Dare to Give In

Dare to Give In
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- So this is from my College AU “The Best Days of Our Lives”. After talking to a  few people, I realized that I’m going to do it as a series of shorts like I did A Modern Romance, because that is how I write best. I’m going to make a homepage with character names and timeline, etc. Until then, this pretty much sets itself up, though it takes place before “In the Early Hours”.
Rating- NSFW
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC
Summary- A Game of truth or dare reveals some uncomfortable truths and brings Antony and Portia’s relationship to the next level.

“If I didn’t know better I’d think you’ve been avoiding me.” I didn’t even have to turn around to identify the voice, though I did and saw Antony grinning at me, beer in his hand as he leaned against the table, watching me carefully.

“Really?” I asked with a deliberately casual shrug “I thought I was just enjoying the party, besides, I’m surprised you noticed, every time I saw, you seemed suitable… occupied.”

I couldn’t keep the annoyance out of my voice and Antony grinned, capitalizing on my moment of weakness. “Jealous are we?” He asked, stepping closer, toying with a loose curl, “you have no reason to be, none of them can hold a candle to you.”

“Have you told them that?” I snarked and then shook my head. “You know what, it doesn’t matter. You can spend time with whoever you like.”

“And yet you keep turning me down,” Antony pointed out. “Or haven’t I made it clear enough where my interest lies?” His hand moved from my hair to my face, his touch surprisingly gentle and completely at odds with the intensity of his gaze.

“Portia!” The sound of my name broke the spell and saved me from whatever response I might have made. “We’re playing truth or dare and we need you!”

I let out the breath I hadn’t even known I was holding and picked up my drink. “That’s my cue.” To my surprise, Antony followed me across the room to where people were starting to gather. “What are you doing?”

He shrugged. “Playing truth or dare apparently.” He met my surprised look with a grin. “You told me to spend time with whoever I wanted and that’s what I’m doing.”

It was hard to argue with that, especially as we had reached the group. “Portia,” Cassius’s eyes lit up at the sight of me and he reached for me, “I was looking for you.” His smile faded at the sight of Antony behind me.

“I’ve been here for ages,” I told him, evading his touch and taking the seat next to Sabina, who looked wildly out of place, her eyes focused on the exit. “Do you want to leave?” I asked in a low voice. “Because we can.” It would probably be better for me if we did, given how Cassius and Antony were glaring at each other.

She shook her head. “No, I wanted new experiences. This is a new experience.”

I squeezed her hand in assurance as the others took their seats. To my annoyance, Xanthe had also joined the game, sliding into the spot next to Cassius, pressing her body close to his even as he tried to lean away from her.

Hannah procured a bottle and held it up. “Who wants to go first?”

“I will,” Sabina piped up to my surprise. I shot her a startled look and she gave me a strained smile. “Might as well get this over with,” she murmured, “and it’s easier to ask, right?’

I nodded. She spun and the bottle landed on Cassius. He gave his cousin a reassuring smile and she seemed more confident as she asked “truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Cassius answered instantly, his eyes sliding to me.

Sabina paused, trying to think of a question. “Ummm… Who is your favorite… No, that’s lame…” She trailed off, her nervousness showing finally she blurted out. “Are you in love with Portia?”

What?! Oh my God. No. Sabina seemed to realize what she had said, covering her hand with her mouth and shooting me an apologetic glance.

Xanthe was smirking, obviously enjoying the drama Sabina’s question had created.

“You don’t have to answer that,” I told Cassius quickly, wishing I was anywhere else.

“I don’t mind,” He assured me, reaching out for me across the circle,  his hand brushing mine. “I’m not sure if I would use that word just yet, but I care very deeply for Portia.”

I hid my wince. Well, at least it wasn’t a full out love confession. I could handle deep affection. Right? I gave Cassius a weak smile an after a moment, he let go of my hand and leaned back, though his eyes were still on me.

The game went on with Cassius ask a dare of one of his frat brothers. “That could have been awkward,” a voice whispered in my head.  I turned to see Syphax joining the group, taking a seat next to me.

I shrugged. “It could have been, but it wasn’t.” I met his eyes defiantly, not wanting another lecture on how I was playing with fire. I knew what I was doing. The game continued until it was Xanthe’s turn.

I stiffened, my hand tightening around my glass, willing her to choose anyone else. But of course, my wish did not come true and her malicious gaze landed on me. “Portia, truth or dare.”

I knew whatever choice I made I’d regret it. She would use dare to humiliate and truth to inflict pain.

“Truth,” I answered, even though I wasn’t sure either of us had much of a relationship with that word and that was why I had chosen it. Lies came easier in word than action.

Xanthe smirked, “things have been too tame. Let’s take it up a notch. We know you have lots of admirers in this room,” she couldn’t conceal her bitterness, “but you are good at concealing what you feel. So tell us, who has caught your eyes, who in this room do you most want to fuck?”

