Diplomatic Relations

Diplomatic Relations
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and not making any money (if anything I’m spending lots because I can’t resist the diamond scenes).

A.N- This was actually one of the first Kenna/Diavolos fics I wrote, before I found Tumblr. I don’t know why I resisted posting it on Tumblr for so long. This is just their thoughts during the diamond scene in Chapter 13. I recently got a request for more stories with both PoVs and thought of this one. This takes place assuming that Kenna has had previous romantic relationships with both Dominic and Raydan. She and Dominic have chosen to be friends, she and Raydan have a more complicated relationship.  This is smut and a bit of angst at the same time.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- For a moment, Kenna could forget the coming battle and all that would come after, lost in the intensity of Diavolos’ passion.

Words- 2251

Chapter One- Kenna

Going off “scouting” with Diavolos reminded Kenna of the adventures she and Dominic had taken away from the castle when she’d been a girl. She’d loved those stolen moments, her escapes from the pressures of being the princess of Stormholt. Now she was queen and faced a whole different set of pressures.

Yet, it was hard to remember those pressures as she lay in the grass next to a handsome man. One who made her pulse race and her breath catch in her throat. This type of intense attraction was a new experience. Her previous experiences with romance had been her youthful infatuation with Dominic, which had managed to burn itself out, and her relationship with Raydan, which had been more of a slow burn. With Raydan, it had been all about flirting and stolen kisses and building a connection that had developed into an intense passion. With Diavolos, it had been an instant attraction, despite the fact that they should loathe each other.

She knew her friends would call her crazy if they knew she was here and she was sure his sister would have a few things to say to him. Their relationship made no sense, but… She wanted him. It made no sense; after all, his father had murdered her mother, she’d killed his brother. But it was hard to remember that. It was also hard to remember her complicated relationship with Raydan, which was still on hiatus since his return. The only thing she could think of was the way her skin tingled when Diavolos touched her and the hunger in his eyes when he looked at her that assured her that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

Kenna knew they both knew why they had come here, why they had brought only one horse and no other soldiers, but she was willing to play along with polite conversation for a while longer. The subject turned to what would happen after the battle, if they somehow managed to win and what Diavolos would do with his life.

“I think you should follow your heart,” Kenna said quietly, “You’ve been bound to duty for so long, wouldn’t it be nice to just do what you want for a change?”

She’d almost suggested that he should rule Abanthus, but she wasn’t ready to commit to that. No matter how helpful he had been or how attracted she was to him. It wasn’t a decision she could make in the heat of the moment.

“I don’t think my heart and I even speak the same language,” Diavolos said with a dismissive laugh.

“What is it telling you now?” She asked curiously.

“To pick you up, toss you back on that horse and ride away from here.” He admitted, his dark eyes staring into hers, the intensity in them making her gasp.

“And where would we go?” She asked after a moment, part of her wishing such an escape was possible.

“Somewhere warm.” He told her. “And less prone to invasions.”

“That sounds nice.” She said honestly. Her fantasy was a world in which she wasn’t queen. In which she was a normal girl allowed to make her own choices, to live as she wanted and to love as she wanted. Ok, as queen she had a lot more freedom to love than she’d had as a princess, but it still felt like her life wasn’t her own. Plus, it would be nice to live a life where you didn’t constantly wonder if you would die the next day or if someone you loved would.

She and Diavolos stared at each other for a moment and she saw the same longing in his eyes, the wish that he could be someone else before he lay back in the grass and stared up at the stars. “I should probably mention that soldiers were dispatched to watch Azura’s army this afternoon.”

“So this whole scouting mission was a lie?” She teased. She wondered if he actually believed that she’d ever thought she was going on a scouting mission.

“‘Lie’ is a strong word.” He countered with a smile. “I prefer ‘excuse’.”

“An excuse to do what?” Kenna asked with a small smile, leaning towards him.

“To get you to myself for a while.” He admitted and his eyes were dark with need. Kenna wasn’t sure if anyone had ever looked at her like that before. Oh, she’d been desired before, but with Dominic there had always been an element of teasing affection even in their most intimate moments and with Raydan it had been an intensity of a different kind, where the chase was as important as the result and neither one of them was willing to play all their cards.

“You’ve got me alone, now what?” Kenna challenged, eager to see what he would do next, aroused by the blatant desire in his eyes. There was something incredibly powerful about being wanted the way Diavolos obviously wanted her.

