
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This is based on a conversation with @violetflipflops where we were talking about how we headcanon a 10 year age gap between Diavolos and Kenna and imagine Kenna teasing him about his age sometimes and she requested a fic where he shows her that age is not a problem. This is also a response to the kiss prompt:  To make the other shut up from the idiotic nonsense the other is talking about but hey you both enjoy it so the other person is going to say idiotic nonsense more often and a request for a fanfic where Kenna wears lingerie in the Nevrakis colors.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Kenna teases Diavolos about getting older and then gets a demonstration on why age is just a number.

Words- 1361

It’s Val’s idea to do a week of military maneuvers, a kind of bonding exercise between all the kingdoms. Things have been peaceful for the last couple years, but no one wants to get complacent and this kind of exercise keeps the troops in shape but also helps maintain the alliance.

As wonderful and respected as Val is, she doesn’t have the authority to command five armies (and the representatives of the Fire Kingdoms) though and someone of authority needs to be there to the run the show. While there is some debate, it’s a pretty easy choice in the end.

Tevan is an obvious no (though Kenna secretly thinks it would be really amusing), neither Kai or Noa has any traditional military experience, the fire kingdoms don’t have everyone’s trust yet, and Kenna has two small children, including an infant. Which means it comes down to Rowan or Diavolos and while Kenna isn’t thrilled about another separation, she knows Diavolos is the obvious choice.

First, he’s the most experienced of any of them and two his personality is a little more welcoming than Rowan’s. So, in the end, Diavolos and Val and representatives of all the armies go up into the mountains for a week.

Kenna misses him dreadfully, of course. After four years of ruling two kingdoms, she’s used to separations, but she knows she’ll never like it. The maneuvers are apparently a success though Val is smirking when she and Diavolos return to Stormholt.

“Better have the maids run a bath,” she tells Kenna as greeting, “apparently someone’s not as young as he use to be.”

Diavolos glares in her direction, but Val simply laughs and takes her leave.

“What’s that about?” Kenna asks after she’s greeted her husband with a kiss.

Diavolos rolls his eyes, “I might have made a few comments about sleeping on the hard ground,” he admits and then laughs, “I guess I’ve gone soft.”

Kenna laughs at the revelation, but it’s a happy sound. She likes the fact that his life has changed and that he’s no longer accustomed to the discomfort of war. It’s what she’s wanted for him since the first night she kissed him, the chance for him to have a real life, beyond war.

“My poor baby,” Kenna teases, “I guess I’ll have to pamper you.”

He grins and leans down to kiss her again. “I like the sound of that.”

They walk up to their quarters hand in hand, parting in the hallway as Diavolos goes to see their sons and Kenna goes to find someone to run that bath and then to attend to a few things in the castle, since she has a feeling that she’s going to be spending the evening in her chambers.

Later, Diavolos emerges from the tub and finds her waiting for him on their bed. She’s wearing a black and silver nightgown that was a gift from Annelyse and she can see his eyes darken with desire, the way they always do when she wears the Nevrakis colors.

Though, he’s standing in front of her completely nude, so he’s not the only one staring. Kenna wonders if she’ll ever stop being amazed by the sight of him.

“You know you could have joined me,” Diavolos tells her as he walks towards her, bending to press his lips against hers.

“I thought you needed time to recover,” Kenna says teasingly, “since apparently, your age is catching up with you.”

Diavolos raises one eyebrow, “I’ve never heard you complain about my stamina,” he reminds her tugging at her hair and tilting her head back to give her another deep, demanding kiss. His hands wandering over her silk-covered curves as he does so.

“Maybe I just need a reminder,” Kenna says, gazing up at him.

Diavolos doesn’t need any more inviting, pushing her back onto the bed and then quickly joining her. He eases her nightgown down over her shoulders. “As much as I like seeing you in my colors, I prefer you in nothing at all.” He tells her, a possessive note to his voice as he presses kisses all the way down her body.

He pauses at her breasts, his tongue swirling over her nipples, his teeth grazing the sensitive flesh as his hand easily parts her thighs, teasing her. Diavolos slips his fingers inside of her, moving them in and out at a pace that makes her moan and arch against him. His mouth continues to travel downward until he runs his tongue over her sensitive nub. The combination of his teeth and hand is too much for Kenna and she comes with a gasp, bucking her hips up into him, sobbing his name.

Diavolos doesn’t ease up though, instead, he removes his fingers only to plunge his tongue into her, encouraging another orgasm. He hasn’t had a chance to shave since he’s been gone and his facial hair rubs against her thighs. Kenna’s sure there’ll be red marks, but she can’t bring herself to care, not when it feels so good. She digs her hands into his hair as she comes against his mouth.

“Oh!!!” She cries, unable to form anything more coherent.

“Do you like that, baby?” Diavolos asks her, moving up to kiss her, “do you like what this old man can do to you?”

“Yes,” Kenna said with a sigh, pressing him closer. She reaches her hand down between them, seeing how hard he is for her. She runs her hands over his length, but he stops her.

“Not this time,” he says, taking her hands and pinning them over her head, “this time it’s all about me showing you what I’m capable.”

His words send a thrill through her and her body reacts involuntarily. Diavolos looks into her eyes, the heat and desire in his making her want him even more. “What do you want, baby? Do you want me inside of you?”


Apparently, that’s all she needs to say, because a moment later he enters her in one powerful thrust. His movements are slow and deliberate, it’s obvious he intends to take his time with her. He bites down on her collarbone as he rolls his hips against her, causing her to moan and wrap her legs around him, pressing him closer. Diavolos releases her hands and she immediately digs her fingers into his back, trying to get him to speed up, but he simply murmurs, “patience, my love, we’re in no rush.”

Kenna feels herself getting closer and closer to the edge as he continues to move within her and it just makes her more impatient. “Harder, please,” she begs, clinging to him.

“Anything for you,” Diavolos assures her before doing as she bade. He speeds up his pace, moving within her hard and fast and making her gasp in pleasure. “You feel so good,” he groans against her neck before capturing her lips in another deep kiss, his hand moving in between them.

The sensation is all she needs to fall over the edge, moaning his name into his mouth as she does. Diavolos continues to thrust into her as she convulses around him and it just makes the sensations feel even more intense, and then he reaches his own peak, spilling himself inside of her with a groan.

He collapses against her for a moment, his head buried in her neck, and Kenna savors the feel of him against her. Finally, he rolls off of her and onto his side, watching her with a smug grin, “Still think I’m old?”

“Hmm…” Kenna says as she rolls over so she’s facing him, pretending to think.

Diavolos cuts her off with a kiss.

“I don’t know,” she says when they part, “that was pretty spectacular, but…”

He cuts her off again, his hands in her. “But what?” He whispers against her lips.

“I might need more proof,” Kenna says flirtatiously, sticking her leg between his and pressing herself closer.

Diavolos kisses her again. “That can be arranged,” he promises, the look in his eyes making her shiver, “because I don’t intend to let you out of this bed for a very long time.”

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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