

“Kate, can’t you wait? We shouldn’t do . . . that . . . now,” Maxwell pulled back on the hand that was attempting to lead him up the stairs to their quarters.As much as he wanted to fuck his fiancée, he knew they had a responsibility to their guests. After all, the wedding was in two short weeks and this was their last Beaumont Bash; after their marriage, the two would be hosting parties as the Duke and Duchess of Valtoria at their new estate.

Feeling the tug on her fingers, Kate twisted around to stare at Maxwell in disbelief. He never said no to a quick fuck at a party. In fact, it was usually his idea, one that bubbled to the surface after a few glasses of wine, some smoldering looks across the ballroom, and too many court-approved waltzes; something about the propriety of the waltz, choreographed steps performed while staring into each others’ eyes, made his dick hard as a rock.

“You don’t want to fuck me?” she asked plainly, her shock overriding her filter. Kate cringed as Lady Adelaide, standing not more than five feet away, turned to face them. Seeing the couple of the hour, Adelaide raised her glass to the two, smirking knowingly. “Maxwell Beaumont, go make love to the woman! Once you’re married, the fun all stops!” The blond duchess took a swig of champagne and winked at Kate and Maxwell, swinging back around to finish conversing with the Countess of Greylon, who wore an expression of absolute horror at the exchange she just witnessed.

“Oh, Jesus,” Kate muttered, spinning on her heel and walking in the opposite direction. Maxwell hurried after her, feeling a flush creep up his neck. He swept his fingers gently down the inside of her arm to lace his fingers with hers. Bringing their closed fists up his lips, he kissed her hand and offered her that grin that made Kate weak in the knees.

“Where you rushing off to, Duchess?”

Kate remained silent, but a small smile lifted her lips. The two dodged nobles chatting and attendants carrying trays of champagne, reaching the hallway that housed the study and the library. Away from the grand lobby and the many guests who had spilled out from the ballroom, Kate leaned against the wall and banged her head softly against the smooth plaster. “I can’t believe that just happened,” she lamented, raising her cornflower-blue eyes to Maxwell’s. “Adelaide thinks we fuck like bunnies now!”

At her exclamation, Maxwell burst out laughing and, after a moment, Kate followed suit. Giggling to each other in the deserted corridor, Maxwell reached a hand up to caress the face of his beloved. “Baby,” he began, his thumb tracing a line across Kate’s cheekbone, “we do fuck like bunnies. We just don’t usually announce it to the entire court.” Kate’s snickers died down as she and Maxwell gazed at each other, the air around them electrified with their innate chemistry. Embarrassed only moments before, the pair now felt the undercurrent of lust that had been tugging at them all night come rushing in.

“Max, I-”

Kate’s words were cut off as Maxwell pulled her face to his, lips crashing into each other. He roughly plundered her mouth, forcing his tongue inside to battle with hers, fighting for dominance and winning. Kate moaned at the way Maxwell claimed her; it was still a surprise, after all this time, how much he enjoyed taking control in the bedroom. He broke away from her, breathing heavily.

“Inside,” Maxwell growled, lifting his hand to the door next to them and twisting the knob. Kate quickly stepped into the room, her eyes adjusting to the darkened space. Behind her, Maxwell shut the door, twisting the lock to keep out unwanted revelers. In the pale moonlight that filtered through the window, Maxwell looked positively predatory, his broad shoulders filling out his tailored suit jacket impeccably, his blue eyes glittering like hard sapphires. Kate felt her breath catch as he stared at her, amazed, once again, by the man standing before her and the fact that he had chosen her. “Do you know what I’m going to do with you, Katherine?” Maxwell asked lowly, shrugging off his suit jacket and slowly rolling up the sleeves of his crimson dress shirt, revealing strong and sinewy forearms.

“No, Maxwell,” whispered Kate, transfixed by the sight before her, feeling the wetness pooling between her legs. She could see his cock straining against the material of his pants, the ridged outline making her mouth water. Her nipples hardened in anticipation, and she waited breathlessly for him to reveal his desires for the evening. Maxwell stalked his prey, crossing the room to her, his eyes never leaving her face. He smiled wickedly and reached a hand up to grasp the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her raven tresses, his touch straddling the line between pleasure and pain. Kate gasped at the sensation, her nerve endings on fire, everything in her attuned to the man standing before her. He brought his mouth to her neck, biting the sensitive curve near her shoulder roughly, then quickly laving his tongue over the spot. Kate cried out, another rush from her core soaking her already-wet panties, and Maxwell kissed up her neck until he reached her ear.

