

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- My first Distant Shores fic! I am so very, very torn between LIs in Distant Shores because I love both Charlie and Edward and that is how this was born.

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Beth asks Charlie why their relationship must be a secret and gets a surprising answer.

Pairing- Charlie/MC, Edward/MC

“You always use the crew as a reason to stop,” Beth said slowly as she found her clothes and began dressing, looking over at Charlie as she spoke, “is it because you think they wouldn’t… understand?”

It was an uncomfortable thought but she had to remind herself that she was currently in the early 18th century not 21st century LA.

“No, nothing like that,” Charlie dismissed, “the crew is an accepting lot, it’s the pirate way.”

Oh. “Then why?” Beth asked, averting her gaze, not wanting to see the rejection on the other woman’s face. She really liked Charlie and had enjoyed the time they had spent together and has thought the feeling was mutual, but maybe not? Maybe to her it was just fun?

There was a long silence. “I assumed you would prefer it that way,” Charlie said finally, “after all, it makes it less awkward with Edward.”

The way she said it, the quiet acceptance made Beth’s stomach twist. “What do you mean?” Charlie couldn’t mean…

“I see how you two look at each other, Beth, but I also know Edward and know it won’t have gone any further than looks, so why not take my chance?” Charlie said with deceptive casualness.

Beth finally got the courage to glance over at her, Charlie was smiling but it didn’t meet her eyes.


“It’s ok, love,” she said cutting Beth off, “I like your company and we are having fun, but it’s best that we both know what this is or isn’t and it’s better not to bring the crew into it.”

Their eyes met and Beth saw a quick pang of longing in Charlie’s had the feeling that the other woman wanted her to tell her she was wrong, that there was nothing between Beth and Edward and that this wasn’t just “fun”.

Beth hesitated, wanting to give Charlie the assurance she sought, but the words wouldn’t come. She couldn’t tell Charlie without a doubt that she would be her choice if Edward let himself be an option and sheI too cared too much to lie. 

So instead Beth nodded, “I guess that makes sense, for now.”

If Charlie was disappointed by the words she didn’t show it, instead she smiled. “Exactly and it doesn’t change anything, you and I can still share this time together, in fact I am counting on it.”

Charlie leaned over then and pressed her lips against Beth’s in a quick, friendly kiss. Beth returns it automatically, feeling the familiar heat that Charlie’s touch always evoked.

“Unfortunately we do need to get back,” Charlie said with a sigh, pulling away .

Beth nodded and followed her back to the ship, her face still flushed Charlie’s kisses and her mind racing a million miles an hour from the conversation they had shared. 

The confusion just deepened when they returns to the beach and her eyes found Edward, her heart racing just at the sight of him and the slight smile he gave her. 

“Miss McLeod,” he called out and she stepped towards him eagerly. As she reached his side though, Beth turned back to see Charlie watching them and her heart suddenly felt heavy as the other woman turned away.

Somehow she had gotten herself into quite a mess, even beyond being stuck out of her time, and she really had no idea how she was going to get out of it.

  • End 

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

One thought on “Complicated”

  1. This is so great! You write characters with guarded emotions so well, and Charlie is no exception. I felt the caution in the emotions with both Beth and Charlie being hesitant to reveal too much, it was a little painful, but beautiful as well. Awesome job!

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