Dawn of Darkness (Part 3)

“MoooOOOM, we’re fine. I promise! Right Ajay? Please tell my mom we’re fine.” Terry Aveyard turned back from the video transmission attached to the dorm room wall and locked eyes with her boyfriend. “Everything’s good here!” he shouted back from his place at the small desk.

“Well we have to go now, this research isn’t gonna search for itself.”

“But Terry –”

“Bye Mom! Love you!”

Terry ended the call with a sigh, facing planting on the bed. “This research is going to search itself?” Ajay chuckled to himself as Terry raised her head just enough to glare at the back of his head. Straightening her blonde ponytail, she padded over to Ajay, grabbing another chair to sit on beside him. Fanned across the little table were books on Lunar history, the goddesses, and The Current State of Affairs of the Venus Monarch, tenth edition. Apart from the attack that had sent all Lunars and visiting personal into moon bunkers to ride out the “storm”, Terry and Ajay hadn’t done much sight-seeing in the six moon days they’d been on La Lune, and she wanted to do more tourist things. Ajay turned to look at her full on, straightening the glasses on his face. “What? You’re the one who insisted we come here! A more ‘in-depth examination of the true nature and history of La Lune, the epicenter of the goddess Lune’. Those were your exact words, Terry.” Rather than admit she’d only said those things to convince Ajay to pick La Lune as the travel destination for their university project, Terry shrugged.

“There’s only so much we can learn from these books. Why don’t we interview some Lunars? Or! Or,” Terry ran back to her suitcase, tripping over a pair of pants but catching herself in time. She snatched the Lunar map from its place in the front pocket and placed it right on top of Ajay’s notes. “We’re not that far from the castle, and they have the goddess mural there! Wouldn’t you rather see it in person?” Her stomach growled then, and she clutched it, giving Ajay a sheepish smile. “And um, maybe try some moon food?” He gave her a concerned look, neatly folding up the map and placing it in her open hand. “You want to visit the very area that had the concentrated attack?” Terry threw her hands up in frustration. “Where’s your sense of adventure?” but Ajay only shook his head, flipping to a page in the goddess textbook. “We’re not here for fun and games, Terry. La Lune was attacked, and we may be on borrowed time now, but I think we’re closer to bridging the gap between the Mars Raiders and this…Lunar war seal.” He turned back to Terry, his face alight with excitement only to meet his girlfriend’s deadpan expression. The serious effect was undercut by the loud growl that seemed to echo off the plain white walls.

Ajay sighed, shutting each of the closed textbooks. “Fine, where’s the best place to find a spiced half-moon pastry around here?” Terry squealed, kissing Ajay in excitement before jumping up to find her travel guide brochure.

** ** **

Rather than take any chances, and to ensure the safety of King Rory and the Venus princess, the presence of the guardians was strictly enforced for peace of mind, with at least two of them located in the central chamber of the castle at all times. Skye and Malcolm had the current shift, but with one not much of a conversationalist and the other with the galaxy on his mind, it had been a calm, quiet few hours. Skye found her gaze travel to Malcolm often, but she told herself it was only because of the bruise that marred his right cheek, and nothing else. “Doesn’t that bother you?” she spoke at last, coming to stand in front of her fellow guardian. Malcolm laughed, confused.

“Lots of things bother me, you’re going to have to be more specific.”

“Oh goddess, help me,” Skye grumbled, gesturing to his cheek. “Your scar.” Malcolm brought a hand to rest of his cheek, but she noticed how he touched it as little as possible. “Why didn’t you tell me it hurts,” Skye went on, bringing a gentle hand to the marred skin. Malcolm winced. “Didn’t you hear? I’m a glutton for pain,” he rolled his eyes but added, “You know the healing chamber can only do so much for… people like me.” Skye’s hand glowed, transferring energy from her hand to his cheek. He gritted his teeth as the skin healed itself, and with his eyes closed, Skye could study his features unabashed. Time had been generous to Malcolm. She fought back the urge to trace her fingers along his jawline, press her lips against his full ones, sink herself into his embrace. Affection among friends was common for Lunars, but Skye wasn’t a hugger, and it was in this moment she mourned all those lost moments for the simple gesture.