“This.” With effortless strength Diavolos hoisted her on top of him, running his hands through her hair as he kissed her, hard. She kissed him back eagerly.

“Mmmm, so this is how you off your nervous energy before a battle, huh?” She teased when they pulled apart. “I guess this is a better outlet than dancing.”

Diavolos chuckled, playfully grabbing her by the hair and tugging her head back so that she was looking directly at him. His dark eyes stared hungrily into hers.

“Hells… The things I want to do to you.” He said hoarsely, his voice deep with need.

She wasn’t used to a lover who was so blunt. Her previous romantic counters had always involved more of a build-up, whether it be playful banter or seductive teasing. But tonight, she appreciated Diavolos’ forwardness. Neither of them knew what tomorrow held, one or both of them could die, so tonight might be all they had and they should make the most of it.

“Who’s stopping you?” She asked him, looking deep into his eyes hoping he saw that she was as invested in this moment as he was. He gave a slight smile and then pulled her into another bruising kiss before they began tugging at each other’s clothes.

“I need to see you,” he murmured, pulling at the straps of her armor.

She just nodded and yanked on his tunic. She wanted him now. They tore at each other’s clothing like animals, kissing every newly exposed inch of skin as they did. This wasn’t gentle, there was no teasing seduction involved here. This was need in it’s rawest form. They were desperate for each other, unwilling to stop touching even for a moment.

“Mmmm…. I don’t know if I like you better with the armor on or off.” Diavolos teased when they had finally achieved their goal, his big hands settled around her small waist. Suddenly he rolled on top of her, gently biting the soft skin of her neck as he did so. She fleetingly wondered what excuse she would make if he left a mark, but in this particular moment, she didn’t really care.

“Aah!” She gasped as he continued to nibble, his strong hands working their way down her body as he did so. He nudged her legs apart with one of his, positioning himself so that he was close enough for her to feel him, but not quite there. She could feel the heat pooled between her thighs and knew she was ready for him, ready for this. He then reached a capable hand down to find her womanly core, teasing her with first one, and then two fingers that worked magic as he continued to kiss her neck. Another gasp escaped her.

“Aah!” She arched against him, her fingernails digging into his shoulder as his hand continued to pleasure her, bringing her to a peak.

“Ha, so that’s all it takes to make you yelp.” He teased against her neck. He continued to work his hand for another moment until she convulsed with pleasure, though stubbornly she bit her lips to keep the moans back.

Suddenly Diavolos sat up, lifting her off the ground and into his lap. He settled her right on top of him, pushing into her with a swift motion. She was ready for him, eager for him to fill her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around her, pressing the breath from her body like a vise, as if by doing do he could freeze this moment forever.

“I wonder what sounds you’ll make when I do this,” he whispered into her ear, rocking her body against his and thrusting his hips. She clung to him, biting down on his shoulder, stubbornly determined not to make a sound. His strong hands grasped her hips, helping create a delicious rhythm. It was fast and furious, creating a fast tempo of need as they clung to each other. She raked her nails along his back as he kissed down her neck all the while keeping that dizzying pace.

In a quick movement, Diavolos spun them so she was once again on her back and he was on top of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he pumped into her furiously, meeting his every thrust with equal fervor. He thrust deep into her almost as if he could claim all of her if he went deep enough and she welcomed his possession, arching beneath him, so close to the edge. Diavolos pulled out slightly and then gave another powerful thrust that pushed her over the edge and a moment later, she could feel him reaching his own release.

For a moment they stayed in each other’s arms, both gasping for breath.

“You are incredible,” Diavolos told her as he rolled off of her, but gathered her in his arms. “Warrior, queen, lover… Is there anything Kenna Rys doesn’t excel at?”

“I’m not much of a seamstress.” She quipped. “There’s a reason I wear armor all the time.”

“I like the armor,” Diavolos told her, placing a gentle kiss on her temple. “But it reminds me that we have a battle tomorrow and we should get back to the castle.”

“We should.” Kenna agreed, sitting up and gathering her armor. “We both have armies to lead tomorrow.” She reminded him. She wasn’t sure yet about Abanthus’ fate, but she felt more confident in her choice in making Diavolos the commander of the Nevrakis armies.

They dressed in silence, putting on the armor that marked them as the leaders of armies that had until recently been at war. It was a stark reminder that this was an interlude, nothing more, and that there was a still battle ahead of them where friend and foe alike would have to work together if they wanted any chance to survive.

