

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is one of the winners for my 500 followers contest. This one is a cute Blake and Party!twin fic with bickering and stolen French fries. This is set several years in the future after the pair are married.

Pairing- Blake/Party!Twin

Rating- G

Summary- Mikayla indulges in a pregnancy craving.

Words- 534

“Those are my fries.” The words were said in a bland tone, but I could hear the lingering amusement.

I looked up at my husband and grinned. “I ate all mine. Besides, you didn’t even want to come here.” I pointed out as I unrepentantly ate the fries I had stolen off of his tray.

“That doesn’t change the fact that those are my fries you are eating,” Blake pointed out. “I still don’t understand why you insisted on coming here. I could have made you French fries at home.”

“You could have,” I agreed as I reached over and grabbed another handful of his fries, “and I’m sure they would have been wonderful, but it wouldn’t be the same. There’s something special about McDonald’s fries.”

“If you say so,” Blake said dryly, “I think this is the first time I’ve had them in about ten years.”

That didn’t surprise me at all. Blake was a bit of a food snob. Which was fine and it meant we ate well, but sometimes a girl just needed her McDonald’s. Especially these days.

“Are you going to eat all of my fries?” Blake asked as I took a few more.

“It’s not me, it’s the baby.” I defended, giving him my cutest, most innocent look. Which was pretty damned cute, if I did say so myself. “It’s not my fault that the baby is craving French fries.”

That was the argument I had used to get him to go to McDonald’s with me in the first place. It was my trump card these days since Blake was so over-the-moon happy about our impending parenthood that he was inclined to indulge me.

Blake sighed, but he was smiling. “Are you going to use that argument for the entire pregnancy?”

“Probably,” I said honestly. “But I’m adorable.”

“Yes, you are.” Blake agreed, looking at me tenderly. He looked at his empty container of fries, “however, that doesn’t excuse the fact that you ate all my fries.”

“You can go get more,” I pointed out, motioning to the line.

Blake made a face, “no, I think I’ll wait and eat at home.” “See,” I said as I stood up, “I saved you from eating food that you didn’t want.”

“You’re so generous,” Blake teased as he reached for my hand. “Wasn’t that your excuse for eating all the ice cream last week?”

“Yep,” I confirmed as we headed towards the door, “at least I’m consistent.”

Blake laughed, “that would be a first.” I mock scowled at him as we exited the restaurant and headed towards the car.

“Speaking of ice cream,” I said as I reached for the passenger door, “I could really go for some.”

“They do sell ice cream at McDonald’s do they not?” Blake asked as he climbed into the car. “Couldn’t you have gotten some while we were still inside?”

I wrinkled my nose. “It’s not good ice cream. I want the good stuff. Please?”

“Who am I to deny you anything?” He asked with a smile, leaning over to give me a kiss.

I kissed him back happily. “You’re the best.”

Blake settled back into the driver’s seat and started the car. “I know.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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