Darkest Desires

Darkest Desires
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- So this was inspired by a conversation with violetflipflops after the last chapter, who joked that Lilith having sex with Jax would just give Vega more reason to go after the Clanless and this took root. It’s dark, but then so is this pairing. I’m actually switching to a new MC for Jax, but for this story, Lilith did indeed have sex with Jax. This takes place a couple days after the ball. This is a very loose follow-up to “Wildest Desires”.

Pairing- Adam Vega x MC, Jax x MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- After her encounter with Jax, Lilith returns to Adrian’s building and has a run-in with Senator Vega that has her questioning what she truly desires.

Words- 2001

The day after the massacre at the Homecoming Ball I got a text from Adrian telling me it was safe to return. It seemed so soon, surely they couldn’t have found the culprit already, and yet, I had to trust Adrian right? If I could trust anyone in this crazy world Lily and I had found ourselves in, it had to be him.

Still, Lily seemed as hesitant as I felt.

“We can’t stay here,” I reminded her, “Adrian will worry and we can’t bring attention…”

Lily nodded, reluctantly. Even if neither of was sure about going back, we couldn’t stay here and endanger the Clanless and if Adrian was looking for us, then us being here would endanger them.

“Be safe,” Jax told us when he returned us above ground. He looked at me carefully. “You have my number.”

I nodded, unsure what else to say. I wanted to assure him that I would do what I could to help the Clanless, but it wasn’t a promise I could make. I didn’t know where my loyalty lay in this fight. As I’d told Jax, my first priority was the humanity.

As for Jax… I didn’t know where we stood either. We’d had mind-blowing sex, but… Did it mean anything or had it been fuelled by the adrenaline of the last few days? I didn’t know. I didn’t know anything.

After a moment, Jax disappeared back into the shadows, leaving Lily and me to gather our pairings and hail a cab that took us to Adrian’s building.

Adrian was in the lobby waiting for us and he wasn’t alone, Kamilah and Senator Vega were with him.

“I’m so glad the two of you are alright,” Adrian told us, enfolding me in a surprising hug. He stiffened slightly when I pressed against him and I wondered what was wrong, but he didn’t say anything, just held me a close for a moment before pulling away, obviously wanting to check that I was ok.

“I’m fine,” I told him, “we were safe.”

I could see the three Clan leaders exchange a look, obvious all curious as to what ‘safe’ meant, but no questions came. Maybe because we were in the lobby of the building.

After a moment, we all headed towards the elevator that would take us to Adrian’s office. I wanted to ask why the Senator was there, but I didn’t ask. I figured that someone would tell me, eventually.

“Things have calmed for now,” Adrian commented when we were in the security of his office, “we have all agreed that we need to work together.”

“Which works in theory,” Senator Vega commented, “but no one trusts each other and who knows who is hiding what.” His eyes seemed to linger on me as he said that. Was he accusing me?

“Yes, but for now, we need to accept the peace at face value,” Adrian commented and I could see how tired he was, “but that also means we are limited to an official investigation.” He nodded towards Lily. “For the time being, it has been agreed that all Clan vampires will be under tight restrictions.”

“What does that mean exactly?” Lily asked curiously.

Adrian shrugged, “curfew, regular check-ins, you can’t leave city limits. As a new vampire, you were still under supervision, so they don’t really apply to you.”

Lily nodded. “Cool.” She didn’t look like she meant the words.

“With that said, we should get you back to my place,” Kamilah told her, putting her hand on Lily’s shoulder and leading her out, leaving me with the two male vampires.

“What does this mean for me?” I asked nervously. Was I going to be placed under the same restrictions?

“Technically nothing as the vampire council has no authority over you, but I’d prefer if you only left the building during the daylight,” Adrian told me, “and never alone.”

I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but I nodded anyway. “Of course.”

I still wasn’t sure why the Senator was there.

“The Council has appointed me in charge of the investigation,” The Senator answered, seeming to guess my thoughts. Oh. I looked at Adrian, trying to see how he felt about it. He didn’t seem unpleased. But I guess Vega was probably the best option outside of Kamilah, since I knew they wouldn’t ask Adrian to do it. It could have been worse, it could have been the Baron.

“I’d like to ask you some questions about the events of the Awakening Ball,” Senator Vega continued.

I nodded, “of course.”

Adrian paused, his gaze going back and forth. “I’ll leave you to it then, I have some things to check on.”

Oh. I guess that made sense, that I needed to be interviewed without him, but it felt kind of odd to be left alone with Senator Vega. I still wasn’t sure what to make of him. His solution for dealing with the Clanless was abhorrent and that alone, should put him firmly in the ‘bad guy’ camp and yet, he was preferable to the Baron, Priya or Lester.

As much as I hated to admit, I also couldn’t deny that I was incredibly attracted to him. I thought suddenly of the fantasy I’d had about him on the way to the Awakening ball, but firmly pushed it from my mind. I couldn’t let myself have thoughts like that, not about him.

As soon as the door closed behind Adrian, Senator Vega turned to me, his polite mask dropping for the first time since we met. “My first, and most important, question, is who were you with these last two days?”

I bit my lip, unsure how to answer.

“A lie will only hurt you, and Adrian,” he warned. “I know you were with a vampire, Lilith, other than your friend, and that it was more than a passing acquaintance. I can smell him on you.”