It’s obvious that she chose the question to stir up trouble, especially after Cassius’ near-confession, and I could feel every eye on me as they waited for my answer. I glanced around the room taking in the various expressions. Syphax’s gaze was troubled as if he knew my answer would worry him, Cassius’s eyes were warm and expectant, while Antony had a smug, knowing grin on his face, his eyes meeting mine and daring me to be honest. The answer would definitely lead to trouble, but that wasn’t really a deterrent.

I was born for this kind of trouble.

“Antony,” I answered, locking eyes with him and licking my lips, taking satisfaction in the quick intake of breath, “after all, with his reputation, I am sure it would be unforgettable, but we don’t always get what we want, do we?”

Antony smirked, “maybe not, but I’d be more than happy to oblige.”

I kept my eyes focused on him, so I didn’t have to see Syphax’s disappointment or Cassius’s confused anger. Maybe it was the drink making me bold, but tonight I wanted to play with fire. “Is that so? I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

I reached for the bottle, spinning it, my eyes widening when it landed on Antony. What were the chances? Was it a sign? To finally cross that line?

“Truth or dare?” I asked, trying to keep my voice controlled even as my thoughts were anything but.

Antony’s smirk turned into a grin. “Dare, of course.”

It would have been easy to take this up a notch, to use the game as an excuse to take that step. But that was the point. If I was going to do it, I couldn’t hide behind a game, but… Well, I could test the waters a bit.

“I dare you to do a lap of the block naked,” I said instead,

“I knew you wanted to get naked,” Antony commented, his voice rich with amusement.

To my surprise, he immediately stood up and began to strip right then and there. Even though my gaze was focused on Antony, I could hear Cassius’ groan of disgust and out of the corner of the eye, I caught a flash of movement as Sabina averted her gaze. But it was hard to focus on anything when Antony was standing there naked in front of me.

He really was a spectacular sight; all hard, tanned muscle and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.

“Someone needs to go with me,” he commented, meeting my gaze which was trying not to linger on certain parts of his anatomy. “Since it was your dare, Portia, you should do the honours.”

“I should,” I agreed, standing up.

“We’ll all go,” Syphax stated, getting to his feet.

“No need,” Antony said dismissively, “too many of us and we’ll draw attention and land us all in trouble. Portia can keep me honest.”

“That seems like a daunting task,” I teased, “but I agree, it is unnecessary for anyone else to go.” I turned my attention to the others in the circle. “Keep playing without us.”
With that I headed to the exit, Antony following, quickly matching my pace.

“I guess I should get this over with,” he said when we got outside, “since it is chilly and I’d hate you to see me at less than my best.”

Before I could respond, he took off at a brisk run. A couple minutes later he was back, his face lit with smug triumph. “We should get back inside,” he told me, “because I do not intend end tonight getting arrested for public nudity.”

“How do you intend for it to end?” I asked, stepping closer to him, sure he could hear the invitation in my voice.

“With you in my bed, screaming my name over and over,” he told me and I gasped, unable to control the thrill that went through me at his words, “and I think we should start right now.” To my surprise, he lifted me into his arms, making me aware that he wasn’t wearing anything.

“What about your clothes?” I asked as he carried me through the door and up the stairs, ignoring the party that was still going on.

“I can get them later,” Antony dismissed, “I don’t need clothes for what I have planned.”

He walked quickly down the hall, shifting me briefly to open the door, using his hip to get it fully open. It was only once we were inside, that he put me down, and then he stepped back slightly.

I looked at him, standing there in the moonlight, completely naked. Took in the sight of him, but also the way he was gazing at me and I knew there was no turning back. But I didn’t step towards him, not yet.

Instead, I reached for the strap of my dress, slowly easing it down over one shoulder and then the other, letting it pool at my feet. Antony was still, just watching me the way I’d watched him earlier.

“I’ve thought about you like this since the first time I saw you,” he told me, his voice heavy with need as I slowly undid the clasp of my bra. “When you wouldn’t even tell me your name.”

“I wanted to make you work for it,” I told him with a smirk, as the bra joined my dress, leaving me only in my lace panties. “Couldn’t be another one of your admiring throng.”

“No, you were different from the start,” Antony agreed, his hand covering mine as it reached for the waistband of my underwear. “I’ve had to work for every smile, for every kind word, every show of affection.” His hands eased the delicate lace down my hips. “But this was worth it.” The last bit of clothing fell to the floor and Antony’s hands moved to rest on my thighs and then higher.

“Tell me what you want,” he demanded as his fingers teased my wet heat.

“I want you,” I admitted, reaching my arms out for him. But he evaded me, instead lifting me off my feet again and carrying me to his bed.

“I promised to make you scream,” he reminded me as he deposited me on the edge of the bed, kneeling on the floor beside me. “And I intend to keep my promise.” He lowered his mouth to my breasts as his hand once more disappeared between my legs, his thumb running over my clit and making me sigh before he plunged two fingers into me, turning the sigh into a moan.

His free hand massaged one breast while his mouth lavished attention on the other, then his mouth moved lower, while his fingers continued to work their magic. He trailed kisses over my belly and my hip bone and then moved lower, his tongue finding my clit as he sped up his movements, curling his fingers inside of me.

