Dreams Come True

Dreams Come True
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I’ve been rough on Liam and Eleanor lately, so I figured they were due for some fluff. This is the response to several different requests. I had a request for “laughing kiss” and for “silly kiss”, as well as for Liam as a parent and Liam and Eleanor’s first night with their first child and they all combined into this.

Rating- PG

Pairing- Liam/MC

Summary- Liam and Eleanor adjust to parenthood.

Words- 828

I smiled for the camera, trying to convey both the excited new mother and regal queen, even though mostly I just wanted to be home and in my own bed.

But tradition was tradition. And the benefit of this picture was that Liam and I would then be given a month away from the private eye to adjust to parenthood.

“Beautiful,” Ana de Luca declared as the flashes went off around us, “do you mind if I ask about the inspiration for the Princess’ name? One can assume Olivia is in honor of Lady Olivia Nevrakis, but what about Juliet? Is there a hidden meaning to the name, perhaps a tribute to star-crossed lovers and a nod to your own rocky beginning?”

Damn, she was good.

“It was a name that had personal meaning to both the Queen and I,” Liam answered smoothly.

Ana took the hint and dropped the questioning.

After a few more pictures, we were able to get into the car and head back to the palace. I sank against the seat, my exhaustion hitting me.

“You were great,” Liam assured me, squeezing my hand. He turned to coo at the baby, safe in her seat, “and this one was perfect. I think she’s going to charm the whole country.”

“I don’t think she could be anything else,” I said with a soft smile.

It wasn’t long before we were at the palace and then settled in our suite. We would be hiring a nanny, of course, but I wanted the first few days to be about the three of us and I had a month before I would be expected to resume my queen duties.

“I don’t have much experience with babies,” Liam admitted, gazing down at Juliet. I smiled, “neither do I, but we’ll learn together.”

I took the baby out of her seat and cradled her in my arms, savoring the feel of her.

I could see Liam watching us, a look of awe on his face. He shook his head, “there were times when I was afraid this would never happen,” he said quietly.

“But it did,” I reminded him, “this is real.” We had made it through the hard times, the scary times, and come out stronger.

Liam crossed the room and wrapped his arms around me and we stood there for a few minutes. I was tired, but at the same time, I was so incredibly happy and just wanted to bask in that happiness. I just wanted to savor these moments with Liam and our daughter, without the outside world there to intrude and interfere. I don’t know how long we stood there before Juliet began to fuss.

“What’s wrong?” Liam asked, immediately concerned.

I smiled, charmed by his protectiveness. “She’s probably hungry,” I told him, “she might also need a change.” I smiled at him. “You ready to learn how to change a diaper, Your Majesty?”

I used his title teasingly.

Liam grinned. “I feel up for the challenge.”

He got a blanket out and I laid Juliet down on it. A quick peek showed me that, yes, she was  indeed in need of a change.

“She’s so small,” Liam commented as he watched me, wincing a little. “Aren’t you afraid we’ll break her?”

I laughed. “She’s sturdier than she looks.” I smiled at him. “You’re the most gentle man I know, Liam, I know you’re going to be great at this.”

He didn’t look convinced. He watched me quickly change her clothes, taking her out of the fussy outfit required for the pictures and putting her in a simple sleeper instead. “Next time, it’s your turn,” I told him, handing him the baby.

He looked a little panicked at the thought and I laughed again, brushing my lips against his. “Is the mighty king of Cordonia afraid of a little baby?” I teased.

“Terrified,” Liam admitted, cradling the baby carefully. “Looking over the welfare of the entire country is a lot less intimidating than caring for this one tiny little baby, who depends so completely on us. What if I screw it up? What if I put too much pressure on her?”

A shadow crossed his face and I knew he was thinking of his own father and a relationship had had never been fully repaired before Constantine’s death.

“We aren’t going to be perfect,” I told him honestly, “we’ll make mistakes with her, because we’re human, but I know you Liam, and I know the man you are and I have every faith that you are going to be an amazing father.”

“Thank you,” he said, leaning into kiss me again, Juliet nestled between us.

She started to fuss again and I took her from Liam.

“That’s my cue to feed her,” I said and then grinned, pressing my lips to his once more, completely and utter joy bubbling inside of me, “and then we’ll see how fast of a learner you are, Your Majesty.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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