Dancing With Shadows

Dancing With Shadows
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I don’t own any of the characters of the Crown and the Flame, I’m just borrowing them for a while. I’m not making any money off this.

A.N- I have become hooked on Choices, particularly The Crown and the Flame. I ship Kenna and Raydan hard, I think they are such a sexy pairing. This short takes place during Chapter Sixteen of Book Two and just expands on Kenna and Raydan’s encounter, from Kenna’s perspective. I wrote this taking the path of not being intimate with Dominic in Chapter Thirteen which I imagine would leave Kenna with very limited sexual experience since it’s clear that scene is the first time between Kenna and Dom and she was fairly sheltered (and busy) during their years apart. I don’t write a lot of mature content, so this new for me, but the scene really called to me and I wanted to expand on it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

Rating- NSFW

Pairing- Kenna/Raydan

Words- 2532

Summary- After defeating the Nevrakis army, Kenna celebrates with a rendezvous with a certain spymaster.

“Why don’t you take me in my command tent?” Even as she uttered the words and shot a flirty smile Raydan’s way, Kenna could barely believe she was saying them. “It’s still set up. Why don’t you meet me there?”

A tiny part of Kenna, all that remained of the sheltered princess she had been, was stunned by her own boldness, but she pushed that part aside. She had been through too much to care about propriety. She wanted to enjoy her life and give into desire and impulse. She had been attracted to Raydan from the moment she met him and he had proven himself to be a very loyal ally. But it was much more than that and they both knew it. She knew he would never proposition her, after all, she was a queen, so it had to come from her.

“Meet? I cannot accompany you there?” Raydan asked in a low voice that was heavy with desire. While still relatively inexperienced in romantic matters, Kenna knew her instincts hadn’t failed her—he wanted her every bit as much as she wanted him.

“I just thought a master of shadows might like the challenge of sneaking past my guards,” she teased. She had every faith in his ability to get into her tent undetected, though she guessed it might be a little awkward if Leon stumbled upon them. She knew he didn’t entirely approve of her relationship with Raydan, but she also knew that he would keep his opinions to himself. As much as she missed Gabriel, it was nice to have a guard who didn’t interfere so much in her personal life.

“You question my skills?” Raydan asked, stepping towards her. “I assure you the only way we’ll be caught tonight is if they hear you, my Queen.”

Kenna’s breath caught in her throat at the image his words evoked. She was stepping into new territory tonight and it was both terrifying and exhilarating. “Oh, and what would they hear?” She asked teasingly.

“You will soon find out,” Raydan promised before pulling her towards him for a deep kiss. His kisses had always had an effect on her, but this one held an extra promise that left her desperate for more. He released her. “Go.” He bided her with a smile.

She did as she was told and hurried towards the command tent, her pulse racing with every step. Again, she thought of what she had been taught. That a princess must be chaste, that every decision had consequences and that royalty never had the luxury of giving into desire. She no longer believed that. The last few years had taught her life was too short and that if you didn’t seize the moment, they disappeared forever. Besides, she had done a lot of things that royalty wasn’t supposed to, including taking on mercenaries and mechanical bulls, so why shouldn’t she allow herself a night of pleasure?

“I don’t want to be disturbed.” She warned her guards. “By anyone, even Leon. Understood?”

She had every faith in Raydan’s ability to sneak into her tent and she wanted to make sure no one else did. Oddly, it was one of the things had made her feel so safe with Raydan, the knowledge that if he had wanted her dead she would be because he could have simply snuck into her tent and killed her while she slept if he pleased. But he hadn’t and she knew he never would.

She stood in the tent, achingly aware of her surrounding. She paid attention to every shadow, every whispered sound, every rustle in the night, knowing that it could be him…

“It’s official, I’ve lost my mind,” she muttered to herself. What if he didn’t show up? What if it was all friendly flirtations on his side and he just couldn’t figure out how to let her down gently? After all, it probably wasn’t easy to reject the queen.

Suddenly, Kenna felt a pair of hands covering her eyes and a warm hard body pressing into her from behind. She recognized the touch instantly and felt no alarm, just desire. “You haven’t lost it all” Raydan whispered into her ear, making her realize he had heard her comment.

