Drabble: Grayson and Lexi

1 …Spends so much time in the bathroom, they make themselves late
“Grayson!” I called out in annoyance, checking my watch. “We’re going to be late.”
“Just a minute!” He shouted from behind the closed door.
A moment later, he emerged, looking perfect. “Ready to go?”
“I’ve been ready for ten minutes,” I said dryly, “I’m not the one that takes 20 minutes showers.”
“You could always take with me,” he told me with a grin as he helped me with my coat, “help save time.”
I laughed. “We’ve tried that, remember? We just ended up spending twice as long and then both of us are running late.”

10. …Busts out the dance moves when drunk

“I thought you didn’t like to dance,” I teased Grayson as he led me onto the floor of the dance floor.
He shrugged, “are you complaining?”
“No,” I told him, not at all, “I’m just thinking that I should get you drunk more often.”
“I’m not drunk,” he protested, pulling me against him, “just happy.” He stumbled then and laughed sheepishly, “and maybe a little drunk.”

17. …Always gets sunburn while the other gets tan

“This wasn’t how I imagined spending our honeymoon,” Grayson grumbled, obviously trying not to wince.
“I’m sorry,” I said, coming up behind him, “is there anything I can do?”
Grayson patted the spot next to him. “Just lie down with me.”
“That I can do,” I promised, snuggling in close to him, “and if you want, I’ll rub lotion on your back and then do my best to distract you.”
“I like the sound of that,” Grayson commented, pulling me even closer.

22. Which ones texts with emojis

Lexi: Dax and Poppy are coming over for dinner.
Grayson: 👍
Lexi: Except not together. Well at the same time, but not as a couple.
Grayson: 🤔
Lexi: They had a fight. But neither of them wants to cancel and I can’t choose, so they are both coming.
Grayson: 🤯
Lexi: Are you just going to keep sending me emojis because you don’t want to talk about Dax and Poppy’s relationship issues?
Grayson: 😊

35. …Would make the best, most invested parent ever

“What if I break her?” Grayson asked, staring at the baby in his arms.
“You won’t,” I assured him, “besides, I’m the one with super strength.”
Grayson’s eyes shot up. “You’re careful, right? I mean, of course, you are, but…”
I didn’t know whether to be offended by his question or touched by how concerned he was. “I’m very careful. No harm will come to her, Grayson.”
“No,” he agreed, gazing down at our daughter’s tiny face, “because we won’t let it. Whatever she needs, we’ll be there. Always.”

40. …Writes the other a To-Do list
“I used to be your boss,” Grayson reminded me.
I raised an eyebrow. “And?”
“I used to tell you what to do,” he continued, holding up his phone, containing the e-mail with the giant list that I had sent him. “When did that change?”
I grinned. “When you asked me to marry you. I’m the boss now.”

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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