This was originally posted on Tumblr and dedicated to my lovely friend kawairinrin who said she would like to read about a double-date with Viktoria & Istvan, and Drake & Cassie.
Important – My TRR MC is Viktoria Petit, and my King Liam is called King Istvan
Disclaimer – Characters are Pixelberry’s, not mine, (except Cassie-she’s my baby girl!) this is just for fun & I don’t make any money from it.
Istvan stepped behind Viktoria in her flowing cream dress and nude heels; she was still keeping a little of her sun-kissed glow from their honeymoon. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, and he kissed her neck sensually,
“My love, you look so perfect tonight, do we really have to go out…? I can think of other ways we could spend the evening…?”
Vik made a stern face at him as she finished securing her earrings,
“Ist, no. As tempting as that offer is sweetheart…”
She twisted around in his embrace, running her hands seductively over his broad chest, God knows she was so tempted,
“This is important to Drake. And I for one, am really excited to meet the girl who’s got him walking about with that adorable big grin all over his moody little face… You’ll just need to keep it in your pants til later, your majesty…”
She nipped at his earlobe and slapped his tight backside as she walked away to grab her jacket, giggling. Istvan looked at her open-mouthed,
“Our honeymoon has turned you into a devil, my beautiful girl…”
Drake was on the sofa at Cassie’s place waiting for her to finish getting ready. He was on his second bottle of beer. She’d shown him three outfits already; Drake was swinging between demented that she wouldn’t just pick something, and finding it ridiculously cute that she was so bothered about making a good impression on his friends. He kinda got it though: they were going out for dinner with the King and Queen of Cordonia. Although he’d grown up with Istvan, and this was totally normal for him, it wasn’t exactly a standard Friday night for Cassie. Eventually she appeared in outfit number four. Drake cleared his throat and let out a low whistle.
“Yes, Cassie. Wow. You look stunning.”
Cassie dropped her head as her cheeks coloured. She had selected a pretty strappy dress with a flattering sweetheart neckline to the black bodice, and a full floaty skirt covered in a ditsy floral print that stopped just above her knees. Drake very much appreciated the way the skirt flared out it as it really accentuated Cassie’s curvy figure… She’d teamed it with high black Mary-Janes and a cute little purse. She squinted up at Drake,
“Are you sure? Will Queen Viktoria think I look ok? She always looks so glamorous…”
Drake stood and pulled her into a soft kiss,
“Miss Kapranos… You look amazing. Honestly? I think she may try to talk you into letting her borrow that dress sometime. You’ll like her Cass, I promise, she’s pretty cool. So is Istvan. Seriously, you don’t have to worry about either of them baby.”
Cassie let out a big sigh, nodded and biting her lip asked,
“Hair up, or down?”
Viktoria and Istvan took a car from the palace to the bar and restaurant that overlooked the city and harbour. Istvan had taken her there the first time they wandered around the city when they were engaged and it had been one of her favourites ever since. She’d booked the whole terrace just for the four of them this evening. Viktoria loved the idea of her and Ist having a double-date with Drake and his new girlfriend! Istvan seemed a little confused about the whole concept, it wasn’t really a thing the royals did apparently, but he had agreed as his wife had went on about it ever since she’d seen just how smitten Drake was with Cassie. Secretly Viktoria liked the idea of being friends with this girl, she could tell there was something special happening here… Although everything was completely fine between her, Drake and Istvan, ever since she and Drake had shared that one kiss during the social season, she occasionally still felt guilty over unintentionally coming between the two friends. If the four of them could all hangout together Viktoria reckoned it’d be really lovely. She really wanted Drake to be happy. He was one of the nicest, if one of the grumpiest, people she’d ever met. God, he’d literally jumped in front of a bullet for her. If anyone did, Drake deserved a life full of love and joy.
Istvan had arranged a limo to collect Drake and Cassie at her place. Cassie’s jaw dropped as she hopped inside, it was the ultimate in luxury, with a chilled bottle of champagne waiting for them. There was a note saying,
“Drake, I know you’re not a big champagne guy, but I thought Cassie might like a glass, see you both soon, Istvan”.
Cassie looked at Drake and whispered,
“That’s so nice!”
Drake laughed as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder,
“See? I told you, nothing to worry about. My friends are lovely.”
Drake had no doubt in his mind that everyone would like Cassie. What wasn’t to like?
They arrived and wandered over to the gorgeous terrace, decked with flowers and twinkling lights. Drake pulled Cassie into a tender kiss and took her hand in a little show of support before they ventured out towards where Istvan and Viktoria were already sitting. On seeing them approach, Viktoria nudged Istvan to get up. Drake clapped Istvan on the shoulder and put one arm around Viktoria kissing her on the cheek. “Ist? Petit? Cassie.”
