Double D (Damien X MC X Dames)

Note: This was written by request prior to Perfect Match Book 2 coming out. I probably would have written this a bit differently after getting to “know” Dames in book 2.

Damien was back safe and sound after being secretly captured by Eros and replaced with an android clone. He and Kai were trying to get back to “normal,” whatever that was, but it was kind of hard to do with an extra Damien hanging around.

“Damien, I think we need talk about robot Damien. What are you thinking?” Kai asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to say the wrong thing. You got pretty upset when I said Hayden wasn’t a real person, and now I do feel differently about him, but –”

“It’s okay Damien. This is different. Hayden was made specifically for me, and he is unique. Damien 2.0 is just a copy of you.”

“Damien 2.0, huh? Does that mean he’s the new and improved version?”

“Well he is a bit less cynical than you, plus he’s like a machine in bed.”


“I’m only joking. I only had sex with him that one time when I thought it was you. It was okay, but something was missing. It was good, but didn’t even compare to the real you. The real you is who I want, so I will support whatever decision you make Damien.”

“Even if my decision is to shut him down so that he no longer exists?”

“Yes, even that. He will never have to know what is happening. He’ll just think he is going to sleep.  Like I said, that Damien is just a duplicate of you, and the original is more than enough for me. But you know….”

“Judging from that devilish look in your eye, I’m not sure I want to hear what comes next.”

“Okay, hear me out. I’ve kind of been thinking about something. What if we have a threesome with Damien 2.0 before he goes.”

“Oh my god Kai, I cannot believe you are even suggesting that. I don’t want to tell you that’s weird, but that’s fucking weird.”

“I just thought…if one of you is great, two would be even better. It’s like a threesome without a lot of the messiness of bringing another separate person in.”

“I still don’t know…If I did this…god I can’t believe I’m even considering this. If I did this, I won’t be touching the other Damien, only you. You can have us do whatever you want to you, but there is no way I’m sucking robot dick.”

Kai burst out laughing. “I don’t think I can ever erase that mental image, but you have a deal. I’ll let you set whatever limits you want. This will be fun, you’ll see.

“You still have to convince the other guy.”

Kai smirked. “If I convinced Damien once, I can convince him again.”


Kai gathered with the Damiens in the bedroom. “Are you both ready to go over the rules?” They nodded in agreement. “Okay good. To avoid confusion, you will be going by D and D2. Obviously since you are not the original, android Damien, you are D2.”

“That’s fair,” D2 agreed.

Kai continued. “You will both only touch me. D and I already discussed this, and he’s not up for any sexual contact between the two of you.”

“Eww,” D2 shuddered. “I’m so not interested in fucking a clone of myself.

“If you want to get technical,” D interjected, “You are the clone of me, but I completely agree…which makes sense I guess since. we have basically the same mind. Enough thinking about that. What’s next?”

“Last rule is D gets to be in charge. That was his other stipulation.” Kai explained.

“I typically like to be in charge, but…” D2 furrowed his brow “Oh, I suppose I don’t really have much actual experience. All of my memories but one are of your experiences.“

“And that’s enough talking.” D decided. “Why don’t you two get on the bed to start.”

“What about you?” Kai questioned.

“I need another drink first,” D replied. “I’m going to sit over here and supervise. I’ll join in when I’m ready. Go ahead.”

Kai felt a little uneasy starting off alone with D2, but she obeyed D’s command. They laid back on the pillows and pressed their bodies close. D2 wrapped one arm around Kai’s waste and pulled her in for a kiss with the other. His lips were smother than Ds but his kisses felt the same in a way. He started off softly but Kai started to lose herself in his kiss and was hungry for more, crashing her lips harder to his. D2 groaned and rolled his hips into her. She could feel how hard he was already through his jeans.

“Both of you strip, now,” D ordered and Kai and D2 immediately obeyed.

It was a surreal experience for Kai to see and feel one Damien, while having another watching across the room.  “Are you going to join us now D?”

“Not just yet Kai. I keep thinking about the first time we were together. I want to be able to see it from a different view this time. D2 do you remember?”

“Absolutely. Kai, get on your knees.”

Hearing him say this sent a thrill through her, just like it had the first time with the real Damien.

“You look so hot like that Kai.” D said as he started to undress himself while D2 positioned himself behind her. D2 placed his arms around Kai’s chest and abdomen to hold her upright. He massaged her breasts with one hand while kissing and nibbling her neck. His other hand moved agonizingly slow towards her sex. He finally reached his target and stuck two fingers in her slick heat. She could feel his hard length pressed against her backside.

“How does she feel?”

“She feels so wet and so tight D.”

“Good. You can fuck her now.”

Kai felt strangely turned on by both men talking about her like she had no say in the matter.

“You ready Kai?” D2 growled in her ear.

“So ready.” Almost before she could get the words out, D2 slammed into her and Kai gasped. He slid a hand up to her neck to brace her as he pumped in and out.

“God that looks as hot as I thought it would. Kai, we look so good together baby. Okay D2, enough. It’s my turn now.”

D replaced D2 inside Kai. Once again they felt different but the same in ways hard to describe. Kai moaned with almost every deep thrust.

“Kai, put your hands down now so D2 can put his dick in your mouth while I fuck you.”

D grabbed Kai’s hips and drove into her while she sucked on D2.

“I’m so close already.” D2 fisted Kai’s hair and went as deep as she could take yelling out “Yes Kai!” as he came in her mouth.

D pulled Kai back upright. D2 moved in closer, kissing Kai on the lips before working his hands and mouth down her body. He found her sensitive bundle of nerves and made slow circles with his tongue. The sensation was overwhelming with D still inside her.

“How does that feel Kai?” Damien whispered in her ear. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”

Kai nodded. “I want more.”

“You heard her D2.” Kai pressed her hips into D2 and he responded licking faster and sucking her clit harder. D grabbed Kai’s breasts and tugged and twisted her nipples between his forefingers and thumbs. “I can tell you are close Kai. Come for us.”

Kai felt the heat rising in her core and she let go, her release sending intense jolts of pleasure through her entire body and she screamed Damien’s name. One name that was meant for both of them.

“That’s a good girl.” D flipped Kai onto her back and put her legs over his shoulders. He sunk deep into her. “I want you to watch me while I cum in you.” D pinned her arms down and picked up his pace. “Oh Kai, you feel so good.” D moaned and with one last thrust he came undone, collapsing beside Kai.


“I think he’s sleeping now.” Kai looked over at robot Damien.

Damien must have sensed something in her eyes. “Are you having second thoughts about what we should do?”

“No, it’s complicated…but it’s the right thing to do. Let’s just get some sleep tonight. We can figure out a plan tomorrow.”

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