
Author’s note: this takes place in Chapter 15 between Ethan’s and Landry’s scenes. I’ve always wanted to explore Ethan and Rei’s relationship more. Ethan is a great mentor and I love him as such, and Rei looks up to him like he looks up to Naveen. So today’s chapter felt a bit odd if you’ve never romanced Ethan and his relationship with MC has always been strictly professional, like in my case. So I’m rewriting that scene a bit, with Rei’s intakes about it.

Disclaimer: Characters and some dialogues belong to Pixelberry Studios.


“…So you already knew about the hearing?” – Rei asked, after taking a sip of the expensive looking scotch Ethan Ramsey served her.

“Obviously.” – he answered, putting his glass down the kitchen island. She stopped by his side, doing the same, her eyes searching his.

“Then… will you testify for me?”

Rei had been dreading contacting Ethan since he had resigned, because, really, none of it was his business. Plus, she knew he was mourning and needed some time alone, and she respected that.

But she needed him. She needed his help. His guidance. He was more than her boss; he was a friend. He was her mentor.

“You have friends for that.” – he said coldly.

“But… they’re not my mentor.” – Ethan finally faced her, his pale blue eyes staring back at her.

“I’m not your mentor, either.”

Rei felt her heart clutching. What…?

“How can you say that after everything we’ve been through together?”

She might had realized it late, but Rei Sato wasn’t stupid. She hated to admit it, but Ethan might had favoured her sometimes, yes. He had always treated her differently from the other interns. He took her to Miami. He taught her more things than he had too. He believed in her and gave her opportunities to both fail and learn. He let her know about and help him with Dr. Banerji’s case. Ethan Ramsey was her mentor.

“Because it’s true, Sato. You were my intern. One of many. That’s all.”

“Sato? Not ‘Rookie’? Why are you being so cold?” – but all Ethan did was take a drink and look away again. And that made Rei’s blood boil.

Why was he acting like that?!

“You know I’m a good doctor! You know you could help me!” – she exclaimed, her face growing red with anger.

Rei usually was a calm and collected person as she could ever be. But that didn’t mean that she wouldn’t lose her temper too. Especially when her job and career were at stake. She had never regretted helping Mrs. Martinez. And she knew that what was done was done and there was nothing that could change that. But she wasn’t going to go down without trying. Without a chance to show that what she did was right. And that she was a good doctor.

And for that, she needed Ramsey. He knew why she did what she did; she had told him everything. He had always been her guiding light. She believed in him. And she knew it was reciprocated. He saw future in her. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so firm and given her so many opportunities to grow, right?

The man shook his head, a sad frown spreading through his face.

“I can’t.”

“What’s happened to you? I came to Edenbrook to learn from the Ethan Ramsey!”

Ethan’s frown turned into a scowl as he looked back at her.

“This is The Ethan Ramsey. The man who can save anyone except the people he gives a damn about. Not Dolores. Not Naveen. And not you.”

“I know you, Ethan. This isn’t you. Maybe you quit, but I know you’re not a quitter.” – she stabbed a finger in his chest and got in his face, the frustration and hurt building up inside her. – “You taught me not to. So I’m fighting back. With or without you.”

“Don’t you think I’d help you if I could?!” – Ethan snapped back at her as he grabbed her hand, pulling it away from his chest. He held her there, gently restrained against the kitchen island.

“Then why…”

“I already told Harper I wanted to testify for you and she refused.” – he interrupted her. – “She says I’m too biased, and, you know what? She’s goddamn right! So stop asking. I don’t work there, and soon neither will you.”

Rei stopped short, taking a deep breath to calm herself and gazed into his blue eyes.

“Ethan… what are you saying?”

“I’m saying I’m not your boss anymore and that means… that means…”

They kept staring at each other as the meaning downed on the both of them.

Right. That was all he ever was. Just a boss. And she was just an intern among others. As if he had never seen her as his mentee. As someone with a potential.

Rei was suddenly acutely aware of his hands on her wrists, his body pushing her against the kitchen island. Feeling the anger and disappointment building up again, the young doctor brushed past him, annoyed. She knew it was a bad idea going there in the first place. She should have gone home instead.

He wasn’t her boss anymore. So he was nothing to her. Not even a friend.

“You’re Ethan Ramsey. You could have done more if you’d wanted to.” – she said through gritted teeth, grabbing her purse left on his couch.


“I’m sorry to have interrupted your drinking.” – she said, not wanting to hear anything else from him. – “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to figure out a way to keep my job. Because someone taught me to not give up.”

She stated, shooting a cold glare at him, as she marched out of his apartment, letting the door slam shut behind her.


