Date Night – MC x Drake (TRR)

I took a small break from writing my “IABY” seried to do a fun fluffy, smutty piece. It’s a bit off the storyline in a little AU nook, but whatever, it was fun to write. Enjoy!


“Alright. It’s your turn for date night. What’s up your sleeve, Walker,” Riley asked as she put on her diamond studded earrings. Her formfitting green dress moved with her as she turned to him and tilted her head. Today was her birthday, but Drake had never been particularly good with dates except that he always knew when his favorite movie, Die Hard, was released: July 15th, 1988. Now Riley always remembered, too

“Classic dinner and a movie. Things have been so crazy this week I thought you might enjoy a more lowkey kind of night.”

“I’m totally onboard with that. After the international incident with the Switzerland diplomat I should probably keep a low profile.”

“Come on, Johnson. It’s not like you meant to spill an entire tray of shrimp cocktail on him.”

“You didn’t see the look of horror on his face, Drake. I’m still not over it. I’ve had nightmares about it the last three nights. I’m probably wanted for treason.”

“I don’t think an accidental crustacean assault warrants being charged with war crimes, but hopefully tonight will make you feel better.” Drake walked up behind her and gently kissed her shoulder.

“Some alone time with you is just what I need.” She let out a soft sigh and a small smile drifted across her face. She walked into her closet and slipped into her black stiletto’s heels. Even with 4-inch pumps she was barely eye level with Drake’s chin. She rejoined him in her room, tilted her face up towards his, and gave him a short, sweet kiss. “Let’s go.”



They walked into a fairly unsuspecting Italian restaurant just off the strip of downtown Cordonia. Drake held open the door for her, though Riley wasn’t  paying attention to the scene in front of her as she was talking to him over her shoulder. When she finally redirected her vision she saw all her friends sitting at a long table with bright smiles.

“Surprise!” Hana yelled exuberantly.

Riley let her face drop into her hands before she looked at them with a grin.

“Happy birthday!” Maxwell melodically bellowed next to Hana and all her friends clapped and cheered.

Balloons were tied to the chairs and a cake sat at the end of the table in front of Liam.

“Happy 27th birthday,” Liam said, grandly gesturing at the cake.

“This is great, you guys. Thank you so much.”

“Yes, because celebrating being a year closer to death is such a joy. Thank you for giving me such an honor.” Olivia snarked.

Hana, Drake, and Liam all looked at her with narrow eyes. Olivia sank into her seat with flushed cheeks.

“That’s bleak, Liv.” Maxwell raised his eyebrows at her, but quickly put a noise maker into his mouth and blew an obnoxious sound in her direction.

“Always such a ray of sunshine, aren’t you?” Bertrand said to Olivia before his mouth drew in a straight line and he arranged his silverware.

“Oh, come off it. Birthday parties are overrated. We’re not children,” she once again straightened in her seat, “and even if we were children there’s certainly not enough fire here to count as a proper birthday celebration.”

Riley and Drake sat down at the end of the table and Drake rolled his eyes.

“I just thought it’d be fun to have a party that didn’t have a dress code or politics for once,” Drake looked at Riley and gave her a warm smile, “or any kind of pyrotechnics.”

“It’s a wonderful surprise. I’m glad you all cleared out your busy schedules to spend the evening with us,” said Riley.

“Oh, I didn’t have anything better to do,” Maxwell shoved a breadstick in his mouth and Hana elbowed him in the ribs, “not that I’d miss this for the world. I love birthdays. Bertrand and I always had boring, stuffy birthdays. Aside from Drake’s birthday at the Western themed bar, I can’t remember the last time any of us had a normal birthday party.”

“Then I guess we have some time to make up for.” Riley picked up a menu and began searching for her birthday meal. “Lasagna. You can’t go wrong with a good lasagna.”

“Agreed.” Drake nodded at her and leaned back in his chair.

“Aren’t you going to look over the menu? They have a lot on here.”

“Nah. I come here all the time. They know my regular.”

“You come here all the time and you’re just now bringing me?” She cocked an eyebrow.

“Well I take myself on dinner dates to get out of the palace. Sue me.” He shrugged.