She wondered briefly if she would have a chance to be able to separate Diavolos from his family. Their relationship had moved so fast and she didn’t know if there was anything more than powerful attraction there. There were other complications as well, other relationships that had to be sorted out.

They walked to the horse and then Diavolos paused and pulled her into his arms for one more bruising kiss. “A reminder.” He told her. “Something to keep us going tomorrow.” He gently lifted her onto the horse and then followed in a swift movement.

They were quiet on the ride back, both of them preoccupied with their thoughts. Kenna’s were dancing all over the place. The battle tomorrow. But then also all that came after it, if they somehow succeeded. She was good at being a warrior queen, but was she up to the task of being a ruler? Luther’s words tumbled around in her brain. She didn’t think she would ever make the choices Luther had, but she knew there was truth to it.

Too soon they arrived back at the castle. They stabled the horse and then walked back towards the castle, which was a still alight with the festivities. Diavolos bent and kissed her hand. “Queen Kenna, thank you for accompanying me this evening, I am sorry to have wasted your time with such an eventful patrol.”

A part of Kenna longed for a life where there were no conventions to uphold, where it didn’t matter if she snuck off to have a tryst with a lover. Years ago she had envied the girls at the Beltane Festival and their ability to kiss whoever they desired and she still envied them that freedom.

Of course, the other difference was that those other girls’ romantic choices only affected those close to them, while ever choice Kenna made affected the lives of many. She wasn’t sure how the uneasy truce between the Stormholt and Nevrakis armies would be affected if the soldiers learned about the intimate relationship between the two commanders and this wasn’t the time to find out. Not with the most important battle of any of their lives looming ahead of them.

“Consider it diplomatic relations.” She said with a smile.

“The first of many, I hope,” Diavolos said, returning her smile. There was a promise in his smile of things to come, a hint that may have been more than a way of blowing off steam. But again, that was a path she wasn’t ready to go down yet. First, she’d worry about survival and then she’d focus on what came after.

Chapter Two

Diavolos wasn’t sure how one went about propositioning a ruling queen, so he asked her on a scouting mission instead, figuring that if she had any interest she would see the intent behind his invitation. Besides, it allowed him to save face if she rejected him and he thought it was possible that she might, after all, they had been fighting on opposite sides of a war until a few weeks ago. Just because she had fascinated him from the moment he set eyes on her, didn’t mean she felt the same way.

But she didn’t say no, instead she took him up on his offer and didn’t blink at the idea of sharing a horse. To his surprise, she allowed him to lift her onto the horse and she settled comfortably against him for the ride. It was behavior at odds with her fierce and independent image and it just intrigued him even more, the idea of getting to see the woman and not the warrior queen.

They arrived at their destination and for a few minutes, they participated in mundane conversation. It took all of the control that Diavolos had spent years honing not to reach out and grab her. He wanted her desperately, but he wanted to know it was mutual. Maybe she had really come out here to scout the troops or maybe she had just wanted to get away and had chosen him for the company, though he could practically hear his sister’s scornful comments on that subject. Zenobia had made it very clear over the years how boring and rigid she found him.

The conversation turned to what would happen if they somehow managed to win the next day and the fact that Diavolos’ whole life had been focused on defeating the Iron Empire. He had turned himself into the perfect weapon and had no idea what he would do once there were no more battles to win.

“I think you should follow your heart,” She suggested quietly, “you’ve been bound to duty for so long, wouldn’t it be nice to just do what you want for a change?”

“I don’t think my heart and I even speak the same language,” Diavolos said with a dismissive laugh. He wondered how she would react if he told her that he’d never been in love, that asking her to join him tonight was one of the few times in his entire life that he had made a decision based on desire instead of reason.

“What is it telling you now?” She pressed, looking at him with big, warm eyes. He wondered fleetingly if she had any idea how beautiful she really was.

“To pick you up, toss you back on that horse and ride away from here.” He admitted. He wanted to go to a place where it was only the two of them. No invading army on the horizon and no uncomfortable family history to deal with. But of course, that wasn’t possible.

He was pleased when she gave a little gasp and even more pleased that she didn’t look alarmed by his suggestion. “And where would we go?” She asked after a moment.

“Somewhere warm,” he said, picturing it briefly. “And less prone to invasions.”

“That sounds nice.” She told him, a little wistfully. He suddenly realized that he wasn’t the only one whose life had been dominated by war. Kenna had spent the last several years first in exile and then fighting to reclaim her kingdom. He wondered if she was as unnerved by the idea of life after war as he was, but he refrained. Maybe because there were too many lingering questions about what life after the war would look like for any of them.