As the medical intern walked down the street, hot tears streamed down her cheeks, her heart tight in her chest. She felt so disappointed and hurt.

Ethan Ramsey was her mentor. Her idol. Someone she admired greatly. And a friend.

At least, that was what she had thought he was until then.

What the hell he meant by that? He wasn’t her boss anymore, yes. But he still could be her mentor. One thing didn’t exclude the other. And why he had so suddenly given up? He was one of the most driven people she’d ever known. He pushed her to her limits. Because he believed in her. He saw the great doctor she would be one day. He trusted in her. He had taught her that not being able to save everyone didn’t mean that you’re a bad doctor. Then why he was acting like that? Because of Dr. Banerji? But he should respect Naveen’s wish. Like she did to Mrs. Martinez. Uh.

Rei stopped short, in the middle of a busy street, ignoring the people bumping their shoulders with hers and cursing under their breaths, telling her to get out of the way. She checked the time. Ten past eight. Her friends were probably at home by now, but she didn’t really want to go home yet. Plus, her stomach was growling furiously. Rei pondered for a minute before taking her phone and sending a text:

Hey, you there? Meet me in 10?

Sure. My place?



“Uh, I take the chat with Ramsey didn’t go well?” – Bryce asked as he opened the door, watching the miserable look in Rei’s face. He instantly noticed that she’d cried; her eyes were puffy and red.

“More like it went terribly.” – she murmured, entering his small but neat and comfortable apartment. That was the first time the medical intern went there, but she was feeling so down and frustrated that she even had forgotten that fact. If Rei was on her usual state of mind, she would most definitely be freaking out about it. Being alone with Bryce in his apartment free of roommates? That was something.

He led her to his couch, both of them sitting down side by side. Bryce gently took one of her hands and rested it on his lap, his thumb caressing her knuckles.

“Tell me what happened.”

She let out a sigh before telling him what happened at Ethan’s apartment. Talking to Bryce was always so easy. And it always made her feel calmer. It was therapeutic.

“…And I don’t know what the hell he meant by that!” – she gestured exasperated, looking back at the young surgeon. – “‘I’m not your boss anymore and that means’… Means what?!”

He bit his bottom lip. He knew what had probably passed through Ethan Ramsey’s mind. He wasn’t Rei’s boss anymore. There wasn’t any professional relationship between them anymore. They could be whatever and whoever they wanted to be.

Bryce wasn’t stupid and he had noticed that Ethan was attracted to Rei. He had noticed the way the older doctor used to look at her. It was the same look Jackie gave her. And probably the same look he, Bryce Lahela, had when he looked at the medical intern himself.

…But Rei didn’t correspond to Ramsey’s feelings. To her, he had always been her idol, a role model, a mentor. Bryce would never confess it out loud, but he might had felt a bit jealous of Dr. Ramsey a few times until he realised that Rei never felt attracted to her boss. And she was naive enough to have never realised that the ex-attending liked her in a way that he shouldn’t.

“…I thought he would help me.” – the anger in her face gave space to a sad frown. – “I thought he cared. I thought we were friends.”

“He cares about you, Rei. But there’s nothing he can do. He doesn’t even work at the hospital anymore. But this doesn’t mean you can’t win this.” – he grinned encouragingly to her. – “You’ll see. You won’t need Ethan Ramsey’s help to win this battle. You will prove it by yourself. I believe in you.”

He watched a small and gracious smile spreading through her lips.

“How can you be so confident 24/7? And have so much faith in me?”

“Because I know my capacities and limitations. And I know yours too, Rei. And I know that you’ll be one of the greatest doctors Edenbrook will ever have. You yourself had told this, how Ramsey knows that you’re a good doctor. You know you’re good.”

“Yeah. I’m pretty good, ain’t I?” – Bryce laughed to her sheepish smile.

“It’s about damn time you own it.” – he was so proud of her. Rei Sato was finally realising how incredible she was.

She giggled, the hurt and disappointment forgotten.

“Jeez, I’m starving. Have you had dinner already?”

“Not yet. What do you want to eat?” – he asked, pulling out his phone and opening a food delivery app.


Less than an hour later, Bryce and Rei had already devoured their burgers and fries, sipping on their beers in a companionable silence.

“What?” – he finally asked, watching her pretty face twisted in a deep frown. He knew her well enough to know that she was worrying about something again.

She put the empty bottle on his coffee table, turning to face him with a worried pout.

“Maybe… maybe I was unfair to Ethan. I shouldn’t have accused him. For not helping me, I mean.” – she hid her face behind her hands, feeling exhaustion and regret taking over her. – “But I got so mad and felt so… frustrated, that I lashed it all out. Oh god, what if he hates me now?”

