can’t help but grin back at him, then shakes her head and makes her way around the deck. She stares out at the endless miles of open water, the shores of Abanthus disappearing behind them. She’s nervous, though she tries not to let anyone else see it; nervous about what’s ahead, and wondering if she’s made a mistake bringing Diavolos with them.


It was a spontaneous invitation. Kenna doesn’t know much about Azura and the Iron Empire, other than from stories growing up and offhand comments she overheard as she got older. She knows she can’t prepare for everything, but Kenna doesn’t like being at such a disadvantage when she meets Azura.

She knows the Nevrakis family has been waging war against her for decades, and thinks about how helpful it would be to have at least some direct knowledge about her. She refuses to ask Luther for information; she’s pretty sure he won’t tell her anything anyway. The troops are loyal to Luther, and she knows they won’t tell her anything either.

“What about one of Luther’s sons?” Leon asks. “They’re all in the Abanthus army, and their troops are imprisoned here.”

“I’m not sure they’ll want to tell us anything either,” Kenna sighs. “But it’s worth a try.”

After some searching, Leon finally locates one of the Nevrakis sons, Diavolos. He’s down in the general population dungeons for some reason, and Kenna’s surprised he or Luther allowed that. She’s heard bits and pieces about Diavolos, at one time or another: that he’s Luther’s favorite son, that he’s a strong, commanding force on the battlefield, that he seems to be the least despised of the Nevrakis children. Kenna has also heard a few whispered giggles about how good looking he is since they’ve been in Lykos, but she dismisses those.

Kenna waits for Leon to bring Diavolos to the throne room, pacing impatiently. She’s decided to meet with him without everyone else first, wanting to get a sense of him, and hoping he’ll be more agreeable if he’s not surrounded by people who despise his father. The door to the throne room opens, and Kenna turns as Leon ushers someone in.

She’s convinced for a moment that Leon has retrieved the wrong man from the dungeons. The man sauntering in in front of Leon is indeed good looking, tall and broad and solid muscle. He’s dark haired and dark eyed and grinning at Kenna in a way that sends a rush of heat straight through her. As he gets closer, a stray thought about if his lips are as soft as they look and how his stubble would feel against her skin flits through her.

Kenna shakes it off hurriedly, rising from her chair. It doesn’t matter how good looking Diavolos is; the fact remains that he’s Luther’s son, and he’s only here to provide information on Azura and the Iron Empire.

“Diavolos,” she greets him cordially.

Diavolos holds his hand out, bowing slightly and brushing his lips over the back of Kenna’s knuckles as she rests her hand in his much larger one. Kenna wills herself not to stare at him as he straightens back up.

“Your Majesty,” Diavolos greets her. “To what do I owe this honor? Not that I’m complaining about being out of the dungeons.”

“I’m hoping you can provide some information about the Iron Empire,” she explains.

Diavolos raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Any particular reason why?”

She passes him the invitation Azura sent. He’s surprisingly helpful and forthcoming when she asks him for information on Azura and the Iron Empire. He admits he’s never faced Azura directly since she rarely goes into battle, but he does know she never negotiates, that her subjects are fanatically loyal to her, and that she somehow has the ability to shoot lightning from her hands. Kenna stares at him in disbelief.

“My gods,” Leon mutters.

Kenna sighs. “I don’t know how we’ll deal with that. But at least we know now.”

She leans back in her chair, then sits upright suddenly as an idea hits her. She considers it carefully for a moment. It could be a terrible plan, and Leon is probably going to be unhappy, but…

“Would you consider coming with us to Ducitora?” Kenna asks Diavolos.

She’s not sure who’s more shocked, Diavolos or Leon. Diavolos stares at her, as if trying to decide if she’s joking or not.

Leon frowns. “Your Majesty, I’m not sure that’s a wise decision.”