Kenna moved to free herself from his embrace, but he held her tight.

“Ah-ah-ah, you must not look,” he teased, “There is nothing more sensual than experiencing the pleasure of the body without sight.” Kenna was suddenly glad for his embrace because she was not sure her legs would be able to hold her. She was also reminded that while she was a novice at romantic matters, she was dealing with a master and she wondered briefly if she was in way over her head.

“I’ll resist peaking, I promise.” She said in a breathless voice.

She closed her eyes and felt Raydan remove his hands. For a second she wondered if he was still there because the tent was completely silent, then she felt his hands. One hand cradled the back of her neck, while the other caressed her thigh, slowly creeping upwards.

“Raydan,” she moaned, resisting the temptation to open her eyes as Raydan’s lips replaced the hand at his neck. “You are exquisite,” he whispers against her neck and she could feel his desire for her. It is empowering, especially given how much she wants him.

He moved quickly and precisely and before she knew what was happening, she could feel the weight of her dress falling to the floor, leaving her only in her shift. “How did you—?” She asked shakily, amazed by his stealth and speed. She felt vulnerable in the darkness but intrigued to see where this would go.

“Shhh…” Raydan whispered against her tender skin, “your lips shouldn’t be speaking right now.” He pulled her tightly and kissed her deeply. She could feel the kiss all the way to her toes. Her hands reached out blindly, resting on the smooth skin of his broad chest. So it wasn’t only her clothes that had been done away with. It was an intoxicating thought and Kenna pushed her body closer to his, desperate to feel his skin against her. She forced herself to resist the temptation to open her eyes and look at him.

A second later, she felt herself being lifted off the ground as if she was as light as feather and being lifted onto the command table. Her heart was pounding as she laid back on the table, savoring the feel of the weight of his body against hers. “Raydan,” she moaned.

“Open your eyes, Kenna,” he bid and she felt his weight disappear.

She did as he suggested and saw him standing in front of her, completely nude. She let out a little gasp as she took in his hard body and the sight of his very obvious arousal. Her time leading an army had made her more comfortable with nudity than the average princess, but she was still a little unprepared for the sight of a fully nude, very aroused man standing right in front of her.

“Tonight, I am yours.” He promised, his eyes dark with desire. But there was more than that. It wasn’t just lust she saw in his expression, but a deep affection. She knew he wanted her, but she also knew this was more than just fulfilling a physical urge. There was something deeper between them, even if neither of them was ready to put it into words.

Kenna sat up, still resting on the table, and ran her hands over his chest. Tracing the pale scars that lingered there. Proof that he had had a much harder life than she had. She marveled at the fact that they were in this place at all, the spymaster and the queen. Three years earlier, she would never have imagined taking on such a man as her lover, but then she had been sheltered girl bound by the rules of convention. Now she was a woman, one determined to make her own rules.

“Only tonight?” She asked lightly.

He caught her hand in his and placed a tender kiss on her wrist. “Tonight and always.” He promised.

Kenna didn’t know if always was possible. She was queen, after all, and that meant she was still obligated to her people and any decision she made about her future would have to be in the best interest of Stormholt. Though, it wasn’t like there was much nobility left these days for her to make a suitable marriage. Except maybe Tevan, but as much as she enjoyed his company and appreciated his help, he wasn’t exactly her idea of husband material.

All thoughts of Tevan soon vanished as Raydan’s hands and mouth explored her body. He pushed her shift over her head, leaving her as naked as he was. “Oh,” she whispered, writhing with pleasure under his skilled hands. He placed kisses down her body, lingering for a moment to take first her left breast into his mouth and then her right, before continuing lower. His hands replaced his lips at her breasts, tracing circles of her nipples and teasing them into taunt points and sending her to a place of pleasure that she hadn’t realized possible. Then his head slipped between her thighs, pushing them apart.

“What are you doing?” She asked in a desperate whisper.