“Hey, come on.” – he put his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it softly. – “He doesn’t hate you, Rei.” – she was going to protest, but he was faster: “I know he doesn’t.”

She nodded, taking a deep breath, calming herself down, and looked back at Bryce again, his face just inches from hers. He grinned softly, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“I have to stop overthinking things.” – she rolled her eyes, groaning. – “Ugh, I need to fill my mind with something else… if I keep on thinking about this I’ll go crazy—”

“I might know how to help you forget things.” – Bryce smirked, winking playfully. Rei immediately felt that heat between her legs pooling like it always did whenever he flashed that signature wink of his, the air around them getting heavy instantly.

The medical intern yelped in surprise when Bryce’s strong arm tightened around her waist, pulling her closer, as his other hand angled her face to him. She melted into his arms when his lips found hers, kissing her tenderly. Rei managed to regain control over her body and deepened the kiss, her hands on his firm chest, feeling his heart beating beneath her touch.

“I can make love to you until you’re senseless…” – his voice was husky with desire into her ear, making Rei feel her heartbeat speeding up. She knew he would. – “If that’s what you want…”

“Yeah… I’d like that.” – she murmured, her cheeks flushing, her breath getting heavier.

“What would you like, Rei?”

“I want to forget everything…” – she didn’t want to think about her testimony anymore. She wanted to forget how hurt and disappointed she felt with Ethan. She just wanted Bryce Lahela. All of him. – “I just… want you…” – her hands roamed down his torso to the waistband of his jeans.

“Doing what?” – he asked teasingly, his lips brushing on hers. She rolled her eyes.

“Just fuck me, Lahela.” – she stated impatiently.

“What a bad mouth, Rei. But I like when you get mad. It’s hot.”

“You say this because you still haven’t seen me angry at you. But I’ll be soon if you just keep talking— ” – but before she could finish her sentence, Rei felt being pushed down to the sofa cushions, with Bryce hovering over her, smiling wolfishly.

She shivered in excitement as he left a trail of fiery kisses down her exposed neck, while his hands spread her knees apart and explored her thighs, pulling up the edge of her dress to her hips. He chuckled.

“I haven’t even touched you and you’re already so wet.” – his breath was hot against her skin, his fingers pulling her bikini bottoms to the side.

“It’s because you just keep teasing me—” – but he interrupted her with a long and passionate kiss. While Rei lost herself into the kiss, burying her hands into his hair, Bryce hurriedly pulled his jeans and underwear down just enough to free himself, skilfully putting a condom on and positioning his body between her legs. She gasped, arching, as she felt him filling her wholly. – “Bryce…!”

“I love when you say my name…” – with his own breathing ragged, Bryce leaned down to kiss her again, pumping his hips against hers, each thrust deeper and faster. – “God, you’re spectacular, Rei. You feel so good…” – she tossed her head backwards, her body spamming as she felt his thumb on her sensitive nub, massaging it. There was Bryce Lahela’s magic touch.

Rei usually was very quiet, but not that night. Maybe it was because they finally had found themselves alone – there were no roommates around and they weren’t at the hospital for a change – or maybe it was because she was really feeling it, but she let all her inhibition down, the moans and whimpers escaping from her lips with no constraint.

With a sudden move, Bryce passed her dress through her shoulders and pulled her bra down, his lips sucking the smooth skin of her breasts, making Rei feel even dizzier.

“Not fair…” – she panted, her hands fumbling around the hem of his sweater and shirt. – “Take it off. Now.”

“Aren’t you bossy, today? Not that I don’t enjoy it.” – the young surgeon chuckled before taking off his own clothes. – “Better?”

“Much.” – she grinned at him, lacing her legs around his waist, drawing him in.

Bryce fell forward, their bodies working together. – “I…” – Rei looked up to him, his handsome face just inches from hers, his dark eyes gazing down at her adoringly, that stupid sexy smirk on his lips.

…Oh god, she was in so much trouble. She loved him. She loved him so much.

“Yeah…?” – he asked, his hips and fingers still working on her, causing her body to squirm from time to time.

I love you.

“…Thank you, Bryce.” – she said instead, smiling sheepishly at him. His grin widened and he kissed her softly. – “You’re one of a kind.”

“And so are you, Rei.” – he murmured back before speeding up his pace, bringing her closer to the edge.

Her whimpers mixed with his grunts as her fingers explored the taut muscles of his abdomen, their hips grinding together faster and faster until the ecstasy was too much to handle, that wave of pleasure taking over them both.