“I think it’s an idea worth considering,” Kenna says, looking over at Leon. “None of us have any idea what to expect from Azura, Leon. It would be helpful to have someone with us who has some idea of what she’s capable of.”

“Would you come with?” Kenna asks him again.

“…you’re serious,” Diavolos says after a moment.

“I am.”

“This is crazy, you know that?” he finally says.

“I agree,” Leon mutters.

“It might be,” Kenna admits.

“Should I get the others?” Leon asks after a long silence. “We should…discuss this new plan.”

She agrees, telling Leon that Diavolos can stay in the throne room while he gathers everyone else. He understandably protests, but Kenna points out that she has her sword and Diavolos has no weapons. Leon’s frustration and concern are all too apparent, but eventually he posts two guards outside the door and levels Diavolos with a warning look before stepping out. Kenna turns to Diavolos as the throne door closes.

He grins at her and says, “It would seem we’re alone, Queen Kenna.”

“This is strictly business,” she says in what she hopes is a calm voice, trying to ignore the flush that runs over her when his eyes linger on her and he murmurs, “That’s a shame”.

She’s feeling a little thrown off by this instant attraction simmering between them, how distracted he seems able to make her with just a glance, a smirk, a comment.

“You’re staring,” Diavolos says with a smug look.

“So are you,” she retorts.

Diavolos’ face lights up, and he laughs. “I won’t deny that.”

Kenna rolls her eyes, but she can’t hide the smile on her face. “Thank you,” she says sincerely. “For telling us about Azura.”

“You seem surprised,” Diavolos says, reclining back in his chair.

“I didn’t think you’d tell us anything,” Kenna admits. “I figured you’d be…”

“A typical, difficult Nevrakis?” he asks with a chuckle.

“…yes,” Kenna says, smiling at the amused look on his face.

“I still think this will end badly, Kenna, no matter what you do. But I’m not going to make it more difficult for you than it’s already going to be. Although I am surprised you asked me,” he says. “There’s no love lost between you and my family.”

“There’s not,” she agrees. “I know we have no reason to trust each,

Diavolos. Our families have the worst history imaginable. You know I don’t trust your father. But I think you and I could work together on this.”

Diavolos studies her silently, then scoots closer, his knee almost touching hers. He’s close enough that she can nearly count his long, dark eyelashes, and it stirs something in her.

“In the end, we want the same thing,” Kenna points out, swallowing hard at the way he’s looking at her. “Azura is a formidable enemy. Your family has been trying to defeat her for generations. With your information, perhaps we’ll have a chance for this visit to end differently.”

“I still think it’s going to end badly,” he murmurs.

“This entire trip? Or you coming with us?” Kenna asks.

Diavolos chuckles. “I have no problem being with you on a ship for several weeks, Kenna.”

There’s something unreadable in his eyes as he tugs her chair closer, his hands resting lightly on her knees. Before she can respond, or let kissing him become more than a fleeting thought, the doors to the throne room fly open, and she shoves her chair back.

“Are we really bringing a Nevrakis with us?” Val demands as she strides in. “Are you crazy?”

“Val!” Annelyse scolds her.

“Yes, we are,” Kenna says firmly. “None of us has any experience with Azura or the Iron Empire. Diavolos does. We need to go in with at least some idea of what we’re getting into.”

No one looks particularly happy at the idea of Diavolos coming with them. She understands, still has some reservations herself, but she hopes the help Diavolos can provide will give them some sort of advantage.

“How will you explain this to my father?” Diavolos asks as everyone settles around the table. “You have every other member of my family and our troops imprisoned. Bringing me along doesn’t make logistical sense. He’s going to be suspicious.”

“You’ll go as our prisoner,” Raydan says.

“Your prisoner? I’m not agreeing to this just to be locked up for weeks,” Diavolos says angrily.

“No,” Kenna agrees. “That’s just what we tell your father and sister and the Abanthus troops. We need information, you have it, so we’re bringing you with us. We’ll tell them you have no choice in the matter.”

