Dinner for Two

Lexi decided against attending the girls night with Lily and Kamilah. She had had enough excitement lately and just wanted to go back to Adrian’s guest suite and relax.

She plopped down on the couch and tried to find something interesting to watch, but nothing was holding her attention. She was getting kind of hungry but wasn’t feeling like cooking for herself. She contemplated going out, but decided that wasn’t the best idea either. She could order takeout…or, maybe she could call Jax. He said he liked cooking and that she could call him if she needed something, and right now she needed some food and his company.

Lexi hovered over Jax’s name on her phone for a while before deciding to send a casual text:

Hey Jax, it’s Lexi. Are you busy?

No less than 30 seconds late, Jax called her back and she answered with a standard “Hello.”

“Lexi are you okay?” he asked with a touch of concern in his voice.

“Yes, I’m fine. You told me I could call you if I needed anything, and right now I’m hungry, so I think I need you to come cook me some dinner.”

She heard a laugh on the other end. “I thought you were in trouble. If I knew you were going to abuse my number like this, I wouldn’t have given it to you.”

“I think we both know that’s not true.” Lexi replied. “I’m pretty sure after our walk last night you want to see me again as much as I want to see you.”

“Okay, I won’t try to deny it. Are you going back to your apartment?”

“Actually, I’m staying in Adrian’s guest suite.”

“Oh…” Jax paused and didn’t say anything more.

“Oh I’m sorry Jax, I didn’t even think about how dangerous it could be for you. Maybe some other t–”

Jax didn’t let her finish. “No, I’ll figure out a way to make it work. I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” He hung up before she could say goodbye.

Lexi resumed TV watching to pass the time, and promptly 20 minutes later, she heard a thump on the window which made her jump out of her seat. She looked and saw Jax peering in.

She walked over to the window and opened it. She looked down and then at Jax. “How in the world did you get up here? We are on the 49th floor!”

Jax shrugged.”Perks of being of vampire. Now can I come in?”

Lexi ushered him in and Jax wasted no time getting to work in the kitchen. “I stopped and got some chicken breast and vegetables. I figured I would work with whatever else you have here.” He rummaged around in the pantry and refrigerator. “How does pasta primavera with chicken sound to you?”

“Sounds great! Especially if I don’t have to cook it myself.”

Jax picked up a knife and handed it to her. “You aren’t getting off that easy. I’ll cook but you help me cut up the vegetables. Deal?”

“I think I can handle that.” Lexi rinsed the vegetables and started chopping. She was working on a red pepper when she noticed Jax kept looking over at her with an unreadable expression.

Jax finally broke the silence. “I promise I’m not a control freak, but those slices are way to thick, and you are holding the knife all wrong. Can I show you?”

Lexi nodded in agreement. Jax came over and showed her how he would do it. Then he positioned himself behind her, placed her hands in the correct position on the knife, and guided her hand-over-hand to achieve the desired results. She could smell his musky cologne and feel his breath against her neck. He kept a respectable distance but was close enough for his body to press against hers ever so slightly.

The room suddenly felt much warmer to Lexi. “So were the vegetables really bothering you, or was this just a ploy to get closer to me?”

Jax looked at her and smirked. “A little of both.”

If Lexi’s cheeks weren’t already flushed, they were now. She cut up the rest of the pepper and showed Jax. “Does this meet your approval?”

“It’ll do, but I’ve got the rest from here. Why don’t you relax. I brought a bottle of wine if you would like some.”

“I won’t say no to that,” Lexi answered. “I’ll just sit here and admire you while you work.”

Jax shook his head, but couldn’t hold back a smile. He worked quickly and dinner was done a short time later. He plated some for Lexi but none for himself.

“You cooked for me and aren’t even going to eat any yourself?” Lexi asked.

“I’m not really hungry, at least not for that type of food.”

“Oh…” Lexi was still getting used to vampire life. She ate her food and talked with Jax about her day, telling him about her interesting trip to Priya’s, and how the Council approved of Lily joining Adrian’s clan. Jax didn’t ask for any specifics about the vote, so she decided to leave out the part about Adrian agreeing to drop the investigation into the ferals. She hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Adrian about it yet, and she wasn’t sure what it would mean for the clanless and Adam’s campaign against them.

“Mmm,” Lexi set her fork down signaling she was done. “That was delicious Jax. You can cook for me any time.”

“I hope I get more opportunities to do so, but I should probably get going now so I can get something to eat myself. We are meeting up with some volunteers in an hour.”

Lexi really didn’t want him to go yet, and she also really enjoyed when he fed on her the other night. “You don’t have to go…you could feed on me again.”

“Lexi, I can’t ask you to do that for me again. There are plenty of volunteers.”

“But I want to…I like the way it feels. She looked at Jax and then looked away shyly.”

“I figured from the the noises you were making and the way your body responded…but I didn’t want to assume.” Jax looked her in the eyes intently. “That was only a couple days ago though. I’m not sure if I should take more blood from you now.”

Lexi didn’t know she had been that obvious, but Jax seemed to like it too. “I’m up for it. I’m well hydrated, and you just gave me a good meal.”

“I find it harder than I should to say no to you.”

“Then don’t. Where should we go? Is the couch good?”

“Wherever you are comfortable, Lexi.”

Lexi grabbed Jax’s hand and led him to the couch. Before sitting down she pulled her sweater over her head revealing her lace bralette.”

Jax’s eyes went wide. “What are you doing?”

“I just got this shirt this shirt today. I don’t want to get any blood on it.”

“You may have noticed this last time, but I’m usually very neat. I don’t think you have to worry about that.”

“Just in case.”

“Well, I suppose I’ll take my shirt off too…‘just in case’.” Jax winked at her.

Lexi layed back on the pillow at one end of the couch and took in the sight of Jax’s muscular abs. He squeezed on the couch next to her and gently brushed her hair away from her neck. “Are you ready?”

Lexi nodded and Jax’s fangs descended. He had one hand behind her head and the other on her hip. It felt even better than the last time. They were alone this time, so she didn’t hold back as much and she moaned a little louder. Jax responded by slowly moving his hand up her side. The feeling of his hand on her made her bare skin tingle, and soon the feeling enveloped her whole body. Jax finished and sat up. He pricked his finger and sealed her wound with his blood. The he softly pressed his lips to the spot where his fangs had been.

“I hope the meal I cooked for you tasted even half as good as that.”

Lexi just smiled and pulled Jax closer to her again. He closed the distance and tentatively kissed her on the lips. Lexi responded by parting his lips and kissing him deeply. He kissed her back with equal intensity. Minutes seemed to pass before Jax finally pulled away.

“I really do need to go now. I’ll see you soon Lexi.” And with that, Jax put his shirt and jacket back on, went out the way he came in, and was out of view before Lexi even reached the windows.

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