Divided Road Colt x MC

Author’s note: Canon divergent (ish), based on my headcanons, and me exploring the MC-Colt relationship more….also the gif is a nod to chapter 9, Colt shippers make some noise lol

Summary: Izzy shows Colt her peaceful place as thanks for him showing her his cliff.

Word Count: 1157

It began with a simple knot in her stomach, blossomed into flushed cheeks and bitten lips to stop spreading smiles until it finally manifested into unadulterated excitement. Izzy could hardly pack her things up fast enough when the final school bell signaled the end of class for the day. Rather than wait for Riya to walk her to their cars, she sent a quick excuse to her best friend then raced out to the student parking lot. A laugh bubbled up in her chest, and she clamped her mouth shut lest it took hold of her suddenly. Izzy couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so giddy, and she found herself idly braiding her hair back before glancing at herself in the reviewer mirror. Not that her appearance mattered when she woke up that morning, but the very real event of seeing Colt in just a few moments made her second guess everything. She shook her head to to clear her thoughts and get a grip on herself. Taking a deep breath, Izzy started the car up and pulled out of the parking spot.

He was right where she’d told him to meet her, and a few minutes early to boot. Colt caught sight of Izzy’s pink Shokai Fourier pulling up, and suddenly he was transported to the night she got it painted. Colt wasn’t joking when he’d said he thought the pink suited her but was surprised when she made it her choice. He’d be lying to himself if he denied the true reason of his showing up was to influence her to make him her choice too. Izzy parked beside his motorcycle, the engine still running, and he had a retort ready on his lips the moment she rolled down her window. “Caught in traffic, Izz? You took a hell of a long time getting here,” he smirked, and Izzy rolled her eyes jutting a thumb to the passenger seat.

“Just shut up and get in. I’m already regretting this.”

“Are you now?” Colt teased, but complied, opening the car door and settling in next to Izzy. The light scent of vanilla wafted up to his nose, and Colt realized it was her scent. It was soothing and calm, and he realized too late that she’d asked him a question.


“Never mind,” Izzy huffed, flicking on the radio, but it lacked the bite he was used to. Was she nervous? One look at the way she gripped the steering wheel answered his question.“So where are you taking me?” he asked, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his seat. “Promise not to make fun of me?” Izzy said, and Colt made a face, letting out a snort.

“Where’s the fun in that?”

“Colt, I’m serious.”

“So am I.”

Izzy was so focused on their argument , her grip relaxed and the blood rushed back into her knuckles. Colt smiled to himself, satisfied. “If you’re done laughing at me,” Izzy snapped, misreading his grin, “it’s a secret. Where we’re going.” Colt nodded, unimpressed as he reached to change the station. “Don’t,” Izzy warned, looking from him to the road again, but Colt ignored her. The news broadcast was quickly replaced with a hip hop beat, the bass reverberating throughout the car. He gave her a challenging look, quite bold of him considering it was Izzy’s car, but she said nothing, nodding her head to the beat before looking away again. Her hoop earrings seemed to bob along to the music as well. They drove in comfortable silence until Izzy took them to an abandoned park. They both climbed out, memories washing over Izzy like a cold shower

“The big secret is a run-down park, way to go Izz. I’m very impressed,” Colt teased, and Izzy gave him the nastiest glare before sighing. “It’s not like the cliff with your dad, but I feel the same sense of peace here. Well, used to.” Izzy felt her eyes prick with oncoming tears and she blinked them away before Colt said anything. She knew he would. “My mom took me here a lot when I was little,” Izzy started again, not daring to look at Colt. “It was a ritual. We’d get ice cream cones, then come here eat them and walk the trail.” She pointed to what was left of the concrete path some distance away.

“After she…passed, I always wanted to come back here. But I didn’t think I could do it alone. Too many memories…too many—”

“—Ghosts,” she and Colt finished at the same time. Izzy pointed to her earrings. “They were gifts. She never wore any other jewelry except for her wedding band. I told her I wanted a pair, and she gave me these,” she explained, and Colt could see the vulnerability plain as day on her face. He felt himself soften. “They look good on you,” he nodded, taking the opportunity to look her over, admire the thoughtful way her eyebrows knitted together. He caught a glimpse of the feather tattoo peeking out from underneath her shirt and he had a sudden urge to kiss the skin. To kiss her.

Instead, Colt gave her a rueful smile, and she shrugged, unsure how to fill the current silence between them. “You’ve never brought anyone else here? Since then?” Colt finally asked, and Izzy shook her head. Something flashed in his eyes, too quick for her to decipher. She sensed there was another question hidden in that one but knew fishing for answers was a lost cause. And yet…

Like magnets drawn together, Izzy’s lips found his, slow and searching. She pulled back slightly, giving Colt room to bring a hand to her face and lightly trace her lips, committing the shape to memory. All their previous kisses had been full of furious passion as if they were gasping for air and needed the other to breathe, to live. Now, it was all Izzy could do to keep time standing still. Eyes closed, Colt removed his thumb and leaned in again, his lips pressed against hers, frozen in that time and space. His worries, his fears, his anger, all forgotten thanks to the girl standing before him.

It was late when Izzy returned to the body shop, alone and lighthearted but also confused. She hardly registered the greetings from the others as she headed straight upstairs to the room she shared with Logan. He wasn’t there, and she was grateful. Izzy slid onto the couch, holding her head in her hands. The last time she’d listened to her heart, she’d left her dad on a rainy night, forcing him to accept who she was. Izzy sighed, leaning on her arms now.

The last thing she wanted to do was hurt anyone, but if she continued down this road, eventually the path would split in two. Logan…or Colt? If she couldn’t keep her double life, she wouldn’t be able to keep both guys either.

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