Convergence (Colt x MC)

Author’s note: Blah blah canon divergence blah blah chapter 10 inspired blah blah this book has me whipped!!!!

**takes place after Divided Road and Mind Made Up

Summary: Izzy and Colt. That’s it, that’s the summary.

Word Count: 1163

Sure she felt of place at a rave with nothing but her Langston sweater and jeans, but Izzy would have felt more out place in the neon get-up Mona had offered her. At least, that’s what she told herself as her friends all split up to dance to the music.

Izzy didn’t have a rhythmic bone in her body, something her mother used to say she got from her. Izzy pushed back the memory, refusing to linger in the past, and took in the pulsing music and bright, flashing lights with renewed vigor. Her feet carried her partly to Logan before her eyes traveled to where Colt stood alone. Izzy felt rooted in place as Kaneko’s conversation from before came to mind.

A ghost of a smile crossed her lips when she recalled how the older man noted Colt’s fondness of her, but the feelings turned sour and curdled in her stomach when she remembered Kaneko’s words regarding Logan. Izzy’s heart ached as she realized a painful truth. She still had her father in a way, and Colt more or less had his, but where did that leave Logan? Who did he have? It was this single-minded focus that drew her closer to Logan until she caught Colt’s unreadable expression just a few feet away.

They locked eyes, and Izzy felt the exact moment her heart slowed. Her feet carried her to Colt, and she didn’t feel so confused anymore. Sure he was rude and annoying, and an asshole at best, yet none of those things mattered as her lips quirked into a smile of their own accord. “Come on, Colt!” Izzy grabbed his arm, ignoring the anxieties swirling in her head, and the disappointed look Logan passed her way. It was like the nitrous: once her path was set, she couldn’t change it.

“I don’t really dance,” Colt began, but his lips twitched as if he wasn’t completely honest. “What a coincidence! Neither can I!” Izzy laughed, and went with her instincts rather than fight them. If her heart wanted Colt, then she was gonna work her butt off to get him.

Away from the crew and deeper into the crowd, Colt wrapped his arms around her. Izzy bit her lip, more reactionary than conscious, as Colt gently tilted her chin up. This was way better than any of the romantic comedy movies she’d stayed up late watching all these years. She felt seen as Colt pulled her into him, secure as they swayed to the music. Now Izzy understood what people meant when they were “high off of life”. She could spend the rest of her days in Colt’s arms, unaware of the loud music, crowds of people, or flashy lights if he held her just like this.

Izzy’s eyes fluttered closed, a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in a while washing over her when Colt’s sudden question robbed her of that.

“Is Logan watching?”

Izzy’s eyes flew open again, agitation written across her now stern features. She quickly schooled them into a neutral expression when she realized Colt was looking at a point past her head. “You don’t want him to see us?” Izzy surely didn’t, and her palms sweat with the thought. It was why they were as far away from the crew as possible. As far away from Logan as possible. She’d lied to him and wasn’t ready to face the consequences yet, or ever. “Is it bad that a part of me does?” Colt asked, and Izzy caught a flicker of that competitive gleam in his eyes. She frowned, sharply pulling back. Maybe Mona would want to dance. They were on friendly terms now, and the urge to slap Colt was strong. “I’m not a possession for you two to fight over, I’m a person.” Her dad would be proud of her, if he ever forgave her.

As Izzy turned to storm away, Colt pulled her back, firmly adding, “You’re far more than that.” The intensity in his gaze and the sincerity of his words gave Izzy pause. It didn’t excuse his behavior, but she no longer felt like the prize in a game. Maybe she’d get an actual apology later. For now, there was something addictive about Colt’s validation. She didn’t need it, and yet she suddenly craved it. Izzy hoped she hadn’t fallen too far, too fast for him.

The worry was almost forgotten as she felt her body hug against Colt’s, grinding in a way that felt right to her. Maybe all that movie watching had come in handy! Colt’s body responded in turn, moving with her own to the beat of the music, and Izzy surrendered fully to the moment. Her back against his chest, she knew she was right where she needed to be.

“You’re my driver forever, you know that?” Colt spoke into her ear, and Izzy chucked, twisting to face him again.

“I didn’t take you for being-“

His lips crashed against hers, swallowing the rest of her sentence, the rest of her thoughts. She talked too much, she knew. It was a byproduct of a buzzing mind. But if Colt planned to shut her up with a kiss every time, she wouldn’t complain. She’d never complain again.

His lips traveled to her neck, sucking on her pulse point, and Izzy swore she saw stars. She felt rather than heard his chuckle as he moved on to her collar bone, inching closer to her feather tattoo. A foreign feeling deep in her core stirred, and all her senses awakened at once.

It was all Colt could do to slow down. Izzy’s moan set him off, and he instantly felt his jeans tighten in response. He was almost positive she wasn’t aware of the perfect way her body molded to his, the way he wanted to pull her away from the commotion around them and….

He settled for kissing her senselessly, bringing his lips back to hers, enjoying the way she snaked her hand into his hair, the smell of her hair, her taste, her familiar warmth. He nibbled her bottom lip, drawing it out with his teeth before pulling back to take her in. Izzy’s hoops hung from her ears, tangled in the coils of her hair, and her face was flushed from their close contact and her kiss-bitten lips. Izzy’s eyes were lidded as if stuck in a dream and Colt felt her breath hitch as he gently kissed the space between her nose and forehead.

“That’s my girl,” Colt spoke loud enough so only she could hear him, smirking at the way her mouth twitched in surprise as if registering the words before pretending they hadn’t affected her. Izzy pulled away, this time with a small blush, and threaded her fingers through his, suddenly shy again. Colt couldn’t help it; his smile stretched of its own volition as Izzy couldn’t meet his eyes.

If his dad had felt even an ounce for his mom what he felt for Izzy right now, Colt would never be able to understand how he’d left them so easily. He couldn’t leave Izzy’s side if he tried.

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