
Author’s note: Yeah, I’m rewriting that post-party scene.

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios. Some lines came direct from the game.

Song: Electricity (feat. Diplo & Mark Ronson) – Silk City, Dua Lipa



Falling into you, baby

Even electricity

Can’t compare to what I feel

When I’m with you, ooh, baby

Given up my ghost for you

And now I’m see-through


It felt like that had been the longest day ever. The shift seemed endless and Rei Sato returned home absentmindedly, her thoughts on what her post-op patient – the one which she had almost let die the day before – had told her earlier that day.

“Holy crap!”

The young doctor jumped in surprise as she was welcomed by Elijah’s blasting music when she opened the door of her apartment. The place was completely packed and Rei could feel the floor thumping beneath her due to how loud the speakers played the catchy party song, while everyone danced and played drinking games.

She squeezed through the crowd, lugging the enormous and heavy beer keg beside her, smiling politely at nurses and support staff she recognized from the hospital… she even spotted a couple patients in there. She greeted Ines and Dr. Mirani – er, Zaid – before continuing on waddling through the dense crowd, shouting over the blaring music:

“Excuse me! Sorry! Coming through!”

Suddenly, a strong hand lifted one of the keg’s handles, as if it weighed nothing. She turned to thank them, coming face-to-face with Bryce Lahela himself.

Oh my god, Bryce is here.

“Lemme help you with that.” – he had that distinctive smirk on his lips, his dark eyes already analyzing her face.

Well, of course he’d be here. I mean, I was the one who invited him, a few nights ago.

…Not that it necessarily meant that he would really come. Although he had told me that he would.

But either way, he could be just being polite that moment…

“I was wondering where you were.” – his voice was low, but she somehow heard it perfectly.

She immediately felt her cheeks getting hot.

Oh my god. Breathe, Rei. Say something. Anything.

…You’re not a teenager, god dammit.

“At the hospital.” – she heard herself saying. – “…getting puked. Again.”

Crap, too much information, Rei! She had spoken too much, as usual. Ugh, why am I like this–

“I love when you talk dirty.” – Bryce’s grin widened and he winked at her.

Oh jeez, if he knew what this wink makes me feel…

Bryce Lahela was so hot. Like, that ‘I want to tear your clothes off’ hot.

“At least one of us does.” – she tried to show a relaxed and confident smile, although she felt her face burning, which meant that it probably was bright red. – “I… I’m glad you could come.”

“I told you I’d be here.” – they lifted the keg and put it on the kitchen’s counter, people already going there to fill their cups.

“Yeah. Uh… give me a minute to get showered and changed.”

Bryce nodded, his smile never leaving his face, and she ran toward her suite.

After taking the world’s fastest shower, Rei emerged from her bedroom – now appropriately dressed for a party – to find her apartment somehow even more crowded. Bryce, who was standing near – was he waiting for her? -, looked up to her, and she watched his smile faltering as his eyes trailed slowly and appreciatively down her body.

“Oh, damn.” – he murmured, his jaw dropped open. Rei blushed slightly, but smiled proudly of herself. That was the reaction she expected to get.

“Problem?” – she asked, feeling a bit bolder and confident. He quickly recovered, grinning at her.

“Just admiring the transformation.”

“Are you saying I looked terrible before?”

“I’m saying you look killer now.”

She smiled sheepishly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. How could she not fall for him when he always complimented her whenever they were together?

Uh, she needed a drink. That was a party after all and alcohol always put her at ease. Plus, she was thirsty.

Bryce followed her to the sofa, where they found Jackie surrounded by medical interns, a bottle of tequila on her lap. Her roommate approved her choice of clothing and gave each of them a shot glass.

“You have some catching up to do.” – Jackie grinned and the three of them swang back their shots as Sienna entered, hand in hand with a man, who turned out to be her mysterious boyfriend, Wayne, who turned out to be… awful, entitled and an overall jerk.

Bryce let out a low whistle as they watched Sienna leading Wayne away.

“Quiet, Bryce.” – Rei murmured to him, still shooting daggers at Wayne’s back with her eyes.

“I didn’t even say anything!” – he raised both of his hands up, claiming innocence. Jackie chuckled.

