Don’t Speak

Don’t Speak
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I don’t own any of the characters of the “Crown and the Flame”, I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them unharmed when I am done.

Author’s Notes- I’ve been replaying Crown and the Flame Book 2 which has been reminding me how much I loved Raydan and Kenna, which is good because I had several requests to get to. This one is NSFW and contains the prompts “Is that a new perfume? “did you hear that?” and “ First one to make a noise loses.” It’s set between Book 1 and Book 2.

Pairing- Raydan/Kenna

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Raydan and Kenna steal a few minutes alone after a strategy meeting.

Words- 1135

Kenna stood at the head of the table, listening to Leon and the others discuss plans for the impending liberation of Thorngate. Suddenly she heard a voice in her ear.

“You smell divine, my queen.” She didn’t have to turn around to identify the voice as Raydan’s. She hadn’t even seen him get up and move behind her, but that was nothing new. “Is that a new perfume?”

Kenna smiled, he never missed anything. “Yes, it was a gift from Annelyse.” She whispered, trying to keep her attention focused on the discussion.

“I definitely approve,” he told her, his breath warm against her neck, standing so close that she could feel his body heat.

“What do you think, your majesty?” Leon asked suddenly, looking directly at her.

“I don’t think a sneak attack is the way to go,” Kenna said, trying to focus. “The circumstances are different than they were with Stormholt. While we want to liberate Thorngate, we have no more right to the castle than Vasilios, so we can’t just barge in.”

“I agree,” Raydan said smoothly, resting his hand on her back as he did so, “we are trying to provide the people of Thorngate with an alternative to Nevrakis rule, not simply acquire them.”

“What if they don’t want the alternative?” Val protested. “We can’t just leave Vasilios in charge.”

“Once they know we’re there to help, I’m sure they’ll see reason,” Kenna argued, “and we’re going to do this the right way. Otherwise, we’re no better than Luther.”

She knew that Leon and Val weren’t convinced, but she was determined to be as honorable as possible. It was what her mother and Gabriel would expect from her.

“We should break for dinner,” she said after a moment.

“Good, I’m starving,” Jackson said, getting up.

“And I need a drink,” Val said, quickly heading for the door.

“Come lowlander, we need to resume your practice,” Sei urged Dom, ushering him towards the door.

Soon everyone had left, except for Kenna and Raydan, though Leon had hesitated before Serverin had dragged him off.

“We should…” Kenna began but trailed off as Raydan stepped closer, placing his hands on her waist.

“What should we do?” He whispered against her neck as his hand moved upwards, caressing her breast through the fabric of her simple gown, “this?” He kissed her neck and then gently turned her so she was facing him before claiming her mouth in a kiss.

“Raydan…” Kenna sighed against his mouth. “We can’t… Not here…”

“Is the location your only objection?” He asked, his hand resting gently on her back. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. “Then follow me,” he bade, holding out her hand. She took it, expecting him to lead her into the hallway, but he simply moved over to the corner of the room and opened the secret passageway.

“This isn’t the one that goes to my corridor…” Kenna said in confusion.

“It doesn’t need to be,” he said, stepping inside, “it just needs to hide us.”

Oh. She stepped in after him. Immediately he pulled her back into his arms, kissing her deeply. “We just have to be quiet,” he whispered against her lips, “do you think you can do that?”

“I can if you can.” Kenna challenged.

“A contest then?” He suggested, “the first one to make a sound loses and owes the winner a favor.”

“Deal,” Kenna said, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning up to cover his mouth with hers. The passage was dark, but they had spent enough nights together that they didn’t need light to explore each other’s bodies. Their hands and mouths knew exactly where to, which touches would bring the most pleasure.

Kenna forced herself not to make a sound even as Raydan’s capable fingers worked their way into her. Even in the darkness, she could sense his smirk. She bit her lip to keep from making a sound, clutching at his shoulders as pleasure came in waves. He removed his hand and grasped her waist, obviously about to lift her up, but she evaded his touch.

Instead, she sunk to her knees, using instinct and the dim light coming from the crack in the door, to navigate. She pushed his pants down and then took him in her hands. She felt, rather than heard, the swift intake of breath he let out as she took him in her mouth. She didn’t need to see to know what he liked. He dug his hands into her hair as she worked him with her hands and mouth. Finally, he pulled hard and she took the hint and moved away.

A second later, she felt his hand on her waist, lifting her up and then pushing her against the wall. She hooked her arms around his neck. He steadied her against the wall, using one hand for leverage and then a moment later plunged into her. Kenna wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him closer as he thrust in and out of her at a dizzying pace.

Neither of them made a sound, though Kenna wondered if it was as much effort for him as it was for her, and they couldn’t see each other. All she could do was feel him and it almost overwhelmed her, the sensations of him filling her, his lips against her skin, his long hair between her fingers.

She wanted to speak, wanted to whisper words that neither of them were ready for, so perhaps silence was better. For now, she would just enjoy the feel of him against her, inside of her. Finally, she couldn’t take anymore and came apart in his arms, biting down on his shoulder to keep from making a sound, but unable to prevent a small moan from coming out. A second later, she felt Raydan’s release, as if he had been holding back, waiting for her.

They stayed where they were for a moment, pressed against each other in the darkness. Then, too soon, he pulled away and set her on her feet. Kenna pulled her dress down, straightening it the best she could in the darkness.

She reached for the door, but Raydan’s hand stopped her. “Did you hear that?” He whispered.

She was about to react negatively, because she hadn’t heard anything, when suddenly a voice called out, “Kenna, are you in here?” It was Annelyse.

Kenna held her breath. A moment later she heard footsteps and then silence. Raydan waited an extra moment and then pushed the door open. As light flooded the passage, Kenna quickly gathered her discarded undergarments up, ignoring Raydan’s smirk.

“We should probably join the others.” He said after she had straightened herself up, offering her his arm. “And, my queen, I’ll collect my favor tonight.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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