didn’t see that one coming

summary: like i said soulmate au where instead of having the first thing they say tattooed, they have tattooed a random sentence that that person will say around them; and when they do the tattoo disappear

Simon and Jace were together for almost a half a year now and things were going great. Simon hasn’t felt this happy in a long time.

When he first met Jace he almost punched him in the face because he was acting like a total asshole. But soon enough Simon discovered that it was just his way of protecting himself. And with every date, they went on, Simon was able to see through the walls Jace has built around his heart to the point where he seemed almost like a totally new person.

There was only one thing that wasn’t right and that was his soulmate mark – his and Jace’s to be exact. The tattoo on his forearm clearly read “ohmygod! not again! please not again!” which meant that’s what his soulmate will say around him then the tattoo will fade and they will be happy together. But after almost six months with Jace, the tattoo was still on his arm.

And Simon was worried, really worried. He even told Jace about it and they decided to bend the rules a little. One night, after the dinner Jace prepared, they sat on the couch and just read each other’s soulmate marks to see what would happen but of course, nothing happened. And Simon was bummed about it but luckily Jace was there to make him feel better.

After that day he was trying to let go. He heard about couples that said the ‘magic words’ right before they died and yes, Simon didn’t want that but there was a chance that Jace is his soulmate and their previous reading didn’t do a thing only because it wasn’t the time.

“Hey, Simon. Are you there?” Jace chuckled and waved his hand in front of his boyfriend’s face.

“Yeah, yeah, sorry. What were you saying?” He smiled apologetically.

They in the cafe next to Simon’s apartment. Jace had a break at work so they decided to grab a quick coffee together before Simon will have to go to university.

“I was asking if you want to go camping with Izzy and Clary next week.”

“Sure, sounds fun.” Simon smiled and started to get up. “I’m gonna grab something to eat and I better get going or else I’ll be late because of you, again.”

“I should go as well.” Jace sighed and kissed Simon on the cheek. “See you on friday?” He asked and Simon just nodded.

For a second he watched Jace leaving then he went to stand in the queue to buy himself a cupcake for the ride. There weren’t many people before him. Only two teenage girls and some guy. He pulled his phone from his pocket and send a quick text to Dhalia – his best friend saying he’ll be there in twenty minutes. And just as he was going to put it back his arm started burning a little and he heard barista’s voice.

“Ohmygod! Not again! Please not again!”

He immediately looked in that direction and saw a guy probably his age, wiggling plastic cups and trying not to throw them everywhere. He was really struggling and after he said the words that made Simon’s forearm ache he tripped and fell to the ground with all the cups he was holding. When Simon looked back at his arm again there was no sign of the tattoo that was with him for all those years.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” He whispered angrily under his breath. “This can not be happening!”

And no matter how badly he wanted to hate this guy ad the whole situation as soon as the tattoo faded away it was like something clicked and all of a sudden everything was right.

Simon sighed deeply and walked over to where his supposed soulmate was picking up the cups from the floor. He cleared his throat loud enough that the guy would hear him and when he looked at Simon, Simon’s heart literally skipped a bit.

“Hi um… Zig? He read the name from the tag. “I’m Simon. Can we maybe talk?” He shifted his weight from one leg to another, suddenly feeling anxious.

There was something in Zig’s eyes when he smiled at Simon and nodded but Simon couldn’t figure out what. He nodded as well even though it was completely unnecessary and went where Zig lead him.

“Something’s wrong?” Zig asked as soon as they were alone.

“No. Yes… ugh I don’t even know anymore.” Simon groaned “Okay here’s the thing. Until today there was a giant tattoo on my forearm of what my soulmate will say around me and before you landed on the floor it faded away. And don’t get me wrong you’re super handsome and probably a great guy but I have a boyfriend-”


“- And I always thought he’s my soulmate but apparently he’s not-”


“What?” Simon’s eyes widened.

“I know.” Zig smiled

“You know?”

“I know we’re soulmates. And I know you have a boyfriend.” Zig admitted.

“But… how?”

“I found out about two months ago.”


“Okay. Let me explain. I doubt you remember but when you were here two months ago you hit your head when you walked into the glass door and you started mumbling. I was right behind you and I heard you saying everything that was tattooed on me. Next thing I knew my mark was gone. And I was so happy that I finally found you, you have no idea.” Zig smiled brightly. “I wanted to tell you right away. But then I saw you and your boyfriend, kissing. And I know you had the right to know but since you were in a relationship and clearly didn’t know that we’re soulmates I… I don’t know I just didn’t want to ruin anything for you two.” He ended and for a few seconds, there was just silence before Zig spoke again. “Do you love him?”

“I don’t know I mean I thought so. But when this whole thing happened today I felt something like never before. And it became so obvious that you’re my soulmate. I just… I feel lost, to be honest.” Simon explained.

“I get it. And I don’t want to pressure you.”

“You don’t?” Simon asked, clearly shocked.

“Look, I know it’s a shock. And the fact that you’re in a relationship isn’t exactly helping. So take your time. Think everything through. I’ve waited for you so long I can wait a little bit longer.” Zig smiled softly and before he could stop himself his hand was cupping Simon’s cheek.

“Thank you for being so understanding, Zig,” Simon said, trying not to pay attention to his fluttering heart. “I need to talk to Jace and explain everything.”

“You know where to find me,” Zig answered then leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Simon’s cheek.

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