
Summary: Delila and Fabien drive through Los Angeles, and have some fun on the road.

Author’s note: This is for the Choices September Challenge, Day 12: Sex. The title means “driving pleasure” in German and was used as a slogan in Volkswagen ads in the 1990s.

Delila couldn’t wait to see Fabien again. She had been staying with Rye and Eris at their headquarters in the Caribbean. When the group had split up after the Monaco heist, Fabien hadn’t volunteered to come with them. They had had fun together, but maybe it was just a fling to him. Without knowing where they stood, she hadn’t felt comfortable asking him to join them. If he thought of their relationship as casual, she wasn’t about to ask him to move in with her! But now she, Rye, and Eris wanted to do another heist. They hadn’t finalized their plans, but something was going to happen. It was time to get the crew back together. Of course, Fabien was the first person she reached out to.

Fabien wanted in, but he didn’t want to leave his car behind. It would be risky to ship the car to their headquarters. They couldn’t risk compromising the security of their headquarters; no one but their crew could know where they were. Even mentioning the location over the phone could be risky, in case the authorities managed to find a way to listen in. Extreme stealth was necessary. They boarded their boat and sailed through the Caribbean Sea, across the Panama Canal, and up the Pacific coast. When they reached the Los Angeles harbor, they docked the ship. Delila got out, walked a few blocks, then took a cab into the city. She got out a couple of blocks from Fabien’s hotel, then began walking. One could never be too careful. She didn’t want the driver to know where she had come from or where she was going.

Finally she reached Fabien’s hotel. She walked through the door and looked around for the elevator. After all the traveling she had done, she wasn’t about to take the stairs. Once she found it, she got in and headed up to Fabien’s floor. A couple of minutes later, she knocked on the door of his room.

When Fabien opened the door, Delila threw her arms around him and kissed him deeply. He kissed her back and held her close. Finally they broke apart.

“I missed you,” she said.

“So I see,” Fabien smirked.

She looked over at the bed. If only they had time to make use of it. But Rye and Eris were waiting on the boat. She would have to put her desires aside for the moment. She reached for one of Fabien’s bags and picked it up. “We’d better get out of here. Rye and Eris want us to head back as soon as possible.”

“Consider it done.” He picked up the rest of his luggage, and they walked out.

“Wait until you see my car. It’s a real beauty.” Fabien smiled at her. “Almost as beautiful as you.”

“And which one would you rather ride?” Delila asked.

“You expect me to choose?” Fabien shook his head. “Not possible!”

When they reached the hotel parking lot, Fabien led her to a red sports car with black accents. Delila tossed her long red hair. “I see you like red. And black, of course.” She reached out and touched his black leather jacket.

“They go very well together,” he replied.

They put his luggage in the car, then got in. As they headed onto the streets of Los Angeles, they ran into some traffic. Delila hoped that when they reached the highway, they could pick up speed.

“Do anything interesting in LA?” she asked.

“I raced against a street gang, and won,” he told her.

Delila wasn’t surprised at all. “Of course you won. You’re the best!”

“And you have great timing. Their leader told me to get out of their turf. He said I made them look bad.”

“Yeah, it’s hard to measure up to someone as great as you!”

Fabien grinned. “I’m so good, the F1 wants me back.”

“Really? Do you want that?”

“No. I’m done with that. I only drive for myself now.”

“You’re still driving for us, right?”

“Of course,” Fabien reassured her. “But with you, I’m an equal partner.”

“Absolutely,” she said.

When they reached Route 110, they were finally able to pick up speed. Since it was late, there were fewer cars on the road. Delila looked over at Fabien. He looked so sexy behind the wheel. He was a very skilled driver, and could probably maintain his focus even if there were distractions. Maybe it was time to find out. She reached over to him and placed her hand on his thigh. She began stroking him, then moved up to his crotch. She reached for the button on his pants.

“Fabien, I can’t wait.”

“Then don’t,” he responded.

She unzipped his pants, reached in, and pulled out his cock. As she gripped it, it stiffened. She moved her hand back and forth, and it grew even harder.

Fabien moaned slightly. “Maybe we shouldn’t get too carried away. I don’t want to make a mess in my car.”

“Don’t worry, you won’t.” She leaned over and lowered her head until it was in his lap, then took his cock into her mouth. She moved her head back and forth, sucking hard on his shaft.

Fabien groaned, but still managed to keep his eye on the road as they sped down Route 110. Delila could taste his precum as she flicked her tongue across the head of his cock. Fabien’s hips moved, and Delila sucked him harder.

“Oh, Delila,” he cried out. “I’m going to….oh…”

Delila pushed her head all the way down and maintained tight suction, her mouth surrounding every inch of his cock. Fabien spilled into her, and she shifted slightly, adjusting her position so that she could swallow comfortably. When he had finished, she lifted her head, put his cock back into his pants, and sat up in her seat.

“That was incredible,” Fabien said.

“Twice the pleasure while driving, right?”

“Yes, and what a rush. The thrill of the ride, and what you did to me…absolutely amazing.”

When they reached the harbor, they approached the ship and drove onto the ramp. Once they were on board, they got out of the car.

“What a ride that was.” Fabien leaned in and kissed her.

“Oh yeah, unforgettable.” Delila reached for his hand. “Now let me show you the bedroom. We could get some sleep, or do something else.”

Fabien smiled. “Sounds like a good plan.”

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