“I understand. Self care is important.” Riley laid down her menu as a waiter walked up and took everyone’s order. She glanced around the restaurant and came to the realization they were alone. “This place is awful empty for a Friday night.”

“I actually made sure we had it to ourselves,” Liam admitted, “and the movie theater, too. Though we won’t be joining you for that part of the celebration. That’s my gift for you.”

“Wow, pulling out all the stops! I’m impressed.”

“Anything for you, Johnson.” Drake rested his hand on her leg under the table and gave it a small squeeze.

Dinner was served and they all ate their meals, joking and laughing and reminiscing. Riley had always made it a point to avoid anything to do with the court when they managed to all sneak a brief moment together without a royal beacon on them. Their plates were cleared and Liam pulled candles from his pocket: a white 2 and 7.

“I hope you don’t mind we didn’t bring 27 candles. As Drake said, no pyrotechnics.”

“Ha ha. Brave joke for someone coming up on 30 next month,” Riley quipped.

“What’s wrong with 30?!” Drake shot her a defensive look.

“Nothing! I’m just saying you’re as old as your favorite whisky now!”

“Wow. You’re cruel, you know that?” He smirked at her.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be a silver fox in no time.” She leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Liam pulled a matchbook from his breast pocket and lit the candles while they all sang happy birthday, Maxwell more graciously than the others. She closed her eyes momentarily and opened them, blowing out her candles with a bright smile. They all clapped as the waiter came to cut the cake, passing out generous portions. Riley took a bite and her eyes fluttered shut.

“Oh my god, this is the most decadent chocolate cake I’ve ever had. Where did you get this?” Riley looked at Drake, who nodded at Maxwell.

“Ask him. He insisted on taking care of it.”

“There’s this little bakery on Nolan street that has barnone the best pastries you’ll have in your entire life. I ordered it as soon as Drake told me about tonight, which was 6 weeks ago.” Maxwell shoved another large fork full of cake into his mouth, the crumbs ending up on his lap. Bertrand watched in disgust as his brother haphazardly destroyed the perfectly good dessert with little regard for Bertrand’s personal space.

“You planned this for the last month and a half without me knowing?” Riley’s eyes widened at Drake.

“Yes, because it’s so hard to pull the wool over your eyes,” Olivia shook a fork at her.

“It’s been a busy month, cut me some slack,” Riley shot back, earning a slight grin from Olivia.

“Yes, I suppose dousing highly regarded foreign government representatives in appetizers would weigh down on one quite heavily.”

Liam winced and Maxwell stifled a laugh. Riley let out a low groan.

“If it makes you feel any better I once sprayed wine on a queen at her coronation while trying to preform a party trick with a dagger and a bottle of vintage red. Her dress was stark white. Looked like a massacre,” Maxwell said matter-of-factly.

“Queen Amara was not amused to say the least,” Bertrand added, “and we haven’t been invited back since.”

They finished their dessert and chatted for a little while longer before Drake looked down at his watch.

“Alright, the movie is starting in about a half hour. We should get going if we don’t want to be late.”

“Okay,” Riley turned to her friends at the table, “thanks again for coming, guys. I’m so happy I got to celebrate with you. Being away from home on my birthday is kind of hard, but this made it a lot better. You guys are great.” She gave everyone a hug, save for Olivia who held up her hand and winked before waving goodbye.

They walked out the door and Drake slipped his hand into Riley’s, his calloused palms rubbing against her smooth skin. They made their way through the brick streets of the town square before ending up at the brightly lit facade of the movie theater. He opened the door for her and nodded at the attendant before guiding her into the dim theater meant only for them.

“Woah! I didn’t know these existed in Cordonia.” Riley walked over to the reclined bed that sat at the front of the room.

“Ah ah, this one isn’t ours,” he pointed up towards the back center, “that one is ours.”

He grabbed her hand again and walked her towards a luxuriously made bed, complete with down pillows and a comforter. Her favorite candy, Lemon Heads, sat on top of the pillow.

“Awe, you remembered!”

“It’s hard to ignore someone who chooses Lemon Heads over Junior Mints.”

“More for you, I guess.”

“Exactly. Now sit, the movie is starting.”

Drake threw back the comforter and they nestled in together. He put his arm around her and she took her normal place of her head resting on his chest. She laced her fingers through his as his hand rested on her shoulder.