“I’m going to fuck your sweet pussy, Duchess, until you come all over my cock.”

“Oh, fuck, Max, yes, please,” Kate whimpered quietly, bringing her hands up to his belt. She was shocked, however, when the hand still tightly woven in her hair tugged sharply. Her eyes, closed in ecstasy as Maxwell’s mouth moved across her skin, flew open to stare at her lover. Intensity and raw passion burned in Maxwell’s gaze, his usual sexual authority elevated to another level. Lips parted, Kate submissively waited to speak.

“That’s not my name, Katherine, now, is it?”

His eyes never left hers, an eyebrow quirking as he waited for her to realize her mistake. He watched as her eyes widened in acknowledgement, a seductive smile curling her mouth. “Ahh, there you go, pretty girl. You’ve figured it out. Now, how do you ask nicely?”

Her focus unwavering, Kate let her tongue slip out seductively, tracing it along her bottom lip. Settling her teeth over the plump, wet flesh, she bit down for a moment before uttering the words she knew Maxwell wanted to hear.

“Please fuck me, Lord Beaumont.”

With a loud groan, Maxwell grasped Kate’s waist tightly, lifting her up to wrap her legs around him. The sweet heat of her cunt settled over his dick, and he felt her wetness through his pants. “God, you’re so wet, Duchess. You’ve been such a good girl, waiting for me.” He planted kisses over any available flesh, the blood-red, strapless dress Kate wore allowing for plenty of options. Her breasts, swelling over the sweetheart neckline of the gown were particularly luscious, and Maxwell hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off the soft, creamy flesh all night. He now indulged himself, plunging his tongue into her deep cleavage, tasting the saltiness of her skin.

Kate moaned at the feeling of Maxwell’s mouth on her skin, clinging tightly to him as he carried her to the desk in the center of the study. He dropped her ass onto the polished wood, standing up to his full height in between her legs. His thumb came up to roughly pull at the flesh of her lip, and she let the tip of her tongue dart out to wetly curve around his finger.

“You like sucking things, don’t you, Katherine?”

Batting her eyelashes innocently, Kate nodded obediently at Maxwell while her mouth continued to tease Maxwell’s digit. “Yes, sir.”

“Then get on your knees for me like a good little Duchess and let me fuck your pretty face.”

Kate dropped to her knees and made quick work of unbuckling Maxwell’s belt, pushing his pants and boxer briefs down as one and tossing them away. His dick sprung forward and she eagerly grasped him in one hand as her mouth enveloped the velvety hardness. Tongue swirling over the sensitive flesh, Kate sucked Maxwell like a lollipop, bouncing her head up and down on his shaft. His breath ragged, Maxwell watched as his beloved devoured him, entranced by mewling sounds she made in pleasure. He felt the familiar pressure in his balls, his orgasm creeping ever closer. There was no way he was coming in Kate’s mouth tonight, however, so he grasped her head and gently pulled her mouth off him with a pop. Breathing heavily, Kate stared up at him with half-lidded eyes, waiting for instruction.

“I want to eat you out, baby. Can I taste that sweet little pussy?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

Juices from Kate’s sex coated her thighs now, and she scrambled up to fulfill Maxwell’s wishes. Leaning back against the desk, Kate’s heart pounded in anticipation. Maxwell scooped her up, bridal style, and carried her to the large, leather, wing-back chair behind the desk. Right behind them was an expansive window, heavy curtains open, the sprawling lawns of the Beaumont estate beyond. Kate couldn’t see anyone outside, but just the thought of someone able to watch them sent a thrill through her. Maxwell set her down and scooped up her skirt, then firmly pushed her down into the seat.

“Hold on, Duchess. I’m gonna fuck you up.”

Maxwell’s words were rough, raw, and Kate was immeasurably turned on, her pussy tingling with want. He knelt before her, quickly stripping her of the black lace thong she wore and stuffing the damp scrap of fabric in his pocket. He used both hands to push her knees apart then plunged two fingers into her glistening hole, causing her to cry out at the sudden, pleasurable invasion. Kate’s eyes locked on Maxwell’s as his hand continued its ministrations, plainly seeing the love and devotion in them. Her hand came up to gently cup his jaw, and he nuzzled into her hand, the sweet moment between them only heightening their arousal. Without warning, Maxwell ducked his head to Kate, his lips latching around her swollen nub and sucking hard.