“Holy fuck.” – Bryce said, catching up his breath, feeling his body heavy and tingling. Rei giggled from beneath him, breathing heavily too.

“Yeah, quite literally.” – he laughed loudly, throwing his head backward, before rolling down from top of her, squeezing their sweaty bodies tightly together in the not so spacious couch.

“Feeling better?” – he asked, one of his arms around her waist, his hand on the small of her back.

“Much better.” – she grinned brightly at him, her hand resting on his jaw. She frowned momentarily: – “I’m sorry. I feel like I’m always just asking you to comfort me. It isn’t fair.”

“Don’t worry about it, Rei.” – he chuckled softly, playing with the end of her long dark hair. – “I always enjoy it, really.” – she rolled her eyes to his wink.

“Either way. I just want you to know that you can vent and tell me about anything that’s upsetting you, okay? I’m all ears. And I’ll be here to comfort you like you do to me.”

“I know.” – he smiled softly at her. – “Thanks.”

They stayed in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each other’s company, their breath.

“You know…” – Rei was the one that broke the silence. – “You never showed me your room…” – he looked down to her, a sly smirk spreading his lips. She blushed slightly, biting her bottom lip seductively.

“Hmm, bossy, confident and daring Rei. I’ve always liked every aspect of you, but I’m not gonna lie, I’m really liking to get to know this new Rei.”

“Maybe I got influenced by your cockiness, Lahela.” – he chuckled and she jumped out of the couch, pulling him up. – “C’mon, don’t you want to know how grateful I am for everything you’ve done to me?”

“Oh? And how grateful you are?” – he asked, as they both finally undressed from all their clothes. Although Rei was feeling bolder, she still blushed adoringly under his gaze. She still felt so shy and awkward whenever she tried to flirt.

“I guess I’ll be better at showing it than telling you…” – she murmured as he pushed her backward to his room, his hands on her hips.

“I like where this is going…” – he leaned down to kiss her, both tenderly and passionately.

And without warning, Rei shoved him down to his bed, both of them giggling in excitement, as she kissed down his chest to his ripped stomach and lower, the young interns losing themselves into each other for another round.


They were both woken up early the next morning by his alarm. Rei groaned lazily while Bryce groped around his nightstand until he finally found his alarm clock.

“Sorry. Gotta go work.” – he murmured, sweetly pecking her on the lips.

“I know.”

“Though I wish I could stay here all day with you.” – and he flashed her that signature wink of his that always made her feel breathless.

“Shut up!” – Rei blushed furiously, pushing him out of the bed. The surgical intern chuckled.

“Who look at you now wouldn’t imagine that you kept me awake all night last night.” – the surgeon stumbled around the room, grabbing some clean clothes.

“I was drunk.”

“You didn’t even drink that much.” – that was true. They had just drank a beer each.

“I was feeling drunk and sad and horny, okay?” – she admitted, her cheeks burning. He chuckled softly as he buttoned up his shirt.

“Are you feeling better by the way?”

“Yeah. Much better.” – Rei sighed, appreciatively watching Bryce putting his clothes on. She loved watching him doing whatever whenever. – “…I miss going to work.”

“You’re a workaholic, you know that? Enjoy your days off, Rei. You’re having to go back to work tomorrow already.”

She groaned.

“I hope so.”

“Hey, no negative thoughts.” – she rolled her eyes, but he could see a small smile tugging on the corner of her mouth. – “Where’s that confident Rei from yesterday?”

Bryce was right. She couldn’t give up. She knew she had done the right thing and would prove it somehow. She had her friends’ support, apparently half of the hospital was rooting for her too, she had Bryce and she had herself. She wouldn’t give up.

“She’s here.” – she answered defiantly, climbing down his bed and walked toward him, putting her arms around his waist and giving him a good morning kiss which he responded to with eagerness.

“Are you trying to make me go back to bed?” – he asked with a smirk, enjoying the sensation of her naked figure pressed against his. – “Because that’s definitely working.”

“No! You have to go work!” – and she shoved him out of his own bedroom.

Rei found her clothes left beside Bryce’s couch and quickly put them back on and they both left his apartment.

“So, what are you planning to do today?” – Bryce asked as they headed to the subway station near his house, his arm comfortably around her waist. The sun hadn’t even risen yet.

“Study some medical law. I’m not going down without a fight!”

“That’s what I like to hear.” – he grinned and pulled her chin to his. Rei let out a little yelp in surprise, before losing herself into the kiss… but they were suddenly interrupted by a furious growl coming from her stomach.

“Hmm, I might grab some breakfast first.” – she murmured, her face flushed in embarrassment, making Bryce laugh.

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