“Skye?” The scar mended, Malcolm now looked back at her with wonder in his brown eyes. “Oh!” Skye startled, now unsure with what to do with her hands. Malcolm’s own hand flew to his cheek and the smooth skin beneath. He gave her a cheeky grin. “I’ve heard a kiss is faster.” Skye reddened, and Malcolm’s eyebrows shot up too as he realized what he’d said. “I mean, with the healing. Directly to the source. Because I’m not…uh…” he let out a nervous laugh, running a hand through his short locs. “Wow, where were you the other times I got my ass handed to me?” Malcolm gave her a thankful smile, dispelling the awkward tension between them. Skye shrugged, trying to tamper down her own grin. She stepped back to head to return to her post, something different in the air between them. It was Malcolm’s turn to sneak glances at his partner.

In the castle’s healing chamber room for the Lunar royals, Meghan sat beside the glass encasement, hands in her lap, waiting for something, though it was unknown to even herself. Her long, thick curls were tied into a braid, and her eyes told the story of long, restless nights. Danielle watched from afar, her mouth set in a thin line, anger wound up inside her with no place to go. The fact that she could dress like a Lunar, serve in a Lunar position, and claim their planet her own was a slap in the face to Danielle. The level of disrespect and disregard absolutely floored her. Ever since the day of the raider attacks, Danielle found it hard not to keep tabs on the guardian, especially since she and the others were tasked with roaming the various halls and chambers more frequently. However, Danielle knew diplomacy was key when it came to dealing with her subjects and knew her ancestors would expect her to be the civil one.

“Have you found what you’re looking for?” Meghan asked, eyes still on Seraphine. When Danielle realized she was talking to her, Danielle revealed herself, longs skirts trailing across the floor. “Forgive me, Meghan is it? I’m just trying to understand.” Danielle watched as Meghan quickly stood, ready to bow, but she waved the gesture off. Meghan sat down again, cautious. “What’s so puzzling, Princess?” Meghan bit out, impatient to be left alone again. “Your insolence for one thing,” Danielle huffed. “Tell me, Meghan. How does your poor goddess feel knowing her sacred gift is soiled by the likes of you?” Meghan looked back at her, aghast. “If you’re referring to my guardian status, I earned my place, alright?” Danielle crossed her arms, her shimmer more intense, commencing in a stare down.

“What’s your problem? Last time I checked, you were the next Lunar queen.” Danielle let out a bitter laugh. “Is that right? How do I know you won’t take that away too? But I guess it’s all the same to you, isn’t is earth-girl? You want it and suddenly it’s yours.” Meghan shook with controlled anger.

“As far as I’m concerned, Venus is independent now and has been for a while. Don’t put the wicked atrocities of those before I was born on me. I’m Lunar.”

“Your actions speak the loudest, earth-girl. Claiming a race of people that isn’t yours!” The guardian stood so quickly, Danielle, was forced to take a step back. Fear flashed in her eyes before she regained confidence. Goddess Solla had abandoned Venus long ago, and she had no more right to call on Lune than the guardian did. “What are you going to do? Strike me where I stand? Because I’m right and we both know it?” Meghan pushed past her, both fists at her sides. Stopping just before the healing chamber room’s exit, she spoke over her shoulder. “I don’t understand what I’ve personally done to offend you, but please know it’s no fault of my own that the king returns my affection.” Danielle was frozen in place long after the guardian left. Shaking herself from her daze, she sat down next to Seraphine’s sleeping figure, at a loss for words. Not only had she lost her composure, but now the one, simple thing she thought she could do for her people was in jeopardy. And she had the earth-girl to thank for that.

