
After Drake and Rileys Wedding, Riley needs to talk to Liam.

The book never really covered this, so I needed to write about this. Liam still loves Riley but she needs to clear the air, since he still acts somewhat sad and awkward around her.

This is nothing for Liam x MC shippers because I don’t want to rip your hearts in half.

English isn’t my first language + this is one of my first fics I wrote so please if you see any mistakes, feel free to let me know.

This takes place right after the fight with Anton. Let’s pretend Drake and Riley drive home after their reception.

Most of the former wedding guest quickly stepped into the available carriages and cars to get at least some sleep before dawn.
Betrand patiently waited for Maxwell to step in the car, where he already waited with Savannah and Bartie. After some last hugs Maxwell finished his goodbyes and House Beaumont drove off, leaving the King, the newly wedded couple and Hana.
“Looks like only one car is left.”, Hana said as a matter-of-factly.

“You three can take this, I will just call one of the castle carriages.”, Liam offered with a smile.

“Liam, don’t be dumb-“, Hana realized what she just said:”I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude”.

Liam quickly interrupted her, saying he understood what she was trying to say.

“Really Liam, the castle is in the same direction as Valtoria. Just come with us.” Drake stated.

“If you insist.”, the King chuckled. The four went into the remaining car and drove off. The ride was quiet and uncomfortable, Riley still felt like something wasn’t right and she quickly realized what it was. It was Liam, he still had feelings for her and she often recognized it. Ever since Drake announced they were getting married, Liams facade fell every now and then, showing he was sad, his shoulders hung low and his eyes weren’t as bright as before.

She figured it was because she was with Drake, obviously. Riley needed to clear this before her honeymoon. She needs to get this off her chest.

“Walker.”, Drake waved his hands infront of her, interrupting her thoughts:”Come on.” He offered her his hand to get out of the car.
“Then… I think that is goodbye for now.”, Liams smile fell again and Riley knew what was going to happen next was the right thing to do. “Liam, actually why don’t you come inside, I’d like to talk to you.”
Drake shot her an confused glance and mouthed the word ‘what’.

“It’s fine.”, Riley caressed Drake cheeks:”So why don’t you show Hana her room, so that she can officially move in?” Drake just simply nodded and he and Hana went inside the residence.

Liam stepped outside the car looking just as confused as Drake several seconds before:”What’s so important that you want to talk to me about this in the middle of the night.”

“Liam,”, she started walking towards the castle:”I think you know it.”, she smiled and continued walking while Liam followed her steps.

“Let me just get something to drink.”, Riley smiled as soon as they reached a comfy place to sit, which the castle has plenty to offer.

The duchess returned with bourbon since they only had this or whiskey and god forbid anyone else than Drake drinks it.
“Liam. I’ve noticed you changing, ever since we were at the statue of liberty.”, duh obviously. Riley poured the bourbon in some glasses but she could still hear Liam inhale sharply.
“And I understand your reaction and everything but we finally need to talk about this all.”, she hands him his drink.
“I need you to stop…”, it was definitely hard for her to get the words out:”to stop loving me.”

Liam shallowed and Riley could swear she saw a single tear in his eye.
“Riley, this is just as hard for me as it is for-“,
“Is it really? It’s only hard for you because you never really thought about it, you never gave it a second thought.”
“Oh Riley,”, suddenly he raised his voice but calmed down the second after it:”I gave it all my thoughts, all my time, everything… It’s difficult.”
She exhaled and put both legs on the couch to be more comfortable. Liam still stayed in the couch chair like a statue.

“That what you just did, you know, getting loud and angry is maybe something you need to do, your feelings are brewing inside of you, you need to let them out, whether you are angry or sad, feel the need to cry or scream, let them out. You need that in order to heal.” She hated herself for sounding like this. It was weird…

“Riley, I need to know when. When did you realize you don’t want to be with me? When did you realize I’m not enough.”
“Liam,”, she clearly hesitated, trying to avoid that question.

“Just say it.”, he almost screamed but he was shaking, his hands were trembling.
“Fine, on the coronation.”, she felt a slight relieve.
“Coronation?”, he clearly didn’t expect this. “Why?”

“Well for starters this whole scandel of mine. It may sound naive and dumb right now, but I hated you for that you didn’t try to stop the guards, you saw what happened and were so quickly choosing Madeleine. Just like that I thought I didn’t meant anything to you.”, Riley snapped her fingers to demonstrate. “I felt so alone in the car that drove me to the airport. Today I understand why you did it, but… I was only here for a few weeks and suddenly..” the woman wiped a single tear away from her eye “everything started to crumble and I couldn’t stop it. But at first you didn’t either..” She was clearly relieved she got this off her chest.

Liam on the other hand, looked like he was about to explode. But just seconds later the anger was gone, at least it appeared so:”So , if I had reacted earlier, you would still be in love with me?”

“Liam please don’t ask me this.”, she looked up and saw his hidden anger. His face maintained his usual facade but she could see sadness and anger in his eyes. He was broken, his heart was ripped in two.

“Fine,” she leaned back on the couch:”Probably not. It was just, there were so many forces that kept us apart. And we were… we are too different. At first I was afraid to talk to you. You were the crown prince of a whole country! And what was I? A waitress. I just thought you never understood me and…”

“Somewhere on the way you met Drake.”, he stated.


The silence hung between these two, no one knew what to say next.

“Liam I am deeply sorry but it was all too fast, too rushed and when I was with Drake the world stood still. It was different, it was more relaxed. I’m not made to run a country, I wasn’t born into it and I’ll never be able to fit into such a shape.”

“But you are a duchess.”, Liam said coldly:”Was that a mistake? Asking that of you, I mean?”

“I was scared but I got used to it, it’s smaller and I have less responsibility than being a queen. I enjoy it, really I do. And now… I’m glad I stayed because I’m here with all of you.”

The king gulped at her words, he tried to open his mouth but no words came out.
“Liam,” Riley leaned forward a bit to meet his eyes:”I’m sorry for how this all went. I can’t imagine what pain I’ve put you through in the last few weeks but I’m not sorry for choosing my own way.” Now she also began to tremble a bit.

“I tried to figure it out, I tried to figure out where I went wrong. What I could have changed. But I couldn’t change anything. It’s the way things go. It still pains me to see you with Drake and I’m sure it will take time. But I thank you for talking with me about this.”

There it was again, the silence until both of them heard footsteps.

“You two oka-?”, Drake stood in the doorframe. He stopped talking when he sensed the tension.

“You can come sit with us, I think?”, Riley looked to Liam who simply nodded.
Drake sat down next to his wife, putting an arm around her waist.
“What were you two talking about?”

She punched him in the rips earning a quick ‘ouch’. But he quickly understood why everyone was so tense.

“I’m happy for you both. It still hurts but I’m glad to see you both happy. Especially grumpy Drake.” for the first time in the last few hours Liam genuinely smiled.

“Thank you so much, Liam.”, he responded softly.

They drank a few more glasses, even Hana came to the group and after a few more drinks Liam decided to return to the castle, it was almost morning and he had things to do in the morning so the three didn’t want to stop him.

Hana returned to her bedroom while Riley and Drake walked towards their master bedroom.
Suddenly Riley stopped to hug Drake as tightly as she could.
“Oh, Walker. You okay?”, he put his arms around her torso.
“I’m just so happy to be with my marshmallow. I love you so much Drake.”

“I love you, too.” he responded, kissing her forehead.

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