Viktoria thumped his arm,
“For goodness sakes Drake, that was a rubbish introduction! Cassie, hi!! It is an absolute pleasure to meet you at last!”
Viktoria pulled Cassie into a hug,
“I love your dress by the way!”
Drake smirked and winked at Cassie and mouthed,
“I told you…”
Istvan stepped forward, his bright eyes sparkling, Cassie smiled shyly as the King took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it,
“Delighted to meet you, Cassie.”
Cassie felt like she was meeting a movie star, she’d seen the young King on TV so often and here he was, and so completely and utterly charming! Cassie grinned at Drake, then back at the royal couple,
“It is so lovely to meet you, your majesties. Drake’s told me a lot about you both.”
As the evening progressed and the delicious food had been devoured, Cassie relaxed completely. She’d chatted to Viktoria about everything: New York, the royal wedding, Cassie’s work at the hospital, how Cassie had met Drake. Now they were chatting about Thor and Raul; Viktoria had video of the two of them on her phone, she’d recorded it when Drake had taken Thor to the palace whilst Cassie was at work. The big dog and the small dog looked so comical playing together, and Cassie noticed it was the little one seemed to be the boss! The Queen, or Vik as she was insisting Cassie call her, had even suggested that Cassie come over to the palace, she would make them lunch – “Do you like ramen Cassie?!” – they could take the ‘furbabies’ out on a playdate sometime. ‘Drake was right, she is really nice’, Cassie smiled to herself; she couldn’t believe that Viktoria actually cooked and wasn’t stuck up at all; in fact she was really easy to talk to.
Drake’s arm wrapped lazily around Cassie’s shoulder, his thumb stroking her arm as he and Istvan discussed Maxwell’s outrageous plans for a dress code for the upcoming Beaumont Bash, to spice things up, as if the Beaumont parties needed any extra spice… Istvan noticed their body language and smiled at his friend, he had never seen Drake so chilled out, so carefree. Cassie was obviously the difference, and now that Istvan had met her he could understand why Drake was so enchanted by her. From what Istvan had seen so far, she appeared as beautiful inside as she was outside, and she was as mesmerised by Drake as he seemed to be with her. The chemistry between the new couple was something really special. He looked at Cassie, then to his new wife who was clearly having a great time; both women appeared slightly tipsy. He started to chuckle,
“Viktoria, my love, do you remember the first time we came here?”
Viktoria turned to him and nodded,
“Of course, it became one of my favourite places.”
Istvan laughed,
“Do you remember what we did here?”
Drake grimaced,
“Keep it clean kids.”
Viktoria burst out laughing, waving her hand at Drake,
“No no no-we arm wrestled!”
She took Istvan’s hand in hers,
“You said you wanted just to be ‘regular Istvan’ that night and I challenged you to arm wrestle with me… For some strange reason which escapes me now… It made perfect sense at the time Cassie, honestly!”
Cassie nodded sagely as Drake chuckled,
“Heh, did she beat you Istvan?”
Istvan feigned shock,
“Drake! I’m wounded! You think I can’t beat Vik? Look at her skinny little arms!”
Viktoria flexed her biceps and winked at Drake and Cassie,
“I totally let him win you know…”
Istvan puffed his chest out and grinned,
“I demand a rematch. All four of us.” Drake rolled his eyes, “At least it’s better than Petit’s usual drinking games…”.
Cassie poked her tongue out and nudged Drake,
“Come on grumpy, join in…”.
He opened his mouth and closed it a few times,
“Right, who told Cassie I’m grumpy??”
Istvan and Vik disintegrated into fits of laughter, Cassie reached over and ruffled his hair, placing a teasing kiss on his cheek,
“You are the sweetest grump I ever met…”
Time passed, and before the couples realised, it was midnight. Istvan frowned at his watch,
“I hate to break up the party, but I am heading out to Milan tomorrow morning so we probably should think about calling it a night… I’ve really enjoyed this though, we must do it again. Cassie it’s been a delight to get to know you. I’ll let my lovely wife coordinate another ‘double-date’…”
Vik pouted a little as she’d been having so much fun, but agreed that calling time seemed fair… They headed back to the waiting cars, Istvan walking with Cassie, telling her another story from when he and Drake were kids; she’d been lapping those up all evening. Viktoria fell into step with Drake, squeezing his arm gently,
“Oh my God, I love her! She is a keeper Drake…”
Drake looked at Vik with a proud grin on his face,
“Heh, she’s pretty awesome, right? I really like her Vik.”
Viktoria chuckled,
“Ohhhh but I think it’s more than that…”
Drake was left grinning and shaking his head as she twirled in front of him smirking before she danced off to catch Istvan’s hand.
End- VP 💖