Epithymia – Chapter 8

Olivia and I sat up in bed, listening in on Liam, who had taken his phone into the other room.

“I don’t think that’s … yes, I realize that … ”

“Who is it?” Olivia whispered. I shrugged my shoulders. I was so used to Liam getting calls at all hours of the night and day that no interruption surprised me anymore. I got out of bed and strode to the bathroom, grabbing a silky bathrobe from its hook. I shrugged on the dark blue satin and sat down with Olivia, waiting for my husband to return.

“ … no, absolutely not. I just returned home, Leo, and I don’t think this is a good time for me and Charlotte.”

I flicked my eyes to Olivia, raising my eyebrows. Of all the people I assumed were on the other end of the line, Liam’s brother was near the bottom of the list. Leo only called when he needed something, which meant Liam usually had to pull strings to get his older brother out of some kind of scrape. I liked Leo; he was fun and sweet, and definitely charming, but he was a terrible brother, if for no other reason than he caused Liam a great deal of frustration. In the other room, it sounded like Liam had given up trying to deter Leo.

“Fine, since there’s nothing I can do to persuade you to reschedule. We will see you then.” An audible groan sounded from beyond the bedroom door, sending Olivia into a fit of giggles.

“The prodigal son returning home, Liam?” she called, getting up to grab her clothes from yesterday that were strewn all over the floor. She was in the process of getting redressed when Liam reentered the room, walking over to flop on the bed next to me. I ran my fingers through his hair comfortingly. “What now?” I inquired, unsure if I really wanted to know the reason for Leo’s unexpected visit.

Liam heaved a sigh. “His divorce from Katie is final. He wants to get away for awhile and figured Cordonia was as good a place as any.” He gave me a wry grin and sat up next to me. “Ironic, considering he’s spent most of his life trying to escape this country.”

Olivia sauntered over, giving both of us a kiss on the cheek. “Let me know when he arrives,” she said over her shoulder as she left the room. “I’ll keep him occupied for you!” The door to our apartment closed behind her, the silence that followed welcome. Liam smiled at me, pushing me down against the mattress and leaning over me.

“Finally, now I can properly ravage my wife,” he muttered, pressing his lips to mine. Giggling, I looped my arms around his neck and pulled him toward me. We spent the rest of the day in bed, wrapped in each other’s arms, our impending guest forgotten for the moment.

The bright flashes of light in the club were distracting, beams bouncing of the floor and our bodies as we sat in a corner booth of the VIP area. Leo had arrived just this morning and announced that we were all going out, to a new club near the city center. I sat huddled in the booth between Liam and Drake, already on my third drink. After Olivia had dropped the bombshell that Drake was in love with me, I hadn’t been able to keep my mind off him, or the fact that I would eventually have to admit my feelings to both men. My anxiety was set at eleven, sandwiched between the two men who shared my heart, and liquid courage was my only method for getting through tonight.

“Slow down, Charlie,” Drake murmured in my ear as I downed another gulp of the whiskey sour in my hand. The heat from his breath on my skin made me gasp, resulting in a really smooth choking fit.

“Charlotte!” Liam turned to me as I coughed beside him, bringing his hand up to rub my back soothingly. Drake, too, raised his hand to my back and I could feel their fingers brushing against each other as they attempted to relieve my hacking. The feeling of their touch on me, their touch on each other, was too much. I held up a hand and motioned for Drake to move so I could get out.

“Sorry–” cough “just need to–” cough “get some air,” I forced out, grabbing my drink and heading toward the small balcony off the private area we occupied, passing Olivia and Leo grinding together on the small VIP dance floor. Bastien nodded at me as I passed, speaking quietly through the Bluetooth system our security team wore to alert another agent that I was heading his way. I pushed through the double doors into the warm, Cordonian night and stumbled over to the wrought-iron railing, nodding at another guard, Louis, who stood in the corner, quiet yet always present.

The light breeze picked up the ends of my hair and I felt the strands play against my bare back, the skin there still burning from where Drake and Liam had touched me. Olivia had convinced me to wear the tight, red, halter dress that she kept in her closet at the palace for just such an occasion, but now I regretted it. Hell, I regretted coming out at all. I should have stayed home, watching bad television and forgetting all about the fact that I was in love with two men.

