Deal With the Devil

Deal With the Devil
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- So I actually started this a few weeks ago, after reading the summary for Chapter 12 and then got stalled and forgot about it, but I decided to fix it. It doesn’t really fit in canon, but it can. This is just a dark little one-shot.

Pairing- Adam Vega/MC

Rating- Mature themes

Summary- As Adrian awaits trial, Lilith is approached with an offer regarding her own fate.

Words- 2151

“Wait here,” Kamilah told me roughly, “do not leave this room.”

I nodded numbly, still trying to process the event of the last day and a bit. The ball, the massacre, the Clanless, and now the news that Adrian was on trial. Kamilah had been short on words, her tension obvious, but the picture she painted was dire.

They were accusing Adrian of setting up the attacks.

“Everyone knows it wasn’t him,” Kamilah said dismissively, “but some of them want it to be him.” I understood what she was saying, that most of the council would be happy to have an excuse to get rid of Adrian.

Adrian had told me that Lester hated him and that he would vote again allowing Lily just to vote again Adrian, it was obvious the Baron had issues with the Adrian, Priya… She’d seemed fond enough of him, but he thwarted her. Was it hopeless?

And if it was? What did it mean for Lily and I? Who would take over the Raines Clan? And what about me? I was a human assistant, of no value to anyone, would I be taken for a forced debriefing or would I be disposed of? Or worse… Would I just be given to whoever wanted me? I thought of the way Priya had asked Adrian to give me to her, the way Lester had touched me… Death might be more pleasant.

After what seemed like forever, the door opened. “Kamilah!” I stated, leaping to my feet, “what’s–” My voice trailed off when I realized my visitor was Kamilah, it was Senator Vega.

“Hello, Lilith,” he greeted as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.

“Senator,” I greeted, “what are you doing here?”

“I merely wish to talk to you,” he told me, “before the trial begins.”

“You know Adrian isn’t capable of this,” I told him fiercely.

“I want to believe that,” he responded, his tone infuriatingly non-committal. “However, there is evidence, Lilith.” My heart sank at his words. That didn’t sound like he was even open to helping Adrian, but if not, why had he come to talk to me? “I didn’t come here to discuss Adrian,” he continued, “I came to talk to you.”

“About what?” I asked, trying not to stare at him. What could we have to talk about, if not Adrian? After all, I was just a mere human, of no importance at all.

“If Adrian is found guilty, and it is safe to assume he will be, his clan will be reassigned and the humans under his protection will need to be taken care of,” The Senator informed me, confirming my worst fears, “the council will examine each case individually and decide whether this means debriefing or being taken into the protection of another Clan.”

I tensed, wondering what that meant for me exactly, but I waited for him to continue.

“You have a higher profile than most of Adrian’s employees,” He continued, “so your name has been discussed already and several of the clan leaders have vocalized suggestions.

That made it sound like they all assumed Adrian would be found guilty and that the trial was a mere formality, But then with only Kamilah on his side, wasn’t it?

A feeling of hopelessness threatened to overcome me. For Adrian, for myself, for everything. This was not the sexy, exciting adventure I had hoped for at the beginning. This was the stuff of nightmares and I was only just starting to realize that I was in way over my head.

I also didn’t like the emphasis he put on the last word. What did these suggestions entail?

“What kind of suggestions?” I asked nervously.

“The Baron has suggested that you be executed as an example,” the Senator told me, “while both Priya and Lester have offered to give you their protection.”

I didn’t know which option was worse and my horror must have shown on my face because the Senator gave me a sympathetic smile.

“Lester at least treats his play things better than Priya does,” he commented, “but I still wouldn’t advise accepting his offer.”

“I’d rather die,” I blurted out and then winced. Probably not a comment I should make, given that death was a definite possibility. However, it was the truth. I would die before I handed myself over to either Priya or Lester.

The Senator smiled, but it lacked the charm it usually held. Instead, it was downright dangerous. “That might be a little drastic,” he told me, “especially when there is another option.”

“There is?” I asked, was he talking about Kamilah? Would she offer me her protection or would she blame me for Adrian’s downfall? She’d once told me that she’d kill me if harm came to Adrian, so I wasn’t sure I could count on her to save me.

“There is,” the Senator confirmed, his voice low and seductive, “I am willing to offer you my protection.”

Oh. I hadn’t expected that. In fact, I hadn’t thought the Senator had taken much notice of me at all, except as Adrian’s assistant. He certainly had never displayed the interest in me that Priya and Lester had.

“Would you want me as a blood donor?” I asked, thinking of the nerdy guy I had sat beside on the train.

“Yes,” Senator answered, his hand trailing over my cheek, “and as a lover.”


“You mean a plaything,” I said dismissively, “you aren’t any different than Priya or Lester.”

Anger flickered through his eyes but was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by a calm mask. “So young, so naïve,” he told me, “The fact that we are here shows how different I am, Lilith. Neither of them will ask for your consent, they will just take, bargaining with the council, not you, because your opinion is meaningless,” he said coldly, “Priya will play with you until she breaks you, mentally as well as literally. You will be begging for death by the time she is done. Lester will use you at his will, taking joy in your debasement and humiliation.”

I shuddered at the thought. “And you, what will you do to me if I say yes?”

“Lots of things,” he answered, his voice rich with seductive promise. “As I said, you will be my lover. You will live with me, you will share my bed. I can take you to exotic places and introduce you to luxury far beyond what you currently experience.”

