Face Masks

Summary: Elizabeth introduces Drake to the world of skincare.

A/N: The first of a series of drabbles in my newest series about Drake and Elizabeth’s life together called I Found A Home In A Person. And, yes I was wearing a face mask as I wrote this.


So what do you want to do now? Drake asked his fiancé.

The two were situated on the couch in the media room of her Atlantean mansion, cuddled together as the end credits to the spy thriller they had been watching began to roll. He glanced down to find Elizabeth’s face screwed up in thought as she pondered his question, fingers gently tracing small circles on that chest.

‘I don’t know..’ she finally replied vaguely. ‘I’m too awake after that movie to go right to sleep.’

‘We could always do it,’ he suggested slyly, feeling a smirk forming.

She rolled her eyes good naturally at him. ‘As tempting as it sounds, it’s still the time of the month remember?’

Drake’s smirk disappeared. ‘Oh yeah… So what do you want to do?’ He asked again.

‘Something relaxing,’ she responded.

Drake shifted a little. ‘Any ideas what that would be?’

Elizabeth seemed distracted, lost in thought. ‘I still need to take my makeup off,’ she mumbled talking more to herself than to him before bolting upright. ‘I have an idea! You’re gonna love it.’

He regarded her skeptically. ‘When you get ideas like this, I usually end up in some weird situations.’

‘C’mon babe, pleaseee,’ Elizabeth pleaded, donning a mock pout. Coupled with her matching pug pyjama set, she looked too adorable to resist and Drake found himself sighing.


Her squeal of excitement was enough to have him regretting his decision already.

‘So exactly how long am I supposed to sit here with this goo on my face?’ Drake asked skeptically, eyeing the black gel that his fiancé had smothered on his face.

‘Until it dries,’ Elizabeth replied from beside to him, applying a face mask of her own.

‘How come you’re using a different one?’ He pointed at the pot of green goo in her hands.

‘Because my skin concerns are different to yours,’ she replied as-a-matter-of-factly before screwing the pot closed as she examined her handiwork in the mirror. After she deemed it satisfactory, she waltzed out of the bathroom and plopped herself onto the king size bed.

‘Now what?’ Drake asked, shifting his face in discomfort, feeling the mask begin to dry.

Elizabeth gave him a sweet smile as she crossed her legs. ‘Now Mr Walker, I am going to give you a head massage.’

‘Is that so?’ He ambled over to the bed.

She nodded, patting the space in front of her. ‘I have been told I have magic hands.’

‘I’ll be the judge of that,’ he declared as he settled his head in her lap.

Some time later, he felt Elizabeth’s hand gentle stroking his arm. ‘Drake, babe wake up. Time to take the mask off.’

‘Mmph.’ He tried to speak but his whole face was stiff. Opening his eyes, he saw Elizabeth sitting beside him, fresh faced.

‘You fell asleep,’ she explained, grinning and he noted that her complexion seemed to be brighter. ‘Guess I really do have magic hands.’

‘I guess you do,’ he mumbled, sitting up before motioning to his face. ’Now how do I get this off?’

Elizabeth’s grin only grew wider and a sense of dread bloomed in him. ‘We.. um… We kind of have to rip it off?’

Drake’s eyes widened. ‘What?!’ He exclaimed so loudly that the sides of the mask began to crack. ‘Rip it off? Richmond why didn’t you tell me earlier?’

She struggled to contain her grin. ‘Because if I did, you’d never have agreed to it.’

‘Damn right I wouldn’t have!’ He vaulted off the bed and headed to the bathroom, peering at himself in the mirror. ‘Its all over my face! Can’t I just wash it off?’

‘Nope!’ She told him gleefully, skipping up beside him. ‘Beauty is pain after all.’

‘I didn’t ask to be beautiful,’ he replied in irritation, pulling slightly at the edges of the mask before yelping in pain.

‘C’mon Drake,’ she cajoled. ‘Are you telling me it only takes one tiny face mask to overthrow the great Soon-To-Be-Duke Walker?’

‘…No, thats not what I said.’ He eyed her stubbornly in the mirror before peeling it off painfully slow, hissing in pain as he did.

‘Give it here. I’ll do it,’ Elizabeth motioned for him to come closer, reaching upwards.

‘No,’ he yelped, jumping out of her reach. ‘You’re just gonna rip it off in one go.’

She chuckled at his hesitation. ‘That’s what you’re meant to do you big baby.’

‘Do you do that to yourself when you wear this? Drake countered in indignation, as a bit of the mask hung off his one side of his face from where he’d peeled it.

She shrugged once. ‘It will be over before you know it.’

Seeing no other option Drake sighed heavily before hesitantly he lowered himself onto the side of the bathtub.

‘You’re such a big baby,’ Elizabeth laughed when she saw him screwing up his eyes. Her fingers slipped under the edges of the mask until she had a firm enough grip. ‘Ready?’

‘No,’ Drake whined, making her chuckle again.

‘I’m going to count to three and pull this off okay?’ She told him and he immediately tensed at her words. ‘One… Two…’


‘Fuck!’ Drake swore loudly, his face stinging as he glared at her. ‘What the fuck happened to three?’

Three?’ Elizabeth grinned apologetically before reaching for him again. ‘You have a little bit left on..’

‘Drake swatted her hand away. ‘Nuh-uh Richmond I’m doing that myself. I have zero trust in you after that.’

She rolled her eyes before pointing at the tube of his face wash. ‘Use some of that after you’re done.’

Drake quickly followed her instructions and came out of the bathroom, wiping his face on a washcloth to see Elizabeth perched expectantly on the edge of their bed.

‘So? What do you think?’

‘My skin actually does feel a lot nicer now,’ he admitted, running his hands over his own face. She grinned at him smugly as they settled into bed together.

‘Told ya! Admit it it was good.’

‘Fineee..’ Drake grumbled, reaching to switch off the lamp on the nightstand. ‘I guess it has some benefits..’

Elizabeth grinned in triumph as she snuggled into his side and. ‘That’s just the beginning. I have all kinds of fun ones for you to try next!’

‘What makes you think I’ll say yes?’ He asked, wrapping his arm around her.

‘I’m all of your weaknesses remember?’

‘Thats you are Richmond,’ Drake chuckled, pressing a kiss to her head. ‘That you are.’

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