Double Trouble

Prompt from @aryn-choices : 293. “Twins? We’re…we’re having twins?!”

Making toast early Sunday morning, Emma felt a swift kick to her stomach. Rubbing the spot, she looked down. “Good morning peanuts,” She laughed sleepily. “Please tell me you aren’t inheriting your mom’s hatred of mornings. I need some company before ten o’clock.”

“I don’t hate mornings.” Pushing off the wall, Kaitlyn staggered half-awake into the kitchen. Watching her wife talk to her stomach was one of her favorite things. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

“I’m just making toast, babe,” Emma replied cheerfully. “I wanted you to sleep, it’s only seven.”

Kaitlyn pulled out a chair for her wife, gesturing to it before moving to make herself some coffee. “I know, but I want to help you, you know? You’re the one doing all the work, the least I can do is get up early to make you breakfast.

Emma stared at her wife’s back lovingly. She knew Kaitlyn loved her, but at the same time, she was still…well, Kaitlyn. She’d expected the helpful-before-ten-o’clock attitude to wear off after a few months at the most – not that Emma minded. She was always the early bird in their relationship, finding peace in the quiet solitude of the mornings.

She still wasn’t quite over the shock of seeing her wife up this early, despite the fact that she’d been getting up by at least eight-thirty every day for the last nine months. But she understood. Kaitlyn was just as excited as she was to be a mom, and the fact that they were having twins, according to Kaitlyn, made it all the better.

“Kait, wait up!” Emma panted, resting her hands on her knees. “Why are you running?”

She reached the end of the hall before realizing Emma wasn’t next to her and turned around. The smile lighting up her face was contagious, and Emma shook her head fondly. “Babe, what’s gotten into you?”

“Sorry, I’m just excited!” Well, that much was obvious. She was practically vibrating. 

After finally catching her breath, Emma stood up and brushed Kaitlyn’s hair out of her face. “I’m excited, too, sweetie, but I only run when I’m being chased, okay?”

She snorted, but acquiesced, taking Emma’s hand and pulling her down the hall. “Fine, but you can speed walk! I wanna find out if we’re having a Katie or a Keith!”

She was so focused on leading Emma through the door of the doctor’s office, she didn’t notice the face Emma pulled at the names. “Kaitlyn Liao, I am not naming my child Keith!”

Kaitlyn nodded mock-seriously. “Of course not. Now come on, let’s sign in already!”

“Okay, okay!” Emma chuckled, deciding to table the name discussion for a later date. She signed in at the reception desk and the two women sat down, both shifting nervously in their seats. 

It felt like hours before finally, the door opened. “Emma Liao?”

Kaitlyn jumped up. “Yes, that’s us! I mean, her! That’s my wife!”

Emma locked eyes with the nurse and rolled her eyes jokingly. The nurse winked back before gesturing behind her. “If you’ll just follow me.” She led them down a hallway to the last room on the left. She handed Emma a gown to put on before pointing to the examination chair. “Get comfortable, Mrs. Liao. The doctor will be in shortly.”

Emma nodded in thanks, waiting for her to close the door before disrobing.

Kaitlyn wolf-whistled. “You’re about to be the hottest MILF ever! You know that, right babe?”

Emma laughed, hiding her blush. “I don’t know, Kait, I think you’ll give me a run for my money.” She pulled the gown on and hopped onto the examination chair, resting her feet in the stirrups. 

Kaitlyn stared between her wife’s legs for a moment before snapping herself out of it. “I’m serious, Em! All the kids are gonna love you, and when they get older they’ll all wanna bang you, and little Keith will be so embarrassed that I’ll be his favorite! It’s a win-win!”

Emma’s eye twitched, but Kaitlyn was saved from her wife’s wrath by Dr. Jones knocking on the door. “Come in!” She said sweetly, shooting Kaitlyn one last glare.

He stood next to Emma with a smile and opened her chart, then asked a couple of routine questions and gave a brief exam. Jotting down a few notes he closed the folder and looked up, “So, any other concerns? How’s the morning sickness?”

“I haven’t really had much recently. Been kind of tired, but I’m sure that’s typical, right doc?” She asked, side-eying Kaitlyn jokingly.

He lightly laughed when Kaitlyn shot him a pleading face. “It is, but you should still probably rest more.”  

“That’s exactly what I said!” Kaitlyn whined.

Sitting down on a stool Dr. Jones chuckled.  “Ok how about we get to the fun part?” When the couple nodded he turned the computer on and applied some gel to Emma’s stomach. Seconds later a black and white image appeared on the screen displaying a grainy image with two fuzzy shapes next to each other. “…Oh.”

Kaitlyn jerked her head away from the monitor, a look of panic on her face. “Oh? What do you mean, oh?”

Dr. Jones just smiled calmly. “Congratulations, you two. Looks like you’re having twins!”

Tears welled up in Emma’s eyes. “Twins? We’re…we’re having twins?!”

Kaitlyn covered her mouth in shock. “Oh. My God.” Suddenly, she jumped out of her seat, scaring the room’s other two occupant’s half to death. “Katie and Keith!” She paced the room, bouncing with every step. “Oh my god, babe, do you know what this means? It’s like a two-for-one sale! We wanted two and now we’re gonna have two and you only have to go through this whole pregnancy and labor thing once! And we don’t have to worry about finding another donor and paying for the procedure again and-” She glanced at Emma’s bemused face and quickly backtracked. “I mean, that’s definitely not important right now – we can talk about that later – but oh my god, babe! Twins! We’re having twins!”

Emma laughed, wiping her eyes. “We’re having twins.”

After Emma thought about it, Kaitlyn had kind of been right. Sure, she was gonna have to pop out two babies back to back, and they’d have to spend twice as much money on basically all the necessities, and she felt like an over-inflated bouncy house at the moment…

Emma shook the thought away and directed her attention to Kaitlyn. “Hey, babe, remember that time you thought our kids were a discount sale?”

Playfully rolling her eyes, Kaitlyn opened the refrigerator. “What do you want for breakfast, wife?”

“Oh, ham and cheese omelette? With kale, so it’s healthy?” Emma pleaded, fluttering her eyelashes.

“What else?” Kaitlyn laughed out.


She rummaged around in the pantry before emerging triumphantly, ingredients in hand. “Anything else?”


Kaitlyn raised her eyebrow. “Really? You’re eating for three and that’s all you want?” At Emma’s bashful expression, she grabbed a container of fruit salad from the fridge and handed it to her wife with a fork.

Emma pouted as she stabbed a grape. “I could’ve gotten that. I’m not due for another three days and Dr. Jones said-”

“I know you could’ve, babe,” Kaitlyn said soothingly, taking a sip of her coffee. “One gourmet breakfast, coming up!”

Emma watched with a smile as Kaitlyn made exaggerated motions with her spatula, adding a little finesse with each ingredient she threw in. “God, you’re gonna make such a great mom,” she sighed wistfully.

Kaitlyn grinned to herself, focusing on the task at hand – the last thing she wanted to do after finally convincing Emma to sit and rest was burn everything. “Thanks, Em, so will-” She was cut off by a gasp coming from her pregnant wife. She spun around quickly, entire body tense. “Emma?”

Emma took a deep breath, meeting Kaitlyn’s wide eyes. “I think my water just broke.”

The spatula clattered to the floor.

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