“What are we watching anyways?”

“The Lion King.”

“Oh, I’ve been wanting to see this. Good choice, Walker.”

The room went completely dark as the opening credits rolled. They sat in comfortable silence watching the film. At one point Riley carefully looked up at Drake, his dark feature slightly illuminated by the light coming from the screen. He stared intently forward, not noticing her adoring gaze. She noted how calm and at ease he looked. She almost forgot she was a duchess. For the first time in months she just felt like herself; just Riley Johnson on a date with her boyfriend for her birthday. She broke her gaze and reached out to the armrest behind her, grabbing her box of candy and deftly popping one in her mouth. She let it dissolve on her tongue briefly before scooting up and kissing Drake. She playfully passed the sour treat into his mouth and his face made a slight grimace.

“You know the only sweet and sour thing I’m a fan of is you, Johnson.”

She let out a small giggle and hopped on to his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck she leaned in for another kiss. His arms encircled her waist and he pulled her flush against him. He pulled his lips from hers and nestled his face into the curve of her neck, giving her body a tight squeeze.

“I love you,” he whispered into her skin.

“I love you, too. I hope I’m not blocking your view of the movie.”

“Nah, I can see it through your hair.”

She felt his cheeks rise against her and gave him an amused pat on the shoulder before climbing off him and returning to her spot. A short time passed before Drake pointedly cleared his throat.

“How long have we been together now, Johnson?”

“Officially? Short of six months. Unofficially? Since I saw you with your shirt off on the beach after the regatta.”

“Really” Drake’s voice rose in surprise, “that long?”

Riley laughed.

“Alright, that wasn’t when I knew, exactly. But hanging out with you that day was nice. You half naked was just a bonus.”

“Guess all those days in the royal gym paid off,” Drake flexed his free arm.

“They definitely don’t hurt, but I’d love you no matter what.”

“That means a lot. Thanks, Johnson.”

They finished their movie date and walked back out into a now-empty square lit only by the street lights and the lights shinning through the water of a fountain that bubbled in the middle, one of the only sounds left in the once-busy shopping district. He grabbed her hand and casually walked her over to it. He turned towards her, his eyes unreadable as they looked back into hers. She watched his body tense and relax as he pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“Johnson, Riley, this last year with you has been incredible. Even the hard parts were amazing. Even the parts when you weren’t officially mine and I had to ride the wave until I could be with you the way you deserved. I never thought in my lifetime I’d find someone like you. Everyday is an adventure. I always enjoyed my life of solitude; ditching royal parties and sneaking off in the middle of the night to go to hole in the wall bars for some sense of normalcy in my life. Then I met you, and now I have a partner to do all those things with. It wasn’t someone trying to change me, but instead joining me. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have a woman like you love a cynical bastard like me, but I don’t want to risk ever losing the only thing I’ve ever had that made me the happiest I’ll ever be,” Drake dropped to one knee, and pulled a smooth black box from his pocket. He opened it and took her left hand in his, “will you marry me, Johnson?”

She looked down at him as tears began to prick her eyes and smiled a brilliant smile.

“It’s about damn time, Walker.”

Drake quickly stood and wrapped his arms around her, spinning her in circles as her arms clung around his neck. He gently placed her feet on the ground and kissed her passionately. His hand snaked up her back and into her dark, flowing hair. He took a step back and grabbed her left hand once again before removing a beautiful diamond ring from it’s box and sliding it onto her finger. She held her hand up in the light and a small squeal escaped her. Drake let out a hearty laugh and placed his hands over his mouth, shaking his head.

“What?” She beamed at him.

“I just can’t believe you said yes.”

“I can’t believe it took you so long to ask!”

His hand found hers once again, the other shoved into his pocket.

“Well I’m glad I finally did. I’ve had that ring for a while.”

“Oh really? How long is a while?”

“Remember when you caught me in the jewelry shop in New York?”

“Uh huh…”

“I wasn’t looking for a gift for Liam, I was looking for a ring for you.”

“Seriously,” her jaw went slack, “but- but Liam hadn’t purposed to me yet. We hadn’t cleared my name. For all you knew I could have been an engaged woman that weekend.”

“Except I knew you’d say no.”

