Dealing with the Aftermath

Summary: Estela deals with the truth about her mother’s death.

Author’s note: This was written for Estela Montoya Appreciation Week and takes place after the events of Endless Summer, Book 2, chapters 10 and 11.

Estela kept picturing the scene in her mind: the bloodstain on her mother’s white coat, Lila putting the pistol to her mother’s head, and her mother falling onto the bed. She could still hear the gunshots, and her mother’s last words: Lila…how could you… She knew that she would never be able to erase the image from her memory. She had seen plenty of violence, but never thought that she would have to watch her own mother die.

She had been so sure that Rourke had killed her mother. She spent so much time planning her revenge against Rourke, and yet the real killer was among them ever since they arrived in La Huerta. If only she had known. But she hadn’t suspected, and neither did her mother. Her mother trusted Lila and considered her a good friend. She had gathered evidence of Rourke’s plans and wanted to expose him, and she truly believed that Lila would help her. But after her mother handed over the flash drive, Lila showed her true loyalties.

What a betrayal. When her mother had hugged Lila, Lila shot her for the first time. What was supposed to be an affectionate moment turned out to be deadly. And, as if that weren’t enough, Lila had shot her in the head too. If your supposed friends can do such a thing, how do you know who you can trust? People may not be who they seem to be. They may put on acts and say what you want to hear. What you think is the truth could turn out to be a lie. It had been so much easier when she believed that Rourke had killed her mother. You expect the worst from an enemy. When you know someone is dangerous, you can see it coming. But when a “friend” comes after you, you’re blindsided.

Could she trust the others? Would they stand in her way? When she had assaulted Lila, Sean had tried to break up the fight. Craig had helped too, and Quinn had sided with them. At least Taylor had understood that it was between her and Lila, and had not interfered. Estela had felt safe enough to share her feelings with Taylor. She had seen the video too, and she understood Estela’s feelings. As they talked, she realized that Taylor really was her friend.

Lila had escaped, but she couldn’t hide forever. Estela would find her. One way or another, she would avenge her mother’s death.

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