Ohhhh. I blushed a deep red. It had never occurred to me that vampires could… Oh god. No wonder Adrian had stiffened in the lobby.

“So now, I ask again, who were you with?” Senator Vega repeated, his voice firm.

“A friend,” I answered evasively. “Does it matter?”

He laughed humorously. “We are on the brink of a war, Lilith. It all matters. I’m going to assume from your evasiveness, and your passionate defense of the Clanless, that your friend is Clanless.”

I stayed silent, refusing to answer. I wasn’t going to put Jax in any more danger. Vega put a hand under my chin, forcing me to look at him.

“This isn’t a game,” he told me in a low voice, “lives are at stake and you are going to have to choose sides and decide who you are loyal to. Is it Adrian or your friend?”

“Why do I have to choose?” I asked defensively. “Why are you so quick to blame the Clanless? What have they done to you?”

“They are a threat,” Senator Vega answered coolly, “to our power, to our existence, to the very careful balance that we maintain in this city.”

“They just want the right to exist…” I protested, but then I thought of what Lily had told me, she’d overheard, rumors that some of the Clanless weren’t happy with Jax and the words died in my throat.

Of course, the Senator noticed. I wonder if anything every slipped his notice. “Not everyone wants peace, Lilith. Again, I’d be very careful as to where you ally yourself.” He looked into my eyes, his hand still on my face. “You’re young and perhaps your Clanless friend seems romantic, revolutionary types always do, but they also tend to attract tragedy and bloodshed and I’d hate to see anything happen to one as beautiful as you.” His gazed hardened. “But I will protect the peace at any cost, and idealistic as he is, so will Adrian, it’s best that you remember that.”

I understood his warning and some part of me knew that he was right. Adrian cared for me, I knew that, enough to risk defying the council, but did he care enough to start a war for me? And could I let him?

“What do you want from me?” I asked him quietly, staring up at him. He looked ruthless and yet… Even now, I was attracted to him. What was wrong with me?

He smiled suddenly, but it wasn’t the charming smile of our previous meetings, this one was dangerous, almost predatory. “I’m not sure you are ready for the answer to that question, Lilith,” he told me in a low voice, his eyes suddenly with heat. “For now, I just want you to consider where your loyalty lies.”

He dropped his hand from my face, but suddenly wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me hard against him. “And perhaps off you an alternative, if you are so attracted to danger.”

Oh. Uh. Oh. I gazed up at him, suddenly speechless. Yet, I wanted this. I wanted him.

His lips crashed hard against mine, his kiss ruthless and demanding but I responded eagerly, giving willingly as he continued to take. It was better than I had imagined. But then he was over 300 years old, I’m sure he’d had lots of practice.

I tried to bring myself back to Earth, to remind myself of who he was. Besides, it had only been a few hours since I’d left Jax’s bed and yet here I was responding so eagerly to another man’s kiss. This wasn’t like me. But as incredible as my encounters with Jax had been… This kiss was something else. I never wanted it to end. 

After what felt like an eternity, but was still too soon, Senator Vega broke the kiss, his arms still wrapped around me, holding me against him.


“Adam,” he corrected lightly, “I think at this point, we should be on a first name basis, don’t you agree?”

I nodded weakly. “What….”

“It was an offer,” he told me, finally letting me go. “If you really want to play in the darkness, then I am more than willing to be the one who initiates you, since apparently, Adrian doesn’t have the claim I thought he did.”

I swallowed as I realized that he’d thought Adrian and I were… But now, thanks to my actions, he knew that wasn’t true, so he was making a move. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but yet, I couldn’t help contrast it to Priya who had made her interest clear, Adrian be damned. But then Priya seemed to be a lot more reckless than the Senator. 

 “I’m sure I have much more to offer than your Clanless suitor,” Adam continued, his gaze focused on me, “and the outcome is more likely to be in your favor than if you continue on your current path.”

I knew I should be angry, there was so much arrogance to his words and maybe I was, but I was also incredibly turned on. I wanted to ask all kinds of questions, but I couldn’t bring myself to form words.

Yet, Adam didn’t seem to expect them of me, because he simply smiled, his charming mask back in place. “Consider my offer, Lilith, and where your loyalties lie.”

Then he turned and walked out of the office, leaving me alone. I knew Adrian would be back in a moment and that he would have all kinds of questions and I didn’t know what to tell him. About Jax, about Vega, any of it.

Suddenly, as I licked my lips, still able to feel Adam’s mouth against mine, I realized just how over my head I really was. I let out a humorless laugh. All of this and it was my own stupid feelings that might be my undoing because it appeared that I did have a taste for dangerous men and an attraction for the dark side.

The question was, which man did I want more?

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

4 thoughts on “Darkest Desires”

  1. I actually squealed reading this! I love this pairing a lot and I truly appreciate the fact that you write for them 🙂 I’ve already read this two times and surely I’ll read it again, I absolutely love how you write Adam and his interactions with Lilith!! He’s right, she would be foolish not to choose him over Jax. Kudos for this amazing fic 😀

    1. Thank you! I adore this pairing. They are my current favorite ship to write for because there is something just so dark and sexy about them. I’m glad I’m not the only one in love with this duo!

    1. Thank you so much! Right? Though, that Jax scene was hot, but he doesn’t have the same fixation for her that Adam does.

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