I was so wrapped up in my own scattered thoughts that I didn’t notice I had company outside. Maxwell stood a few feet away, looking at me with a frown on his face, holding his own drink tightly in his hand.

“Hey, Max,” I smiled weakly, finding it safe to take another sip of my cocktail without spluttering all over myself. He turned his face away, back toward the sparkling lights along the coast.


The set of his broad shoulders, the tension in his hands, the frown on his face, gave him away. “What’s up with you?” I asked, sidling over to him. Maxwell remained silent, his eyes far away. When he finally turned to me, I was surprised to see the hurt glimmering in their dark blue depths. “I’m fine,” he finally muttered, drinking deeply from his glass. He turned his gaze through the doors to the dance floor, where Olivia and Leo still swayed together, his face tucked into her neck, her hands running down his back.

“Fuck this,” Maxwell mumbled next to me, downing his drink and heading to the doors. Blinking in confusion, I stumbled behind him and walked back into the club, the pounding beat of the house music vibrating through my body. We stopped by the table on the way to the floor to grab fresh drinks that security had obtained for us, then Maxwell headed straight for the dance floor outside the VIP area, away from the rest of us.

Drake and Liam sat closely together, drinking whiskey and attempting to have a conversation with one another, heads bent toward each other in order to hear over the thrumming pulse of the music. I watched Drake’s lips brush Liam’s ear as he spoke, a small, intimate touch. Liam turned to Drake, grinning, their faces close, their lips only inches apart. The sight of them together, like this, sent a rush of heat through me, my arousal dampening my panties. I had always wondered if Liam and Drake were, at one time, more than friends, or at least if they’d experimented sexually. After all, Drake had mentioned that in their youth, they’d all had fun together. Something in their body language tonight suggested they’d been this close many times before.

Their eyes snapped to me as I sat across from them on the semi-circular bench, twin smiles gracing their faces and crinkling their eyes. Christ, these two men would be the death of me.

“Sorry, I’m all better now,” I shouted, lifting my glass to them in a salute. I downed a gulp and set the drink back on the table, enjoying the fuzzy, carefree feeling the whiskey imparted as it ran down my throat. Drake left his place next to Liam to press beside me in the booth, forcing me to make room for him, his denim-clad thigh rubbing against my bare one. My heart leapt into my throat as Drake leaned in to me, the smell of his cologne mingling with the whiskey on his breath, intoxicating me further.

“You look beautiful, Charlie. I can’t keep my eyes off you tonight.”

Liam watched the two of us across the table, his blue eyes glittering intently, the lust in them unmistakable. The fact that my husband had no problem sharing me with his best friend turned me on to no end; I just hoped he wouldn’t mind sharing my heart with him as well. Again, the complicated nature of my emotions overwhelmed me; how could I rationalize this to Liam? To Drake? Was Olivia correct in her assumption that Drake cared for me as more than a friend?

Sitting with them tonight, it felt like we were reaching a breaking point. The soft touches, the whispers, everything seemed intentional. Drake and I had been dancing around this, whatever this was, for so long that my nerves were frayed, my heart brittle with anxiety. I needed to escape.

I knocked back the rest of my drink and motioned that I wanted out of the booth, intending to head to where Maxwell was shimmying to the steady beat with an attractive redhead who was decidedly not Olivia. Drake grabbed my wrist before I’d made it two steps, pulling me into him.

“Dance with me.”

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Drake hated to dance, hated clubs, to be honest. He’d begrudgingly agreed to come tonight after Liam begged him to help deal with Leo. I nodded to Drake and followed him to where Olivia and Leo remained pressed together, their hands wandering and gazes locked. She smirked when she saw Drake leading me on to the floor, giving me a subtle wink before turning her attention back to Leo.

Spinning to face me, Drake grabbed my hips and pulled me to him, my arms automatically going around his neck to keep my balance. “Charlie, you know how fucking hot you look tonight? All I want to do is rip that dress off you and take you right here. I want you screaming my name while I fuck you,” he breathed, the heat of his words and his body making me dizzy with want. His dark, chocolate eyes bored into mine, lust glimmering in their depths.