“Priya tried to sell me on that too,” I responded, trying not to show how appealing the idea of sharing his bed was. “I think she said I’d be her muse, Adrian assured me it wouldn’t end well. How do I know that this isn’t a similar deal?”

“You don’t,” he said simply, “that’s the risk you will have to take.”

I knew he was right. And he was also right about the fact that he at least had come to me, instead of trying to claim me like I was a pet or a toy. Plus, well, if I had to choose between Vega, Lester or Priya, it was an easy choice.

“Yes,” I told him, the words catching in my throat. “If Adrian is convicted, then I’ll swear myself to you.”

“No,” Vega told me, surprising me.

I blinked. “What?” Had he been testing me, trying to see how loyal I was? Had I failed by accepting the offer?

“No waiting until after,” he answered, “I’m going to take a risk standing up to Lester and Priya, will likely have to smooth some ruffled feathers, and I’ll need a guarantee. No matter what the outcome of the trial, you are mine.” There was a dark, possessive look in his eyes that unnerved me.

I paused for a moment, did I really have a choice? At best Adrian had two members of the council voting with him and three against him. Maybe a miracle could persuade Priya, but… I thought of how defeated Kamilah had looked, how confident Vega was. They both knew it was over. That this was a formality.

So what did it matter whether I sold myself before or after? I might as well get it done with.

“Yes,” I said again, “I… I accept your offer.”

His eyes lit with satisfaction and then he immediately pulled something out of his pocket. His brand. Oh. Ohhhh. He wasn’t playing around.

“You’ve done this before,” he commented, his eyes finding the remnants of the mark Adrian had given me. I just nodded. “So you know what to expect, I’ll make it quick.”

Like before, it hurt, but like Adrian, Vega was surprisingly gentle, holding my gaze and calming me through it so the pain was replaced by an electric tingle. “Just like that,” he praised, reaching out to caress my face, “so extraordinarily calm, unusual for a human, but that’s what makes you so intriguing.”

I just nodded, wondering what came next. The question slipped out without me meaning it too.

“First, we seal the deal,” he told me, his hand moving from my face to my waist, pulling me against him,

Surely he didn’t expect me too…? Right here?

He laughed, obviously reading my expression. “While I appreciate the direction of your train of thought, we don’t have that kind of time and I never rush. I was merely suggesting a kiss.”

Oh. Yeah, that would make sense and I could handle a kiss, right?

The moment his mouth met mine, I was rethinking that statement because my body felt like it was dancing on a live wire. I had never felt anything like this before. The heat, the intensity. His kiss was possessive, demanding, his tongue seeking entry into my mouth, his hand digging in my hair. He was taking control of the kiss, the way he would undoubtedly take control of our relationship.

I let a little sigh, pressing against him, aroused despite myself. I knew that he was manipulative and that I could just have handed myself over to a fate as bad as what Lester and Priya had in mind for me, but it felt sooo good and suddenly, I was more intrigued than scared. If it felt like when he merely kissed me, what would it feel like when he took me to bed?

After what felt like no time at all, he broke the kiss. I let a little whine of protest and he smiled. “Don’t worry, we’ll continue this later. Once I know we won’t be interrupted.”

He pulled away and straightened his suit. “I should return to the others,” he told me, “I’ll see you after the trial, Lilith.”

His words brought me back down to Earth, freeing me from the aroused fog his touch had created in me. The trial. Adrian’s trial. “Senator…” I began, but he cut me off with an amused smile. “I think you can call me, Adam.”

I blushed, “Adam, does Adrian… Is there any chance?”

All the amusement vanished from his face and his expression was colder than I’d ever seen, though of course, I hadn’t known him that long. “No.”

The words weighted heavily in my stomach.

“Adrian’s fate is his,” The Senator, Adam, said coldly, “you have to consider yours. You made the right choice by accepting my offer, Lilith.”

I wanted to believe he was right. I couldn’t form words, so I just nodded.

Our eyes met and then Adam’s lips brushed my cheek and then he was gone, leaving me alone.

I paced the room, thinking of what I had just done, the cold way he’d spoken of Adrian. Was there anything I could do to save Adrian or was he really and truly doomed? And had I made the right choice or was I just as doomed?

I was still pacing when Kamilah returned.

“It’s time,” she told me, her expression guarded, but I could see the tension, the hopelessness. “Follow me.”

I nodded and did as she instructed, following her to the meeting location. Everyone was there. I could feel all the eyes on me and saw the predatory look on Priya’s face and suddenly felt very grateful for the bargain I had made.

I took my seat beside Lily.

“Do you know what’s happening?” I whispered to her.

“No more than you do,” she whispered back.

I watched in horror as Adrian was brought in, chained and escorted by two of the Baron’s men. His gaze met mine and I could see the anguish there.

Kamilah stood and addressed the group. “First we hear from the accuser, will Adam Vega please stand and present your case against Adrian?”

I froze in shock as Adam confidently made his way, trying to process what was happening. No wonder he had been so confident that Adrian was doomed, because he was the one who’d set him up and I had just handed myself over to him.

What had I done?

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

2 thoughts on “Deal With the Devil”

  1. Oh Lilith. You poor thing, making a deal with the devil. Adam knows exactly how to get what he wants, and it was showcased perfectly here. Honestly, even with how dark this pair gets, I can’t help but love them.

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