Venus put on a brave face in front of the other planet kingdoms, but the truth was that they’d never recovered from the Earthen stronghold. The alliance between Venus and La Lane was not only to get the suffering planet back on its feet but renew morale. The newborns on Venus were most susceptible to disease and death if they were not surrounded by a center of love. Danielle’s council had come together and strategized that if the princess could marry into another center of love, cultivated for moon years by Lunars, it would feed their love-starved planet and remind the Venusians of the bonds that had once strengthen their familial relationships and friendships. Queen Seraphine’s blessing meant nothing now. Danielle sucked in a deep breath to starve off the forming tears. She was backed into a corner, but crying would get her nowhere.

Danielle flew up, turning herself this way and that. Her terrified gaze fell on Seraphine. Had the queen spoken to her in her comatose state?

I can help you Danielle.

Danielle scanned the room again, but she and the Lunar queen were the only ones around. “Show yourself!” she demanded, no longer afraid, but annoyed.

Don’t let the earth-girl steal your warrior fire.

Danielle focused on the voice. It was smooth, like silk, yet maternal. Rather than fight the lull of the mysterious voice, Danielle allowed it to warm her from the inside out.

She doesn’t understand.

“She doesn’t…understand,” Danielle repeated, her words echoing. Along the walls, a smoky line traveled, as if stalking the princess, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

** ** **

Clint placed a reassuring hand on Meghan’s as they sat in front of two computer terminals, sharing one large screen. Meghan offered him a half smile that didn’t meet her eyes. La Lune was known for its two interplanetary universities; Institute of Solar Heath Research, a newer Earthen branch, and The University of Lunar Arts and Technology, where the two guardians found themselves. Clint turned back to the screen, resting his chin in his hand.

“We’ve hit a dead end with these Mars Raiders. Maybe we should consult the king—”

“No!” Even among the chatter, several heads swiveled to glare at Meghan for her outbursts. “Sorry,” she apologized weakly, waiting for the attention to leave her before she addressed her friend. “He’s got enough on his plate, and we don’t need to worry him over trivial matters” Clint narrowed his eyes, gesturing to the screen with a blurry, zoomed in image of one of the raiders. “This is a trivial matter?” Meghan glared at him, “You know what I mean Clint.” He sighed, shaking his head. “It’s just…we come to him about everything. And we came to Queen Seraphine about everything. What’s different?” Meghan thought back to the Venus-Lunar marriage arrangement, the arrival of the Mars Raiders and utterance of Belluma’s name and wondered what else was being kept from the guardians. Being kept from her. “I don’t think it’s reciprocated, Clint,” Meghan said after a beat.

She stood, ignoring the way he studied her with concern. “It’ll be time for us to switch with Natalie and Erin soon. Save what you can from the database, I’m going to check out the hard copies in the RS section.” Kept more for nostalgia sake than for actual use, Meghan needed a break from staring endlessly at the virtual database screen and slowly made her way to the floor’s molecular transport pad that would take her down two floors. “AH!” Meghan looked up at the surprised yelp and tumble of books in the aisle across from her. In a flash, Meghan had arrived, pulling the girl from the pile of books. “Are you alright?” Meghan asked the blonde, noticing her ears next. An Earthen. “I’m fine! It was bound to happen. I couldn’t find a stepping stool, so…” she let her voice trail as Meghan’s gaze landed on a book with a beautiful female figure on the cover entitled, “Galaxy Battles and Wars”.

“That’s the book I was trying to put back,” the Earthen explained, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s misleading and most of the information was dated or inaccurate.” Meghan looked at the girl with renewed interest, taking in her clothes, and pierced ears. “But it has a fascinating tale about the goddess Belluma.” They gathered the books into piles, and Meghan helped her put them in stacks in the return tray. A few didn’t fit and tipped over precariously. “Did you say Belluma? Goddess?” Meghan stared, and the girl nodded. “Yeah! She’s like earth’s boogey man to little kids, but according to Lunar folklore, she wasn’t always evil.”