“Oh, Lord Beaumont, yes, god,” she moaned, her head falling back. The combination of his mouth and fingers drove her crazy, urging her toward release. Maxwell pulled his fingers out of her, running his tongue from slit to clit, gathering her juices on his tongue and savoring them. “Fuck, you taste amazing,” he muttered against her sex, laving her over and over as she writhed beneath him. Maxwell slung an arm across Kate’s hips to hold her down and sunk his tongue inside her, mouth-fucking her. His nose nudged her clit with each thrust and he could feel her begin to tighten on his tongue, the wetness covering his mouth and chin. “Oh no, Duchess, you don’t get to come yet.”

Maxwell pulled away from Kate’s warmth, letting the air cool her wet skin. He grabbed her hand and yanked her to her feet, spinning her around to face the window of the study. Kate’s three-inch heels gave her a boost so Maxwell was perfectly lined up, the curve of her sweet ass bared to him as the red satin of her dress fell down between her legs in front. “You’re gonna come all over my cock as I pound you,” he promised her. Maxwell thrust his dick inside her, filling her and stretching her walls to accommodate his thickness, and Kate moaned loudly as she braced her hands against the plate glass.

The dark room was filled with the sounds of their fucking: panting, moaning, gasping; the wet sucking of Kate’s soaked pussy; the smack of their bodies coming together roughly. Maxwell felt his orgasm building again as he took Kate over and over. “I’ll never get tired of how good your pussy feels, Duchess,” he swore, “how tight you are and how wet you get for me. This pussy is mine, Katherine. Mine to fuck whenever and wherever I want.” Maxwell’s thrusts became sloppy as he neared his release. “Yes, my Lord, yes, it’s yours, I’m yours,” Kate whined breathlessly, desperate to come. Maxwell sensed that she was close, urging her on with his throbbing dick and his filthy mouth.

“Touch yourself, baby, rub your clit for me.”

Kate’s hand flew down between her legs, obeying Maxwell’s command. Her fingers found the swollen bundle of nerves and quickly circled it with just the right amount of pressure. Her climax was near, white-hot and swirling. It built out from her core, spreading to her tits, her fingers, her toes, finally shattering her into a million pieces. Her orgasm rocked her and she fell forward onto the arm still supporting her, sobbing from the pleasure shooting through her body. “God, Max, baby, yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” she chanted as her pussy clamped down on Maxwell.

“Mmmm, yes, scream my name,” Maxwell kept thrusting as Kate came apart, one arm snaking around her waist to hold her weight as she trembled beneath him. He knew he wasn’t far behind, plunging into her, once, twice more before his own orgasm overtook him. “Fuck, Kate . . . FUCK . . . you feel so good,” he groaned, emptying his seed inside her. Maxwell’s legs shook and he clenched his jaw, somehow remaining upright as one of the most intense pleasures he’d ever felt ripped through him.

They rode the high of their coupling together, gasps mingling in the quiet room, their hearts racing. Maxwell held Kate close to him, her back pressed against his front, one arm still supporting her and the other draped across her chest protectively. He gently kissed the soft skin of her upper back, nuzzling her sweet-smelling flesh. Urging her skirt back down, Kate turned to face Maxwell.

“Love you,” she whispered, bringing her fingers up to brush against his brow. He leaned forward so their foreheads touched and they stood there for a moment, gazing into each other’s souls, lost in their own little world of love and desire. Bringing his hands up to cup Kate’s face, he brushed a tender kiss at the corner of her mouth. “Love you too, Blossom,” he murmured. Each of them quietly got dressed, making sure their tryst wasn’t outwardly obvious. Maxwell reached back to grasp Kate’s hand before unlocking and opening the door.

“Ready to get back to our party, Duchess?”

A blush tinted her fair cheeks. “You know, it really turns me on when you call me that.”

He grinned as they exited the study and swatted her behind.

“Oh, I know.”





6 thoughts on “Duchess”

    1. I definitely will! Thank you so much for your compliments – I love Maxwell so much and I think he’s the most fun TRR character to write about!! <3

      1. You really add a new layer to Maxwell by showing his rougher side. That is something I haven’t found in other Maxwell fics. Keep up the good work! xx

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