I felt another set of hands grasp me from behind, holding me around my rib cage. Looking back, I saw my husband, his ice-blue stare burning into me. I rolled my hips into both men, feeling their arousal grow, my panties soaked. Liam’s breath tickled my ear as he leaned down to me.

“Do you know what you do to me, Charlotte? How crazy you make me? I would fuck you right here on this floor if I could, with everyone watching.”

To make a point, he pulled me away from Drake and into his stiff cock, biting gently on the soft skin of my neck as he did. I moaned softly, the sound drowned out by the throbbing pulse of the music. Turning around, I ran my hands up his arms, loving the feel of the hard muscles beneath his button-down, and curled them around his neck, bringing him down to me. Our lips crashed together, his tongue thrusting into my mouth possessively while his hands roamed down over my ass. We continued to dance, hips pressed together, mouths locked and tongues tangling.

Drake moved into us, wrapping his arm around my waist. The three of us ground our pelvises together in time to the music, drunk on the feeling of our bodies swaying as one. I looked up at Liam to see his gaze locked on Drake’s, the energy between them crackling. Never missing a step, I swung around to face Drake, letting my arms wave above me as I danced. The feeling of being between these two men, whom I loved and desired with every part of my being, was just as intoxicating as the alcohol I’d been downing all night. I pushed my ass back into Liam, the feeling of his hard dick driving me wild. Swishing my hips provocatively, I looked up at Drake and pulled him closer into me, wanting to feel both cocks pressed against my body.

Together, the three of us, we danced to the beat of the music as one song faded into another, losing track of anything other than our trio. I had one arm wrapped around Drake’s shoulders and the other slung behind me, cupping Liam’s neck. Drake’s eyes smoldered as he looked down at me, his hands wandering up my sides to brush against my breasts. My breath caught as I looked up at him, wanting to feel his mouth on me, needing to taste him. I began to reach up toward Drake when I felt Liam’s hands pull me back slightly.

“Not here, Charlotte,” he whispered roughly in my ear. “Too many eyes.”

I remembered what Liam had said when all of this began, that we could only trust our inner circle with our desires. I could only imagine the headlines if a cell phone photo, taken by one of the other club-goers or bartenders across the room, surfaced in some tabloid. I nodded slightly, looking up at Drake and seeing the same realization in his eyes. I twisted my head to speak to Liam, bringing is head back down to mine.

“Home,” I rasped into his ear, desire for both men leaving me breathless. Liam grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the door of the club, Drake following behind. I saw my husband nod to Leo and Olivia as we brushed past them, Maxwell nowhere to be found. Bursting into the night air, we made a beeline for our private vehicle, emblazoned with the royal coat of arms, where a guard sat behind the steering wheel already prepared to leave.

Drake opened the door for us and my husband ducked in first, pulling me after him. Sliding on to the seat next to me, Drake shut the door and the car began the short drive back to the palace, where the three of us sat in tense anticipation in the darkness, the partition behind the driver obscuring us from his view. Liam turned slightly to me, sliding his arm around the back of the seat behind me.

“How badly do you want to get fucked tonight, Charlotte?” he asked lowly, his fingers trailing up the inside of my thigh. On my other side, Drake’s eyes glittered, his chest rising quickly, as he watched Liam’s hand disappear under the my short skirt. Resting my head against Liam’s arm, I let my legs fall open slightly, allowing my husband better access to where I wanted him. I felt the tickle of Drake’s fingers as they mimicked Liam’s, ghosting up my skin to the edge of my sopping panties. “Oh god,” I whimpered softly as I felt their fingers pressing lightly on my sex through the lace, brushing one another as they teased me. Drake leaned in to me, his lips brushing my ear.

“You’re so wet already, Charlie,” he groaned, slipping his fingers under my panties to stroke my damp folds. “Such a good girl,” Liam muttered on my other side, matching Drake’s movements. The two men caressed me, spreading my juices around, as I moaned quietly. “You feel so good, baby,” Drake said, slipping two fingers inside me. Liam slid his digits up to clit, rubbing me just the way he knew I liked.