I dug my hands into his hair. “Antony!” I screamed as the pleasure overwhelmed me. “Oh fuck.” It felt so good. When the wave of orgasm had receded, Antony pulled back and then straightened, his lips covering mine. I could taste myself on him and it just made me want more, I eagerly opened my lips to him and he took full advantage, his tongue invading my mouth.

He pushed me back onto the bed, our lips still joined, his body on top of mine, though he positioned his weight in a way not to crush me. “Do you want this?” He asked me, pulling back slightly. “Do you want me?”

He was giving me the chance to turn back, but he was also making me commit. I couldn’t say I had gotten swept up in the moment. No, this would be an active choice.

“Yes,” I answered, gazing up at him. “I want you, Antony.”

And I did. I hated myself for it. I knew it was a bad idea. But… You didn’t have to love someone to want them. You didn’t have to like them. There was so much to dislike about Antony, but it didn’t change the fact that my body burned for him.

“Good,” he told me, pressing a hard kiss to my lips before pulling back long enough to grab a condom from his bedside table. He put it on quickly and then positioned himself over me and then slowly pushed himself in. I sighed at the contact, at the way he filled me. He gave me a moment to adjust and then he began to move his hips.

He wrapped one hand in my curls, his lips returning to my mouth as he sped up his movements. I arched my hips into him, meeting each thrust, digging into the hard muscles of his back, eager for more. Antony must have sensed my need because he sped up his movements, giving me more and more until I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Antony!” I screamed, tilting my head back and arching into him with more desperation. “Oh, Antony!”

“Fuck, I’m so close,” he groaned, covering my mouth with his once more as he pushed himself into me harder and faster and then he tensed, his body collapsing against mine a moment later.

To my surprise, he didn’t make any effort to move, just continued to kiss me, though it went from passionate to having an almost lazy quality about it.

“Mmmmm,” He said when he finally moved away, flopping onto his back, “definitely worth it.”

“I’m glad I lived up to your expectations,” I said dryly and then I grinned at him, “and you definitely live up to your reputation.”

“That was just the beginning,” Antony promised me, getting out of bed long enough to toss the condom in the wastebasket and then climbing in beside me again, pulling me close. “I promised to make you scream all night,” he reminded me, leaning in to brush his lips over my collarbone, sucking on the tender flesh, “and the night has just begun.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

12 thoughts on “Dare to Give In”

  1. Damn girl, way to end the year with a literal bang. That was…. Damn. Seriously hot. Antony lives up to his reputation indeed. I love how smug he is and how sure he is about her.

    1. Thank you! And yes, he does live up to that rep. He might be the capus’s biggest player, but there’s a reason there’s a line to get to his bed. And yeah, he knew she’d give in eventually, but she was worht the wait. The question is what happens now that she has finally given into hm?

  2. Holy… DAMN. This was everything I never knew I wanted and more. I love their sexual tension. Antony has such presence, he dominates the story even when he’s just being pulled over for Truth or Dare. The smut scene was intense, I could almost feel his hand in her curls.

    1. Thank you so much P! Antony does dominate every scene he’s in, he can’t help it and the tension between them is out of the world. It’s fun writing these versions of them, figuring out their stories and their motivations. But one thing that will change is their passion.

  3. Ending the year the best way 🙂
    That was amazing .so Is this a love square with Antony, Cassius, Syphax and Portia.

    1. Thank you! And a love triangle, not a square. Syphax isn’t in love with Portia (at least that she knows), they are childhood friends and he is concerned for her. But there is definitely a triangle and rivalry between Cassius and Antony. They already disliked each other and she has just made it worse becuase they both want her.

  4. Yes yes yes to this! I loved the slow tense buildup, Antony’s smug confidence (for good reason of course). And then the smut … amazing. Living up to his reputation indeed. 🔥🔥

    1. Thank you T! Antony is so smug, but he deserves to be. He really is that good. Which Portia now knows and doesn’t bode well for her willpower.

  5. I think I speak for everyone when I say you are a treasure among the Marc Antony fandom. We are far too lucky to have you and I am in still in disbelief that I get to read such masterpieces from you. I freakin LOVED the set up here and how all the sexual tension was released in such a flourish. I’m eagerly awaiting to discover more of the stories behind each character here and how this series continues!

    1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it (also definitely needed to hear it today). I love writing Antony and I can’t wait to explore this college AU, I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. And hey, hopefully today will bring us lots of Antony goodness (and lots of inspiration for me).

  6. WOW. Okay, so: I am utterly smitten with modern AUs, I think they’re absolutely amazing, and the fact that I was literally talking to someone a while back, wishing someone would step up to the plate and bless us with a modern ACOR spin,
    makes my heart so friggin happy! All the characters translate so well to our time, and even your MC still manages to keep her bite and fire in this setting. Love it, thanks for writing!

    1. Thank you so much! I love writing AUs, because they are such a fun challenge. trhis one is fun and I can’t wait to write more (hopefully soon). I love this universe and this version of the character. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

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