Elastic Heart

“Wow Leo, this place is amazing”  Maxwell exclaims, “It like your own private island.”

“Well, I bet you can find some really good fishing here.” Drake excitement was evident.

“Walker, I swear if you get eaten by a shark, I will gut and then kill you myself.” Olivia sneers.

“Don’t worry Liv, I love you too.” he smiles.

“What did she do to make you so less, well you?” Liam teases.

“The same thing Kaytee put on Liam.” Maxwell laughs,

“Beaumont, when was the last time you were with  anyone?” Olivia smirks.

Mrs. H had a feeling that this could go on forever so she guided Kaytee and Liam into the house and showed them to their room. She had made the beds this morning and had laid out the towels that Leo had her purchase for their arrival.

“Thank you, Mrs. H, your kindness to my brother is greatly appreciated.” Liam extends his hand.

Ms. H, pulls him into a hug, “Liam, we hug here, and it is the very least I can do for what his mother has done for me.  She and I had similar experiences, I too, had to leave my home because of an abusive relationship, but I was not forced to leave my child, but I lost my child once I arrived on these shores. I was crushed, and she befriended me and helped me to heal. After a year, she told me her story, I vowed if there was ever anything I could do for her, all she needed to do was name it. So, hear we are.” She smiles and turns to walk out of the room. “You know, he is really going to need you, and both are going to need the people you brought with you, I know a little of what is in those books,  I suggest that once you read the first book, you need to decide if you truly want to know what is in the later books. I will always be available to answer questions however I can.”

A few moments after Mrs. H left their room, Leo knocks on the door.

“Come in” Liam calls.

“Hey, I hope the accommodations are to your liking your Majesty,” Leo playfully bows.

“ Well, now that you mention it, this paint color isn’t soothing at all,” Liam shot back.

“Well everyone is getting showers and taking naps, or something just wanted to let you know that I am going back into town if there is anything you need.”

“Snickers,” Kaytee says coming out of the bathroom “Oyster crackers, and Canada Dry ginger ale.”

Leo sees a grin cross over Liam’s face. “Are you, seriously?!”

“Hush, Leo, the others don’t know yet, we just found out. I am about 10 weeks.” Kaytee beams, then another wave of nausea hits her and she goes running back to the bathroom.

“I ask you to come with, but you are needed here.”

“No, he can go, I am going to lay down anyway.”

Liam kisses Kaytee’s forehead.

“I won’t be gone too long,  Rest well my loves.”

“We will, You two don’t start any bar fights.” Kaytee smiles.

“Dude you told her about that? That was all Liam’s fault.” Leo laughs as he and Liam leave her to rest.

Once they got in the car  and started down the driveway,

“Congrats! Little Brother, a baby, wow,  I have a feeling that it will be the second generation of Rhys brothers.  I hope you have lots of girls though that will be fun to watch.”

“Leo, I just want them to be healthy,  Kaytee, has been so sick, lately, it is worrisome. But enough out us. How are you? “

“Li, I am ok for now, I just want to enjoy this reprieve while I have it, you know the distraction.”

“I know, but maybe you should at least start reading tonight, that way in the morning you have all of us to distract you, I leave for New York in 5 days, I will be gone, then you will have Kaytee and Alex to keep you company.”

“So, is this Alex, cute, hot, or fucking gorgeous?”

“Oh no, I am not..No, Kaytee’s best friend, do not stress my wife out. She carries precious cargo, and Very hormonal.  Proceed at your own risk.”

Leo laughs.  The brothers pull into the supermarket parking lot and go in and get some items that Leo thinks his guest will need and to stock up on the supplies requested by her Royal Knocked-up Majesty. Leo was truly happy for his brother, deep down, he wanted love, a wife and children.  He had always wanted a family of his own, he just never felt worthy of one.  He never wanted to just say the words, he wanted to feel them.

Liam is amazed out how this life seemed to suit Leo, but he could still see the things that most people would miss, the thing that mattered the most. Leo was still very broken. When others would seek help, they could not. Weakness, vulnerabilities were not luxuries for them. No, not for him.  So he behind the facade that he was always the life of the party. He could have a different girl any night of the week. Even that was getting old.  He wanted a woman who loved adventure, a free spirit; someone who could tame and set his spirit free. But, did he deserve such happiness?

They got back to the house and he and Liam proceeded to put up the items they had bought. Mrs. H was there and she and Drake had started the fire pit and the grill. Everyone was enjoying watching the sunset and catching up with Leo and his latest antics. The group ate and drank and had fun. Leo forgot all about the journey that lay before him for the time being. Liam and Kaytee gave each other knowing looks. He would soon have to face this demon.

Kaytee feeling like she has had enough excitement for the night says goodnight to the gang and heads up to bed.  She looks at the clock and sees that she has about 15 minutes until Alex will call her.  She takes a quick shower and put on a cami and her sleeping shorts. She has just pulled her hair up into a messy bun when she hears her laptop ringing. She answers and sees the face of her bestie.

“Hey Lexi, how are you.  It so good to see you.” Kaytee gushes.

“Hey babe” Alex grins, “your face is red and you’re barely wearing anything. Is Liam there? I can call back if you like”

“Very funny, no, just took a hot shower, and he is downstairs with the others. So where are you now?” Kaytee wasn’t sure if she is still working.

“You know I can’t tell you that. It’s classified” Alex moves her laptop to show her friend the mountain behind her, “suffice it to say that you’re lucky I always get up this early. It’s freezing here” she shivers for effect.

“Oh, wow, will you still be here by the end of the week?  You will definitely thaw out.” Kaytee laughs. “ I am looking forward to spending time with you while I am in the States, and I hope that you can come to Cordonia.  I would love for you to photograph it.”