Kenna looks at Diavolos. “Our airships were all damaged in the Battle of the Bay. We’ll need a ship.”

Diavolos runs a hand over his hair. “Nearly our entire fleet was destroyed. But we have a few ships we didn’t bring into battle.”

As they finalize their preparations, Kenna tries to ignore the fluttering anticipation that goes through her at the thought of being on a ship with Diavolos for several weeks, but it’s persistent, lingering. The way he keeps looking at her, with a smug grin and desire practically written on his face, doesn’t help.


Diavolos knows the Nevrakis ships the best, but putting him in any sort of control isn’t a feasible option if Kenna hopes to keep the peace. She can tell it frustrates him, has figured out just in the two days she’s known him that he’s a man of action, used to taking charge and doing things, not sitting and waiting. Kenna recruits a few people from Panrion to help man the ship, and it seems to appease everyone else, at least a little bit.

“We don’t know you,” Kenna reminds Diavolos in a gentle tone as nearly everyone disappears to the sleeping quarters their first night out. “And most of our experiences with your family aren’t…pleasant.”

Diavolos is leaning against the railing, staring out at the water, and turns his head to look at her as she joins him.

“I don’t know you either,” Diavolos points out. “You could be planning to throw me overboard.”

Kenna laughs. “I promise, I’m not planning on throwing you overboard. But I can’t say the same for Val or Leon.”

Diavolos chuckles, leaning further over the railing and looking down at the inky black sea. She studies his profile, his high cheekbones and strong jawline, the way his dark hair has fallen over his forehead. He pushes himself upright, grinning at her when he catches her looking at him.

“I think I’ll head to bed,” he says, stretching his arms over his head.

“I should too,” Kenna says in agreement, and they head to the sleeping quarters.

They reach her private cabin fist.

“Until tomorrow, Your Majesty,” Diavolos murmurs, and she swallows hard as she notices just how close they’re standing together.

He takes her hand in his, brushing his lips over the back of it, his dark eyes locked on hers. Kenna feels her breath catch a little as she looks at him, feeling that instant attraction and desire running between them again. Her hands are sliding over his shirt before she realizes what she’s doing, fisting in the fabric and tugging him down until his mouth is nearly on hers.

“You sure you want to do this, Kenna?” Diavolos whispers, his breath caressing her lips. His hands are large and warm as he brings them up to her hips.

“I don’t know yet,” she whispers back, staring up at him.

His eyes are impossibly dark as they flicker down to her mouth and back up to look at her.

“I do,” he murmurs. “So I’ll do my best to persuade you.”

He cranes his head down, his lips spreading in a smile as she pulls him down the rest of the way, their lips crashing together. His lips are as soft as she expected, the feel of his stubble scraping across her skin making her shiver. He kisses her hungrily, without any restraint, like he knows exactly what he wants. He makes her want more.

One of his hands slides up into her hair, tugging gently as he leans into her, her back hitting the door. Kenna feels him smile again as he goes to pull back and she tightens her grip on his shirt. She doesn’t want him to stop.

“I thought we were going to bed,” Diavolos murmurs against her mouth, and she groans when he traps her lower lip between his teeth, biting gently.

That has her mind racing, going places it shouldn’t be, at least not now. Part of her wants to drag him into her cabin, to see if he’s as commanding in the bedroom as she’s heard he is on the battlefield. She thinks he would be, and it makes her whimper and press her hips into his.

Diavolos squeezes her hips tightly. “I want you, Kenna,” he says in a low voice. “So when you figure out what you want…you know where to find me.”

“Okay,” she murmurs, relaxing her grip on him so he can step back. Diavolos smiles, cupping her cheek in his hand.

“I’ll see you in the morning, Kenna.”

“Good night, Diavolos.”

She watches as he walks away, trying to still her rapidly beating heart and wondering what she’s gotten herself into.

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