Meghan bit her lip. “Are you sure it’s folklore?” The girl shrugged. “I mean, Lunars seem pretty religious, but…” the girl’s eyes widened as she took in Meghan. “Are you Lunar too? I’m so sorry, I just assumed, but like, I shouldn’t assume!” Meghan laughed, putting the girl at ease. “I’m not Lunar by birth, no. But I’ve lived here my entire life. You can call me Meghan,” she put a hand out and the Earthen gave it a friendly shake. “Terry. It’s nice to meet you.” They stood up, brushing the dust from their clothing. “Not many people come to La Lune to research, especially about war,” Meghan let the sentence hang. Terry laughed in response. “Well, me and my boyfriend, wherever the heck he is, are earth scholars. Our specialty is the goddesses, so ask me anything about Lune, Solla, Terra. Belluma,” Terry added, bubbling with excitement.

“Although maybe I should ask you about Lune. But yeah, our research is really focused on the war seal and if it really exists.” Terry and Meghan had found a small table to sit at, Meghan extremely interested. “What’s the war seal and why wouldn’t it exist?” she asked but was interrupted by the arrival of another Earthen. His serious expression broke into an easy grin as Terry leaped into his arms, knocking his glasses askew. “Meghan, met my boyfriend Ajay. Ajay, Meghan.”

Ajay gave her a curt nod before turning back to Terry. “Are you ready to leave?” Before Meghan realized what she was doing, she reached out to stop them both. “Wait!” Ajay looked from her to the hand on his shoulder. Meghan quickly snatched her hand back, releasing a nervous chuckle.

“Tell me what you know about Belluma? Please? I admit my knowledge of the goddesses is limited, especially concerning Terra. Anything you know would be very helpful right now.”

“Ask the Lunars, huh?” Ajay cocked an eyebrow at his girlfriend, and Meghan restrained herself from doing the same. Was that an insult at her expense? “Never mind, I’m sorry I bothered you,” Meghan snapped, still smarting from her previous encounter with a certain princess. “No, it’s fine! We’re not in a rush, right Ajay?” Terry shoved him in the ribs, giving him a death glare. “I guess we can spare some time,” he grunted, sore from her pointed elbow. Meghan shook her head, thinking of Clint who she’d left however long ago. “I should be going anyway,” she started but Terry made a motion for her to stay seated, passing another warning glance to Ajay. “He’s all bark and a little bite, but he means well.” Ajay rolled his eyes as she kissed his cheek and turned back to Meghan.

“You mentioned Belluma wasn’t always evil?” Meghan prompted, and Ajay smirked, shaking his head. “I don’t know if it’s that cut and dry. She’s the goddess of war, which isn’t bad per se, but she was manipulative and preyed on people’s jealousy.” Terry interrupted, tapping his shoulder blade. “If she’d been given the chance to change, things might have been different. Fighting was all she knew…”

“That’s speculation Terry, and you know it. Also, are you going to let me speak or not?”

Terry mimed zipping her lips and throwing away an invisible key. Meghan chuckled despite herself. “Anyway, none of the goddesses are inherently good or bad. I mean, the Great Solar War was spearheaded by Solla’s susceptibility to greed. Belluma convinced her she was entitled to more of the cosmos, and there you have it. The ingredients to a senseless, unnecessary war. Although, and I’m paraphrasing this greatly, when Lune discovered it was essentially to satisfy Belluma’s bloodlust, she sent Belluma’s lover to fight in the war for the moon kingdom. He was an untrained soldier and killed instantly.”

Terry picked at the dirt underneath her nail, sighing. “It’s sad when you think about it. He was just another innocent Earthen caught in the crossfire.” Meghan watched as Ajay’s hand found Terry’s and gave it a squeeze. Her heart ached at the simple gesture. “Many lives lost, the goddesses realized that Milky Way couldn’t take another war of that magnitude. Terra and Solla became human, taking residence on earth.”

Meghan sat up straighter, slowly putting the pieces together in her head. “Lune is the heartbeat of the moon kingdom. Her essence is what keeps Lunars alive, and what the moon guardians draw their magic from.” Meghan and Malcolm had no inherent abilities, but Meghan knew it was Lune who gave them the power each and every time they drew their weapons in the name of the moon. Ajay shrugged at her response. “That’s what I’ve been told.”

