Do You Want to Marry Me?

“Thomas…” Juliette whispers as she rolls over in bed.

Her fingers lightly trace the skin on Thomas’s back, beginning above his shoulder blades and working her way down to the bottom of his back. Thomas stirs slightly at her touch the lower she goes, her lips meeting the nape of his neck.

“Juliette…Sleeping…” Thomas grumbles as she squirms under her touch.

“Well, wake up” Juliette gently nudges Thomas much to his dismay.

Thomas let’s out a low sigh before he rolls over to face Juliette.

“Yes?” Thomas groans, his voice still hoarse from sleep.

“Do you want to get married?” Juliette whispers, her slender fingers shaking as they softly graze Thomas’s bare abdomen.

Thomas’s previously closed eyes slowly blink open, his deep brown eyes landing on Juliette, causing a deep blush to spread across her face.

“Absolutely,” Thomas says as his gaze intensifies on Juliette.

Juliette can’t help the smile that forms on her lips, her heart beat slowing back down again as Thomas leans in closer to her. His lips finding hers as his fingers caress Juliette’s waist. The kiss deepening before Juliette puls back slightly.


Thomas grins “As soon as possible”

“So how about now?”


Juliette nods a bit too eagerly than she’d like. Thomas let’s out a low chuckle as he pushes himself up in bed and tilts his watch to check the time. He sets his watch back down on his nightstand and tilts his head towards Juliette.

“Get dressed” Thomas smirks briefly as Juliette follows him out of bed.

Thomas quickly dresses in a pair of slacks and a white button-up shirt. Juliette grabs a pair of jeans but places them back in her drawer when she notices Thomas’s stare at her. Juliette let’s out a soft laugh as she exits their bedroom and makes her way into the guest bedroom.

Juliette pulls open the closet as she looks through her dress collection. She’d gathered a lot of dresses since she came to LA, more than she was really willing to admit. Juliette slips into the dress she wore the night of the wrap party for “The Last Duchess”. The fabric hugs her so softly as Juliette bends over slightly to slip her feet into heels.

Thomas stands in the doorway grinning as his fingers tug his top button. Juliette twirls a piece of hair in her fingers, Thomas nodding as he moves aside for Juliette to quickly run into the bathroom. By the time she finishes, Thomas is waiting for her by the front door.

They make their way out of his home, quickly climbing into his sports car as they zoom away from the booming lights of LA. Thomas drives down a winding road, the city a beautiful cityscape behind them as they make their way into a tall, white building. Juliette assumes it was meant to look like a church, but whoever built it got a little too happy about Stucco Plaster.

Thomas quickly shuts off the car and gets out, opening Juliette’s door as their fingers interlace. Juliette pulls Thomas into her, their lips meeting before they part. Both of them grinning, Juliette’s bigger than Thomas’s as they make their way inside.

“Oh wait…do we need a witness?” Juliette asks suddenly.

“No, just our license’s for the moment,” Thomas says reassuringly.

They continue their way inside, an elder woman acting as receptionist greets them. She informs them a couple is currently in the chapel and helps Juliette pick out a small bouquet while they wait. A clearly passionate couple comes bursting through the doors of the chapel.

A man comes out a moment later in a cheap suit, his gaze landing on Thomas and Juliette.

“You next?” The man croaks out.

“Yes,” Thomas replies as Juliette stands next to him.

They both follow the man back inside the chapel, Thomas leaning in towards Juliette.

“So pleasant”

Juliette giggles, earning her a look from the officiant as they make their way down the aisle. The officiant has Thomas and Juliette sign a couple of documents before he begins the ceremony.

The next twenty minutes go by in a blue. Juliette and Thomas agreeing to love each other, to care for each other and to support each other till death does them part. Thomas gathers the papers they’d signed and make their way back to Thomas’s car. Thomas zooms back into LA, barely putting the car in park as he and Juliette fly back into the house. Thomas’s hands on Juliette’s waist, pulling off her dress as Juliette kicks her shoes aside.

They make their way to the bedroom quickly, collapsing into bed as Juliette makes quick work of Thomas’s shirt, the night completely melting away.

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