“If I’ve gotta deal with that guy all night, I’m gonna need another drink. Who’s with me?” – she said, already pouring herself another tequila shot.

But before Rei could answer, Elijah yelled at them from the kitchen table:
“Rei! You up for a game of beer pong? I’ve never played before!”

“Nah, I think she’s chicken.” – Bryce said teasingly.

“Let’s do this.” – she answered defiantly. Rei Sato never turned down a challenge nor a drinking game. In fact, she was famous for being one of the best beer pong players at her dorm at college.

She and Bryce joined Elijah, and the surgical intern promptly set up a triangle of beer-filled cups.

“I might be new, but I got a feeling I might win.”

“Oooh, cocky! I like it.” – Bryce high-fived Elijah and Rei rolled her eyes. – “We need a fourth…” – he looked around them, calling out one of his surgical intern friends. – “Alright, pick teams.”

Of course Rei picked Bryce. When she would get a chance to play with him again? Although they’d oftenly meet each other down the hospital’s hallways, it wasn’t the same thing. They were always busy, attending patients. So, yeah, she would take every chance she got to spend time with him.

“Lahela. You’re with me.”

“Good call.” – Bryce smiled from cheek to cheek. – “Number one overall draft pick!”

“You’re about to regret that, Sato!” – Elijah threatened good humouredly. – “Come on, Rosa, let’s show them how it’s done.”

The game went back and forth in a tight battle of sunk shots and near misses…

“Just one more and we win!” – Elijah shout as he high-fived his partner.

“Those two are pretty good.” – Bryce commented, genuinely impressed by the opposite team.

“What? Is your confidence finally shaken?” – Rei playfully bumped her shoulder on his, who chuckled softly. Yeah, she knew all that beer she had been drinking through the night was making her feel more daring and bolder.

Or maybe it was just because of Bryce’s presence there. Although she’d get nervous whenever she thought about him, when they were together, he always put her at ease and she felt like she could be herself with no fear of being judged. He had that contradictory effect on her.

“Not a chance in hell. Look, we’ve got three left. We just have to make the same cup, and we win.” – he whispered in her ear, his hot breath tickling her. She nodded at him (ignoring the fact that that sudden closure probably made her blush) and he aimed and shoot.

Rei soon recovered and did the same.

“I don’t believe it!” – Elijah exclaimed as Rei’s balls sank in the same cup as her partner’s.

“We win! We win!” – Bryce punched the air excitedly, before turning to Rei and  wrapping her in a tight bear hug, making her yelp in surprise. – “You’re my hero!”

“You’re so dramatic.” – Rei told him after hugging him back, her cheeks burning (again). They both shook Elijah’s and Rosa’s hands on the great game.

They turned to face each other, Bryce’s eyes appreciating the natural shade of pink on Rei’s cheeks and her brown eyes shining due to the tight game.

“What?” – she asked, her hand instinctively playing with a strand of her hair. He had already noticed that Rei Sato would frequently do that, fidgeting her hands or letting her long hair hide her flushed face whenever she felt embarrassed or shy.

He said nothing, just kept smiling affectionately at her and softly caressed her cheek, his eyes gazing to her lips. Rei felt the mood’s sudden change, and her heart beat a bit faster, but she didn’t pull out.

“Rei!” – they heard Jackie and Landry calling out for her from around the table where they were playing drunk rounds. – “We need one more! You in?”

“In a minute!” – she yelled back before turning to Bryce. – “I—” – but he suddenly threw his head backwards, laughing loudly to a very confused Rei,

“Why this keep on happening, Rei?” – he asked.


“Haven’t you noticed? Lately, whenever I try to kiss you, we’re interrupted.” – she blushed violently, making him chuckle. – “But yeah, you should go with your friends before they start thinking I’m trying to get you to the surgical interns side. And before the other surgical interns feel like I’m ditching them. I guess this is the price of being so popular, huh?” – he had that smirk back onto his face and she rolled her eyes. He could be so cocky sometimes. Okay, most of the time. – “…But you have to promise me that we’ll  spend some time together later. Alone.” – he completed in a whisper.

“I’d like that too.” – Rei confessed, biting her bottom lip, nodding at him.

