The Path Least Expected: Everyone Deserves a Happy Ending

Everyone Deserves a Happy Ending
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while.

Author’s Notes- This is the second-last story in The Path Least Expected verse. Eek. I am wrapping it up, ready to say goodbye to this universe. This is set a few months before “All We Were Ever Meant to Be”. I’ve had this idea in my head for a while, knowing I wanted this moment for the characters, for Liam and Olivia. Olivia, who at the beginning of this tale, advised Dante to make sure that someone got a happy ending, now trying to make sure that everyone can have that.

Pairing- Liam/Amanda, Liam/Eleanor, Dante/Eleanor

Rating- PG

Summary- Olivia makes Liam an offer and shares some news.

Words- 721

Liam stood as Olivia entered his office, a genuine smile on his face. “Olivia,” he greeted, moving to kiss her cheek. “I was surprised to see you on my schedule.”

“I wanted a chance to talk in private,” Olivia commented as they both took seats.

Liam studied her face, wondering what she wanted to discuss.

There was an awkward silence, unfortunately, nothing new. While there was a deep affection between the two of them, there was also undeniable tension. That tension had changed forms over the last decade, and causes, but it was an unfortunate barrier against the easy friendship they had once enjoyed.

“I wanted to talk to you about Amanda,” Olivia said finally, her hands folded on her lap.

Liam stiffened, was she going to try and talk him out of the relationship?

“She needs an endorsement from a noble house,” Olivia continued, “it’s tradition.”

Yes, it was tradition, though Liam wasn’t sure how much he cared about tradition in the wake of everything that had happened in the past few years.

Olivia must have guessed his thoughts because she smirked. “Yes, I know, you are rewriting the rules, but some things are a tradition for a reason and it’s important for the new queen to have a public show of support. Which is why I am offering the endorsement of the House Nevrakis.”

Liam paused, he hadn’t expected that. “Olivia…”

“You are my oldest friend, Liam,” she reminded him, “your happiness is important to me. Besides, it feels like the least I can do, since…” She trailed off.

Since the Nevrakis family was responsible for his ruining his last happy ending is what she was going to say.

“Besides, who else would you ask?” She continued. “The Beaumonts? It would bring some unfair comparisons.”

Yes, it would, Liam acknowledged.

“Thank you,” he said quietly, “I appreciate it and I know Amanda will too.”

He knew Amanda wasn’t quite sure to make of Olivia, which he could appreciate and he hoped that maybe the gesture would bring them closer because Olivia would always be very important to him.

“What brought this on?” He asked curiously, he wondered if she’d guessed he planned on proposing to Amanda soon, on their upcoming trip to Canada, or if it was something she’d been planning for a while and the timing just worked out.

“It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while,” Olivia confirmed, “seeing how happy you’ve been these last months… I’m happy for you, Liam, I truly am.” She twisted the diamond solitaire on her finger as she talked. “You deserve a happy ending and I wanted to make sure you got it. I mean, I know you don’t need this, but…”

“I appreciate it,” Liam assured her, “more than you can ever know.”

Olivia nodded and then paused, as if debating whether to say something. “She’s pregnant,” she said finally.

Liam didn’t need to ask who ‘she’ was. Eleanor. Eleanor was pregnant with Dante Nevrakis’ child. It wasn’t surprising, they’d been married for a few years now and Liam had always pictured Eleanor with children, she’d be a wonderful mother. The news didn’t hurt the way it once would have, but there was still a pang, a bit of regret and might have been.

“It was the push I needed to have this conversation with you,” Olivia continued, “after all, everyone should get a happy ending.”

“Yes,” Liam agreed, “they should.”

There was a moment of silence, reflective, not awkward, and then Olivia stood.

“I should let you get back to your kingly duties,” she commented, “and when you are ready, I will issue that statement of support.”

Liam stood as well, moving to embrace Olivia. She seemed surprised by the gesture and stiffened and then returned it.

“Thank you,” he told her sincerely.

She smiled as she stepped back from the embrace, “as I said, we all deserve a happy ending, even if it doesn’t come in the form we expect it too.” She turned towards the door and then she was gone.

Liam watched her go before returning to his desk and his work, contemplating Olivia’s offer and her words. He’d once thought that a happy ending was beyond his grasp, but now it was in reach again, even if it wasn’t the one he’d once expected.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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