Days Go By

Summary: Utter fluff. Some random thoughts from Mika about her and Drake’s days together. Set sometime shortly after the whole Coronation fiasco is (hopefully) resolved.

Note: Not canon.

Sunday mornings are her favorite. It’s the one day of the week she can convince Drake to stay in bed past 6:30, burrowing under the blankets and running her hands lazily up and down his back. If they have no plans, she can almost always sweet talk him into showering with her (“it saves water” she always says with a wink, even though they both know it doesn’t).

When the weather is mild, they usually walk hand-in-hand down to their favorite cafe, to eat stacks of blueberry pancakes and drink too-strong coffee that makes her giggle. When it’s too cold, they stay in, and Drake makes her breakfast. He tries to protest that he isn’t a good cook, but he can make a mean omelet. She tends to distract him, sometimes on purpose, sometimes unintentionally, by leaning up against him or pressing lingering kisses to his cheek. When she feels like tormenting him a little and kisses his neck, he says her name in a warning tone, but she knows he won’t resist her for long.

It’s on a lazy Sunday morning that she realizes how happy she is, and that she can’t imagine her life without him. 


Monday is probably her least favorite day of the week, but Drake doesn’t seem to mind it. She’s usually grumpy from getting back into the work week, even though she likes her job. Drake always manages to get her out of her funk, bringing home her favorite bottle of wine, or the popcorn flavored jelly beans she can’t get enough of, or going along with her obsession with watching bad reality TV shows.

He makes fun of them, but she doesn’t mind, so long as he’ll sit on the couch and wrap his arms around her while she watches them. She likes wearing her favorite fuzzy socks, even when it’s hot out, and snuggling back into the solid warmth of his chest. Sometimes he falls asleep as they lay together, and she doesn’t have the heart to wake him, even though she knows they’ll both be stiff from sleeping on the couch in the morning.

It’s on a Monday evening that they have their first big fight. He leaves, slamming the door, and she’s still sitting on the couch in a daze when he comes back. They whisper apologies between kisses and soothing touches, and he tells her he doesn’t want to lose her. 


Tuesday nights, she likes to make them dinner. Drake tries to help, though he usually gives up halfway through when she playfully tells him he’s making more work for her.

“I don’t understand how there’s a wrong way to stir spaghetti sauce,” he’ll complain, or “How am I supposed to know how much ‘some’ garlic is?”

She teases him, but she loves that he always offers to help. She likes this domestic bliss they’ve settled into. Sometimes she runs her foot up his calf under the table as they eat, laughing as he tries to keep the smile off of his face. After dinner, Drake insists on doing the dishes and shoos her out of the kitchen.

It’s on a Tuesday, as Drake is washing dishes, that he casually mentions their future and asks her what she pictures. It takes her by surprise, this serious question, and he smiles gently at her stunned face. 

“You don’t have to tell me now,” he reassures her. “Just think about it.”


Wednesday’s are their “therapy night”, as she likes to jokingly call it. They walk down to their favorite local bar to meet up with some of her friends, to have a couple drinks and play pool and vent about the work week and the daily grind of having to be an adult.

Drake is quiet at these gatherings at first, and she wonders if he’s uncomfortable or annoyed that she drags him out, but he reassures her he’s not.

“It takes me a while to warm up to people,” he reminds her. “But it’s kind of…fun. And they have the whiskey I like.”

Gradually, Drake warms up to their therapy nights and starts inviting some of his coworkers along, until they both start referring to everyone as their friends. It makes her happy, being out with Drake and hearing him laugh and refer to the group as “their friends”.

It’s on a Wednesday night, as they walk home from the bar, that she tells him she sees him, them, a house, growing old together, when she thinks about the future. 

“Maybe even some babies,” she smiles. The smile that crosses his face as he wraps her in a tight hug almost takes her breath away. 


Thursday nights, they FaceTime with Liam and Olivia. It had taken them some time to get to this point, after she returned to New York and Drake came after her. She knows Liam had been hurt, surprised, to learn the depth of Drake’s feelings for her, that they’d kissed in Cordonia. After the whole fiasco with Madeleine was resolved, she was happy to see Liam and Olivia slowly go from friends to more. She wants Liam to be happy, and although she and Olivia will never be best friends, she knows how much Olivia cares for him.

Drake struggles with it at first, his best friend being with someone who had treated and talked about his little sister so poorly. But after a genuine conversation and apology from Olivia, Drake seems to forgive her.

“But we are not going on double dates or vacations with them,” Drake warns her teasingly.

She laughs. “I am perfectly okay with that.”

It’s on a Thursday night, after they’ve hung up with Liam and Olivia, and Drake had been even more quiet than usual, that he turns to her and tells her he’s finally found Savannah. She’s a little hurt he hadn’t told her right away, but she understands those protective older sibling instincts kicking in. 

“She’s doing well,” Drake says. He squeezes her hand and searches her face as he says, “I want you to meet her.”


Friday afternoons, she and Drake are usually able to take long lunch breaks together. He prefers to go to their usual places, but she can sometimes persuade him to try somewhere new. She likes to order what he calls “adventurous” dishes, while he sticks to his favorites and grins at her sometimes grimacing face as she eats things she’s never had before.

“Life’s about trying new things,” she argues playfully, or “You can’t possibly order the same thing every time we go out,” while Drake shakes his head at her.

Sometimes he’ll try whatever it is she’s ordered, but more often than not, she ends up stealing food off of his plate. When Savannah moves to New York, she sometimes joins them, teasing Drake about his “boring” lunches. Savannah likes to try new restaurants too, and Drake pretends that he’s annoyed by the strange places that they insist on going to. But they both know Drake is immeasurably happy at how well they get along, even joking sometimes about being their third wheel.

After lunch, when Savannah has headed back to her office, Drake walks her back to work, his hand warm in hers. She likes the way he kisses her deeply before he leaves, his nose brushing against hers as he tells her he loves her.

It’s on a Friday that he persuades her to take the rest of the day off with him, to get away for the weekend, he says. His coworker has loaned Drake the use of his cabin. She loves weekends away with him, but this one becomes her favorite when Drake slides a ring on her left hand while they lay in front of the fireplace, and asks her to marry him. 


Saturday morning is the one day of the week she doesn’t mind getting up early. She and Drake are usually out the door right after breakfast, buying groceries and running errands. During the late spring and summer, they usually stop at the farmer’s market, or wander through a park, taking advantage of the weather and soaking up the sunshine. If it’s raining, she can usually talk him into going to the library or a museum.

When they get home, she likes to read while Drake naps, his head on her lap while she runs her fingers through his hair. It’s one of her favorite times of the week, the noise from the city outside fading as she gets absorbed in whatever she’s reading that day and the pleasant weight of Drake sleeping next to her. Every once in a while, when she’s finished her book but Drake isn’t yet awake, she gets lost in her thoughts, how much her life has changed in the last year. Though it isn’t all happy memories, she decides one day that she wouldn’t change things, wouldn’t risk not being here right now and having Drake here with her.

It’s on a Saturday afternoon that she waits in the back room of a church, nervously fidgeting with the beading on her dress. 

“Stop it,” Savannah says gently, pulling her hands away. 

She manages to keep her composure through walking up the aisle and saying her vows, but she can’t stop herself from crying happy tears when Drake kisses her and whispers, “I love you. So much.”

It’s her favorite day with him yet. 

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