Emotional Currents

Emotional Currents
By Misha

Disclaimer- I don’t own any of the characters, I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them in the condition I found them in.

Author’s Notes- I actually got two requests for this prompt, which was “are you jealous”. This is set in Chapter Eleven, after Drake’s birthday celebration. What if Liam saw Drake and Eleanor hanging back and it sparked some insecurities?

Pairing- Liam/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Liam and Eleanor talk about Drake.

Words- 594


I noticed that Liam was unusually silent on the drive home from the Western bar and then when we arrived back at the palace, he hung back from the others.

I motioned for Maxwell to go on with me and turned to Liam.

“Is everything ok?” I asked him, wondering if he was just feeling melancholy about the upcoming coronation and the fact that once he was king, nights like this one would be a lot harder to pull off.

“Can we go for a walk?” He asked instead of answering my question.

“Of course.”

We headed to the garden, though we stayed out of the maze this time.

“Liam, what’s wrong? You can talk to me.” I prodded gently.

He stopped and looked at me carefully. “Eleanor, do you have feelings for Drake?”

The question took me by surprise. “He’s my friend,” I said quietly, “but nothing more.” Liam was quiet, studying my face. “Why would you even ask that?”

“I’ve never seen Drake open up to a person as quickly as he has to you,” Liam said quietly, “then tonight, you went out of your way to make his birthday special, and then the two of you hung back and obviously shared a moment and it occurred to me that maybe… Maybe you felt more than friendship.”

Are you jealous?” I asked in disbelief. I gave up my life to come to Cordonia for the chance he might choose me, how could he possibly doubt my feelings?

“Yes,” he admitted, “Drake… He can make you promises, he can spend as much time with you as he wants. He can give you a normal life. I can’t do any of those things.”

“I don’t care.” I assured him. “I wish you could give me those things, but I want them from you not someone else.”


“I know, I know you can’t make me promises,” I interrupted, “and I get that, but it doesn’t change how I feel. I came here for you, Liam, and that hasn’t changed. My feelings haven’t changed, if anything, they’ve grown deeper.”

He looked at me for a long moment. “I’m sorry, I should never have doubted you.”

“Maybe not, but it’s an odd situation,” I reminded him, “it’s only natural that it’s going to mess with our heads. I’m just glad you talked to me.”

“Me too,” he told me, taking my hand in his and looking into my eyes, “Eleanor, can you promise me that if your feelings were to change, that you would tell me?”

“I promise,” I assured him, knowing that it was an easy promise to keep because my feelings were never going to change. Liam was It for me.

I raised myself to my tiptoes and kissed him sweetly. We’d have to go back inside soon and who knows how long it’d be before we got alone time, so I just wanted this one moment. He deepened the kiss and I could feel his need, his regret over the hasty accusation, and his frustration over the situation we found ourselves in.

We were in love, but we weren’t a couple. We were working towards marriage, but there was no courtship. Our relationship consisted of planned events and stolen moments, which wasn’t the greatest foundation in the world and I wondered how much more of this we’d be able to take.

It’s just a little while longer, I reminded as I clung to the man I loved, then he’ll choose me and we’ll put all this behind us and start our life together.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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