Daddy’s (A) Princess

Disclaimer: These are not my characters, they belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them

Author’s Note: This is a birthday fic for Ladynevrakis (Happy Birthday, Misha!). Enmchoices suggested this idea a while ago and I finally got it to fully cooperate. 

Summary: Seth and Vivi enjoy some daddy-daughter time at a charity event. Vivi inadvertently starts a new family (and event) tradition.


“You don’t have to do this, Seth. I can go. I’m feeling fine, really!” His wife peers up at him, absentmindedly rubbing circles around the enormously swollen stomach jutting out from her petite frame.

Seth leans down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Iowa, Dr. Rutherford said you need to rest. Now I’m no doctor and I don’t play one on TV, but I’m pretty sure wrangling a sugared-up toddler while schmoozing with LA’s finest doesn’t count as rest.”

A deep crease forms on the brunette’s furrowed brow, her eyes swimming with trepidation. She ceases the nervous movements over her abdomen when her husband’s strong hand rests gently atop hers.

Pure love rings in his voice when he speaks again.

“I know this event is important to you, but your health and the babies’ health comes first; which I know you know. Besides, Victoria has everything taken care of. With her giving the opening speech now, no one’s wallet will be safe. She’ll dazzle half the crowd into donating and intimidate the rest.

“You stay here, enjoy the quiet, and eat some bon-bons while Miss Speed Racer and I have some much needed daddy-daughter time.” Seth motions to the toe-headed girl currently running laps around the room, the tulle on the skirt of her dress bouncing out-of-sync from her ringlet curls.

Seth holds his breath as he waits for his wife’s reply.

He truly loves seeing the passion and drive planning these types of events brings out in Kaylee; the sparkle in her eyes when she’s in philanthropy mode sets his heart ablaze. But she’s been pushing too hard lately and it worries him.

He never wants to make her feel like he’s demanding anything of her or pushing her around, but today is an exception. She needs him to be that voice of reason, the role she plays for him more often than not, so he’s bravely stepping up.

“Yeah, I know. You’re right,” Kaylee relents with a sigh. “I’ve just been working so hard to plan this and it’s Vieve’s first big event and…I really wanted to be there.”

Soft lips brush over her nose before capturing her mouth in a tender kiss. Seth rests his forehead against hers for a moment, then pulls away to gaze into her deep brownish-green eyes.

“Exactly, it’s Vivi’s debut into the chaotic world of elite charity events. We don’t want her sisters to barge in unexpectedly and ruin her fun, do we? They have the rest of their lives for that.” His wife gives a reluctant nod, a half smile forming on her lips, and he pulls away, satisfied with his efforts to reassure her.

During her next lap towards him, Seth scoops his wriggling daughter into his arms, tickling her and loudly announcing his triumph. Her bubbly giggles prove infectious, the family room of the Levine household echoing with laughter in three distinct flavors. After several goodbye kisses (mostly to Vivi) and a promise on Seth’s part to remember to take pictures, the father-daughter duo makes their way to the door with a giddy Vivi riding atop her father’s shoulders.

The car ride is blissfully quiet. Every so often Seth’s eyes flicker to the rear-view mirror explicitly to check on his daughter. And each time he’s greeted with the same image: his round-faced baby girl slumbering peacefully with her head slumped against the side of her car seat. Her lips are parted ever so slightly, allowing rogue droplets of drool to sneak down her cheek towards the neckline of her mint green dress.

A smile plasters itself to his lips, a spark of warmth fluttering in his chest. It never ceases to amaze him just how utterly adorable she appears when sleeping, even on her wildest and most toddlerific days. That, combined with the all-consuming love he’s had since first laying eyes on her, drives him to do everything in his power to make her happy.

So, while he knows he’ll be one of the only fathers there today, simply by nature of the event, he won’t let that stop him and Vivi from making the most of their day together. This very well may be their last solo outing together before the twins arrive and completely throw off their current family structure. Everything Vivi declares today will be law… well, mostly everything.

He doesn’t have to wait long for the first decree to be cast. As soon as they’re welcomed into the elaborate building, wait staff usher them to a small room near the entrance. Inside, hundreds of fancy accessories lay out on child sized display tables. The sight is enough to elicit a deep “ooooh” from the toddler currently holding a vice-grip on his right pointer finger.

