Dessert to Go

Note: This was an anon request or 97 from the smut prompts list. As mentioned in my last prompt post, the bullet points under certain prompts on desktop version get counted as separate numbers on the app and mess up the overall numbering, so I just decided to combine number 97 from both versions to cover all the bases. This is also one of the most terrible things I’ve ever written so be warned 😂 (It’s the prompt’s fault not mine I swear!)

“Really, Bryce? McDonald’s of all places?” Charlie’s kind of hungry but doesn’t think she can stomach the thought of any cheap, greasy fast food right now.

“I’m starving and we really don’t have time to stop. Plus I have a craving for the Filet-o-Fish. It reminds me of my childhood.”

Charlie isn’t a food snob per se, but the thought of eating whatever minced up excuse for fish is in that sandwich makes her stomach churn. However, if Bryce has happy memory from childhood, she’s going to let him have it. “Okay, fine. I suppose I could go for an ice cream cone if their machine isn’t down this time.”

Bryce pulls through the drive through and in no time they are on their way again. Charlie barely gets a few licks of her perfectly swirled vanilla soft serve before Bryce has both of his sandwiches scarfed down. Charlie gives him the side eye. “Did you even take a breath between bites?”

Bryce looks over at her with a smirk. “At least I’m not making love to an ice cream cone.”

Charlie scoffs. “I’m just licking it. I’m not really sure how else one would eat an ice cream cone.”

“But not everyone looks as sexy as you doing it. It’s like you are doing it on purpose.” Bryce pretends to have an ice cream cone in hand, miming the motion of her tongue. “It’s quite distracting honestly.

“I am not doing that!” Charlie protests, but she also relishes any opportunity to get Bryce all keyed up. “If I was trying to seduce you it would be something more like this. She sees Bryce watch out of the corner of eye as she twirls the cone in her hand making exaggerated movements with her tongue and giving him her best bedroom eyes. She opens her mouth wide and moans as she takes most of the cone in her mouth and closes her lips around it, pulling it out slowly, and teasing her tongue over her lips to clean off the cool, white cream left behind.

Bryce’s jaw drops, and she’s rendered him momentarily speechless which is no small feat. Bryce shifts in his seat and swallows hard. “God dammit, Charlie. Now all I can think about right now is you licking my cock like its that ice cream cone.” 

Charlie looks down and notes the bulge in his jeans. “Oops. Maybe I’ll just have to do it then.”

“Wha-” Bryce starts to ask but is interrupted by Charlie’s hand unbuttoning his pants and pulling the zipper down. “I don’t want to tell you to stop, but I’m not sure this is such a good idea.”

Charlie scans the surroundings, and they are on a fairly deserted stretch of road with hardly another car in sight. “You mean to tell me the legendary Dr. Bryce Lahela who could get through an emergency surgery with one hand tied behind his back can’t concentrate on driving and getting sucked off at the same time?” She wraps her hand around his erection and strokes him gently.

Bryce shivers at her touch. “You play dirty Dr. Hawkins…and I like it. But if we get pulled over, I’m blaming it on you and your irresistibility.”

Charlie chuckles. “You got this, Lahela.” She scoops a dollop of ice cream on her tongue and lowers her mouth to his lap, grabbing the base of his cock and taking him in her mouth.

Bryce gasps and tenses his muscles as the cold cream connects with his warm skin and then relaxes as Charlie works her mouth up and down his length while she massages his senstive sack. “Fuck, Charlie…” He groans but maintains his focus on the road. She takes another lick of her cone and dives back down, circling her tongue around the head of his cock, tasting the mix of salty and sweet.

Bryce’s hard length twitches in her hand like it’s begging for more. Charlie licks him up and down, lubricating the surface generously. She suctions her lips around him, and bobs rhythmically, her hand moving in tandem with her mouth covering every inch. She goes all the way to the tip with each thrust, flicking her wrist over the top and making him squirm. He’s getting closer and she knows she should finish him before he veers off road. She sucks and strokes more vigorously as his grunts and moans increase until he emits one final long, loud groan as his salty cum pumps straight down her throat.

Charlie pulls off and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand before putting Bryce back together. She’s somehow managed to keep the remainder of her ice cream upright in her other hand the entire time. She licks up the few drips on the side of the cone and goes back to eating it like nothing happened while Bryce just shakes his head and laughs. After that performance she’s sure Bryce will be requesting his own dessert later.

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