Difference of Opinion


Difference of Opinion
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I was ranting to @violetflipflops about how much I hate Michael’s friends in High School Story as I think both Morgan and Wes are awful and how it’s making me question him as an LI and I realized it would be a perfect source of tension for him and Cassie. This is set sometime in Book Two, though Michael and MC’s relationship is more defined than it is in the book.

Pairing- Michael/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Michael and Cassie disagree about his group of friends.

Words- 1190

“Are you free at lunch today?” Michael asked me after first period, leaning against my locker.

I hesitated, wondering why he was asking. I didn’t want to turn down the chance to be with Michael, but I was wary over what he had in mind.

“It’s been a while since you’ve joined us outside,” he added, “could be fun.”

“It’s so cold,” I deferred.

“I’ll keep you warm,” Michael promised in a low voice that was almost enough to make me agree. However… As much as I enjoyed being with Michael, I wasn’t sure it was worth putting up with the other company.

“Aren’t you guys worried about Morgan turning you all in to gain more favor with Isa?” I asked sarcastically. “Or are you guys safe?”

Michael shrugged, “she hasn’t yet. I mean, not a lot of people are willing to cross Wes. Not even Morgan.”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course not.” I grabbed my books out of my locker. “I think I’m going to stay inside today, sorry.”

“Cassie, what’s going on?” Michael asked, reaching for my arm. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No,” I assured him, “as I said, it’s cold.”

“That’s not what it is,” Michael said flatly. “Either you don’t want to spend time with me or you have another reason you don’t want to hang out with my friends.”

“I’m going to be late for class,” I told him, “and you know Isa will have my head.”

Michael continued to stare at me and I sighed. “I’ll meet you at lunch, ok?” It was either give in or have a big fight and risk being late for class.

“Ok,” Michael said, but I think he could sense my reluctance and I knew we had only delayed the fight. I considered ditching him at lunch but I knew that was both mean and immature, so I met him at the usual spot, after stopping by my locker to grab my coat.

“Hey,” Michael said, reaching for my hand. “I’m glad you decided to come. I like spending time with you.”

“I like spending time with you too,” I assured him. I just hate your friends, I thought but didn’t say. Because that was a surefire way to start a fight, which I was hoping to avoid.

We went outside and everyone was already there. It was as bad as I feared. Wes was his usual cynical self, even worse now that he and Autumn had broken up, with his snide, cryptic comments and Morgan was bragging about how great it was to be a hall monitor. At least Koh was there. She and I chatted amicably for a while but it didn’t make up for Wes or Morgan.

“Cassie, I’m surprised to see you here,” Wes commented, a malicious glint in his eyes, “I figured that you decided that after you and Michael made it official, you didn’t need to pretend to like his friends.”

“Wes,” Koh commented, giving him a sharp look.

He shot her an innocent look, “I’m just stating a face, this is the first time she’s been out here all term.”

“It’s cold,” I pointed out, “and I normally eat lunch with the cheerleaders.”

It was true. Especially these days when there was such a divide between all the groups. “Speaking of cold, I’ve had enough for one day, I’m heading inside.” I turned to Michael. “I’ll see you later.”

“I’ll go in with you,” Koh volunteered before Michael could say anything. I nodded and we headed inside. “Wes can be a jerk,” she said after a moment, “especially now that he and Autumn are done. It’s best to ignore him.”

“I will,” I assured her.

“But he’s not wrong,” Koh said shrewdly, “You do hate being out there.”

“I have no problem with you,” I assured her.

Koh laughed, “I’m glad to hear it. I didn’t think you did.” She shot me a look. “You should be honest with Michael though, he deserves it.”

“How do you say ‘your friends are jerks’ and I hate them?” I asked her and then winced, realizing I had just insulted Koh’s friends.

Koh laughed, “you’re not wrong, especially these days. But, yeah, I might not choose those exact words.”

“Thanks,” I said before I headed towards my locker.


Michael was waiting for me after school. “What are you doing after practice?”

“No practice,” I admitted, “Mia went home early and like half the squad is sick.”

Michael smiled. “So you’re free to hang out?”

“I am,” I confirmed, “want to come by my place?”

“Sure,” Michael agreed, “I’ll see you there.”

I nodded and headed towards my car. A little while later, I got home and did a quick tidy of my room. Michael arrived a few minutes later.

“Hey,” he said, leaning forward to brush my lips with his in a light kiss.

“Hey yourself,” I said as we headed towards the living room. We curled up on the couch, my head on his shoulder as we channel surfed.

“About what Wes said, is it true?” Michael asked after a few minutes, once we’d settled on a rerun of The Crown and the Flame. “Did you only used to come eat with us because you wanted to be with me?”

“Well, you were the main attraction,” I teased and then sighed, “but no, it wasn’t like that. At first, I enjoyed it, but lately…”

“Lately you haven’t,” Michael said flatly.

“Morgan’s turned into a nightmare,” I reminded him, “and Wes…” I had never actually liked Wes, but I’d tolerated him for Michael and Autumn. “He’s not the most likable guy at Berry.”

“Wes is a good guy,” Michael said defensively. I snorted, “that’s the first time those words have ever been spoken together.”

“So he is right,” Michael said, “you do dislike them.”

“I like Koh,” I said defensively.

Michael pulled away, sitting up straight. “They’re my friends, Cassie.”

“I know,” I told him and I did know that, “but they’re not my friends.” Though half my friends weren’t speaking to each other these days thanks to the big divide between the various groups. “Michael, why does this have to be an issue?” I asked him, taking his hand. “I’m dating you not Wes or Morgan.” Thank goodness.

Michael sighed. “I guess. I just, I don’t want to feel like I have to choose.”

“I won’t make you,” I told him. “You can still eat lunch with them whenever you want and I’ll continue to eat with the cheerleaders. I mean it’s not like you’d want to eat lunch with Mia.”

“Not particularly,” Michael agreed with a laugh. “Are you always going to eat with them or can I squeeze in there sometimes?”

“I’m sure that can be arranged,” I assured him. I’d loved our intimate lunch in the snowy courtyard.

“Ok, then,” Michael said, his arm going around my shoulder again, “I guess that’s ok.”

“Good,” I told him, I snuggled in closer to him and then focused on the TV, “I love this episode it’s the one where Kenna returns to Stormholt for the first time in two years…”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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