Terry took it from there. “The war seal is the nickname we’ve given to what’s been driving out research. What happened after the goddesses disappeared? Especially Belluma, who was hell bent on avenging her love.” Meghan sat in silence processing everything when her wrist band vibrated against her skin. It was Clint wondering where she was. She stood quickly, giving the couple a grateful smile. “I’m really sorry, but I’m running late for something and my friend just reminded me,” she tapped her wrist once in emphasis. “But good luck! I hope you find what you’re looking for.” Terry seemed sad to let her new acquaintance leave and reached over to pull Meghan into a hug.

“Oh,” Meghan startled, bringing her arms around Terry. She pulled back, suddenly. “I know we just met and the chances of us seeing each other again are small, but maybe we’ll get lucky and bump into each other again?” Meghan returned her bubbly smile. “Everything happens for a reason,” she agreed, pressing her forehead to Terry’s in farewell. Then Meghan was off, nodding to Ajay and running the way she came. Terry settled next to Ajay, who’s eyes never left where Meghan stood. “I know it’s like a hug to us, but it feels so much more intimate…Ajay?” After a moment, he turned to Terry, pointing to the open space.

“Did she seem familiar to you?”


“Yes, who else?” Terry shrugged, not recalling her from outside their meeting. “I just thought I’d seen her before.”

As Meghan lay her head down to rest that night, she couldn’t seem to rope in her swirling thoughts. It had to be more than coincidence that the raiders had come for Rory with Belluma’s name on their lips, concerning the war goddess’ messy history with Lune. It was far from folklore, and Meghan knew with her entire being that the story of the goddesses rang true. She’d wanted to talk with Skye about her findings, but after blowing her off before, she wasn’t sure she’d want Meghan’s company. Not to mention she didn’t want to burden her brother either. Meghan turned on her side, so she faced Erin’s snoring self. “Erin,” Meghan whispered in the dark, waiting for her roommate to stir. “Erin,” she tried again, but Erin only flopped over on the cot, now facing away from Meghan. “Damnit,” Meghan exhaled, lifting herself from the blankets. Suddenly her senses heightened, and her sight was assaulted by a vision of the king again, similar from the one in the Mars Raider fight. The female figure now took the form of Princess Danielle!

Hardly giving herself enough time to transform into her cloak, Meghan dashed from the guardians chamber she shared with Erin and hurried for the royal chambers just upstairs. “Rory!” she yelled in the night, thinking the worst and unable to temper her voice. “Rory!” she yelled again, pulling out her sword. Someone dashed out from the healing chamber, and Meghan felt sweet, precious, air reach her lungs again at the sight of the king running to her. “I thought…I thought you,” she hiccuped into his chest, as he cradled her head. “Shhh, I’m right here Meg,” he whispered, over and over. No one had awakened to Meghan’s noise, and when she regained sense again, the shame burned deeply inside her. Rory led her to the healing chamber, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. Even with her cloak on, Meghan shivered violently, but Rory never let her go and for that she was grateful. When her nerves had finally settled, she relaxed in Rory’s embrace, sleep finally finding her.

“I know it’s an excuse, but I didn’t know.” Meghan fought to stay awake at the sound of his voice.


“About Danielle. I didn’t know we were to be married, it was my mother’s doing. You’ve been avoiding me, and Skye and Malcolm speak to me with contempt. Yes, I deserve it, but I wanted you to know the truth.” Meghan couldn’t imagine sweet, gentle Seraphine being to blame for anything, but sleep made everything hazy. “If it means anything to you, that kiss meant the world to me.” Meghan heard the smile in Rory’s voice, lulled by his gentle baritone. The last thing Meghan remembered was his hand pushing back the hair from her face. Rory looked to his mother’s encasement, his smile slipping. For all her merits, Rory couldn’t marry Princess Danielle. His heart would never forgive him, so he hoped his mother would. “Meghan? I love you.” She didn’t respond, but it was just the same. He would repeat himself when she awoke and pray to Lune for guidance on what to do next.

Unknown to him, they both were being watched by Danielle, who was and wasn’t herself at the same time. Her shimmer was dim, and her eyes glowed with the power of something greater than the Venus princess.

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