“Bringing you pleasure,” he assured her and then he began to lick her outer folds, then his tongue darted inside, making a circular movement that had had her catching her breath. She felt like she was on top of a mountain and about to fall over. He was a master of more than the shadows, that was for sure. His hands teased her breasts as his tongue and magic worked their magic between her thighs. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and let out a light cry as she tumbled over the edge into pleasure lost in the feel of his hands and mouth.

Raydan quickly covered her mouth with his, muffling her cries of pleasure. She could taste herself on his mouth and it was very erotic. She surrendered eagerly to his kiss, desperate for the feel of him. His hands caressed her body as he continued to kiss her. She ran her hands over his back, wanting to bring him as close to her as possible.

She let out a moan of displeasure as he pulled away from her, then a little gasp when he picked her up off the table and carried her over to the cot. He placed her down gently as if she was the most precious thing in the world and then claimed her mouth for another kiss.

She reached a hand between them and cupped his manhood, massaging the hardness. There was something empowering about feeling how hard he was, how much he wanted her. “Kenna,” he whispered with a breath. “I’m yours,” she promised him, echoing his earlier words. He gave a slight nod and then pushed her back on the cot, nudging her legs apart slightly and positioning himself between them. He entered her swiftly in one sudden moment causing Kenna to give out a slight gasp.

His hands and lips continued to work their magic as he thrust in and out of her at a tempo that drove her to the edge of madness. She wrapped her legs around him, trying to pull him deeper inside of her, reveling in his hardness and instinctively matching his every thrust. She wished she could stay in this place forever. She didn’t know that it was possible to feel like this. He kissed her neck and shoulders, his large hands wandering down her entire body. Kenna ran her fingers through his long locks as she rode the waves of pleasure that were engulfing her.

“Ray-“ The cry came involuntarily, but Raydan muffled it with his mouth, claiming her lips in a deep, searing kiss. The pace quickened, both of them on the edge, and with every thrust of Raydan’s hips, Kenna knew she was getting closer. After another moment of frantic movement, Kenna felt herself toppling over the edge. She could feel her inner muscles tighten around him and that seemed to be enough to push him over as well, with one last deep thrust, he came inside of her, his mouth on hers, cutting off any cries of pleasure.

After a long moment, Raydan moved off of her and she immediately missed the feel of his body against hers and the feeling of him inside her, of them being one. It was only a momentary loss though because he pulled her into another embrace immediately, his strong arms wrapped around, cradling her on his chest.

“That was…” Kenna began, at a loss for words. “Incredible.”

“You were incredible, my queen,” Raydan told her, kissing her shoulder, “and I the luckiest man in the five kingdoms.” He grinned. “Even though I could risk being thrown into the dungeon for the liberties I took tonight.”

“I’ll go easy on you,” Kenna promised, tracing her hand over his bare chest. “As long as you continue to serve me faithfully.”

“Always,” He promised in a husky voice, “as I said, I am yours for as long as you want me.”

Kenna knew that he was completely serious. He was vowing himself to her, not just as a loyal member of her entourage, but as her lover and perhaps something more. It filled her with joy. She wanted his loyalty and devotion. She just wanted him. Somehow, the Aurelian spymaster had wormed his way into her heart.

“I wish we could stay here forever,” she murmured after a moment.

Raydan smiled. “So do I, but alas even my skills aren’t up to the task of keeping the guards away forever. We just have to enjoy the moment,” his voice dropped an octave, “and hopefully many more like it.”

“We’ll see,” Kenna teased, but she knew that this would just be the beginning. They had started something tonight and she wanted it to last beyond this night, to see what came next. She nestled her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, just for a moment, feeling incredibly content in his arms. Yes, Dominic was gone and she still had to deal with Luther, but for a moment, all of that seemed so far away and it felt like she and Raydan were alone in the universe.

Kenna must have drifted off to sleep. She opened her eyes, a little disoriented, realizing that her absence had probably been noticed. “We should—” She began, only to realize that she was alone in the cot. The tent was empty. She smiled ruefully. “Am I going to have to pin that Aurelian down every time I see him now?”

But she wasn’t bothered by Raydan’s absence, it was part of his appeal. He was a man of shadows and mystery, she would respect that and allow him to go, knowing that he would always return to her. And she knew that from this point on, she would find new comfort in the shadows.

  • Fin

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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