“God … fuck …,” I panted, feeling that warm flame begin to flicker low in my core. I thrust my hips up, wanting, needing to be filled. Liam laughed quietly next to me. “Someone’s eager,” he murmured, withdrawing his fingers and bringing them to my mouth, tracing my lips with my arousal. Drake groaned next to us, watching the erotic scene before him. “Drake, kiss her,” Liam commanded, “taste how sweet she is.”

That was all he invitation he needed. Drake captured my mouth with his own, his tongue darting out to lick my lips, savoring the taste of my juices, while he continued fucking me with his fingers. “Mmmmm,” he breathed, pulling back slightly to look in my eyes, his warm breath washing over me. Even in the darkness of the car, I could see the powerful emotions flickering in his eyes: desire, passion, possessiveness, and something else, something I wanted so badly to name, something I knew was reflected in my own gaze.

The car stopped, signaling our arrival back at the palace. The three of us broke apart dazedly, staring at one another for a moment before Drake opened the door and we piled out, under the portico of our private entrance. Inside, no discussion took place, our feet carrying us all to the same destination: our royal apartment. Liam opened the door and ushered us in, his hand resting on the small of my back as he entered behind me. I had barely taken two steps before I was pulled against the now-closed door, four hands desperately roaming over my body.

“Charlotte, my god,” Liam breathed against my neck as he took my breasts in his hands, cupping them through the fabric of my dress. I moaned as he gently kneaded them, thumbs brushing over my hardening nipples. I hadn’t been able to wear a bra, and I was thankful for that now, as my husband bent his head to suckle me through the thin material.

Drake dropped to his knees, sliding my skirt up around my hips and tugging my panties off, then taking me unceremoniously with his mouth. His tongue flattened against my lips then licked up to my clit, over and over, tasting me. Liam untied the halter from around my neck, exposing my breasts fully, and took one bare nipple between his teeth as he twisted the other in between his fingers. The roughness thrilled me and I could feel the wetness dripping from my aching slit right on to Drake’s tongue.

“Fuck! Liam! Drake!” I cried in delight, my head falling back against the heavy wooden door and my legs shaking as the two men lavished attention on my body. I could feel my body rushing toward orgasm and was powerless to stop it, the first wave cresting and crashing down on me. “Ahhhh! Fuck … fuck … god, don’t stop,” I moaned, holding Liam’s face to my tits and grinding my hips against Drake’s mouth. They continued to work me as my body shuddered against them, fireworks behind my closed eyelids, my incoherent sobs filling the room. My knees finally gave way and I began to sink to the floor, but Liam scooped me up and pressed his mouth to mine, kissing me deeply, our tongues twisting furiously.

Liam crossed into our bedroom, still holding me in his arms. Placing me in the middle of the mattress, Liam knelt next to me and removed my dress, shrugging off his own clothes as well. Drake crossed to us, his shirt discarded somewhere along the path from the door to our bed, and stood next to us, his lips still glistened with my cum. Liam stared at his best friend’s mouth, transfixed, his eyes nearly black. “I want to taste her, too, Drake,” he uttered, chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. Drake kept his gaze trained on Liam, that electric connection that I saw between them at the club back in spades.

“Then come and taste,” Drake challenged, his voice rough with desire.

Liam grasped the back of Drake’s neck firmly, tugging him down and capturing his mouth roughly. My pussy clenched when their tongues darted out, tangling with one another, Liam cleaning my juices off Drake’s lips. Watching the two of them kiss fascinated me, and turned me on more than I thought it ever could. They were gorgeous, hands clutching one another as they made out. Drake cupped Liam’s face in his hands, slanting his mouth over my husband’s to deepen the kiss. I whimpered out loud as I stared at them, my pussy dripping wet at the sight of these men, my men, pressed together. Drake broke away, panting, his skin flushed, and turned to me.

“Come here,” he commanded. I rose to my knees, facing both men. Drake leaned into me, taking my mouth roughly, his kisses tinged with something primal. He broke away from me, and no sooner could I open my eyes before Liam’s lips claimed mine, softer than Drake’s, but still desperate with need. I felt Drake move into us, pressing his lips to ours, his tongue tangling with Liam’s, then mine, his hands coming up to twist in our hair. We stayed like that for what could have been hours, sharing hot, open-mouthed kisses, bridging the gap between lovers and something more.