He squeezed her hand softly and headed to where his friends were. Her eyes followed him, watching Bryce disappearing into the crowd of dancing people in the packed apartment.

She joined Landry and Jackie right when they were about to start another round.


You give me a feeling

Feeling so strong

I know you’ve been treating

Treating yourself wrong

So let me care for you, ooh, baby

I’ma love you differently

I’ll give you electricity

Give it to you


After a few hours of more drinking, playing games and dancing – and preventing Farley of shutting down the event -, the party was finally winding down. Rei had just said goodbye to Ines and Zaid at the apartment door, when she noticed Bryce packing the spent cans into a recycling bag.

“Just about done cleaning up over here, Rei…” – he said absently as he noticed her approaching him. She tossed the last few cans and cups into his recycling bag. – “Thank you.” – he flashed a genuine smile to her.

“Thank me? You’re the one staying late to clean up our party.”

They shared a laugh.

“Eh. Force of habit, I guess.” – he shrugged. – “Messes seem to follow me around for some reason. I’m pretty used to cleaning them up at this point.”

“I can see that.” – Rei murmured, smiling softly. As she handed him an empty bottle to recycle, their hands grazed each other. They eyes locked and the touch lingered, an electric current running between them.

And Rei felt that it was it. That was the right and perfect moment.

Most people had already left, her roommates were busy cleaning the party too, and they finally found themselves alone. Plus, her bedroom was just a few feet away.

It was crazy. They have known each other for just almost a month. And, okay, they had made out a few times already, but that was all that they had done so far. She definitely wasn’t the type to take things fast.

But this time would be different. Rei wanted it to be different.

Her previous experiences with sex weren’t the most exciting – not exciting at all, actually -, but she felt like she was ready.

She wanted Bryce Lahela. She’d been wanting him since their first day at Edenbrook Hospital. She’d never wanted someone like that before. Plus, weirdly, she felt safe with him. She barely knew him, but trusted in the surgeon. She didn’t know how to explain it, she just felt.

She was ready. She wanted him.

“You know…” – Rei murmured, her heartbeat speeding up slightly. – “You don’t have to go home.”

She watched his stupidly sexy smirk spreading on his lips, his eyes twinkling.

“Oh yeah? Where would I sleep?”

Her cheeks turned another shade pinker.

“…With me.” – her voice was a bare whisper.

“I was hoping you’d say that.” – his grin widened. – “Just let me tie this.” – he pointed to the recycle bag in his hands.

“Plus, you know…” – the medical intern kept saying, while Bryce washed his hands in the kitchen’s sink. – “I promised you earlier that we would… you know, spend some time… alone… together…” – he  chuckled as poor Rei got more and more tongue tied.

“Yeah, I hadn’t forgotten about it too.” – he laced his fingers through hers. – “Lead the way, Rei.”

She smiled sheepishly to him and they both staggered backward into her bedroom, already completely lost in each other, forgetting everybody’s else existence.

Rei held her breath when she felt Bryce’s hands cupping her chin before he leaned in and kissed her slowly, his weight pressing her against the door behind her, closing it. How much she had craved for his mouth on hers throughout the night…

“Do you think anyone saw us?” – she asked breathlessly, feeling her lips tingling.

“Do you care?” – he whispered back, his forehead on hers.

“Not really.” – she smiled sheepishly, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Bryce chuckled softly, as his strong toned arms wrapped around her, his hands sliding from the small of her back under her clothes, making the woman gasp at the feeling of his warm hands on her bare skin.

His lips practically crashed on hers the next second, this kiss much less gentle, but as much passionate as the one before. Rei parted her lips and let herself lose in the sensation, responding to him with the same fervor, her hands playing with his smooth hair.

She felt her body heat raising and her head getting dizzier as he deepened the kiss, his hands roaming over her sides to her hips, tentatively pulling the hem of her top up.

Oh my god, this is happening. This is really happening.

“Wait.” – with much focus and self-restraint Rei was able to say it, her lips swollen, putting her hands on his chest, stopping him. God, the muscles of his chest felt amazing. – “I have to tell you something.”

“What?” – Bryce asked, his eyes wide, his hands frozen on her waist.

“I… uh, this is… this is practically my first time.” – he arched an eyebrow, quizzically looking at her.


