
Summary: Kenna tells Raydan that she is pregnant, and Raydan wonders what kind of father he will be.

Author’s note: Requested by an anon: Hello… Would you like to write kenna x raydan fic at the time of her pregnancy. What does Raydan feel when he learns that he will become a father? Thank you… 

Raydan looked to Kenna as she stirred. He had awoken before her, but wanted to wait for her to wake up before getting out of bed. As Kenna opened her eyes, he leaned closer to her.

“Good morning, my love.”

Kenna groaned. “Oh…my stomach…”

Raydan looked to her with concern. “Do you want me to go get the healer?”

Kenna shook her head. “No, I don’t think I’m sick. I’ve been feeling nauseated lately, and I missed my cycle. I think I’m going to have a baby.”

Raydan’s eyes widened, and he looked to her with joy. “A baby? I’m going to be a father?”

She nodded. “I’m pretty sure. I have the symptoms, and it seems very likely, considering how often we…”

“True.” Ever since their engagement, Raydan and Kenna hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other, so pregnancy was to be expected.

“I’m so happy. I was hoping that we would start our family soon. I have so many good memories of growing up here. I want the same for our children.” Kenna looked to Raydan, trying to read his expression.

A baby. He was going to be a father. Although the news should not have been surprising, nonetheless it came as a bit of a shock. He and Kenna had not been married for that long, and before she proposed to him, he had never considered having a family. Kenna was the only woman that he had ever loved, and he had never expected that she would marry him. After all, she was a queen, and he had grown up on the streets of Lykos.

“I want that too, Kenna. You’ll be a wonderful mother.” But would he be a good father? His parents had thrown him out on the street when he was four years old. He had never had anyone to set a good example of how to parent.

“Raydan, there’s something you’re not telling me, isn’t there?” Kenna leaned close to him and gently stroked his cheek. “What are you thinking?”

“It’s just…what if I can’t be a good father? What do I know about parenting? Adder and I had to raise ourselves. And what kind of role model will I be? I did some terrible things, just to survive.” His expression darkened as he recalled his life in Lykos.

Kenna wrapped her arms around Raydan and hugged him. “You will be a great role model. The hard times you went through helped you to become a caring and compassionate person. Not everyone would want to help the less fortunate the way you do. That was one of your first thoughts when you were about to become king of Stormholt. That’s something to be proud of. And you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself about whatever you had to do to survive. Even if you did terrible things, that doesn’t make you a terrible person. And you have come a long way since then. Our child will be lucky to have you for a father.”

“But will I even know how to be a father? What if I don’t know what to do?”

“You will. I’ve seen you with Lia. You were so good with her. You’ll be the same way when our baby is born.”

Raydan thought about the time that he had spent with Lia. Maybe Kenna had a point. “I want our baby to know that he or she is loved. I know what it’s like to be unloved.”

Kenna smiled. “You see? You’re already being a good father.”

Raydan moved closer to Kenna and kissed her. “I love you, Kenna. And I already love our baby.”

“I love you too, Raydan.” Kenna lay in his arms, and they snuggled close to each other, thinking of what was to come.

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