Drake pushed me down to lie on the bed, Liam coming to rest on one side of me while Drake fell on top of us, arms bracing him above my body. “Jesus, Charlie, I need you so badly,” he groaned quietly, his lips trailing down my neck. I felt his tongue dart out to lick at the hollow of my throat and I gasped, my nails digging into his back. He pressed his leg against my slit, just where I wanted it, my arousal soaking the fabric of his pants.

Next to us, Liam rose on one arm and watched Drake’s mouth move down my body, his cock jutting out temptingly to press against my hip. I let one hand trail down to grasp his firm length, stroking him slowly just the way I knew he liked.

“God, Charlotte,” he hissed through gritted teeth, “that feels so fucking good.”

I continued to work Liam while Drake’s mouth swirled around my nipple, the sensation making me gasp. “I need you to fuck me,” I breathed, unsure who I was speaking to but knowing I needed to feel one of them inside me, now. Drake broke away from my tits and knelt between my legs, thrusting his fingers inside me.

“Tell me who you want, Charlie,” he ordered as he fucked me with his hand. “Whose cock do you want to come on tonight?” Liam rose to his knees next to us, running his hand up and down his shaft, waiting for my response. I met my husband’s blue eyes, then shifted my gaze to Drake’s dark orbs. My pussy throbbed, my body begging for another release. I wanted to wrap myself around both of them, let them fuck me senseless all night long. I realized I didn’t have to choose.

“I want you both. Inside me. Now,” I demanded. “Fuck your Queen.”

Drake groaned like a man lost, quickly shedding the last of his remaining clothing. Liam grabbed me and urged me down on top of him, his dick easily slipping inside my drenched folds. He pulled me down toward him so we were belly to belly and whispered in my ear.

“I’ve got you, baby. Drake’s going to come in behind you now.”

At his cue, I felt Drake’s cock against my entrance, poised to enter me right above Liam. He pressed forward and I felt him urge his tip into my waiting pussy. I felt stretched, so unbelievably full. It didn’t hurt, but the pressure was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Below me, Liam moaned as Drake’s shaft slid against his own, both of them now fully inside me. We began to move together, slowly, carefully, and the sensation of being filled by both of them was indescribable.

“Oh god,” I whimpered, unable to do anything but go along for the ride as Liam and Drake thrust into me. Behind me, Drake’s ragged breath danced across the back of my neck as he curled inward. “You feel so fucking good,” he whispered against my skin, his words meant for me, as well as Liam. Liam’s head was thrown back, the corded muscles of his neck standing out as he tensed below us.

I could feel my own orgasm building quickly, their dicks lighting fire inside my cunt. Drake reached a hand down to find my clit and circled it, once, twice, before I came apart.

“Fuck, fuck, yes, please,” I cried as my climax shuddered through my body, my pussy clamping down on my lovers’ cocks. Tears sprang to my eyes as pleasure ripped through me and I collapsed on Liam’s chest, unable to do anything but ride my orgasm out while Drake and Liam kept pounding me.

Liam came next, his cum spurting inside of me, a guttural groan of satisfaction erupting from his throat. Moments later, Drake followed, tensing behind me before crying out our names while he rocked against us. The three of us collapsed against the mattress, entirely spent, our skin glistening with a sheen of sweat and our chests heaving.

I laid there, boneless, until Drake gathered me into his arms. He pulled me against his chest while Liam curled behind me, their arms wrapping protectively around my frame. I was too tired to move, to speak, completely sated by the two men in my bed.

“I love you, Charlotte,” my husband whispered into my ear, his breath tickling my skin. I felt him brush a gentle kiss against my cheek, then a slight movement as he touched his lips gently to Drake’s over my head. Settling back down next to me, Drake also swept a soft kiss against my lips, his mouth lingering a moment before pulling back. I let myself succumb to sleep, feeling myself drifting away. Through the haze of slumber, I thought I heard a whisper, although the next morning I would have no recollection of the words that caressed my skin:

“I love you, Charlie.”



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