“I mean, it’s been a long time since I had been with someone like this, you know? Or with anyone.” – oh god, here she was, spilling words and unnecessary information again. – “What I’m trying to say is… that I don’t have much experience.”

“Oh, do you want me to stop? I’m sorry—” – he murmured, threatening to pull away, but Rei shook her head frantically as she whispered in a hushed tone:

“No! I mean, I don’t want you to stop! I… want you.” – he flashed a smirk at her and her cheeks got pinker. – “It’s that… uh, don’t expect anything super… elaborated from me.”

Bryce chuckled, before leaning in again until their noses were brushing. She looked so adorable when she blushed violently like that.

“I’ll be gentle.” – although he had that cocky smirk, she could see sincerity in his dark and fond eyes. – “You are gorgeous and I need to see a whole lot more of you.”

With a single move he pulled her top over her head, his lips sending shivers of excitement through her body as they traced down from her lips and over her bare shoulders, making her moan softly.

In another sudden move, he spinned her around, strong hands effortlessly guiding her body. Bryce pushed her long hair aside and Rei squirmed in surprise when she felt his teeth scraping lightly at her neck as his hands worked at her waistband. Before she knew it, her clothes were already on the floor.

“You are… very good at this.”

“I’m good at a lot of things.” – he whispered into her ear, his voice low and husky with lust, before he pulled her head back and captured her lips, her body pinned between his, warm behind her, and the cold door of her bedroom, her knees weakening as he ran his hands across her chest, lightning every nerve of her body.

She always felt so electrified by his touch.

“You did tell me you had the best hands…”


She grinned coyly at him.

“I need more convincing.” – Bryce laughed good humouredly, turning her over and taking her hips in his hands, steering the medical intern toward the bed. – “Wait… how am I nearly naked while you’re still dressed?”

That characteristic sly grin of his appeared on his face.

“Feel free to fix that.” – he opened his arms to her, waiting.

Rei bit her lip and tugged his sweater over his head, then started slowly unbuttoning his shirt down, as her heartbeat speeded up.

Although they had seen each other only in their underwear a few times already, this time was different. So different. They weren’t on the lockers room, ready to start another long shift or to go home.

They were in her bedroom. It was totally different.

But, somehow, at the same time she was feeling nervous about what was going to happen… she felt so… ready too. This time would be different. That was the first time she was actually looking forward to do it.

Rei was pretty sure that she felt like that because it was with Bryce Lahela.

She pressed her lips to his collarbone as she slipped Bryce’s shirt off his strong shoulders.

Admiring his bare chest, Rei playfully pushed him onto the bed, giggling, and crawled on top of him as he hurriedly unbuttoned his jeans and rugged them down.

“Better?” – Dr. Lahela asked as he added his pants to the pile of discarded clothes on the floor.

“So much.” – she grinned cheekily before leaning down to kiss him, enjoying the feeling of his skin against hers as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

Bryce’s hands slid lower as their hips moved against each other, letting Rei moan softly as she felt how much he wanted her too. He looked up at her, his dark eyes studying her face.

“Are you sure you want this?” – he asked, with that wrinkle that always surged between his eyebrows whenever he worried about something (usually her).

She nodded, feeling his fingertips testing the waistband of her underwear.

“Keep going, Bryce. I want you. I need you.” – she confessed in a whisper, cheeks filling with color again.

“Whatever you need, Rei.” – he responded with that smile of his, gripping the waistband of her underwear and pulling them off, tracing his fingers back up over her bare skin, and unclamping her bra.

Whatever I want?” – she asked, a playful smile on her lips, as she tossed her bra away while he put the condom on his length.

Bryce suddenly but gently flipped her over, both of them grinning as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He leaned down, kissing her longly and softly, muffling their moans as he slid inside her.

“Bryce…” – Rei murmured, clinged onto him with her face flushed, pleasure building up inside her as he gently and slowly moved against her. She was tight and so warm and wet.

“Tell me.” – he whispered, his hot breath on her skin, trailing his fingers down her face, over her neck, brushing lightly over her chest, giving goosebumps all over her body, to finally settle on her stomach. – “Rei? What do you want?”

Even before she opened her eyes she knew he was smirking.