“And how did you know that?”

“Because you always stared at me with those same doe eyes you were just staring at me with in the movie theater.”

Riley grinned despite herself.

“So you did notice.”

“I notice everything about you, Johnson,” he pulled her towards him and cupped her face with his hands, giving her an all-too-brief kiss, “but I think we should get back to Valtoria and celebrate.”

Riley called for a car and soon they set off towards Valtoria. They exchanged glances that were filled with excitement the entire ride. The driver dropped them off and bid them goodnight. Drake picked her up and carried her to the front doors of the duchy, carefully opening them without dropping her. Gladys stood on the other side of them, her expression surprised as he burst through them with the duchess in his arms.

“I’m getting married, Gladys!” Riley jovially shook her diamond ring at Gladys, who bowed deeply before straightening with a clearly contained grin.

“Congratulations to you and Sir Drake.”

“Thanks Gladys,” Drake nodded and made his way up the stairs with his new fiancé.

He took her into her quarters and sat her down in the doorway. He closed the door quietly and was caught off guard when Riley’s body suddenly pushed his against the woodgrain. She feverishly pressed her lips to his, her hands tangling in his hair. He grabbed her hips, pulling her closer to him. She began undoing the buttons of his dress shirt, quickly freeing him from it and throwing it and his dress jacket behind her. Her mouth met his again and she could feel his chest heaving in desperation for her. His hand found the zipper at the back of her dress and he pulled it down in one fluid motion. She stepped back and quickly slid it down her body leaving her in only a black lace bra, matching lace thong, and her black heels. Drake’s breathing stopped as he took in the sight of her pale skin in contrast to her dark undergarments. She tugged at the waist of his pants and he stepped towards her. She undid his belt and pulled his pants and boxers just enough to release his swollen member. She wrapped a hand around him and began moving painstakingly slow. Drake’s head fell back against the door with a soft thud as a hoarse growl escaped his throat. She leaned against his chest and nipped at his neck.

“I’ve been thinking about this since the movie theater- and this, too.”

Riley dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth. His jaw fell open as he placed a gentle hand at the base of her neck, moving it in time with her. She ran a wet tongue from the base to the tip, swirling delicate circles around it. She peeked up expectantly at him only to find him with his head still back clasping his bottom lip between his teeth. She carefully took him into her mouth once again, carefully going all the way to the base and humming along the way. Drake finally let out a moan and Riley smiled with victory before she felt him grab the hair at the nape of her neck and pull her away from him. She stood and he put his mouth to her ear with a breathy whisper.

“I can’t take it anymore. I need you, Johnson.”

He spun her around and pushed her chest against the wall next to him. He got behind her and slid a finger between her skin and the thong of her underwear, moving it down until he reached her wet center. He slowly pushed one finger inside her, then another. Her fingers curled against the dark walls as she steadied herself and her legs automatically began to tremble at his touch. He moved inside her, teasingly slipping them out and running them over her engorged nub, all the way back between her ass cheeks. He placed a strong hand over hers and pushed his chest against her back as he continued to tease her.

“You want me, Your Grace?”

“What do you think,” she panted.

Drake moved her underwear to the side, his own clothes still hanging loosely around his thighs, and slowly eased himself into her. She bit her bottom lip and let out a whimper. They’d been together numerous times before, but she was still pleasantly surprised at how large he was this particular night. He was gentle at first, moving against her in a way that sent jolts of electricity through her body with every stroke. His hands gripped her hips and his movements became more rough, her heels lifting and slamming back into the floor with forceful clicks. It didn’t take long for her to reach her peak and a powerful orgasm rocked through her as her body clenched around Drake’s length. He managed a few more forceful strokes before he released inside her with a primal grunt. He slowed and placed a loving arm around her waist to support her shaking body that threatened to collapse.

“How was that for our first time as an engaged couple?” He chuckled resting his forehead on her back.

“It was perfect,” she crooned.

He relased her and stepped out of his clothes with the exception of his boxers that he pulled back on. Riley slipped off her shoes and glided over to the bed where Drake joined her. They sank down into the pillows and she curled up onto his chest letting out a content sigh.

“I love you, Drake Walker, now and forever.”

“I love you, too, Johnson. Always.”





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