“Oh the states, that’s where you are I wasn’t sure. I guess I can make it babe, to see your beautiful face up close” she laughs, “but also mostly Liam I mean that guy is a god”

“Alexis Mya  Alberich! Remember we do not share our man toys. But I will say he has an older brother.  It is his house we will be staying at.” Kaytee sticks out her tongue.

“you’re no fun T, man toys should be enjoyed by all its what they’re for! But an older brother you say? Hmm. Might be a compromise. What if I forget which is which?”

“OMG, you have not changed a bit have you? Trust, me the King will not cross his Queen.especially when she is carrying the royal heirs.” Kaytee smiles hoping her friend will catch on.

“yeah but this South American tequila… wait, WHAT?? Liam is married??” Alex steps back from her laptop to dance erratically before coming back with a grin, “babe are you fucking serious? CONGRATULATIONS!” she looks up over her laptop and frowns, “sorry, promise I’ll keep the volume down” turning back to her friend, she smiles, “congrats T, seriously that’s amazing”

“Thank you, you are the one of the few who knows, we promised to wait until I was 12 weeks, but I couldn’t wait to share this with you. Please promise you will be available this year. No crazy secret shoots.” Kaytee eyes start to glisten. “Sorry, crazy hormones have already started as well as the all-day ‘morning sickness’”.

“This from the woman who spiked my drink so I’d tell that George guy how I felt. Verbally… and physically. You are the worst at secrets T” Alex smiles, trying to cheer up her friend, “no secret shoots for Liam is all I promise. You should have called me sooner, T, I promise I’ll be there Friday, okay?”

“Okay, that will be perfect as Li, leaves Thursday night.” Kaytee frowns, “He will be gone a week so you won’t get to meet him in person until he gets back.”

There is a  soft knock on the door. “Love is everything alright?” Liam sounds concerned as he sees his wife on the verge of tears.

“Yes, Li, everything is fine, come here meet Lexi.  Lexi this is my husband, Liam. Liam this is Lexi, she is going to stay with me for a couple of weeks while we are here.”

“Nice to meet you Your Majesty” Alex bows, grinning, “thanks for knocking up my friend”

Liam gives Kaytee a look, and Kaytee shrugs. “What, I never keep anything from her. Lexi, you were supposed to snitch. Snitches get Stitches.”

“Nice you meet you as well, but Liam is fine.” Liam laughs at his pouting wife.

“If you say so your majesty, I will only call you Liam, your majesty. Also…” Alex looks at her friend, a wide smile on her face, “does anyone in that house enjoy tequila?”

“OMG, Lexi, you’re not thinking what I think you are thinking?” Kaytee shoots her a warning glare.

Alex shrugs, “T, first up I need entertainment and it’s hilarious. Second” she turns to Liam, “your majesty, how many consenting adults are in that house and the surrounding area?”

“Well, Lady Alex, there is me, who wishes to remain blissfully married, my brother, Drake, and Olivia.” Liam shakes his head. “Oh and Maxwell.”

“Li, she said adults, and Max is a man-child,” Leo says barging into their room. “I came to make sure everything was alright, I didn’t hear any noises coming from the room, so I wanted to make sure that you two were still alive.” Leo chuckles.

“Leo, not everyone is like you,” Liam smirks, “we do sleep sometimes, and Kaytee, is talking to Lady Alex.”

Leo takes a look at Kaytee’s screen,

“Well hello, Lady … Alex, correct.” Leo smiles.

“Here we go.,” Kaytee says out loud, Liam chuckles.

“Yes, I am a Lady, also known as woman or sexy or hey you or what are you doing in my room or why are you like this. You must be Drake” she smiles, secretly wishing she could reach through the screen and pull Leo through it, “would you deem yourself a consenting adult Drake? And do you like tequila”

“Do I look like a grumpy marshmallow to you, Lady Alex?” the Rhys smile spreads across his face. And I am a scotch man, but Tequila, well, there has been a fair share of forgotten nights.”

“Ah, the forgotten nights… I still haven’t figured out how T woke up strapped into a child swing in senior year. I’m almost 5% sure I wasn’t involved” Alex grins as Kaytee blushes.

Both Liam and Leo raise an eyebrow and look at Kaytee. “ Alex, you and I are definitely going too have a chat about her Majesty college antics.” Liam grins.

“Okay, well, I know it it is getting late there, Alex, I will see you on Friday. Stay safe.” Kaytee trying to get back control of her laptop.

“Babe we aren’t finished here! Plus its dawn” Alex pouts as her friend tries to end the call, “tell me about yourself, Drake. Is your name synonymous with grumpy marshmallow or did you bring that on yourself?”

“Well Carla, I am Leo, and Drake is a burnt grumpy marshmallow.  Your friend has my baby brother completely whipped. And well, I will be more than happy to host you in my humble home for a couple of weeks.” Leo winks.

“Wow weeks Leo we could get a lot done in a couple of weeks. Also, T and I have been exchanging notes for years. I know a lot more about his kinky majesty here than he would like” Alex grins as she waits for the reaction.

“LEXI!!!!” Kaytee yells, Liam looks at his wife in disbelief, and Leo doubles over laughing.

“Oh my, I cannot wait until you get here, there is so much I need to learn about my new sister-in-law.” Leo still laughing.

“Ah, what happens in WhatsApp stays in WhatsApp, friend. And Leo forgets how similar he is to his brother. And the fact that our notes include him” she winks at Leo, enjoying winding them up and glad she isn’t physically there. Yet.

Leo heads back to his room and picks up the journal. Maybe Liam is right just one entry tonight, then tomorrow he can go back to being the Leo that the world expects.

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