“I should probably mention that soldiers were dispatched to watch Azura’s army this afternoon.” He confessed after a moment, trying to overcome the desperate need to touch her.

“So this whole scouting mission was a lie?” She teased, a smile on her beautiful face and he relaxed a bit, realizing she had understood his motives all along and that perhaps, rejection was not imminent.

“‘Lie’ is a strong word.” He countered with a smile of his own. “I prefer ‘excuse’.”

“An excuse to do what?” She asked coyly, leaning towards him.

“To get you to myself for a little while.” He admitted, wondering if she had any idea the effect she had on him. He had heard stories about her for years, but the stories of the frustratingly resilient warrior queen had not prepared him for the beautiful, complex, insightful woman he had encountered. He had wanted her from the moment he had set eyes on her and as he’d gotten to know her better, that want had just increased to the point that he was afraid he was going to combust with need for her.

“You’ve got me alone, now what?” She challenged meeting his eyes confidently. This was no innocent princess, this was a bold and confident woman, which made her even more desirable. Her confidence and her passion were amongst her most attractive traits.

He didn’t need any further invitation. “This.” He lifted her on top of him, running his hands through her silky hair and kissing her hard. She returned his kiss with enthusiasm.

“Mmmm, so this is how you work off your nervous energy before a battle, huh?” She asked when they pulled apart.

He wondered what she would say if he admitted that this was unusual for him. Normally, the night before a battle he was hyper-focused on what he would be facing the next day. He preferred to wait until after battle to blow off steam. But, he knew that the outcome of this particular battle was far from certain and if he was going to meet his death, he wanted to be with Kenna at least once.

“I guess it is a better outlet than dancing.”

He chuckled and playfully grabbed her by the hair, tugging her head back so that he could look into her eyes. He wanted to say something teasing in return, but the only that came out was… “Hells… The things I want to do to you.”

“Who’s stopping you?” She questioned with an inviting smile. He caught his breath quickly at the obvious desire in her eyes. He had never dared hope that she might want him as desperately as he wanted her.

He pulled her into another bruising kiss and then started pulling at her armor. “I need to see you.”

She just nodded and yanked at his tunic with a force that surprised him. They tore at each other’s clothing like animals, pausing only to kiss each newly exposed inch of skin. The feel of her hands and his lips against his body only increased his need for her.

“Mmmm… I don’t know if I like you better with the armor on or off.” He teased once she stood before him completely bare. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. She was beautiful and ferocious in her armor, but standing like this in front of him? She had the power to destroy him. He settled his hands around her tiny waist, needing to touch her, and then he rolled them so that he was on top of her.

He bit down on the soft skin of her neck, eliciting a tiny moan as he did so. He forced himself to nip lightly as to avoid leaving a mark, but a part of him wished he could stake a claim for everyone to see. Seeing her like this, having her in his arms made him realize that he wanted her body and soul. However, he knew that just because she had come with him didn’t mean that she was promising him anything.


Diavolos grinned at her gasp of pleasure as he trailed kisses down her neck and shoulders while his hands traveled down her body, caressing her slender frame. He knelt slightly on one knee to keep his body weight from crushing her and then used his other leg to nudge her legs apart. She accommodated him eagerly and when his hand traveled to her warm center, he was pleased to realize how damp she was already.

He stroked her thighs for a moment and then teased her outer lips apart with his fingers. He worked one finger inside of her, and then another. He continued to kiss and nip at her neck as he began to tease her with his fingers, causing another gasp to escape her.

“Aaahh!” She arched against his fingers, her nails digging into his shoulders. He increased his rhythm, working at her very core. He enjoyed watching her come apart under him, taking incredible satisfaction in the knowledge that he could bring her so much pleasure.

“Ha, so that’s all it takes to make you yelp.” He teased as she tumbled over the edge. There was a fierce light in her eyes at his words and he watched her bite her lip to stifle any further moans and wondered how hard she would try to conceal her response.

He sat up and lifted her into his lap, settling her down on top of him. She was ready for him and he was able to slide inside of her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She let out a little gasp of pleasure that echoed his own feelings. She felt as good as he had imagined she would. Maybe even better. His arms armed wrapped around her, pulling her as tightly against him as he could. “I wonder what sounds you’ll make when I do this,” he whispered, rocking her body against his and thrusting his hips against hers.