In the blink of an eye she’s gone, rushing down aisle after aisle, a compact hurricane on the loose. Her manicured fingers scoop up items on tables at a dizzying pace, each one only remaining in her grip for a moment before being tossed aside for something more interesting.

Seth manages to convince her to decide on one of each accessory, though not before she loudly displays her disappointment at the idea.

“Daddy wear this,” she demands, pointing to a hot pink boa.

“I think these are mostly for the kiddos here, Silly-Bear, not the mommies and daddies.”

Her bottom lip protrudes, quivering slightly. Wide eyes, the same shade of blue as his own, peer up at him pleadingly. “Puh-wease Daddy?”

A warm puddle replaces the space his heart once occupied in his chest. Darn it, if she doesn’t know exactly how to get to him.

Seth grabs the scarf and whirls it around his neck with exaggerated flair.  “Hmmm. Do you really think this is my color? I think this purple one goes better with my tie.”

Vivi’s joyous giggles dance through the air. Newly invigorated, she continues bouncing up and down the aisles plucking accessories off as she sees fit; half for her and half for Seth.

With some guidance, the young girl finally makes up her mind, but not before changing it half a dozen times. Her father aids her as she daintily adds each item to her ensemble:  a faux pearl necklace hanging loosely around her neck, clip-on teardrop earrings in deep purple dangling from her ears, and a sparkling silver crown with turquoise stones secured atop her lofty curls. Seth straightens his own attire- a sparkly pink and purple boa, pearl clip-ons, and a flower crown with pink and yellow roses.

When they enter the event hall hand in hand, an ear to ear grin stretches across Seth’s face. Vivi stares, eyes wide as saucers and mouth agape, at the vision before her. The room is elegantly decorated in ivory and soft pink. Flowers and intricately painted tea sets adorn each table. In the center, three long buffet tables hold endless towers of bite-sized foods.

“So pretty!” She gasps.

“Why thank you, Princess Genevieve!” Victoria comments with a smirk as she saunters over. “You’re looking rather stunning yourself. Though I’m not sure what look your father’s going for here.”

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m…” “No! Daddy is a pah-rincess. Vivi is queen,” states the toddler defiantly, interrupting her father.

Victoria snorts with laughter as Seth curtseys to his daughter. “As Your Highness decrees, so it shall be.”

“I’m surprised her finger hasn’t fallen off yet considering how tightly she has you wrapped around it.” The actress’ eyes glimmer with amusement.

“She’s my baby girl, that’s exactly how it should, be now and forever.”


“Alright Henry, ready to join the elite world of Hollywood charity events at your very first Family Tea Party?” Seth muses to the toddler perched on his hip. His young son babbles in response as he’s placed into a car seat.

“Now you have a big job ahead of you today, as the only fair lad representing our family name. So watch that silver tongue of yours around the ladies, or gents if you please.”

“He’s your son Seth, being effortlessly sweet and smooth runs in his DNA,” Kaylee comments, sidling up beside him.

The father glances towards his wife and his heart skips a beat. She’s dressed in a stunning lavender knee length gown, his three daughters behind her wearing similar dresses in varying soft colors.

“What could I have possibly done to deserve four breathtaking ladies such as yourselves in my life?” A melody of tittering giggles fills the warm summer air and Seth wonders if his heart could ever contain more love and joy than it does in this moment.

“You’re a pretty princess too, daddy. I like your dress,” Vivi remarks.

“Why thank you, Your Grace.” Seth curtsies grandly in his navy blue evening gown, eliciting more laughter. “I hope you still feel this way in a few years.  You started this tradition forever ago and I don’t plan on ending it anytime soon. Even if I am still curled around your pretty little finger.”

-The End

Published by


Writer, fangirl of Seth Levine, and basic nerd

One thought on “Daddy’s (A) Princess”

  1. This is so adorable, M! I love it! I love what a sweet dad Seth is and the Victoria cameo was perfect. I love these glimpses into Seth and Kaylee’s family life and they help make the bad taste of the current book go away a bit.

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