
summary: jake pissed ashton off in class so he threw a book at jake’s head and now he’s in detention and the teacher made him apologize and wait… jake’s cuter up close and the way he talks is kind of nice actually oh fuck no…

“Can you believe how beautiful it is today?” Ashton sighed with content closing his eyes for a second.

“Since you asked me this twice already and it’s been like five minutes since we’ve met… yes, yes, I can believe.” Diego rolled his eyes. “Are you feeling alright?”

“Just because I think today’s a beautiful day doesn’t mean something it’s wrong. I’d say the opposite. I feel like today will be awesome!” Ashton threw his hands in the air.

Diego and Ashton were on their way to school and since it was Monday morning and Diego was feeling like shit it was hard for him to comprehend how his best friend could be so cheerful. But he was super happy for Ashton because his annoying at the time cheerfulness meant he’s finally over his ex-boyfriend and that fact alone made it all better.

“See you in Math?” Ashton asked as he was heading to his first class today.

“Like always!” Diego waved and not much later he was in Varyyn arms.

Ashton truly believed that day was supposed to be beautiful and wonderful and all that but then his first class started and everything went downhill from there.

First, he got his first C for his essay and if he wasn’t the best in his class it wouldn’t really matter. But he was the best and even though no one in the classroom could care less about his grades he felt like everyone was staring at him and silently judging him.

And then, after approximately fifteen minutes in, freaking Jake McKenzie showed up and ruin his day even more.

Jake was a new ‘addition to the team’ as the teacher described. And at first, Ashton thought he seemed pretty cool and maybe even a little sexy with his longer messy dirty-blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. And he might’ve been even pleased when Jake was instructed to sit a few rows before him – because that way Ashton could casually look at him from time to time without being caught.

But then after Jake settled done and was more or less ready to participate in class he started getting more and more annoying with every minute. Every time Ashton wanted to say something Jake had already said it and cool he was smart but he was the one who was best in this class, not Jake. So when he finally managed to answer one of the questions his jaw was clenched just like his hands and he was boiling with irritation and rage.

And still Mr I’m-super-sexy-and-smart-and-so-much-better-than-you succeded to make the situation even worse when he turned around in his chair and just freaking winked at Ashton.

At that moment Ashton could not possibly care less about the teacher standing in front of the class or what his classmates would think of him, he was so frustrated and angry he took one of his books and just threw it across the room. And oh boy did he felt satisfied when his book hit Jake’s head. But unfortunately, the victory was only temporary since as soon as the book hit the ground the teacher informed him his more than welcome in detention today after classes. And Ashton wouldn’t be as pissed about it if Jake didn’t smirk at him just to drive him crazy before the bell rang.

So there he was, five hours later, sitting in a classroom with some kid who kicked some other kid’s ass. He just rolled his eyes again this day and decided to not waste his time and just start his homework. But when the English teacher came inside with Jake by her side, he figured out the universe had something different planned for him probably just to mock him a little more today.

“Ashton. You know how disappointed I am with your behaviour.” She said and then gestured to Jake. “Don’t you think you should at least apologize to your new friend?”

Friend? HA! Ashton could call Jake many things at that moment but ‘friend’ was most certainly not one of those things. It wasn’t even in his top 100 possible choices.

“I guess,” Ashton mumbled and get up to walk to Jake – who was rather shorter than Ashton thought. “Sorry I threw a book at you,” Ashton said obviously not meaning it. “and that it didn’t hit you harder.” He added in his mind very pleased with himself.

“Don’t sweat it.” Jake chuckled and offered his hand. “It didn’t even hurt that bad.” He added while shaking Ashton’s hand. “That was quite a throw. You play anything?” He asked then.

You know this feeling when you know you like something you shouldn’t? Like when you ate that one piece of pizza too much but it was still worth it because that pizza was just so good? Yeah, that’s exactly how Ashton felt about Jake when he finally stopped thinking about much cuter Jake was up close and how the way he talked was kind of nice actually-

“Ashton? You there?”

“Sorry- What did you say?” He collected himself.

“How cute you actually look when you’re all frustrated and pissed off at me.” Jake teased with his lips only inches apart from Ashton’s ear. “Looking forward to the next English class.” He added.

Then he winked at Ashton and just left the classroom without another word, leaving Ashton completely dumbfounded with his eyes wide open and lips slightly parted.

Oh, how he was screwed. Because he already knew, sooner than later, his stupid heart will fall in love with this equally stupid new kid.

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