She bit down on his shoulder, obviously determined not to make another sound and he was amused by her stubbornness. There was the fierce and proud woman he had grown to admire so much. Still, he wondered how long she could hold out. He placed his hands on either side of her hips to give him better access and he thrust in and out of her at a furious pace. She raked her nails along his back in encouragement.

Diavolos quickly changed positions, pushing her onto her back and looming over her. Kenna wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing her close to him as he pumped in and out of her. To his delight, she matched his pace easily, her hips bucking to meet his every thrust, seemingly as frantic for the connection as he was. She still didn’t make a sound though, he noted with fond amusement. He knew he was getting close and he could tell from her labored breathing and the way she clung to him that she was too.

He wanted to make sure that she got there first. He pulled out of her slightly, cutting off her slight whine of displeasure with a deep kiss, and then thrust deep into her, the motion was enough to push her over the edge. Diavolos could feel her come apart underneath him and that was all he needed. He spilled himself into her, stifling a cry against her mouth. If she wasn’t going to make a sound, then neither was he, but it took all of his control not to shout his pleasure.

“You are incredible,” he told her as he rolled off of her, settling back onto his back and then gathering her into his arms. “Warrior, queen, lover… Is there anything Kenna Rys doesn’t excel at?”

“I’m not much of a seamstress,” she quipped, “there’s a reason I wear armor all the time.”

“I like the armor,” Diavolos told her honestly, kissing her temple. He doubted he would have been so fascinated by Kenna Rys if she had been a traditional queen, content to let her army do the work for her. “Speaking of armor, we have a battle tomorrow and we should get back to the castle.”

He wanted to stay in this place forever, with her in his arms, but that wasn’t practical. They both needed sleep and he knew he had battle plans to go over and he was sure she did too. War didn’t wait for anything, even stolen moments in a lover’s arms.

“We should,” she agreed, pulling away from his embrace and gathering her armor. “We both have armies to lead tomorrow.”

Yes. He had been surprised by her decision to put him in charge of the Nevrakis army, and he knew his father was furious, but he accepted the responsibility. He might question his ability to do anything else, but he knew how to lead an army.

He gathered his own armor and they dressed in silence, the mood between them changed. For a little while, they had just been a man and a woman, all the rest of the world forgotten but as they put on their armor and prepared to go back to the castle, reality intruded. That reality included the fact that until recently they had been on opposite sides of the battle. His father had murdered her mother. Diavolos understood his father’s reasons, but he knew that if he was in Kenna’s shoes, forgiveness would not be an option.

There was also the fact that Kenna had killed his brother. He and Marco hadn’t been close, Marco had always been a savage beast, ruled by cruelty and selfishness. Even Zenobia had more compassion than Marco, but he had still been his flesh and blood and it just showed how much stood between him and Kenna. It was amazing that they had managed to find any common ground. Diavolos didn’t know if this interlude between them had just been about powerful desire, the fact that they both might die, or if she was truly as drawn to him as he was to her. But he knew that he wouldn’t find the answers that night.

Diavolos paused as they reached his horse and pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. Reality was about to intrude, but he wanted to put it off for a moment longer. “A reminder,” he told her, “something to keep us going tomorrow.” He lifted her onto the horse and then mounted quickly, settling her against him.

He knew he was going to spend the rest of the night haunted by the memory of her in his arms. Perhaps it wasn’t best for his concentration, though he knew that when the time came to focus that not even Kenna would distract him from his goal, but it offered something he had never had before: personal motivation. He didn’t know if this was a one time interlude or if it was the beginning of something more, but he wanted a chance to find out.

They rode in silence and soon arrived back at the castle, which was still alive with the noise from the banquet. As they reached the doors of the castle, he bent and kissed her hand. “Queen Kenna, thank you for accompanying me this evening, I am sorry to have wasted your time with such an uneventful patrol.”

He saw the flash of irritation in her eyes and could tell that she resented the need for discretion. He wondered what she had been like before his father’s invasion. Somehow he doubted that she had ever been a demure princess content with planning banquets and learning needlework. Not with her passion and her fire and warrior’s spirit. The qualities that fascinated him and made him want to get to know her better.

“Consider it diplomatic relations,” she said after a moment, that momentary hint of annoyance replaced by a secretive smile.

“The first of many, I hope,” he told her, his voice laced with promise. She just smiled and bid him goodnight.

Diavolos watched her go, wondering if he would be fortunate enough to make it through the battle and to be granted another encounter with the beautiful Kenna Rys and perhaps even see if it could be more than merely diplomatic relations between them.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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