“I want you…” – her cheeks got a deeper shade of pink. Bryce asked himself how could she be so sexy and yet so cute at the same time. She was marvellous, and couldn’t see it. – “…to touch me.”

He bit his lip, sliding his hand down her legs, heat radiating from where their bodies connected. Rei gasped.

“You’re stunning.” – he said, before she demandingly pulled him down for another kiss.

“And you… really do have… the best hands.” – she panted as Bryce Lahela worked his magic, her hips grinding against his touch.

He grinned.

“You should see what the rest of me can do.”

Rei let out a sigh as he moved down on her, kissing and nipping her navel before moving lower, lower…

“Ahh…” – she moaned, throwing her head back as a wave of warmth built inside her. Bryce smiled when he felt her hands running through his hair, his tongue and lips tasting, pleasing her, his fingers expertly thrusting in her.

Rei scientifically knew that the clitoris was the most nerve-rich part of the vulva but, well… she just had never had such attention to that part of her body before… Uh, Bryce wasn’t only good with his hands. Her body gradually tensed, twitching, as she felt pleasure growing inside her, threatening to burst. Her heart beat so hard inside her chest she was pretty sure she was going to have a heart attack.

They both groaned when she cummed in his mouth as she hit her climax, her whole body shivering.

Luckily, Rei was the quiet type. She’d die of embarrassment if any of her roommates could hear her.

The woman still was panting when Bryce’s cheesy smirk and messy hair came into her visual field.

“You’re so addictive, Rei.” – he whispered before leaning down and kissing her. She moaned against his lips when he lowered himself into her again, filling her inch by inch.

The sensation of his hips rocking against hers, his warm skin and his lips on her neck were overwhelming. Little whimpers escaped her mouth when he quickened his pace, that pleasant sensation building between their bodies.

“Bryce…!” – she murmured, her nails raking down his back, her legs laced around his hips.

He breathed heavily, thrusting in her deeply, as Rei arched her body to his, craving for more, that wave of ecstasy, electricity between them spreading and overtaking everything like wildfire, until it got too much.


I feel electric, baby (I want it, I need it)
So electric, baby (this current between us)
Wanna let you know, let you know (this flow, this feeling)
I think I’m ready, baby (I want it, I need it)
I think I’m ready, now (this current between us)
Electricity, I’m flowing into you (this flow, this feeling)


They were both awaken by the sudden alarm of her phone. Rei groaned, slapping at the nightstand until she could find it and hit snooze.

“Oh god… we have to go to work, don’t we.” – she murmured, looking at the hour and then turning to the man lying next to her.

“Yep.” – Bryce answered, his voice husky. Gosh, even with his hair looking like a mess, Rei still felt her breath being taken away by the simply sight of him.

He’s ridiculous. So ridiculously sexy.

Unable to contain herself, she leaned over him and planted a sweet ‘good morning’ kiss on his lips. But before she could pull away, he buried his hand on her hair and deepened it, kissing her until Rei felt her head spinning.

“Let’s fake it and call in sick to work. I don’t want to go there and stay away from you for another long shift. I want to stay here with you all day long.”

Rei almost could feel her heart melting. First, he cleaned up her party. And he always complimented her, telling how amazing she was, and helped her deal with all her crisis. And then this. How could she not fall for Bryce Lahela? It was simply impossible.

But she didn’t give in to his proposal.

“C’mon, Lahela, we work at a hospital. They’ll know that we’re just faking it.”

He laughed.

“Well, I tried.”

“And you need to leave.”

He smiled sleepily at her and sat up.


“What?” – Rei asked as she appreciatively watched the surgical intern clumsily dressing.

“I told you I was great with my hands.”

“Oh my God, shut up!” – she muttered exasperated, covering her face with her hands and falling back onto her pillows.

Bryce chuckled, before yawning and cracking the door open, listening for activity.

“Okay… I’m gonna sneak out. See you at work.”

And the last thing Rei saw was his wink before Bryce Lahela furtively left her bedroom, a big cheeky silly smile spreading on her face.

2 thoughts on “Electricity”

    1. I really like writing inside Rei’s mind 😝 she was soooooo excited for it lol! Thanks for reading, Asti ❤️

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